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Boris! Boris! Boris!...........

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-09-06 11:39 PM

Mr Johnson may have won the battle to get to No 10 but he could yet lose the war.



Not according to the polls ;-) .............and if he goes for the nuclear option of resigning the Tory Remoaner rebels are going to be faced with putting Corbyn in No 10, against the wishes of the majority of the country >:-) .........


I doubt the electorate would forgive them :D ...........

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pelmetman - 2019-09-06 8:44 AM...……………….You forget Boris has the trust of the majority of the Conservative party, I guess we'll have to watch the polls to see if Cluck Cluck Corbyn's shenanigans have changed the public's view B-) ............


You also forget the EU may tell us to "F" off anyway :D ..........

For some reason I don't find having the trust of the majority of the Conservative party in the slightest encouraging. You are of course referring to that once great party of 180,000 members that was panicked into staging a referendum by a two bit party led by Farage, that elected Cameron as its leader, who then asked a binary referendum question to which only one answer was deliverable, and got the other answer, who being a self-confessed, arrogant, complacent, "winner" had failed to investigate what might happen if he did get the other answer, and then ran away when he saw what a mess he had made, which then went on to elect May, that hard working functionnaire with no imagination or vision, who endlessly and earnestly set out to deliver Cameron's undeliverable mess, and discovered, after a botched attempt at a election coup, that it was undeliverable (forgot the NI border!!), so then unseated May and went on to elect Johnson, who nobody trusts to stick to his word to the extent that he's being legally corralled and has almost no space to manoeuvre having lost all his votes and sacked 21 of his MP and converted a majority of 1 (actually a minority of 9, as ten of his supporting MPs are DUP and not Conservative) to a majority of -31 or so at the present count. If that once great party can select this dismal bunch of leaders in succession, they merely conspire to back up the long standing charge that collectively they proceed on the basis of whim, because they totally lack foresight, imagination, and any ability or inclination to plan ahead. You mean that party? Yea, how are the mighty fallen!


Given that, if I were the EU, I'd definitely tell us to F off, and that wouldn't change by much if Corbyn was given Buggins' turn at playing PM instead!

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-09-07 8:07 PM



Lord Heseltine on C4 news this evening;


also interesting in what the lady who follows after has to say.


Johnson is now on very thin ice and with his weight and fooling around, it's not going to hold up much longer.



It's going to hold up until Cluck Cluck Corbyn grows some gonads and allows that election he's been demanding since 2017 >:-) ..........


So judging by the polls the next GE will be in 2022 (lol) (lol) (lol) ........

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2019-09-07 7:57 PM


Violet1956 - 2019-09-07 7:52 PM


You have missed your calling Brian. Would that you and people like you were willing to become MPs.


Who on earth would want that job ?




My mate Boris :D ..........

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2019-09-07 7:29 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-06 8:44 AM...……………….You forget Boris has the trust of the majority of the Conservative party, I guess we'll have to watch the polls to see if Cluck Cluck Corbyn's shenanigans have changed the public's view B-) ............


You also forget the EU may tell us to "F" off anyway :D ..........

For some reason I don't find having the trust of the majority of the Conservative party in the slightest encouraging. You are of course referring to that once great party of 180,000 members that was panicked into staging a referendum by a two bit party led by Farage, that elected Cameron as its leader, who then asked a binary referendum question to which only one answer was deliverable, and got the other answer, who being a self-confessed, arrogant, complacent, "winner" had failed to investigate what might happen if he did get the other answer, and then ran away when he saw what a mess he had made, which then went on to elect May, that hard working functionnaire with no imagination or vision, who endlessly and earnestly set out to deliver Cameron's undeliverable mess, and discovered, after a botched attempt at a election coup, that it was undeliverable (forgot the NI border!!), so then unseated May and went on to elect Johnson, who nobody trusts to stick to his word to the extent that he's being legally corralled and has almost no space to manoeuvre having lost all his votes and sacked 21 of his MP and converted a majority of 1 (actually a minority of 9, as ten of his supporting MPs are DUP and not Conservative) to a majority of -31 or so at the present count. If that once great party can select this dismal bunch of leaders in succession, they merely conspire to back up the long standing charge that collectively they proceed on the basis of whim, because they totally lack foresight, imagination, and any ability or inclination to plan ahead. You mean that party? Yea, how are the mighty fallen!


Given that, if I were the EU, I'd definitely tell us to F off, and that wouldn't change by much if Corbyn was given Buggins' turn at playing PM instead!




:D .........

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Guest pelmetman
Violet1956 - 2019-09-07 7:52 PM


You have missed your calling Brian. Would that you and people like you were willing to become MPs.


Nah.......He'd be better in Junkers job :D .......


He likes kowtowing to Germans >:-) .......

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pelmetman - 2019-09-08 8:38 AM


malc d - 2019-09-07 7:57 PM


Violet1956 - 2019-09-07 7:52 PM


You have missed your calling Brian. Would that you and people like you were willing to become MPs.


Who on earth would want that job ?




My mate Boris :D ..........



You're absolutely right.


I'll re-phrase the question :


What person, with honesty and integrity, would want the job ?



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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2019-09-08 9:38 AM


pelmetman - 2019-09-08 8:38 AM


malc d - 2019-09-07 7:57 PM


Violet1956 - 2019-09-07 7:52 PM


You have missed your calling Brian. Would that you and people like you were willing to become MPs.


Who on earth would want that job ?




My mate Boris :D ..........



You're absolutely right.


I'll re-phrase the question :


What person, with honesty and integrity, would want the job ?




My mate Boris :D .........



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pelmetman - 2019-09-08 9:43 AM


malc d - 2019-09-08 9:38 AM


pelmetman - 2019-09-08 8:38 AM


malc d - 2019-09-07 7:57 PM


Violet1956 - 2019-09-07 7:52 PM


You have missed your calling Brian. Would that you and people like you were willing to become MPs.


Who on earth would want that job ?




My mate Boris :D ..........



You're absolutely right.


I'll re-phrase the question :


What person, with honesty and integrity, would want the job ?




My mate Boris :D .........

Malc said "honesty and integrity".......not pathological liar and philanderer..

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 5:26 PM



Naturally you can back that up with some actual proof from a legitimate media source Barry? ;-) ...........


As the day after he said this >:-) .......


"In a Daily Telegraph article, the Tory mayor said David Cameron must make clear Britain is "ready to walk away" unless its relationship is reformed."



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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-09-08 4:40 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-08 9:43 AM


malc d - 2019-09-08 9:38 AM


pelmetman - 2019-09-08 8:38 AM


malc d - 2019-09-07 7:57 PM


Violet1956 - 2019-09-07 7:52 PM


You have missed your calling Brian. Would that you and people like you were willing to become MPs.


Who on earth would want that job ?




My mate Boris :D ..........



You're absolutely right.


I'll re-phrase the question :


What person, with honesty and integrity, would want the job ?




My mate Boris :D .........

Malc said "honesty and integrity".......not pathological liar and philanderer..


Malc wasn't talking about Corbyn >:-) ..........



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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2019-09-08 7:11 PM


Violet1956 - 2019-09-07 7:52 PM


You have missed your calling Brian. Would that you and people like you were willing to become MPs.

They were, but now they've been sacked! :-D


You could always join the Lib Dems ;-) ........


They'll need help to beat Labour into.......... second place.......Behind Boris >:-) ........

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pelmetman - 2019-09-08 7:08 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 5:26 PM



Naturally you can back that up with some actual proof from a legitimate media source Barry? ;-) ...........


As the day after he said this >:-) .......


"In a Daily Telegraph article, the Tory mayor said David Cameron must make clear Britain is "ready to walk away" unless its relationship is reformed."




Its from an article in the Telegraph from 2013. Its not the first time he sang the praises of the EU. I told you, he isnt a proper Brexiteer. He even campaigned for Turkey to join the EU and if you remember just before he decided which horse to back before the referendum he wrote two articles. One in favour of leaving and one in favour of remaining. He just took a gamble at the last minute on which one would get him to number 10 eventually and lucky for him it paid off although some are saying he will be the shortest serving PM in history.


The man is a complete self obsessed charlatan and you cannot trust anything that comes out of his gob.

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pelmetman - 2019-09-08 7:09 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-08 4:40 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-08 9:43 AM


malc d - 2019-09-08 9:38 AM


pelmetman - 2019-09-08 8:38 AM


malc d - 2019-09-07 7:57 PM


Violet1956 - 2019-09-07 7:52 PM


You have missed your calling Brian. Would that you and people like you were willing to become MPs.


Who on earth would want that job ?




My mate Boris :D ..........



You're absolutely right.


I'll re-phrase the question :


What person, with honesty and integrity, would want the job ?




My mate Boris :D .........

Malc said "honesty and integrity".......not pathological liar and philanderer..


Malc wasn't talking about Corbyn >:-) ..........

Neither were you.


pelmetman - 2019-09-08 8:38 AM


malc d - 2019-09-07 7:57 PM


Who on earth would want that job ?




My mate Boris :D ..........

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Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 10:42 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-08 7:08 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 5:26 PM



Naturally you can back that up with some actual proof from a legitimate media source Barry? ;-) ...........


As the day after he said this >:-) .......


"In a Daily Telegraph article, the Tory mayor said David Cameron must make clear Britain is "ready to walk away" unless its relationship is reformed."




Its from an article in the Telegraph from 2013. Its not the first time he sang the praises of the EU. I told you, he isnt a proper Brexiteer. He even campaigned for Turkey to join the EU and if you remember just before he decided which horse to back before the referendum he wrote two articles. One in favour of leaving and one in favour of remaining. He just took a gamble at the last minute on which one would get him to number 10 eventually and lucky for him it paid off although some are saying he will be the shortest serving PM in history.


The man is a complete self obsessed charlatan and you cannot trust anything that comes out of his gob.

In full here........for the benefit of serial doubter and bone idler to lazy to look for himself (took me seconds to find).


Quitting the EU won't solve our problems, says Boris Johnson


Britain’s economic problems would not be solved by simply leaving the European Union, Boris Johnson warns.


This country’s workers are plagued by “sloth” and under-perform compared with their foreign rivals, says the London Mayor.


Writing for The Daily Telegraph, he says that if Britain left the EU, “we would have to recognise that most of our problems are not caused” by Brussels.


Mr Johnson’s intervention comes after Michael Gove and Philip Hammond today became the first two Cabinet ministers openly to support leaving the EU unless there is significant reform.


However, the London Mayor claims the “question of EU membership is no longer of key importance to the destiny of this country”. The political row risks overshadowing more important weaknesses in the economy.


He suggests that the British workforce suffers from “sloth” and that there is a “culture of easy gratification and under-investment” from firms.


David Cameron pledged earlier this year that he would hold a referendum by 2018 if he is re-elected as Prime Minister in 2015. However, many Conservative MPs want the Prime Minister to go further and now write the pledge into law – a proposal being blocked by the Liberal Democrats.


More than 100 Conservative MPs are set to support a Parliamentary amendment which effectively criticises the Queen’s Speech for failing to legislate for the referendum. A key vote on the amendment is expected to be held this week.


Last week, Downing Street insisted Mr Cameron was “relaxed” about the amendment but ministers have now been ordered to abstain from any vote.


In his article today, Mr Johnson says that he supports legislation backing a referendum – but warns that Britain’s problems will not be solved by simply leaving the EU as many of his Conservative colleagues apparently believe.


“If we left the EU, we would end this sterile debate, and we would have to recognise that most of our problems are not caused by “Brussels”, but by chronic British short-termism, inadequate management, sloth, low skills, a culture of easy gratification and underinvestment in both human and physical capital and infrastructure,” the London Mayor says.


“Why are we still, person for person, so much less productive than the Germans? That is now a question more than a century old, and the answer is nothing to do with the EU. In or out of the EU, we must have a clear vision of how we are going to be competitive in a global economy.”


Mr Johnson sets out four reasons to stay in the EU and four reasons to leave but welcomes Mr Cameron’s pledge to renegotiate the country’s relationship. He says that he has asked his economic adviser to “blow away the froth and give people the facts” on the pros and cons of membership.


However, he concludes his article by saying: “This renegotiation can only work if we understand clearly what we want to achieve: a pared down relationship based on free trade and cooperation. And our partners will only take us seriously if they think we will invoke Article 50, and pull out, if we fail to get what we want.”


The Government is currently reviewing policy in different Whitehall departments to separate EU-derived legislation from that originating in this country. It is understood that the “balance of competencies review” has already discovered that many rules and regulations blamed on Brussels are actually a result of “gold plating” by Whitehall mandarins.



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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 10:42 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-08 7:08 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 5:26 PM



Naturally you can back that up with some actual proof from a legitimate media source Barry? ;-) ...........


As the day after he said this >:-) .......


"In a Daily Telegraph article, the Tory mayor said David Cameron must make clear Britain is "ready to walk away" unless its relationship is reformed."




Its from an article in the Telegraph from 2013. Its not the first time he sang the praises of the EU. I told you, he isnt a proper Brexiteer. He even campaigned for Turkey to join the EU and if you remember just before he decided which horse to back before the referendum he wrote two articles. One in favour of leaving and one in favour of remaining. He just took a gamble at the last minute on which one would get him to number 10 eventually and lucky for him it paid off although some are saying he will be the shortest serving PM in history.


The man is a complete self obsessed charlatan and you cannot trust anything that comes out of his gob.


Perhaps you could link to that article? ;-) ...........



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pelmetman - 2019-09-09 10:30 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 10:42 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-08 7:08 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 5:26 PM



Naturally you can back that up with some actual proof from a legitimate media source Barry? ;-) ...........


As the day after he said this >:-) .......


"In a Daily Telegraph article, the Tory mayor said David Cameron must make clear Britain is "ready to walk away" unless its relationship is reformed."




Its from an article in the Telegraph from 2013. Its not the first time he sang the praises of the EU. I told you, he isnt a proper Brexiteer. He even campaigned for Turkey to join the EU and if you remember just before he decided which horse to back before the referendum he wrote two articles. One in favour of leaving and one in favour of remaining. He just took a gamble at the last minute on which one would get him to number 10 eventually and lucky for him it paid off although some are saying he will be the shortest serving PM in history.


The man is a complete self obsessed charlatan and you cannot trust anything that comes out of his gob.


Perhaps you could link to that article? ;-) ...........



Bullet just posted the entire content above FFS! *-)

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-09-09 11:14 AM


pelmetman - 2019-09-09 10:30 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 10:42 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-08 7:08 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 5:26 PM



Naturally you can back that up with some actual proof from a legitimate media source Barry? ;-) ...........


As the day after he said this >:-) .......


"In a Daily Telegraph article, the Tory mayor said David Cameron must make clear Britain is "ready to walk away" unless its relationship is reformed."




Its from an article in the Telegraph from 2013. Its not the first time he sang the praises of the EU. I told you, he isnt a proper Brexiteer. He even campaigned for Turkey to join the EU and if you remember just before he decided which horse to back before the referendum he wrote two articles. One in favour of leaving and one in favour of remaining. He just took a gamble at the last minute on which one would get him to number 10 eventually and lucky for him it paid off although some are saying he will be the shortest serving PM in history.


The man is a complete self obsessed charlatan and you cannot trust anything that comes out of his gob.


Perhaps you could link to that article? ;-) ...........



Bullet just posted the entire content above FFS! *-)


Still no actual link ;-) ..........

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pelmetman - 2019-09-09 11:16 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-09 11:14 AM


pelmetman - 2019-09-09 10:30 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 10:42 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-08 7:08 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 5:26 PM



Naturally you can back that up with some actual proof from a legitimate media source Barry? ;-) ...........


As the day after he said this >:-) .......


"In a Daily Telegraph article, the Tory mayor said David Cameron must make clear Britain is "ready to walk away" unless its relationship is reformed."




Its from an article in the Telegraph from 2013. Its not the first time he sang the praises of the EU. I told you, he isnt a proper Brexiteer. He even campaigned for Turkey to join the EU and if you remember just before he decided which horse to back before the referendum he wrote two articles. One in favour of leaving and one in favour of remaining. He just took a gamble at the last minute on which one would get him to number 10 eventually and lucky for him it paid off although some are saying he will be the shortest serving PM in history.


The man is a complete self obsessed charlatan and you cannot trust anything that comes out of his gob.


Perhaps you could link to that article? ;-) ...........



Bullet just posted the entire content above FFS! *-)


Still no actual link ;-) ..........

Since when have links ever bothered you because you never read or listen to anything you suspect might not be favourable or influential to your cult?




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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-09-09 12:57 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-09 11:16 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-09 11:14 AM


pelmetman - 2019-09-09 10:30 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 10:42 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-08 7:08 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 5:26 PM



Naturally you can back that up with some actual proof from a legitimate media source Barry? ;-) ...........


As the day after he said this >:-) .......


"In a Daily Telegraph article, the Tory mayor said David Cameron must make clear Britain is "ready to walk away" unless its relationship is reformed."




Its from an article in the Telegraph from 2013. Its not the first time he sang the praises of the EU. I told you, he isnt a proper Brexiteer. He even campaigned for Turkey to join the EU and if you remember just before he decided which horse to back before the referendum he wrote two articles. One in favour of leaving and one in favour of remaining. He just took a gamble at the last minute on which one would get him to number 10 eventually and lucky for him it paid off although some are saying he will be the shortest serving PM in history.


The man is a complete self obsessed charlatan and you cannot trust anything that comes out of his gob.


Perhaps you could link to that article? ;-) ...........



Bullet just posted the entire content above FFS! *-)


Still no actual link ;-) ..........

Since when have links ever bothered you because you never read or listen to anything you suspect might not be favourable or influential to your cult?





So where is the text that Barry posted with this Boris picture????? ;-) ............


Boris the lying two faced hoofwankingbungle****.jpg


I've caught him out spreading Fake News again :D .........

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