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Boris! Boris! Boris!...........

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-09-04 12:39 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-04 11:24 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-04 11:14 AM


pelmetman - 2019-09-04 11:06 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-04 11:03 AM


pelmetman - 2019-09-04 9:33 AM


Brexiteers will not be blaming Boris Johnson in the event that Parliament blocks Brexit by October 31st, the premise he is likely to use to call an election




>:-) ...........[/Q


Actually it says only 60% of leave voters wont blame him. That should worry him. If also goes on to show only just over half of leave voters would want a no deal exit. That should also worry him especially if he campaigns on a no deal ticket in a GE which it now looks like he will only get if there is an extension.


Would they win a GE on a no deal ticket because thats the only option the tories have now as he just lied about negotiations with the eu. There hasnt been any. I think he may be fooked


If 35% in the polls is being fooked........What's 25% or 17%? ;-) .........


Double fooked >:-) .........


Yeah that's now. Let's see how that goes in the coming weeks. Once people realise Johnson is a self serving charlatan he will lose votes.


He's taken back control of the Tory party for us Eurosceptics B-) .............and lanced the Europhyle Boil >:-) .........



As I said to you earlier. No he hasnt, he has just turned the Tory party into UKIP. Its becoming extremist. As Bullet rightly points out he just lost some really good and moderate MP's. Its supposed to be a broad church party but is it bollox now! I was a Tory and they have lost me. There will be many others like me (I know there is). The more extremist a party goes be it left or right they are never going to demand enough votes to win an outright majority in an election are they?


Not only has Brexit ruined this once great nation of ours its seen our political parties torn to shreds. Maybe the later is not such a bad thing but who is going to command a majority government now to get things done that desperately need doing? You seem to think that everyone will jump on your far right bandwagon but they just fecking wont.


Drama Queen *-) ..........


Little England is looking great from where I'm sat here in Suffolk B-) ........



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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-09-04 3:06 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-04 2:46 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-04 1:54 PM



Ooooh the lefty immigrant PC brigade getting all stroppy :D .........


Immigrant? He was born in Slough.



Obviously some of the next generation has yet to toughen up ;-) .........


Or he finds it a useful tool to feign offence when none was intended? :-| .......


Lefties do like to dish it out......but get all offended when their fire is returned *-) ........

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pelmetman - 2019-09-04 3:19 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-04 3:06 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-04 2:46 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-04 1:54 PM



Ooooh the lefty immigrant PC brigade getting all stroppy :D .........


Immigrant? He was born in Slough.



Obviously some of the next generation has yet to toughen up ;-) .........


Or he finds it a useful tool to feign offence when none was intended? :-| .......


Lefties do like to dish it out......but get all offended when their fire is returned *-) ........


Oh it was all just a Bullingdon Club jolly jape so that's OK?


Sadly it led to a 375% increase in hate crimes, this is real people we're talking about being bullied in the street, but they should just not get offended by being spat on and swore at? Are you really going to defend the indefensible here?





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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-09-04 3:54 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-04 3:19 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-04 3:06 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-04 2:46 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-04 1:54 PM



Ooooh the lefty immigrant PC brigade getting all stroppy :D .........


Immigrant? He was born in Slough.



Obviously some of the next generation has yet to toughen up ;-) .........


Or he finds it a useful tool to feign offence when none was intended? :-| .......


Lefties do like to dish it out......but get all offended when their fire is returned *-) ........


Oh it was all just a Bullingdon Club jolly jape so that's OK?


Sadly it led to a 375% increase in hate crimes, this is real people we're talking about being bullied in the street, but they should just not get offended by being spat on and swore at? Are you really going to defend the indefensible here?





Nope I'm saying it shouldn't be used as a weapon by either side ;-) .......


But it's clearly become the weapon of choice by some lefty immigrants of 2nd or 3rd generation *-) .........


Nice to see our Boris who is also of Muslim decent has managed to cultivate a British sense of humor B-) .......


Perhaps you should try it Paddy Fart? ;-) ........

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Fast Pat - 2019-09-04 3:06 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-04 2:46 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-04 1:54 PM



Ooooh the lefty immigrant PC brigade getting all stroppy :D .........


Immigrant? He was born in Slough.

Typical Little Englander racist.......he see's skin that isn't white and instantly assumes "immigrant". *-)

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-09-04 4:16 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-04 3:06 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-04 2:46 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-04 1:54 PM



Ooooh the lefty immigrant PC brigade getting all stroppy :D .........


Immigrant? He was born in Slough.

Typical Little Englander racist.......he see's skin that isn't white and instantly assumes "immigrant". *-)


Racist? :-S .......


I do once remember feeling superior to my only school mate Iqbal :$ .........


He had plastic shoes from Tesco's :-| ..........


Mine were Clarkes.......and I always wore clean pants B-) .......


My mum had a mortal dread of us kids being run over in cheap shoes and dirty pants 8-) .....

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Barryd999 - 2019-09-04 9:46 PM


Nice little ditty about Boris. This is golden. https://vimeo.com/349649184/recommended


If your an easily offended snowflake it might not be for you.


Most excellent.


But sadly I must point out that Doris has beaten Gordon Brown.


In two days in parliament he's lost three votes, took Gordon Brown three years to achieve that.



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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-09-04 11:33 PM


Is it three or four votes he has lost now? Anyway its a 100% losing record so far. And they call us "the losers". (lol)


Seeing as Parliament is on a roll ;-) ........


Shouldn't they vote for a election? >:-) .........


I see this morning Cluck Cluck Corbyn is thinking of waiting until late November 8-) ........


Obviously he's seen the polls :D ..............

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pelmetman - 2019-09-05 8:40 AM

Barryd999 - 2019-09-04 11:33 PM

Is it three or four votes he has lost now? Anyway its a 100% losing record so far. And they call us "the losers". (lol)

Seeing as Parliament is on a roll ;-) ........

Shouldn't they vote for a election? >:-) .........

I see this morning Cluck Cluck Corbyn is thinking of waiting until late November 8-) ........

Obviously he's seen the polls :D ..............

So remind us, Dave, what is your hero's current parliamentary majority? Quite.


With that to his credit he can't call an election, because too few MPs (including his own) trust him not to issue a later proclamation changing the date to after 31 October, so that the UK crashes out by default.


He needs Corbyn's support, and Corbyn (after much arm twisting) has decided not to play along until he sees the deal that Boris says he is negotiating - and the EU says no-one is negotiating.


If people can't trust you, they won't take your word for anything. Now there's a surprise. What horrible, horrible, people! :-)


Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. Poor Boris has been practicing for years - but he hasn't quite got the hang of it yet! :-D

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2019-09-05 5:14 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-05 8:40 AM

Barryd999 - 2019-09-04 11:33 PM

Is it three or four votes he has lost now? Anyway its a 100% losing record so far. And they call us "the losers". (lol)

Seeing as Parliament is on a roll ;-) ........

Shouldn't they vote for a election? >:-) .........

I see this morning Cluck Cluck Corbyn is thinking of waiting until late November 8-) ........

Obviously he's seen the polls :D ..............

So remind us, Dave, what is your hero's current parliamentary majority? Quite.


With that to his credit he can't call an election, because too few MPs (including his own) trust him not to issue a later proclamation changing the date to after 31 October, so that the UK crashes out by default.


He needs Corbyn's support, and Corbyn (after much arm twisting) has decided not to play along until he sees the deal that Boris says he is negotiating - and the EU says no-one is negotiating.


If people can't trust you, they won't take your word for anything. Now there's a surprise. What horrible, horrible, people! :-)


Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. Poor Boris has been practicing for years - but he hasn't quite got the hang of it yet! :-D


You forget Boris has the trust of the majority of the Conservative party, I guess we'll have to watch the polls to see if Cluck Cluck Corbyn's shenanigans have changed the public's view B-) ............


You also forget the EU may tell us to "F" off anyway :D ..........



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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-09-06 9:13 AM


Impoverished the nation ?

Expelled key economic actors ?

Polarised society ?

Destroyed the currency ?

Demonised the opposition ?

Insulted and alienated allies ?


Mugabe really was quite Brexity, correct


Funnily enough he does remind me of someone >:-) .........


Ideologically an African nationalist, during the 1970s and 1980s he identified as a Marxist–Leninist. He identified as a socialist after the 1990s. His policies have been described as Mugabeism. Mugabe was born to a poor Shona family in Kutama, Southern Rhodesia.




Don't be a MUGabe folks.....be careful who you vote for 8-) ...........

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Agreed Dave, be care ful what you vote for.


Mugabe had his Secret Police ...


... Labour has Momentum.


It will be just like East Germany, so be careful what you say to your neighbours. The Labour Stazi will be listening. 8-)

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Fast Pat - 2019-09-06 10:51 AM


He's gone off the rails.


His long rambling nonsensical speech at Wakefield police yesterday saying he "didn't want to bang on about Brexit", only to then do exactly that to the point one of the officers collapsed, came in for heavy critcism.


Johnson's lackadaisical reaction to what had just happened, where he didn't even attempt to console the officer was heavily criticised, especially by the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Burns-Williamson who said,


"To use police officers as the backdrop to what became a political speech was inappropriate and they shouldn't have been put in that position.


It clearly turned into a rant about Brexit, the Opposition and a potential general election. There's no way that police officers should've formed the backdrop to a speech of that nature."


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747 - 2019-09-06 1:32 PM


It will be just like East Germany, so be careful what you say to your neighbours. The Labour Stazi will be listening. 8-)

If you want to compare Stasi and East Germany then look no further than the actions of Cummings who controls a party he isn't even a member of, as well as their *so called* leader. And what of those Tory members who voted remain? Are they to be sent off to solitary confinement or shot?

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Guest pelmetman
747 - 2019-09-06 1:32 PM


Agreed Dave, be care ful what you vote for.


Mugabe had his Secret Police ...


... Labour has Momentum.


It will be just like East Germany, so be careful what you say to your neighbours. The Labour Stazi will be listening. 8-)


Fortunately Bullet only fires blanks nowadays :D ........

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When the Times turns against a Tory PM


Cummings admires military strategists more than political gurus. He likes to quote the ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu who argued that the “supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting”. The way to achieve that, the prime minister’s senior adviser once explained, is by confusing and demoralising your foe through “disorientating moves, feints, bluffs”. This is exactly what Boris Johnson has done with his decision to prorogue parliament and to threaten Tory rebels with expulsion from their party but politics is not a war. Democracy is about persuasion rather than obliteration and there are rules underpinning political conflict that don’t apply in military combat. The prime minister seems to have forgotten that, far from being the nation’s commander-in-chief, he is only “first among equals” in the cabinet and depends for his power on the House of Commons. The scorched-earth approach being pursued by No 10 will make it almost impossible to unite the Tory party, let alone the country, when the skirmishes are over.


Mr Johnson has adopted the Donald Trump tactic of goading his opponents in an attempt to energise his supporters but he has overplayed his hand. The announcement on prorogation achieved the apparently impossible feat of uniting the Remain alliance around a common cause and giving a sense of urgency to the attempt to stop a no-deal Brexit. After months of division and dither, there is now a shared sense of moral outrage about the suggestion that the government might try to use the unelected House of Lords to overturn the will of the elected Commons, or simply ignore legislation passed by parliament. As one cabinet minister puts it, Mr Johnson has “challenged everybody who has got a grievance to stand in one corner” and so increased his chances of defeat this week.


The resolve of the Tory rebels has been strengthened by the threat to withdraw the whip by a prime minister who himself repeatedly voted against Theresa May. Members of the so-called “Gaukeward Squad” of Remainer former ministers are in fact sticking more closely to the last Tory manifesto, which promised a “smooth orderly Brexit” with “the best possible deal”, than their leader. A former cabinet minister predicts that there will be a “Tory mutiny” this week, analysing the Downing Street strategy in these terms: “Close down debate in parliament, close down debate in the party, next they’ll want to deselect the British electorate that votes the wrong way. It’s always everyone else’s fault. In reality they sold a fantasy and they have been found out.”


Mr Johnson’s authority is slowly being eroded. Several ministers texted him directly yesterday to express their concern about the idea of a purge of moderates. “It’s a mistake and very one-sided,” one member of the cabinet told me, “and it doesn’t protect the Conservative Party.” Another senior Tory says that there is a growing sense of “buyer’s remorse” among some of the pro-Europeans in the government. One minister compares moderates such as Nicky Morgan or Amber Rudd sitting around the cabinet table to “hostages” and admits: “It’s very difficult working out day to day what is the right thing to do”.


Like Roald Dahl’s Enormous Crocodile the prime minister and his chief aide have many “secret plans and clever tricks” but face being consumed by them.



“Dominic Cummings is getting drunk on his own kool-aid and Boris Johnson likes the idea of having this knife fighter defending him,” one former aide says. “Everyone says Dom is this strategic genius who gets the public mood but at the education department a series of reforms that should have been popular ended up being toxified by his confrontational, battering-ram approach.”


Although Mr Johnson claims that he wants a deal with the EU, his high-handed approach towards MPs has undermined the chances of getting one as much as any Commons vote. Norbert Rottgen, the chair of the German parliament’s foreign affairs committee, warned at the weekend that the attempt by the executive to thwart parliament “delegitimises the British government in European eyes.”


Now Downing Street is preparing for a general election, with a series of populist spending pledges. Mr Johnson seems to relish the prospect of a “people versus parliament” campaign but one cabinet minister acknowledges that it would be “incredibly risky” for him to go to the polls. Labour has made clear that it would not support an election if it meant the country crashing out on October 31 and so the Tories might still have the Brexit Party snapping at their heels.


If the prime minister forces all his candidates to back a “no deal” Brexit, dozens of moderates are considering standing as independent Conservatives, which would further split the Tory vote. Even ministers would find it difficult to sign up to such a pledge that would alienate the five million Conservative voters who supported Remain. With Ruth Davidson no longer leading the Scottish Tories, the Conservative Party could be wiped out in Scotland, while also losing seats to the Liberal Democrats in the south west of England.


According to one insider, Number 10 has been polling “culture war” issues, such as transgender rights, to see whether they can be weaponised against Labour in northern working-class constituencies but this would only reinforce the Tories’ reputation among metropolitan liberals as the “nasty party”. A former cabinet minister fears the Conservative Party could be destroyed. “The country is now divided along the lines of Leave or Remain, not left or right, and we could end up being smashed.”


This might not bother Mr Cummings, who has expressed his contempt for the Tories in the past, but it worries Tory politicians. One backbencher says that getting Conservative MPs to support an early general election “is the modern day political equivalent of the 1970s Jonestown mass suicide [in which cult followers took their own lives on the orders of their leader]” and more are coming to the conclusion that they would prefer a second referendum to resolve the Brexit crisis.


Sun Tzu’s advice to warriors was “appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak”. The prime minister has been praised for his decisive leadership over the past two weeks but his shock-and-awe tactics are covering up enormous vulnerability. The reckless attacks on constitutional propriety and political decency have reduced the chances of Brexit being delivered, made it harder for the Conservatives to win a general election and hastened a Tory split. “He’ll be the shortest lived PM in a history and a loser alongside Theresa May” is the brutal verdict of one former cabinet minister. Mr Johnson may have won the battle to get to No 10 but he could yet lose the war.



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