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Boris! Boris! Boris!...........

Guest pelmetman

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Barryd999 - 2019-11-04 1:55 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-04 12:54 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-11-02 9:55 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-01 7:52 AM




Keep it up Losers B-) ...........


You're doing wonders for Boris :D ..........



Tory majority in doubt as Telegraph poll shows lead of just eight points after two days! https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2019/11/02/tory-majority-doubt-telegraph-poll-shows-lead-just-eight-points/?WT.mc_id=tmg_share_tw


You need to keep up Paddyfart :D ..........





Both polls are pretty current


The polls however are starting to suggest voters are now starting to fall in behind main parties again. Labour's increase in all polls is happening at a quicker rate however than it did in 2017, the only difference is the Tories have gone up in the polls somewhat also. All Corbyn needs to do though is get Labour over 30%, if the Tories can't break 40% then we are probably heading straight into another hung parliament.


The key thing is how the Brexit party vote will impact on all of this. The experts are saying they will hurt the Tories more than Labour. Just goes to show eh? People didnt know what they were voting for when the Tories and BP are so far apart on the Brexit outcome.


Remember though in a hung parliament all the Tories have is the DUP's 10 MPs and its questionable if they now have them, Labour on the other hand could have 50 SNP MPs if they retake Scotland. So the maths favour Labour if Boris cannot command a majority of any kind.


Be afraid! Be very afraid!! (lol)


My gut tells me when it comes to election day lots of those Brexit Party voters will know the right thing to do is vote Tory and thats what they will do ... Labour should be romping it in the polls , any half decent opposition should if everything the Hate Squad on here tell us is true ... Lets be honest though the haters don't usually care too much for the truth

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Birdbrain - 2019-11-04 5:14 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-04 1:55 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-04 12:54 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-11-02 9:55 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-01 7:52 AM




Keep it up Losers B-) ...........


You're doing wonders for Boris :D ..........



Tory majority in doubt as Telegraph poll shows lead of just eight points after two days! https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2019/11/02/tory-majority-doubt-telegraph-poll-shows-lead-just-eight-points/?WT.mc_id=tmg_share_tw


You need to keep up Paddyfart :D ..........





Both polls are pretty current


The polls however are starting to suggest voters are now starting to fall in behind main parties again. Labour's increase in all polls is happening at a quicker rate however than it did in 2017, the only difference is the Tories have gone up in the polls somewhat also. All Corbyn needs to do though is get Labour over 30%, if the Tories can't break 40% then we are probably heading straight into another hung parliament.


The key thing is how the Brexit party vote will impact on all of this. The experts are saying they will hurt the Tories more than Labour. Just goes to show eh? People didnt know what they were voting for when the Tories and BP are so far apart on the Brexit outcome.


Remember though in a hung parliament all the Tories have is the DUP's 10 MPs and its questionable if they now have them, Labour on the other hand could have 50 SNP MPs if they retake Scotland. So the maths favour Labour if Boris cannot command a majority of any kind.


Be afraid! Be very afraid!! (lol)


My gut tells me when it comes to election day lots of those Brexit Party voters will know the right thing to do is vote Tory and thats what they will do ... Labour should be romping it in the polls , any half decent opposition should if everything the Hate Squad on here tell us is true ... Lets be honest though the haters don't usually care too much for the truth


Oh I dunno. Did you see Sir Nigel Farage on Marr yesterday? He did an excellent job. (lol) I love him. He is the only man offering a proper Brexit and many Brexiteers agree with me!


Nigel says the deal Boris has is basically a vassal state deal he just nicked off May and put his name on and not Brexit at all!


I agree with you though on Labour, had they dumped Corbyn some time ago they may well have been miles ahead by now but the question is can Corbyn suddenly come to life and turn it round (Again)?


Who is this hate squad you keep referring to?

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An interesting view of the Boris deal here, the OP seems to believe it is a 'surrender deal'.


This is what Boris's deal means for the UK



Britain remains under EU rules but with no vote, no voice, no veto.


During the Withdrawal Agreement’s extendable ‘transition period’ (which lasts until at least the end of 2020 and almost certainly years longer), we won’t withdraw from the EU at all but become non-voting members. We will still be trapped in the EU customs union and single market, subject to all existing EU laws and any punitive new ones they might pass (Articles 4.1, 4.2, 6, 41, 95.1, 127). And we’ll be under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) (Arts 4.4, 4.5, 86, 87, 89, 95.3, 131, 158, 163). The difference is we won’t have any say (Arts 7.1, 34).


EU judges can still override our laws.


The ECJ – a foreign court – governs the Treaty and EU law takes precedence. Future British parliaments will be bound to obey ECJ rulings, and UK judges will be obliged to overturn laws passed by our Parliament if the ECJ says they don’t comply with the Treaty or the EU laws it enables (Articles 4.4, 4.5, 86, 87, 89, 95.3, 131, 158, 163). In some cases, the ECJ will rule for years even after the transition ends.


We won’t control our fishing.


The dreadful Common Fisheries Policy continues in UK waters during the extendable transition period, but we will have no say in it (Article 130). That means huge foreign trawlers plundering our waters at the expense of our coastal communities. After the transition, the Political Declaration (PD) signs us up to sharing ‘access to water and quota shares’ (PD, paragraph 73) – which equals continued EU exploitation of UK fishing grounds.


We still won’t be free to trade as we see fit.


Boris boasts of leaving the EU customs union. Yet the Political Declaration states any future free trade agreement with the EU must ensure ‘a level playing field’ (PD, paragraph 17, 77) and ‘deep regulatory and customs cooperation’ (para 21). This means sticking to EU rules. It will be hard for the UK to reduce tariff barriers to cut the cost of living and make trade deals with other nations. The PD also requires we pursue ‘ambitious customs objectives that are in line with the Parties’ objectives and principles’ (para 22) – another restrictive EU customs union in all but name.


We won’t have control of our tax or state aid policies.


EU law applies to the UK during the transition period (WA, Article 127), and beyond that the Political Declaration obliges the UK to adopt EU rules on state aid rules and ‘relevant tax matters’ (PD, para 77). This all means we can’t change tax rates to be more competitive and can’t assist a strategic industry such as British Steel.


Britain can’t pursue an independent foreign policy.


The Treaty restricts UK sovereignty by preventing us taking ‘any action likely to conflict with or impede’ EU foreign policy (Article 129.6) – despite having no say in policy making. The UK will be signed up to all EU treaties, including new ones, throughout the transition period, and must ‘refrain… from any action… which is likely to be prejudicial’ to EU interests within international organisations such as the United Nations Security Council and the WTO (Art 129 points 1 and 3).


Britain can’t pursue an independent defence policy.


The Political Declaration commits us to security integration through the European Defence Agency and the European Defence Fund (PD, paragraph 102©). We will fund the EU’s military plans during the transition period at least, and British troops in EU battlegroups will be under foreign command (WA Articles 128.2, 129.7, 156, 157).


The United Kingdom will be divided.


The Treaty creates a de facto customs and regulatory border in the Irish Sea between Northern Ireland and Britain. Goods moving between NI and Britain will be checked. Citizens living in NI would effectively be staying in the EU, without any say in their laws, for at least four years after the transition and quite possibly forever. In other words, the UK gives up part of its sovereign territory —for what? (“Backstop” Protocol Articles 5 and 6.2).



And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape.

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Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........

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pelmetman - 2019-11-05 9:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........


You never read it did you? (lol) It doesn't just refer to the transition period.


"And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape."


Your selling out by backing Johnson. Well we did say he wasnt a proper Brexiteer and all he has done is wrap up Mays terrible deal in a different font. Probably scribbled his name on the top in yellow crayon.


I dont want a vassal state deal, whats the point of that? No. If we have to have Brexit I say lets have Nigels Pure Brexit. No dicking around with the EU. I thought thats what you wanted? Turncoat!


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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 9:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........


You never read it did you? (lol) It doesn't just refer to the transition period.


"And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape."


Your selling out by backing Johnson. Well we did say he wasnt a proper Brexiteer and all he has done is wrap up Mays terrible deal in a different font. Probably scribbled his name on the top in yellow crayon.


I dont want a vassal state deal, whats the point of that? No. If we have to have Brexit I say lets have Nigels Pure Brexit. No dicking around with the EU. I thought thats what you wanted? Turncoat!


Nice try at scaremongering Barry *-) ..........


I suspect if the EU tried devious methods to keep us in the EU Boris will press the Big Red No Deal button >:-) ..........

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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-11-05 9:49 AM



If David Cameron's manifesto promised 200000 starter homes and none of 200,000 are built...

And Boris Johnson's manifesto promises 40 hospitals will be built...

How long should it take you to stop trusting Tory promises?

"national audit office"



From your link........


"But the spending watchdog said the sites were all now being used for housing more generally, only some of which was affordable."


Some is not none ;-) ............


You lying Socialists just cant help yourselves can you >:-) ............



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pelmetman - 2019-11-05 11:26 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 9:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........


You never read it did you? (lol) It doesn't just refer to the transition period.


"And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape."


Your selling out by backing Johnson. Well we did say he wasnt a proper Brexiteer and all he has done is wrap up Mays terrible deal in a different font. Probably scribbled his name on the top in yellow crayon.


I dont want a vassal state deal, whats the point of that? No. If we have to have Brexit I say lets have Nigels Pure Brexit. No dicking around with the EU. I thought thats what you wanted? Turncoat!


Nice try at scaremongering Barry *-) ..........


I suspect if the EU tried devious methods to keep us in the EU Boris will press the Big Red No Deal button >:-) ..........


Scaremongering? you do realise that quote is from the Brexit Party website?


Why do you think the EU are delighted with the deal? You have sold out Dave. What makes you think that at the end of the transition period we will suddenly leave with no deal? Hows that gone so far with the Tories. Do or die, die in a ditch an all that. Your pinning your hopes on a buffoon who isnt even a real Brexiteer. There is no majority in parliament by a country mile for ever leaving with no deal and even if Johnson somehow manages to win a majority I Still dont think there will be.


The only honest parties now you can trust on Brexit are the LibDems and the Brexit Party. They will do what it says on the tin. If you vote Tory on December the 12th your basically voting for a Vassal state never ending Brexit and for a country run by someone nobody can ever trust. Parliament cannot function with someone like that in charge. Nobody, not even his fellow Tories can trust him.

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Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 12:49 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 11:26 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 9:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........


You never read it did you? (lol) It doesn't just refer to the transition period.


"And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape."


Your selling out by backing Johnson. Well we did say he wasnt a proper Brexiteer and all he has done is wrap up Mays terrible deal in a different font. Probably scribbled his name on the top in yellow crayon.


I dont want a vassal state deal, whats the point of that? No. If we have to have Brexit I say lets have Nigels Pure Brexit. No dicking around with the EU. I thought thats what you wanted? Turncoat!


Nice try at scaremongering Barry *-) ..........


I suspect if the EU tried devious methods to keep us in the EU Boris will press the Big Red No Deal button >:-) ..........


Scaremongering? You do realise that quote is from the Brexit Party website?


Why do you think the EU are delighted with the deal? You have sold out Dave. What makes you think that at the end of the transition period we will suddenly leave with no deal? Hows that gone so far with the Tories. Do or die, die in a ditch an all that. Your pinning your hopes on a buffoon who isnt even a real Brexiteer. There is no majority in parliament by a country mile for ever leaving with no deal and even if Johnson somehow manages to win a majority I Still dont think there will be.


The only honest parties now you can trust on Brexit are the LibDems and the Brexit Party. They will do what it says on the tin. If you vote Tory on December the 12th your basically voting for a Vassal state never ending Brexit and for a country run by someone nobody can ever trust. Parliament cannot function with someone like that in charge. Nobody, not even his fellow Tories can trust him.

Pelmet doesn't seem to have an answer for this one either.

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 12:49 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 11:26 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 9:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........


You never read it did you? (lol) It doesn't just refer to the transition period.


"And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape."


Your selling out by backing Johnson. Well we did say he wasnt a proper Brexiteer and all he has done is wrap up Mays terrible deal in a different font. Probably scribbled his name on the top in yellow crayon.


I dont want a vassal state deal, whats the point of that? No. If we have to have Brexit I say lets have Nigels Pure Brexit. No dicking around with the EU. I thought thats what you wanted? Turncoat!


Nice try at scaremongering Barry *-) ..........


I suspect if the EU tried devious methods to keep us in the EU Boris will press the Big Red No Deal button >:-) ..........


Scaremongering? you do realise that quote is from the Brexit Party website?


Why do you think the EU are delighted with the deal? You have sold out Dave. What makes you think that at the end of the transition period we will suddenly leave with no deal? Hows that gone so far with the Tories. Do or die, die in a ditch an all that. Your pinning your hopes on a buffoon who isnt even a real Brexiteer. There is no majority in parliament by a country mile for ever leaving with no deal and even if Johnson somehow manages to win a majority I Still dont think there will be.


The only honest parties now you can trust on Brexit are the LibDems and the Brexit Party. They will do what it says on the tin. If you vote Tory on December the 12th your basically voting for a Vassal state never ending Brexit and for a country run by someone nobody can ever trust. Parliament cannot function with someone like that in charge. Nobody, not even his fellow Tories can trust him.


Watch the polls Barry ;-) ........


Us Brexiteers know which tool to use for the job B-) ........



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pelmetman - 2019-11-05 6:07 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 12:49 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 11:26 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 9:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........


You never read it did you? (lol) It doesn't just refer to the transition period.


"And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape."


Your selling out by backing Johnson. Well we did say he wasnt a proper Brexiteer and all he has done is wrap up Mays terrible deal in a different font. Probably scribbled his name on the top in yellow crayon.


I dont want a vassal state deal, whats the point of that? No. If we have to have Brexit I say lets have Nigels Pure Brexit. No dicking around with the EU. I thought thats what you wanted? Turncoat!


Nice try at scaremongering Barry *-) ..........


I suspect if the EU tried devious methods to keep us in the EU Boris will press the Big Red No Deal button >:-) ..........


Scaremongering? you do realise that quote is from the Brexit Party website?


Why do you think the EU are delighted with the deal? You have sold out Dave. What makes you think that at the end of the transition period we will suddenly leave with no deal? Hows that gone so far with the Tories. Do or die, die in a ditch an all that. Your pinning your hopes on a buffoon who isnt even a real Brexiteer. There is no majority in parliament by a country mile for ever leaving with no deal and even if Johnson somehow manages to win a majority I Still dont think there will be.


The only honest parties now you can trust on Brexit are the LibDems and the Brexit Party. They will do what it says on the tin. If you vote Tory on December the 12th your basically voting for a Vassal state never ending Brexit and for a country run by someone nobody can ever trust. Parliament cannot function with someone like that in charge. Nobody, not even his fellow Tories can trust him.


Watch the polls Barry ;-) ........


Us Brexiteers know which tool to use for the job B-) ........

That tool said you'd be out 31st October "do or die in a ditch". (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-11-05 6:17 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 6:07 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 12:49 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 11:26 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 9:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........


You never read it did you? (lol) It doesn't just refer to the transition period.


"And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape."


Your selling out by backing Johnson. Well we did say he wasnt a proper Brexiteer and all he has done is wrap up Mays terrible deal in a different font. Probably scribbled his name on the top in yellow crayon.


I dont want a vassal state deal, whats the point of that? No. If we have to have Brexit I say lets have Nigels Pure Brexit. No dicking around with the EU. I thought thats what you wanted? Turncoat!


Nice try at scaremongering Barry *-) ..........


I suspect if the EU tried devious methods to keep us in the EU Boris will press the Big Red No Deal button >:-) ..........


Scaremongering? you do realise that quote is from the Brexit Party website?


Why do you think the EU are delighted with the deal? You have sold out Dave. What makes you think that at the end of the transition period we will suddenly leave with no deal? Hows that gone so far with the Tories. Do or die, die in a ditch an all that. Your pinning your hopes on a buffoon who isnt even a real Brexiteer. There is no majority in parliament by a country mile for ever leaving with no deal and even if Johnson somehow manages to win a majority I Still dont think there will be.


The only honest parties now you can trust on Brexit are the LibDems and the Brexit Party. They will do what it says on the tin. If you vote Tory on December the 12th your basically voting for a Vassal state never ending Brexit and for a country run by someone nobody can ever trust. Parliament cannot function with someone like that in charge. Nobody, not even his fellow Tories can trust him.


Watch the polls Barry ;-) ........


Us Brexiteers know which tool to use for the job B-) ........

That tool said you'd be out 31st October "do or die in a ditch". (lol)


That tool was stabbed in the back by those MP's who LIED to get elected *-) .......


It's funny how many of them lack the courage of their convictions to face the electorate >:-) .......


Fecking LOSER COWARDS *-) ..........



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pelmetman - 2019-11-05 6:30 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-11-05 6:17 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 6:07 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 12:49 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 11:26 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 9:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........


You never read it did you? (lol) It doesn't just refer to the transition period.


"And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape."


Your selling out by backing Johnson. Well we did say he wasnt a proper Brexiteer and all he has done is wrap up Mays terrible deal in a different font. Probably scribbled his name on the top in yellow crayon.


I dont want a vassal state deal, whats the point of that? No. If we have to have Brexit I say lets have Nigels Pure Brexit. No dicking around with the EU. I thought thats what you wanted? Turncoat!


Nice try at scaremongering Barry *-) ..........


I suspect if the EU tried devious methods to keep us in the EU Boris will press the Big Red No Deal button >:-) ..........


Scaremongering? you do realise that quote is from the Brexit Party website?


Why do you think the EU are delighted with the deal? You have sold out Dave. What makes you think that at the end of the transition period we will suddenly leave with no deal? Hows that gone so far with the Tories. Do or die, die in a ditch an all that. Your pinning your hopes on a buffoon who isnt even a real Brexiteer. There is no majority in parliament by a country mile for ever leaving with no deal and even if Johnson somehow manages to win a majority I Still dont think there will be.


The only honest parties now you can trust on Brexit are the LibDems and the Brexit Party. They will do what it says on the tin. If you vote Tory on December the 12th your basically voting for a Vassal state never ending Brexit and for a country run by someone nobody can ever trust. Parliament cannot function with someone like that in charge. Nobody, not even his fellow Tories can trust him.


Watch the polls Barry ;-) ........


Us Brexiteers know which tool to use for the job B-) ........

That tool said you'd be out 31st October "do or die in a ditch". (lol)


That tool was stabbed in the back by those MP's who LIED to get elected *-) .......

Johnson LIES all the time.....he's a pathological LIAR so nothing new there. *-)

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-11-05 8:21 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 6:30 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-11-05 6:17 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 6:07 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 12:49 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 11:26 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 9:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........


You never read it did you? (lol) It doesn't just refer to the transition period.


"And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape."


Your selling out by backing Johnson. Well we did say he wasnt a proper Brexiteer and all he has done is wrap up Mays terrible deal in a different font. Probably scribbled his name on the top in yellow crayon.


I dont want a vassal state deal, whats the point of that? No. If we have to have Brexit I say lets have Nigels Pure Brexit. No dicking around with the EU. I thought thats what you wanted? Turncoat!


Nice try at scaremongering Barry *-) ..........


I suspect if the EU tried devious methods to keep us in the EU Boris will press the Big Red No Deal button >:-) ..........


Scaremongering? you do realise that quote is from the Brexit Party website?


Why do you think the EU are delighted with the deal? You have sold out Dave. What makes you think that at the end of the transition period we will suddenly leave with no deal? Hows that gone so far with the Tories. Do or die, die in a ditch an all that. Your pinning your hopes on a buffoon who isnt even a real Brexiteer. There is no majority in parliament by a country mile for ever leaving with no deal and even if Johnson somehow manages to win a majority I Still dont think there will be.


The only honest parties now you can trust on Brexit are the LibDems and the Brexit Party. They will do what it says on the tin. If you vote Tory on December the 12th your basically voting for a Vassal state never ending Brexit and for a country run by someone nobody can ever trust. Parliament cannot function with someone like that in charge. Nobody, not even his fellow Tories can trust him.


Watch the polls Barry ;-) ........


Us Brexiteers know which tool to use for the job B-) ........

That tool said you'd be out 31st October "do or die in a ditch". (lol)


That tool was stabbed in the back by those MP's who LIED to get elected *-) .......

Johnson LIES all the time.....he's a pathological LIAR so nothing new there. *-)


That's rich coming from a Corbyn supporter 8-) ..........


BTW........How's your LOSER in chief doing? >:-) ..........



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pelmetman - 2019-11-05 6:07 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 12:49 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 11:26 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 9:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........


You never read it did you? (lol) It doesn't just refer to the transition period.


"And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape."


Your selling out by backing Johnson. Well we did say he wasnt a proper Brexiteer and all he has done is wrap up Mays terrible deal in a different font. Probably scribbled his name on the top in yellow crayon.


I dont want a vassal state deal, whats the point of that? No. If we have to have Brexit I say lets have Nigels Pure Brexit. No dicking around with the EU. I thought thats what you wanted? Turncoat!


Nice try at scaremongering Barry *-) ..........


I suspect if the EU tried devious methods to keep us in the EU Boris will press the Big Red No Deal button >:-) ..........


Scaremongering? you do realise that quote is from the Brexit Party website?


Why do you think the EU are delighted with the deal? You have sold out Dave. What makes you think that at the end of the transition period we will suddenly leave with no deal? Hows that gone so far with the Tories. Do or die, die in a ditch an all that. Your pinning your hopes on a buffoon who isnt even a real Brexiteer. There is no majority in parliament by a country mile for ever leaving with no deal and even if Johnson somehow manages to win a majority I Still dont think there will be.


The only honest parties now you can trust on Brexit are the LibDems and the Brexit Party. They will do what it says on the tin. If you vote Tory on December the 12th your basically voting for a Vassal state never ending Brexit and for a country run by someone nobody can ever trust. Parliament cannot function with someone like that in charge. Nobody, not even his fellow Tories can trust him.


Watch the polls Barry ;-) ........


Us Brexiteers know which tool to use for the job B-) ........



I am watching the polls, early days but as far as I can tell the gap is narrowing. One poll had it as low as 8 points.


The tool you are using to do the job? Tool is the right word when it comes to Johnson but he's not even doing half a job for you. You have spent nearly four years banging on about a full fat Brexit but now your prepared to settle for Mays deal (its not Boris's deal). Total sell out. It makes no sense whatsoever. Put your money where your mouth is and back a proper Brexit.

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Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 10:28 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 6:07 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 12:49 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 11:26 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 9:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........


You never read it did you? (lol) It doesn't just refer to the transition period.


"And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape."


Your selling out by backing Johnson. Well we did say he wasnt a proper Brexiteer and all he has done is wrap up Mays terrible deal in a different font. Probably scribbled his name on the top in yellow crayon.


I dont want a vassal state deal, whats the point of that? No. If we have to have Brexit I say lets have Nigels Pure Brexit. No dicking around with the EU. I thought thats what you wanted? Turncoat!


Nice try at scaremongering Barry *-) ..........


I suspect if the EU tried devious methods to keep us in the EU Boris will press the Big Red No Deal button >:-) ..........


Scaremongering? you do realise that quote is from the Brexit Party website?


Why do you think the EU are delighted with the deal? You have sold out Dave. What makes you think that at the end of the transition period we will suddenly leave with no deal? Hows that gone so far with the Tories. Do or die, die in a ditch an all that. Your pinning your hopes on a buffoon who isnt even a real Brexiteer. There is no majority in parliament by a country mile for ever leaving with no deal and even if Johnson somehow manages to win a majority I Still dont think there will be.


The only honest parties now you can trust on Brexit are the LibDems and the Brexit Party. They will do what it says on the tin. If you vote Tory on December the 12th your basically voting for a Vassal state never ending Brexit and for a country run by someone nobody can ever trust. Parliament cannot function with someone like that in charge. Nobody, not even his fellow Tories can trust him.


Watch the polls Barry ;-) ........


Us Brexiteers know which tool to use for the job B-) ........



I am watching the polls, early days but as far as I can tell the gap is narrowing. One poll had it as low as 8 points.


The tool you are using to do the job? Tool is the right word when it comes to Johnson but he's not even doing half a job for you. You have spent nearly four years banging on about a full fat Brexit but now your prepared to settle for Mays deal (its not Boris's deal). Total sell out. It makes no sense whatsoever. Put your money where your mouth is and back a proper Brexit.


Looks like 12 points on that poll but who's counting ... https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10286826/tory-poll-lead-starmer-interview/ ... I see the only party who are offering a definite stop to Brexit are on 17 points ??? ... Theres me thinking we'd all changed our minds ... Still 13 points in the Mirror ... https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/uk-politics-poll-tracker-general-20070947 ... All totally irrelevant of course because like you told us many , many times its a Labour victory and then in opposition The Tories are finished , just like you said

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 10:28 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 6:07 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 12:49 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 11:26 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 9:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........


You never read it did you? (lol) It doesn't just refer to the transition period.


"And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape."


Your selling out by backing Johnson. Well we did say he wasnt a proper Brexiteer and all he has done is wrap up Mays terrible deal in a different font. Probably scribbled his name on the top in yellow crayon.


I dont want a vassal state deal, whats the point of that? No. If we have to have Brexit I say lets have Nigels Pure Brexit. No dicking around with the EU. I thought thats what you wanted? Turncoat!


Nice try at scaremongering Barry *-) ..........


I suspect if the EU tried devious methods to keep us in the EU Boris will press the Big Red No Deal button >:-) ..........


Scaremongering? you do realise that quote is from the Brexit Party website?


Why do you think the EU are delighted with the deal? You have sold out Dave. What makes you think that at the end of the transition period we will suddenly leave with no deal? Hows that gone so far with the Tories. Do or die, die in a ditch an all that. Your pinning your hopes on a buffoon who isnt even a real Brexiteer. There is no majority in parliament by a country mile for ever leaving with no deal and even if Johnson somehow manages to win a majority I Still dont think there will be.


The only honest parties now you can trust on Brexit are the LibDems and the Brexit Party. They will do what it says on the tin. If you vote Tory on December the 12th your basically voting for a Vassal state never ending Brexit and for a country run by someone nobody can ever trust. Parliament cannot function with someone like that in charge. Nobody, not even his fellow Tories can trust him.


Watch the polls Barry ;-) ........


Us Brexiteers know which tool to use for the job B-) ........



I am watching the polls, early days but as far as I can tell the gap is narrowing. One poll had it as low as 8 points.


The tool you are using to do the job? Tool is the right word when it comes to Johnson but he's not even doing half a job for you. You have spent nearly four years banging on about a full fat Brexit but now your prepared to settle for Mays deal (its not Boris's deal). Total sell out. It makes no sense whatsoever. Put your money where your mouth is and back a proper Brexit.


Well if you are watching the polls then it looks like what you've been telling us for the last 3 years that we've all changed our minds is claptrap (lol) (lol) (lol) .........


Hows your new squeeze Oh No Joe doing? >:-) ..........


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Birdbrain - 2019-11-06 6:15 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 10:28 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 6:07 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 12:49 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 11:26 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 9:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........


You never read it did you? (lol) It doesn't just refer to the transition period.


"And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape."


Your selling out by backing Johnson. Well we did say he wasnt a proper Brexiteer and all he has done is wrap up Mays terrible deal in a different font. Probably scribbled his name on the top in yellow crayon.


I dont want a vassal state deal, whats the point of that? No. If we have to have Brexit I say lets have Nigels Pure Brexit. No dicking around with the EU. I thought thats what you wanted? Turncoat!


Nice try at scaremongering Barry *-) ..........


I suspect if the EU tried devious methods to keep us in the EU Boris will press the Big Red No Deal button >:-) ..........


Scaremongering? you do realise that quote is from the Brexit Party website?


Why do you think the EU are delighted with the deal? You have sold out Dave. What makes you think that at the end of the transition period we will suddenly leave with no deal? Hows that gone so far with the Tories. Do or die, die in a ditch an all that. Your pinning your hopes on a buffoon who isnt even a real Brexiteer. There is no majority in parliament by a country mile for ever leaving with no deal and even if Johnson somehow manages to win a majority I Still dont think there will be.


The only honest parties now you can trust on Brexit are the LibDems and the Brexit Party. They will do what it says on the tin. If you vote Tory on December the 12th your basically voting for a Vassal state never ending Brexit and for a country run by someone nobody can ever trust. Parliament cannot function with someone like that in charge. Nobody, not even his fellow Tories can trust him.


Watch the polls Barry ;-) ........


Us Brexiteers know which tool to use for the job B-) ........



I am watching the polls, early days but as far as I can tell the gap is narrowing. One poll had it as low as 8 points.


The tool you are using to do the job? Tool is the right word when it comes to Johnson but he's not even doing half a job for you. You have spent nearly four years banging on about a full fat Brexit but now your prepared to settle for Mays deal (its not Boris's deal). Total sell out. It makes no sense whatsoever. Put your money where your mouth is and back a proper Brexit.


Looks like 12 points on that poll but who's counting ... https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10286826/tory-poll-lead-starmer-interview/ ... I see the only party who are offering a definite stop to Brexit are on 17 points ??? ... Theres me thinking we'd all changed our minds ... Still 13 points in the Mirror ... https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/uk-politics-poll-tracker-general-20070947 ... All totally irrelevant of course because like you told us many , many times its a Labour victory and then in opposition The Tories are finished , just like you said


Your another one thats sold out. What did you call him the other day "Sir Nigel Farage"? Only Nige is offering the Brexit you want yet your backing the Tories who may not be able to deliver Brexit at all and what they are offering is pretty much Mays vassal state deal and I dont seem to remember you being too keen on it when it had her name on the top but now its suddenly acceptable.


That link you posted from the Sun by the way refers to Starmers car crash interview on Good Morning Britain yesterday but you have obviously missed the explosive and damaging (for the Tories) revelation that the Tories have actually doctored the interview footage and promoted their fake tape directly from Tory HQ online, Matt Hancock even also promoted it. I dont know if this breaks electoral law but it certainly should require some kind of action.





I doubt Starmer will let this one go and rightly so.


So it will be interesting to see where the polls go after the dreadful day the Tories had yesterday. May was way ahead of them at this stage in 2017.


I would jump ship to an honest party like the Brexit Party if I were you if you want a proper Brexit and to maintain some self respect and dignity. At least they seem to be a more honest lot than the Tories. The Tories are now simply beyond contempt. Like a sick dog that needs putting down.

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-11-06 7:29 AM


Birdbrain - 2019-11-06 6:15 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 10:28 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 6:07 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 12:49 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 11:26 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 9:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........


You never read it did you? (lol) It doesn't just refer to the transition period.


"And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape."


Your selling out by backing Johnson. Well we did say he wasnt a proper Brexiteer and all he has done is wrap up Mays terrible deal in a different font. Probably scribbled his name on the top in yellow crayon.


I dont want a vassal state deal, whats the point of that? No. If we have to have Brexit I say lets have Nigels Pure Brexit. No dicking around with the EU. I thought thats what you wanted? Turncoat!


Nice try at scaremongering Barry *-) ..........


I suspect if the EU tried devious methods to keep us in the EU Boris will press the Big Red No Deal button >:-) ..........


Scaremongering? you do realise that quote is from the Brexit Party website?


Why do you think the EU are delighted with the deal? You have sold out Dave. What makes you think that at the end of the transition period we will suddenly leave with no deal? Hows that gone so far with the Tories. Do or die, die in a ditch an all that. Your pinning your hopes on a buffoon who isnt even a real Brexiteer. There is no majority in parliament by a country mile for ever leaving with no deal and even if Johnson somehow manages to win a majority I Still dont think there will be.


The only honest parties now you can trust on Brexit are the LibDems and the Brexit Party. They will do what it says on the tin. If you vote Tory on December the 12th your basically voting for a Vassal state never ending Brexit and for a country run by someone nobody can ever trust. Parliament cannot function with someone like that in charge. Nobody, not even his fellow Tories can trust him.


Watch the polls Barry ;-) ........


Us Brexiteers know which tool to use for the job B-) ........



I am watching the polls, early days but as far as I can tell the gap is narrowing. One poll had it as low as 8 points.


The tool you are using to do the job? Tool is the right word when it comes to Johnson but he's not even doing half a job for you. You have spent nearly four years banging on about a full fat Brexit but now your prepared to settle for Mays deal (its not Boris's deal). Total sell out. It makes no sense whatsoever. Put your money where your mouth is and back a proper Brexit.


Looks like 12 points on that poll but who's counting ... https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10286826/tory-poll-lead-starmer-interview/ ... I see the only party who are offering a definite stop to Brexit are on 17 points ??? ... Theres me thinking we'd all changed our minds ... Still 13 points in the Mirror ... https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/uk-politics-poll-tracker-general-20070947 ... All totally irrelevant of course because like you told us many , many times its a Labour victory and then in opposition The Tories are finished , just like you said


Your another one thats sold out. What did you call him the other day "Sir Nigel Farage"? Only Nige is offering the Brexit you want yet your backing the Tories who may not be able to deliver Brexit at all and what they are offering is pretty much Mays vassal state deal and I dont seem to remember you being too keen on it when it had her name on the top but now its suddenly acceptable.


That link you posted from the Sun by the way refers to Starmers car crash interview on Good Morning Britain yesterday but you have obviously missed the explosive and damaging (for the Tories) revelation that the Tories have actually doctored the interview footage and promoted their fake tape directly from Tory HQ online, Matt Hancock even also promoted it. I dont know if this breaks electoral law but it certainly should require some kind of action.





I doubt Starmer will let this one go and rightly so.


So it will be interesting to see where the polls go after the dreadful day the Tories had yesterday. May was way ahead of them at this stage in 2017.


I would jump ship to an honest party like the Brexit Party if I were you if you want a proper Brexit and to maintain some self respect and dignity. At least they seem to be a more honest lot than the Tories. The Tories are now simply beyond contempt. Like a sick dog that needs putting down.


I saw the Starmer interview ;-) ............and its obvious that Corbyn would negotiate a crap deal then offer it in a referendum.........and then campaign against his own deal (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........


I also see the BBC LOSER brigade are trying to make a meal of it *-) .............


Their obvious Remain bias is becoming quite odious :-| ........


I sincerely hope the BBC will have its charter removed >:-( ........


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pelmetman - 2019-11-06 7:50 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-06 7:29 AM


Birdbrain - 2019-11-06 6:15 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 10:28 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 6:07 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 12:49 PM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 11:26 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:52 AM


pelmetman - 2019-11-05 9:28 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-11-05 9:01 AM


Good post.


This is exactly Farages point and he is right.


Pelmet has sold out. Johnsons deal is pretty much Mays deal so why are hardened Brexiteers like Dangerous Dave backing Johnson?


Why was Mays deal so unpopular but all of a sudden now Johnson has put his name to it and added a bit that will likely break the union its now acceptable?


If you want a proper Brexit Dave, why are you not supporting Farage and the Brexit party? Its all about winning for you but getting a Vassal state deal through is losing surely is it not?


So what are you Losers complaining about? ;-) ...........


I'd of thought you'd love to become a EU Vassal peasant >:-) .........


Oh yeah......it only refers to the transition/negotiation period doesn't it? :D .........


So Boris and a Parliament with a Brexiteer majority would be well placed when it comes to negotiating our future trade terms with a EU in recession B-) ..........


You never read it did you? (lol) It doesn't just refer to the transition period.


"And we’ll be trapped by the Political Declaration.


The problems won’t end with the transition period. Don’t be fooled just because the Political Declaration on future relations is not legally binding. Article 184 of the Withdrawal Agreement requires us to use ‘best endeavours, in good faith’ to negotiate a future deal in line with the PD. Any breach of this duty will see the EU haul Britain before an arbitration panel – half EU appointees, half pro-EU judges from the UK. And the panel must defer to the European court on anything concerning EU Law. If they rule that a UK law goes against the Political Declaration, UK courts will have to overturn that law (WA, Articles 170-175). The Political Declaration is a trap from which there is no plausible escape."


Your selling out by backing Johnson. Well we did say he wasnt a proper Brexiteer and all he has done is wrap up Mays terrible deal in a different font. Probably scribbled his name on the top in yellow crayon.


I dont want a vassal state deal, whats the point of that? No. If we have to have Brexit I say lets have Nigels Pure Brexit. No dicking around with the EU. I thought thats what you wanted? Turncoat!


Nice try at scaremongering Barry *-) ..........


I suspect if the EU tried devious methods to keep us in the EU Boris will press the Big Red No Deal button >:-) ..........


Scaremongering? you do realise that quote is from the Brexit Party website?


Why do you think the EU are delighted with the deal? You have sold out Dave. What makes you think that at the end of the transition period we will suddenly leave with no deal? Hows that gone so far with the Tories. Do or die, die in a ditch an all that. Your pinning your hopes on a buffoon who isnt even a real Brexiteer. There is no majority in parliament by a country mile for ever leaving with no deal and even if Johnson somehow manages to win a majority I Still dont think there will be.


The only honest parties now you can trust on Brexit are the LibDems and the Brexit Party. They will do what it says on the tin. If you vote Tory on December the 12th your basically voting for a Vassal state never ending Brexit and for a country run by someone nobody can ever trust. Parliament cannot function with someone like that in charge. Nobody, not even his fellow Tories can trust him.


Watch the polls Barry ;-) ........


Us Brexiteers know which tool to use for the job B-) ........



I am watching the polls, early days but as far as I can tell the gap is narrowing. One poll had it as low as 8 points.


The tool you are using to do the job? Tool is the right word when it comes to Johnson but he's not even doing half a job for you. You have spent nearly four years banging on about a full fat Brexit but now your prepared to settle for Mays deal (its not Boris's deal). Total sell out. It makes no sense whatsoever. Put your money where your mouth is and back a proper Brexit.


Looks like 12 points on that poll but who's counting ... https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10286826/tory-poll-lead-starmer-interview/ ... I see the only party who are offering a definite stop to Brexit are on 17 points ??? ... Theres me thinking we'd all changed our minds ... Still 13 points in the Mirror ... https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/uk-politics-poll-tracker-general-20070947 ... All totally irrelevant of course because like you told us many , many times its a Labour victory and then in opposition The Tories are finished , just like you said


Your another one thats sold out. What did you call him the other day "Sir Nigel Farage"? Only Nige is offering the Brexit you want yet your backing the Tories who may not be able to deliver Brexit at all and what they are offering is pretty much Mays vassal state deal and I dont seem to remember you being too keen on it when it had her name on the top but now its suddenly acceptable.


That link you posted from the Sun by the way refers to Starmers car crash interview on Good Morning Britain yesterday but you have obviously missed the explosive and damaging (for the Tories) revelation that the Tories have actually doctored the interview footage and promoted their fake tape directly from Tory HQ online, Matt Hancock even also promoted it. I dont know if this breaks electoral law but it certainly should require some kind of action.





I doubt Starmer will let this one go and rightly so.


So it will be interesting to see where the polls go after the dreadful day the Tories had yesterday. May was way ahead of them at this stage in 2017.


I would jump ship to an honest party like the Brexit Party if I were you if you want a proper Brexit and to maintain some self respect and dignity. At least they seem to be a more honest lot than the Tories. The Tories are now simply beyond contempt. Like a sick dog that needs putting down.


I saw the Starmer interview ;-) ............and its obvious that Corbyn would negotiate a crap deal then offer it in a referendum.........and then campaign against his own deal (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........


I also see the BBC LOSER brigade are trying to make a meal of it *-) .............


Their obvious Remain bias is becoming quite odious :-| ........


I sincerely hope the BBC will have its charter removed >:-( ........


Which one did you see? The real one or the ones the Tories doctored? Did we not learn anything from the referendum? Just more lies and deception. you talk about respecting the referendum result but democracy has flown out of the window if we are going to continue to allow political parties and in this case the actual fcuking government to get away with this kind of thing scot free.


What Labour are proposing makes total sense now, its just a pity its taken them so fecking long to get there. They will negotiate a soft Brexit that they believe is the best option for protecting jobs and the economy but they will let the people decide if they want that or want to remain. Dont like it? Dont vote for them. Simple as that but it just shows why we are in this mess because nobody knows what kind of Brexit Brexiteers want. Is it Labours soft Brexit? Is it the Tories harder but Vassal state Brexit with very little protection or is it Farages Full fat no deal clean Break Brexit? Thats why the referendum was floored as we have no idea what people wanted because they didnt know what they were voting for. How could they until the offers were on the table?


BBC are pro Tory now. Have been for yonks, everyone with a brain cell knows that now.

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