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What's that red light for?


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Quick questions. .. 2004 Rumor Europeo, simple control panel over the door. Two rocker switches (one power, one water pump on) A line of four lights showing leisure battery level, likewise a line for water level (that one never lights the final 'max' light btw).

Above all this are two more warning lights. A yellow one with a plug logo when we're hooked up, and the mystery light...a red one with water tank logo. And there's my question. That red one illuminated yesterday for the first time ever. Water level was fine, and the light has gone out again today.

I'm thinking it's a confused 'water tank empty' warning?

If so, can I sort it in the tank? ....and while I'm there, can I sort the faulty full water sensor? The bulbs on the control panel are tiny micro-chip items, soldered in so I'm not going near them!

Thanks in advance for any assistance or advice.

And greetings from a sun-soaked parking spot on the Dingle Peninsula in County Kerry, Ireland




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cruiser - 2019-06-25 3:28 PM


Quick questions. .. 2004 Rumor Europeo, simple control panel over the door. Two rocker switches (one power, one water pump on) A line of four lights showing leisure battery level, likewise a line for water level (that one never lights the final 'max' light btw).



Hi Tony,


Multi light water level indicators are usually associated with corresponding electrodes inserted in the wall of the fresh water tank. In my experience these electrodes could take the form of M4 stainless steel set screws inserted through M4 "rubnuts" installed in the tank wall. Is it possible that the connection to the top electrode has broken? This is most probably at the tank, but could be anywhere along the route to the control panel. If the tank is accessible, and the connections are long enough, you could try moving the 75% wire to the top electrode, as a temporary fix. To state the obvious, the 75% light would then mean 100%, if this is what you want.





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A “waste-water tank approaching full” single warning light may (as Alan suggests) be triggered by a screw in the tank’s side, but often involves a simple float switch that closes an electrical circuit when the level in the tank raises the float. If you know that the tank was (say) 70% full, the warning was justified - if the tank didn’t have much waste-water in it, you’ll need to investigate further.
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