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10 week tour of europe


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I suspect that the complex external mirrors fitted to modern vehicles are going to be costly to replace whatever the make of vehicle. It’s a primary reason why there’s a thriving market for ‘pattern’ mirrors that are significantly cheaper than ‘original equipment’ ones. Examples of cheaper Fiat Ducato mirrors here




And, as you are going to be forking out £450 for a new mirror, you might want to consider fitting MirrorGuard protectors when you get home




though these - despite being pretty tough - cannot be expected to cope with every possible impact.

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stevebateman - 2019-06-04 8:57 PM


we are five weeks into 10 week Europe trip all going well until coach took off wing mirror

now waiting for costly replacement in Switzerland £450 , why are Fiat ducato mirrors so expensive !

off to italy ( lakes as soon as its fixed )


follow our adventures



They are not unless you buy from Fiat. A tractor took ours off last year, looks the same as yours and was under £90 in the UK. I lived with it with aid of passenger until we got home, managed fine with lots of Care on motorways.

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stevebateman - 2019-06-04 8:57 PM


we are five weeks into 10 week Europe trip all going well until coach took off wing mirror

now waiting for costly replacement in Switzerland £450 , why are Fiat ducato mirrors so expensive !

off to italy ( lakes as soon as its fixed )


follow our adventures



First reason your van is relatively new and second, there's rather a lot of mirror! But looking at even the most expensive on Derek's link i imagine had you tearing your hair out!


As you're having it fitted in Switzerland i'm afraid even £450 is 'peanut money' to Swiss though private vehicle ownership is something of a peculiarity to them.....they don't need to own as their public transport infrastructure is so damn good. Enjoy Switzerland and the rest of your trip!

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Excellent advice, as there’s a predictable risk that a replacement mirror obtained in Continental Europe will be for a LHD vehicle rather than a RHD one. This may not be immediately obvious visually, but it will become so when the mirror has been fitted and it’s found that it cannot be adjusted to provide the required rearwards view.


(This recent forum thread discussed problems with Ducato mirrors sourced in the UK.)



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