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Boris! Boris! Boris!...........

Guest pelmetman

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pelmetman - 2019-09-09 1:06 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-09 12:57 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-09 11:16 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-09 11:14 AM


pelmetman - 2019-09-09 10:30 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 10:42 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-08 7:08 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 5:26 PM



Naturally you can back that up with some actual proof from a legitimate media source Barry? ;-) ...........


As the day after he said this >:-) .......


"In a Daily Telegraph article, the Tory mayor said David Cameron must make clear Britain is "ready to walk away" unless its relationship is reformed."




Its from an article in the Telegraph from 2013. Its not the first time he sang the praises of the EU. I told you, he isnt a proper Brexiteer. He even campaigned for Turkey to join the EU and if you remember just before he decided which horse to back before the referendum he wrote two articles. One in favour of leaving and one in favour of remaining. He just took a gamble at the last minute on which one would get him to number 10 eventually and lucky for him it paid off although some are saying he will be the shortest serving PM in history.


The man is a complete self obsessed charlatan and you cannot trust anything that comes out of his gob.


Perhaps you could link to that article? ;-) ...........



Bullet just posted the entire content above FFS! *-)


Still no actual link ;-) ..........

Since when have links ever bothered you because you never read or listen to anything you suspect might not be favourable or influential to your cult?





So where is the text that Barry posted with this Boris picture????? ;-) ............


Boris the lying two faced hoofwankingbungle****.jpg


I've caught him out spreading Fake News again :D .........

Probably another article from the same time period. Google as i did and stop being so bloody bone idle.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-09-09 1:44 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-09 1:06 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-09 12:57 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-09 11:16 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-09 11:14 AM


pelmetman - 2019-09-09 10:30 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 10:42 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-08 7:08 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-09-08 5:26 PM



Naturally you can back that up with some actual proof from a legitimate media source Barry? ;-) ...........


As the day after he said this >:-) .......


"In a Daily Telegraph article, the Tory mayor said David Cameron must make clear Britain is "ready to walk away" unless its relationship is reformed."




Its from an article in the Telegraph from 2013. Its not the first time he sang the praises of the EU. I told you, he isnt a proper Brexiteer. He even campaigned for Turkey to join the EU and if you remember just before he decided which horse to back before the referendum he wrote two articles. One in favour of leaving and one in favour of remaining. He just took a gamble at the last minute on which one would get him to number 10 eventually and lucky for him it paid off although some are saying he will be the shortest serving PM in history.


The man is a complete self obsessed charlatan and you cannot trust anything that comes out of his gob.


Perhaps you could link to that article? ;-) ...........



Bullet just posted the entire content above FFS! *-)


Still no actual link ;-) ..........

Since when have links ever bothered you because you never read or listen to anything you suspect might not be favourable or influential to your cult?





So where is the text that Barry posted with this Boris picture????? ;-) ............


Boris the lying two faced hoofwankingbungle****.jpg


I've caught him out spreading Fake News again :D .........

Probably another article from the same time period. Google as i did and stop being so bloody bone idle.


Clearly you cant find it either ;-) ............


So Barry was spreading Fake News :D .........


Us Brexiteers obviously cant trust a word you Remoaners say >:-) .......



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pelmetman - 2019-09-09 2:24 PM

It's worth repeating :D........

Us Brexiteers obviously cant trust a word you Remoaners say >:-) .......

Oh yes you can - see this link http://tinyurl.com/y3zfr2jh, to the actual article, Telegraph, 12 May 2013 - in which he said, in the third numbered paragraph:


"3 Global influence. The EU is arguably better placed to strike trade deals with the US, or China, than the UK on its own, though this proposition is plainly untested, and the idea of an EU “Common Foreign Policy” is plainly a joke."


Suck it up!! :-D

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Brian Kirby - 2019-09-13 9:45 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-09 2:24 PM

It's worth repeating :D........

Us Brexiteers obviously cant trust a word you Remoaners say >:-) .......

Oh yes you can - see this link http://tinyurl.com/y3zfr2jh, to the actual article, Telegraph, 12 May 2013 - in which he said, in the third numbered paragraph:


"3 Global influence. The EU is arguably better placed to strike trade deals with the US, or China, than the UK on its own, though this proposition is plainly untested, and the idea of an EU “Common Foreign Policy” is plainly a joke."


Suck it up!! :-D

The cult fraternity will either claim that was prior to their Dear Leaders Damascene moment.....or he was lying again which they are so used to, it's expected.


I think Bozo has always had delusions of himself as a great orator but never quite made it further than Mills & Boon stuff. His fleeting flirtation as a motoring "journo" showed that.

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2019-09-13 9:45 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-09 2:24 PM

It's worth repeating :D........

Us Brexiteers obviously cant trust a word you Remoaners say >:-) .......

Oh yes you can - see this link http://tinyurl.com/y3zfr2jh, to the actual article, Telegraph, 12 May 2013 - in which he said, in the third numbered paragraph:


"3 Global influence. The EU is arguably better placed to strike trade deals with the US, or China, than the UK on its own, though this proposition is plainly untested, and the idea of an EU “Common Foreign Policy” is plainly a joke."


Suck it up!! :-D


Found it ;-) ...........What a difference context makes >:-) .........






2 Widgets. We may be putting UK firms at a long-term disadvantage if we are no longer able to influence the setting of standards and regulations in Brussels. There may be a risk, if we leave, that our partners would be so piqued and irrational as to try to stitch things up against us.


3 Global influence. The EU is arguably better placed to strike trade deals with the US, or China, than the UK on its own, though this proposition is plainly untested, and the idea of an EU “Common Foreign Policy” is plainly a joke. Where was the EU on Iraq, or Libya? What, come to that, is the EU position on the Falklands?


4 Perception of UK. It is often said that our strategic significance for the Americans or the Chinese depends on our membership of the EU; though, again, this is untested. More generally, there is a risk that leaving the EU will be globally interpreted as a narrow, xenophobic, backward-looking thing to do. There may be other good reasons for staying in, but I can’t think of them now. On the other side of the ledger let us consider the advantages of getting out.


1 We save money. We would no longer have to cough up for the EU budget, and could spend those billions in the UK.


2 We get back our sovereignty – especially over our borders, where we would no longer be in the mad position of being forced to extend our entire welfare system to anyone from Bulgaria or Romania, while keeping out lucrative Chinese tourists to achieve immigration caps.


3 We make our own laws again. We would no longer be forced to accept the vast corpus of EU regulation and legislation – much of it too detailed and interfering – that has added to the costs of British business; though we would also find ourselves being forced to comply, thanks to the sheer lunar pull of the EU market, if we want to continue to export to Europe.


4 We can no longer blame Brussels. This is perhaps the most important point of all. If we left the EU, we would end this sterile debate, and we would have to recognise that most of our problems are not caused by “Bwussels”, but by chronic British short-termism, inadequate management, sloth, low skills, a culture of easy gratification and under-investment in both human and physical capital and infrastructure. Why are we still, person for person, so much less productive than the Germans? That is now a question more than a century old, and the answer has nothing to do with the EU. In or out of the EU, we must have a clear vision of how we are going to be competitive in a global economy. In the meantime, we need a much more informed debate about the pluses and minuses of EU membership, and my economic adviser Gerard Lyons will be leading an attempt to blow away the froth and give people the facts. This renegotiation can only work if we understand clearly what we want to achieve: a pared-down relationship based on free trade and cooperation. And our partners will only take us seriously if they think we will invoke Article 50, and pull out, if we fail to get what we want. If we are going to have any chance of success in the negotiations, we need to show that the UK is willing to walk away.


I'm glad I went looking for it.........Thanks for the heads up Suckers >:-) ..........

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pelmetman - 2019-09-14 8:24 AM


Brian Kirby - 2019-09-13 9:45 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-09 2:24 PM

It's worth repeating :D........

Us Brexiteers obviously cant trust a word you Remoaners say >:-) .......

Oh yes you can - see this link http://tinyurl.com/y3zfr2jh, to the actual article, Telegraph, 12 May 2013 - in which he said, in the third numbered paragraph:


"3 Global influence. The EU is arguably better placed to strike trade deals with the US, or China, than the UK on its own, though this proposition is plainly untested, and the idea of an EU “Common Foreign Policy” is plainly a joke."


Suck it up!! :-D


Found it ;-) ...........

No you didn't.



I'm glad I went looking for it.........

You never had to look for anything. The link was posted last night. *-)

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 11:42 AM


pelmetman - 2019-09-14 8:24 AM


Brian Kirby - 2019-09-13 9:45 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-09 2:24 PM

It's worth repeating :D........

Us Brexiteers obviously cant trust a word you Remoaners say >:-) .......

Oh yes you can - see this link http://tinyurl.com/y3zfr2jh, to the actual article, Telegraph, 12 May 2013 - in which he said, in the third numbered paragraph:


"3 Global influence. The EU is arguably better placed to strike trade deals with the US, or China, than the UK on its own, though this proposition is plainly untested, and the idea of an EU “Common Foreign Policy” is plainly a joke."


Suck it up!! :-D


Found it ;-) ...........

No you didn't.



I'm glad I went looking for it.........

You never had to look for anything. The link was posted last night. *-)


Wots up Dumb Dumb? ;-) .........


Dontcha like your Boris quotes being put in context? >:-) ..........



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pelmetman - 2019-09-14 10:24 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 1:22 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-14 1:01 PM


Man of the people


Them Yorkshire serfs don't much care for him do they? :D




Norfork folk don't much care for Dobbin either >:-) .......

Big deal...what is your point?


He's not the serving PM "elected" by just 0.13% of the population attempting to trash the country to line his hedge fund backers pockets to the tune of of £8.3 billion at the cost of plunging millions of people into years of austerity and wrecking the futures of generations.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 11:09 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-14 10:24 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 1:22 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-14 1:01 PM


Man of the people


Them Yorkshire serfs don't much care for him do they? :D




Norfork folk don't much care for Dobbin either >:-) .......

Big deal...what is your point?


He's not the serving PM "elected" by just 0.13% of the population attempting to trash the country to line his hedge fund backers pockets to the tune of of £8.3 billion at the cost of plunging millions of people into years of austerity and wrecking the futures of generations.


The point is Loser ;-) .......


Boris has got most of us Tories back B-) ..........


What's Cluck Cluck Corbyn gonna do to win back all those Labour voters who have defected to Farage???? >:-) ........



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pelmetman - 2019-09-14 11:14 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 11:09 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-14 10:24 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 1:22 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-14 1:01 PM


Man of the people


Them Yorkshire serfs don't much care for him do they? :D




Norfork folk don't much care for Dobbin either >:-) .......

Big deal...what is your point?


He's not the serving PM "elected" by just 0.13% of the population attempting to trash the country to line his hedge fund backers pockets to the tune of of £8.3 billion at the cost of plunging millions of people into years of austerity and wrecking the futures of generations.


The point is Loser ;-) .......


Boris has got most of us Tories back B-) ..........


What's Cluck Cluck Corbyn gonna do to win back all those Labour voters who have defected to Farage???? >:-) ........

Remind everyone again.......whats Johnsons majority in the HoC? (lol)(lol)(lol)(lol)


Not only did his boss Cummings kick 21 experienced MP's out last week, the party has been hemorrhaging MP's ever since. Crikey even Johnsons own brother had enough of him and walked out!! More Tory MP's set to leave too yet you persistently obsess over someone you think of as a "loser".....obviously can't be as you're forever creaming your panties over him all the time. Btw Farage is welcome to his fascists and racists....his club is where they belong.


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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-09-15 8:25 AM


When does the MP transfer window close?



There's a few Tories and Labour MP's who have reached the end of their career and joined the 2nd division :D .........

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 11:55 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-14 11:14 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 11:09 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-14 10:24 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 1:22 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-14 1:01 PM


Man of the people


Them Yorkshire serfs don't much care for him do they? :D




Norfork folk don't much care for Dobbin either >:-) .......

Big deal...what is your point?


He's not the serving PM "elected" by just 0.13% of the population attempting to trash the country to line his hedge fund backers pockets to the tune of of £8.3 billion at the cost of plunging millions of people into years of austerity and wrecking the futures of generations.


The point is Loser ;-) .......


Boris has got most of us Tories back B-) ..........


What's Cluck Cluck Corbyn gonna do to win back all those Labour voters who have defected to Farage???? >:-) ........

Remind everyone again.......whats Johnsons majority in the HoC? (lol)(lol)(lol)(lol)


Not only did his boss Cummings kick 21 experienced MP's out last week, the party has been hemorrhaging MP's ever since. Crikey even Johnsons own brother had enough of him and walked out!! More Tory MP's set to leave too yet you persistently obsess over someone you think of as a "loser".....obviously can't be as you're forever creaming your panties over him all the time. Btw Farage is welcome to his fascists and racists....his club is where they belong.



Ask me again after the next GE >:-) ...........


"Tories extend poll lead to 12% despite week of political chaos"



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pelmetman - 2019-09-15 9:07 AM


"Tories extend poll lead to 12% despite week of political chaos"




A reversal of numbers from when May mounted that oh so successful 2017 GE when they were on 21% lead.


Never before has a robot been replaced by a unskilled worker.

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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-09-15 9:31 AM


pelmetman - 2019-09-15 9:07 AM


"Tories extend poll lead to 12% despite week of political chaos"




A reversal of numbers from when May mounted that oh so successful 2017 GE when they were on 21% lead.



Next election Corbyn wont be able to claim he'll respect the referendum vote *-) .......and will have Farage taking votes of him in his Leave voting Northern heartlands >:-) ..........

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pelmetman - 2019-09-15 9:07 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 11:55 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-14 11:14 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 11:09 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-14 10:24 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 1:22 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-14 1:01 PM


Man of the people


Them Yorkshire serfs don't much care for him do they? :D




Norfork folk don't much care for Dobbin either >:-) .......

Big deal...what is your point?


He's not the serving PM "elected" by just 0.13% of the population attempting to trash the country to line his hedge fund backers pockets to the tune of of £8.3 billion at the cost of plunging millions of people into years of austerity and wrecking the futures of generations.


The point is Loser ;-) .......


Boris has got most of us Tories back B-) ..........


What's Cluck Cluck Corbyn gonna do to win back all those Labour voters who have defected to Farage???? >:-) ........

Remind everyone again.......whats Johnsons majority in the HoC? (lol)(lol)(lol)(lol)


Not only did his boss Cummings kick 21 experienced MP's out last week, the party has been hemorrhaging MP's ever since. Crikey even Johnsons own brother had enough of him and walked out!! More Tory MP's set to leave too yet you persistently obsess over someone you think of as a "loser".....obviously can't be as you're forever creaming your panties over him all the time. Btw Farage is welcome to his fascists and racists....his club is where they belong.



Ask me again after the next GE >:-) ...........

No i'm asking you what it is now. Too uncomfortable for you to give the actual answer?

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-09-15 2:52 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-15 9:07 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 11:55 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-14 11:14 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 11:09 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-14 10:24 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 1:22 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-14 1:01 PM


Man of the people


Them Yorkshire serfs don't much care for him do they? :D




Norfork folk don't much care for Dobbin either >:-) .......

Big deal...what is your point?


He's not the serving PM "elected" by just 0.13% of the population attempting to trash the country to line his hedge fund backers pockets to the tune of of £8.3 billion at the cost of plunging millions of people into years of austerity and wrecking the futures of generations.


The point is Loser ;-) .......


Boris has got most of us Tories back B-) ..........


What's Cluck Cluck Corbyn gonna do to win back all those Labour voters who have defected to Farage???? >:-) ........

Remind everyone again.......whats Johnsons majority in the HoC? (lol)(lol)(lol)(lol)


Not only did his boss Cummings kick 21 experienced MP's out last week, the party has been hemorrhaging MP's ever since. Crikey even Johnsons own brother had enough of him and walked out!! More Tory MP's set to leave too yet you persistently obsess over someone you think of as a "loser".....obviously can't be as you're forever creaming your panties over him all the time. Btw Farage is welcome to his fascists and racists....his club is where they belong.



Ask me again after the next GE >:-) ...........

No i'm asking you what it is now. Too uncomfortable for you to give the actual answer?


Has Corbyn got more MP's than Boris? ;-) ..........Nope.......


Parliament is currently ignoring the will of the people.......and lack the courage of their convictions to ask the electorate whether we agree *-) .........


They cant hide forever >:-) ...........

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pelmetman - 2019-09-16 8:58 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-15 2:52 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-15 9:07 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 11:55 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-14 11:14 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 11:09 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-14 10:24 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 1:22 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-14 1:01 PM


Man of the people


Them Yorkshire serfs don't much care for him do they? :D




Norfork folk don't much care for Dobbin either >:-) .......

Big deal...what is your point?


He's not the serving PM "elected" by just 0.13% of the population attempting to trash the country to line his hedge fund backers pockets to the tune of of £8.3 billion at the cost of plunging millions of people into years of austerity and wrecking the futures of generations.


The point is Loser ;-) .......


Boris has got most of us Tories back B-) ..........


What's Cluck Cluck Corbyn gonna do to win back all those Labour voters who have defected to Farage???? >:-) ........

Remind everyone again.......whats Johnsons majority in the HoC? (lol)(lol)(lol)(lol)


Not only did his boss Cummings kick 21 experienced MP's out last week, the party has been hemorrhaging MP's ever since. Crikey even Johnsons own brother had enough of him and walked out!! More Tory MP's set to leave too yet you persistently obsess over someone you think of as a "loser".....obviously can't be as you're forever creaming your panties over him all the time. Btw Farage is welcome to his fascists and racists....his club is where they belong.



Ask me again after the next GE >:-) ...........

No i'm asking you what it is now. Too uncomfortable for you to give the actual answer?


Has Corbyn got more MP's than Boris? ;-) ..........Nope.......


Parliament is currently ignoring the will of the people.......and lack the courage of their convictions to ask the electorate whether we agree *-) .........


They cant hide forever >:-) ...........

Why have you continually avoided answering the question i asked you? It's not difficult.


Remind everyone again.......what is Johnsons majority in the HoC?


So.....can you answer that question please without any further deflection and obfuscation. If you don't know, then say so.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-09-16 12:43 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-16 8:58 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-15 2:52 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-15 9:07 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 11:55 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-14 11:14 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 11:09 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-14 10:24 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 1:22 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-14 1:01 PM


Man of the people


Them Yorkshire serfs don't much care for him do they? :D




Norfork folk don't much care for Dobbin either >:-) .......

Big deal...what is your point?


He's not the serving PM "elected" by just 0.13% of the population attempting to trash the country to line his hedge fund backers pockets to the tune of of £8.3 billion at the cost of plunging millions of people into years of austerity and wrecking the futures of generations.


The point is Loser ;-) .......


Boris has got most of us Tories back B-) ..........


What's Cluck Cluck Corbyn gonna do to win back all those Labour voters who have defected to Farage???? >:-) ........

Remind everyone again.......whats Johnsons majority in the HoC? (lol)(lol)(lol)(lol)


Not only did his boss Cummings kick 21 experienced MP's out last week, the party has been hemorrhaging MP's ever since. Crikey even Johnsons own brother had enough of him and walked out!! More Tory MP's set to leave too yet you persistently obsess over someone you think of as a "loser".....obviously can't be as you're forever creaming your panties over him all the time. Btw Farage is welcome to his fascists and racists....his club is where they belong.



Ask me again after the next GE >:-) ...........

No i'm asking you what it is now. Too uncomfortable for you to give the actual answer?


Has Corbyn got more MP's than Boris? ;-) ..........Nope.......


Parliament is currently ignoring the will of the people.......and lack the courage of their convictions to ask the electorate whether we agree *-) .........


They cant hide forever >:-) ...........

Why have you continually avoided answering the question i asked you? It's not difficult.


Remind everyone again.......what is Johnsons majority in the HoC?


So.....can you answer that question please without any further deflection and obfuscation. If you don't know, then say so.


You'll get your answer after the next GE >:-) ...........



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pelmetman - 2019-09-16 1:22 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-16 12:43 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-16 8:58 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-15 2:52 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-15 9:07 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 11:55 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-14 11:14 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 11:09 PM


pelmetman - 2019-09-14 10:24 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-09-14 1:22 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-09-14 1:01 PM


Man of the people


Them Yorkshire serfs don't much care for him do they? :D




Norfork folk don't much care for Dobbin either >:-) .......

Big deal...what is your point?


He's not the serving PM "elected" by just 0.13% of the population attempting to trash the country to line his hedge fund backers pockets to the tune of of £8.3 billion at the cost of plunging millions of people into years of austerity and wrecking the futures of generations.


The point is Loser ;-) .......


Boris has got most of us Tories back B-) ..........


What's Cluck Cluck Corbyn gonna do to win back all those Labour voters who have defected to Farage???? >:-) ........

Remind everyone again.......whats Johnsons majority in the HoC? (lol)(lol)(lol)(lol)


Not only did his boss Cummings kick 21 experienced MP's out last week, the party has been hemorrhaging MP's ever since. Crikey even Johnsons own brother had enough of him and walked out!! More Tory MP's set to leave too yet you persistently obsess over someone you think of as a "loser".....obviously can't be as you're forever creaming your panties over him all the time. Btw Farage is welcome to his fascists and racists....his club is where they belong.



Ask me again after the next GE >:-) ...........

No i'm asking you what it is now. Too uncomfortable for you to give the actual answer?


Has Corbyn got more MP's than Boris? ;-) ..........Nope.......


Parliament is currently ignoring the will of the people.......and lack the courage of their convictions to ask the electorate whether we agree *-) .........


They cant hide forever >:-) ...........

Why have you continually avoided answering the question i asked you? It's not difficult.


Remind everyone again.......what is Johnsons majority in the HoC?


So.....can you answer that question please without any further deflection and obfuscation. If you don't know, then say so.


You'll get your answer after the next GE >:-) ...........

Still desperately avoiding answering then. Easy to see why you won't answer it so i'll do it for you.


It's MINUS 43. 8-)

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