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Rowdy campsites


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Hi all anyone here fed up of campsites where u can't get any sleep at night, where your parked side by side just like a new housing estate, where your neighbours don't want to talk to u then have a bar b q till 2 in the morning, guess what u can do that and more at home in your own garden free of charge. And more importantly u don't have to put up with kids running over your pitch playing ball games and screaming.. Let me know
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I've only stayed on a couple of sites in UK so judging from the op's experience, wonder if this is a chavvy Brit type of thing? All my touring was always in Europe and the sites i stayed on i never experienced any hassle like Colin. In fact one c/site in Poland during school holidays often had large numbers of children on site as a 'youth trip'. The most noise any of them made would be walking to the restaurant for meals. Some days they'd be learning to sailboard on the lake, other days i guess they went out on trips. Half the time i never noticed them.....all were well behaved.


Maybe you are choosing the "wrong type" of sites Colin? :-|

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In 2007 I was working in Derbyshire and stayed at the Blackwall Plantation Club Site. It was a very nice, peaceful place until a crowd of pals turned up with their Caravans and families for the weekend. They BBQ'd and drank until the early hours just beside my Motorhome which was very annoying.


I started work at 7am and while preparing to leave I somehow 'accidently' set off my alarm and was very clumsy with the accelerator pedal. I got back to site around 5.30pm and they looked like they had been boozing all day. Just to annoy them, I opened the rooflight wide, set my alarm and went for a shower. I could hear my alarm going off as I reached the shower block. :D


Saturday night was peaceful so I tiptoed off the Site at 6.30am. :D

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Never stayed on a mh site before and as I pass by them and see them parked in rows just like houses I do wonder why? I believe that u can even stay at sites where they have entertainment and shops? I honestly don't see the point of leaving home for a break and then going to a field to park in between a load more chappies all doing the same thing. Then they start moaning about the same things that they moan about at home in their houses..? Where on earth is the point of it.. I live in a village and talk to anyone that is prepared to chat to me.. Most of the people in the village are ignorant and don't even want to say good morning. A lot of em give u a dirty look if your lucky.. Animals, 4 legged ones, give unconditional love and attention.... The majority of people who don't have animals look at u as if your dog is a killer and quickly take their children into the road or across it rather than risk the life of a child.. I do believe that 80 percent of the population watch TV read the papers and take what they see / read as the truth and the whole truth.... Sorry off subject well a bit anyway.. But why trade your house for the weekend for a place that is basically the same as what you have at home and pay 20,30 quid for the privilege.. Beats me... We just get in van, after looking at map and possible stopping places, then do it personally we don't really feel the need to sit next to others worrying if the dogs are annoying our neighbours.... Hey don't post moany things here what the point. Where we are today there are 2 other m. H. I've waved etc. And normally have a chat if the need arises responsible dog owners pickup poo others don't.. I leave no rubbish wen I leave but a lot don't but guess wat I pick theirs up as I don't want to leave it to come back next time and find it sti in same place. If we want to make a better place to live in let's teach our kids to be good citizens....
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pepe63 - 2019-09-25 7:03 PM


Judging by Colin1325's response on the "..anyone else getting fed up.." thread, he appears to be peeved at people daring to criticise dog/dog owners...


So did his scenarios above "actually" happen to..?


If they did, he's not very good at choosing/judging his camping locations (lol)

yep. Caught out lol but why pay god knows how much to get wat your mh already has?? I guess birds of a feather! I was just carrying on with the let's have a moan about the dog lovers theme... Trust me I've been and stayed at the hotels where you can't get any sleep till they've had enough to drink and the camp sites where no one's happy unless they're falling over... I didn't start the thread about we've had enough of dog brigade.. If people don't like dogs and the rest simple don't pay stupid money to go to those places.. Course I don't mean that as I enjoy the quiet places that we stay at on our travels... We did pull in once to a posh place on the way to Aber. About 10 years ago then we saw nightly charge 25 quid and quickly pulled out.... Do u think there is a smack of the upper classes not wanting to mix with us lower class chaps lol

Daring to critisize yeah whatever..

There are good and bad dog owners and there r people that just don't like dogs... Well behaved or otherwise,, or the type of people who have dogs...



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Join the Camping and Caravan Club , regulated sites , no noise or vehicle movement after 11 pm,20 foot rule between vans and awnings, same applies to the weekend rallies and temporary holiday sites, or if you want to be super regulated join the Caravan Club., I have been a CCC member for 34 years , best in my opinion, I do prefer wild camping , and do that most of my time when in Europe, so much easier, if you do not like your neighbors activities, just move somewhere else, works for me.



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Guest pelmetman
vindiboy - 2019-09-27 10:45 AM


Join the Camping and Caravan Club , regulated sites , no noise or vehicle movement after 11 pm,20 foot rule between vans and awnings, same applies to the weekend rallies and temporary holiday sites, or if you want to be super regulated join the Caravan Club., I have been a CCC member for 34 years , best in my opinion, I do prefer wild camping , and do that most of my time when in Europe, so much easier, if you do not like your neighbors activities, just move somewhere else, works for me. OOPPS double post, red wine rules hee hee.


Just spent 6 weeks on two CCC sites (Polstead & St Neots)...........


Have to say they have come along way since we last used one 10 years ago ;-) ...........


I prefer them to the regimented CC :D ........



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david lloyd - 2019-09-27 3:11 PM


We are members of both main clubs and often use CL/CS and temporary holiday sites but one thing we don't like much at CCC main sites is being allocated a pitch rather than choose.




Unless the site is absolutely full we have never, ever, been refused when we asked to change from the allocated pitch to one we fancy more.

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david lloyd - 2019-09-27 4:12 PM


That's good to hear - we will have to be more forward in future and ask for a choice.




On the positive side, you can park in your allocated place and then , if you don’t like it, walk off and find something better. If you are not allocated a pitch and there is no- where close to reception to park, you then have to drive round looking for somewhere. On bigger, busier sites with complicated one- way systems, this can take ages, especially if you arrive with several others and there are caravans backing in and blocking the road while they unhitch.

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