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Happy Clappy Corbyn!...........

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-10-30 8:34 AM



Very apt ;-) ..........


Labour do need to "CHANGE" Corbyn if they ever want a cat in hell's chance of ever being elected again >:-) ..........


Fortunately you dumb ar*e Corbynites have left it TOOOOOooooooo late (lol) (lol) (lol) ........



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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-10-30 11:57 AM


Well this campaign has started well



Like Corbyn would spend money on UK police :-| ...........


He'll spend money investigating NI police for crimes against the IRA *-) .......



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pelmetman - 2019-10-30 2:04 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-10-30 11:57 AM


Well this campaign has started well



Like Corbyn would spend money on UK police :-| ...........


He'll spend money investigating NI police for crimes against the IRA *-) .......



Actually a high profile ex copper on another forum you used to frequent just told us all that the Police always did better under Labour than the Tories and he's a Tory voter. Dunno if he is right but ill take his word for it.

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Barryd999 - 2019-10-30 4:16 PM


pelmetman - 2019-10-30 2:04 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-10-30 11:57 AM


Well this campaign has started well



Like Corbyn would spend money on UK police :-| ...........


He'll spend money investigating NI police for crimes against the IRA *-) .......



Actually a high profile ex copper on another forum you used to frequent just told us all that the Police always did better under Labour than the Tories and he's a Tory voter. Dunno if he is right but ill take his word for it.


Seem to remember you saying sumat like "it makes no difference" when I told you a close relative worked in human trafficking few days ago ??? ... Now all of a sudden because you hear sumat you like off someone else you "take his word for it" ... Strange princess

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Barryd999 - 2019-10-30 4:16 PM




Actually a high profile ex copper on another forum you used to frequent just told us all that the Police always did better under Labour than the Tories and he's a Tory voter.





To be fair to the Tories, they have promised to recruit twenty thousand new, raw recruit policemen over the next few years to replace the twenty thousand experienced policemen they god rid of in the last few years.



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malc d - 2019-10-30 4:25 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-10-30 4:16 PM




Actually a high profile ex copper on another forum you used to frequent just told us all that the Police always did better under Labour than the Tories and he's a Tory voter.





To be fair to the Tories, they have promised to recruit twenty thousand new, raw recruit policemen over the next few years to replace the twenty thousand experienced policemen they god rid of in the last few years.




Its actually 21,700 experienced officers, so even now we are not getting the same number of rookies back - and besides there aren't the resources to vet the new officers! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47073883

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-10-30 4:16 PM


pelmetman - 2019-10-30 2:04 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-10-30 11:57 AM


Well this campaign has started well



Like Corbyn would spend money on UK police :-| ...........


He'll spend money investigating NI police for crimes against the IRA *-) .......



Actually a high profile ex copper on another forum you used to frequent just told us all that the Police always did better under Labour than the Tories and he's a Tory voter. Dunno if he is right but ill take his word for it.


Because of the time lag behind government policy and implementation *-) .........


BTW.......We were very friendly with a high profile ex met copper when we lived in Lincolnshire ;-) .......


He was Gay as a 9 Bob note perhaps you're insider knows him? :D .......


He retired and got into flower arranging in which he was very adept without doubt B-) .......


Also a natural when it came to working the neighbours ;-) ..........


He got me to deliver his flower arrangements in my Fanny :D ......


To Lincoln Cathedral ;-) .......



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Fast Pat - 2019-10-30 11:57 AM


Well this campaign has started well


Susanna Reid was absolutely correct.....with both her figures and facts. Hancock was being disingenuous pretending they are "putting 20,000 officers more". What he should have said is "we are putting back what we cut". Also that figure is over a three year period, some police stations have been closed down and they lack instructors. But Johnson has mislead the public over this before after a leaked Downing street memo showed their intention to recruit from the frontline.


Boris Johnson’s pledge to recruit 20,000 new police officers will fail to undo the damage caused by years of Conservative budget cuts, senior officers have warned. Even if achieved, it would still fall short of the 21,000 officers lost since 2010 – and there are no plans to reverse the separate decline of 15,000 police staff, which has resulted in officers being dragged into back office and administrative duties.


Between March 2010 and March 2018, police forces in England and Wales lost 21,732 officers - a drop of 15%, according to Home Office figures. These cuts came as part of austerity measures brought in by the Conservative and coalition governments from 2010.





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pelmetman - 2019-10-30 10:15 AM


Fast Pat - 2019-10-30 8:34 AM



Very apt ;-) ..........


Labour do need to "CHANGE" Corbyn if they ever want a cat in hell's chance of ever being elected again >:-) ..........


Fortunately you dumb ar*e Corbynites have left it TOOOOOooooooo late (lol) (lol) (lol) ........


Although I would not have expressed this sentiment in the same manner I am inclined to agree with you Dave.

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Guest pelmetman
Violet1956 - 2019-10-30 5:09 PM


pelmetman - 2019-10-30 10:15 AM


Fast Pat - 2019-10-30 8:34 AM



Very apt ;-) ..........


Labour do need to "CHANGE" Corbyn if they ever want a cat in hell's chance of ever being elected again >:-) ..........


Fortunately you dumb ar*e Corbynites have left it TOOOOOooooooo late (lol) (lol) (lol) ........


Although I would not have expressed this sentiment in the same manner I am inclined to agree with you Dave.


Well I'll go to the foot of our stairs 8-) .........


There's hope for you yet Veronica :D ...........



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