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The Bulls**tting Begins


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I suppose that blatant lying by politicians started long before Donald Trump and his blunderbuss "fake news" dismissal of anything unfavourable to him but the practice of making false or thinly based claims of sculduggery by political opponents and over-hyped claims for the policies they are promoting seems to have become shamelessly prevalent these days. It matters only how much attention you can get for your sound bites of false claims which matters, on the grounds that the people you are aiming at will want to believe stuff like that. Jeremy Corbyn's claim that the Conservatives are going to sell the NHS to Amercian Pharma seems to me to be pretty baseless but some will swallow it.


Are we going to be able to believe anything which any of the politicians say in the run up to this election? Even when they are retiring from the scene they can't stop themselves spinning things their way when there is personal advantage in doing so.


Nicky Morgan, for example, claims the PM asked her to stand again as a Conservative candidate, when what he more likely did was ask her whether she, having rebelled, would toe the line in future, which would be prerequisite to standing as a Conservative again - to which she presumably gave an evasive or conditional reply, so he decided not to return the Conservative whip to her with the others, which ruined her re-election prospects in her already fairly marginal seat. Boris now gets to put a more loyal Conservative candidate into the contest and Nicky Morgan will have to wait until the political winds shifts again before standing for reelection.


No one in politics is indispensible and political death isn't always for ever. Politicians, by definition, seem to have to be shameless liars.

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Well seems like we might be getting rid of a lot of those "bulls**tting" MPs though before the election even begins ... Most of em are Remoaner MPs of course who've spent the last 3 years dreaming up treacherous ways to blob on Brexit but now of course they have to face the public they blobbed on it seems their guts have run out and they have bottled it ... In years to come we'll look back on this period with great shame that we allowed a handful of weasels like them to delay and attempt to overturn the biggest vote in our history ... 2020 is guna be a great year ... KAGA xx
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StuartO - 2019-10-31 10:56 AM


I suppose that blatant lying by politicians started long before Donald Trump and his blunderbuss "fake news" dismissal of anything unfavourable to him but the practice of making false or thinly based claims of sculduggery by political opponents and over-hyped claims for the policies they are promoting seems to have become shamelessly prevalent these days. It matters only how much attention you can get for your sound bites of false claims which matters, on the grounds that the people you are aiming at will want to believe stuff like that. Jeremy Corbyn's claim that the Conservatives are going to sell the NHS to Amercian Pharma seems to me to be pretty baseless but some will swallow it.

All the silly soundbites the cultists learned to parrot are a direct US import which has turned British politics into a farcical circus with Johnson as our own mini Trump. It's a sideshow which appeals to those who want to be entertained rather than informed.


Regards the US pharma and NHS, Dispatches ran a good documentary about that three days ago. I'd urge you to watch if you missed it.



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Bulletguy - 2019-10-31 1:12 PM


StuartO - 2019-10-31 10:56 AM


I suppose that blatant lying by politicians started long before Donald Trump and his blunderbuss "fake news" dismissal of anything unfavourable to him but the practice of making false or thinly based claims of sculduggery by political opponents and over-hyped claims for the policies they are promoting seems to have become shamelessly prevalent these days. It matters only how much attention you can get for your sound bites of false claims which matters, on the grounds that the people you are aiming at will want to believe stuff like that. Jeremy Corbyn's claim that the Conservatives are going to sell the NHS to Amercian Pharma seems to me to be pretty baseless but some will swallow it.

All the silly soundbites the cultists learned to parrot are a direct US import which has turned British politics into a farcical circus with Johnson as our own mini Trump. It's a sideshow which appeals to those who want to be entertained rather than informed.


Regards the US pharma and NHS, Dispatches ran a good documentary about that three days ago. I'd urge you to watch if you missed it.




Seconded. The first step is going to be the Americans massively upping the prices of our Drugs in any trade deal costing us an extra £500 million a week. Its not just Corbyn thats being discussing the Americans controlling our Pharmo and taking over the NHS. Many of us have been mentioning it for yonks as have other key politicians. Farage is even on the record suggesting it as are some Tory politicians in the past. Its no secret that this is what they have been working towards for years. Now they have the perfect opportunity.

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-10-31 3:16 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-10-31 1:12 PM


StuartO - 2019-10-31 10:56 AM


I suppose that blatant lying by politicians started long before Donald Trump and his blunderbuss "fake news" dismissal of anything unfavourable to him but the practice of making false or thinly based claims of sculduggery by political opponents and over-hyped claims for the policies they are promoting seems to have become shamelessly prevalent these days. It matters only how much attention you can get for your sound bites of false claims which matters, on the grounds that the people you are aiming at will want to believe stuff like that. Jeremy Corbyn's claim that the Conservatives are going to sell the NHS to Amercian Pharma seems to me to be pretty baseless but some will swallow it.

All the silly soundbites the cultists learned to parrot are a direct US import which has turned British politics into a farcical circus with Johnson as our own mini Trump. It's a sideshow which appeals to those who want to be entertained rather than informed.


Regards the US pharma and NHS, Dispatches ran a good documentary about that three days ago. I'd urge you to watch if you missed it.




Seconded. The first step is going to be the Americans massively upping the prices of our Drugs in any trade deal costing us an extra £500 million a week. Its not just Corbyn thats being discussing the Americans controlling our Pharmo and taking over the NHS. Many of us have been mentioning it for yonks as have other key politicians. Farage is even on the record suggesting it as are some Tory politicians in the past. Its no secret that this is what they have been working towards for years. Now they have the perfect opportunity.


A trade deal doesn't mean you have to buy their stuff ;-) ..........


So I doubt they'll be able up the prices as you doom mongers are alleging *-) ..........

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pelmetman - 2019-10-31 3:26 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-10-31 3:16 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-10-31 1:12 PM


StuartO - 2019-10-31 10:56 AM


I suppose that blatant lying by politicians started long before Donald Trump and his blunderbuss "fake news" dismissal of anything unfavourable to him but the practice of making false or thinly based claims of sculduggery by political opponents and over-hyped claims for the policies they are promoting seems to have become shamelessly prevalent these days. It matters only how much attention you can get for your sound bites of false claims which matters, on the grounds that the people you are aiming at will want to believe stuff like that. Jeremy Corbyn's claim that the Conservatives are going to sell the NHS to Amercian Pharma seems to me to be pretty baseless but some will swallow it.

All the silly soundbites the cultists learned to parrot are a direct US import which has turned British politics into a farcical circus with Johnson as our own mini Trump. It's a sideshow which appeals to those who want to be entertained rather than informed.


Regards the US pharma and NHS, Dispatches ran a good documentary about that three days ago. I'd urge you to watch if you missed it.




Seconded. The first step is going to be the Americans massively upping the prices of our Drugs in any trade deal costing us an extra £500 million a week. Its not just Corbyn thats being discussing the Americans controlling our Pharmo and taking over the NHS. Many of us have been mentioning it for yonks as have other key politicians. Farage is even on the record suggesting it as are some Tory politicians in the past. Its no secret that this is what they have been working towards for years. Now they have the perfect opportunity.


A trade deal doesn't mean you have to buy their stuff ;-) ..........


So I doubt they'll be able up the prices as you doom mongers are alleging *-) ..........


Ffs try watching the programme, we already buy the drugs from them as they're the only supplier. Trumps issue is that we "don't pay enough for them", the drugs actually cost American people more than the NHS pays, currently.

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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-10-31 6:40 PM


pelmetman - 2019-10-31 3:26 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-10-31 3:16 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-10-31 1:12 PM


StuartO - 2019-10-31 10:56 AM


I suppose that blatant lying by politicians started long before Donald Trump and his blunderbuss "fake news" dismissal of anything unfavourable to him but the practice of making false or thinly based claims of sculduggery by political opponents and over-hyped claims for the policies they are promoting seems to have become shamelessly prevalent these days. It matters only how much attention you can get for your sound bites of false claims which matters, on the grounds that the people you are aiming at will want to believe stuff like that. Jeremy Corbyn's claim that the Conservatives are going to sell the NHS to Amercian Pharma seems to me to be pretty baseless but some will swallow it.

All the silly soundbites the cultists learned to parrot are a direct US import which has turned British politics into a farcical circus with Johnson as our own mini Trump. It's a sideshow which appeals to those who want to be entertained rather than informed.


Regards the US pharma and NHS, Dispatches ran a good documentary about that three days ago. I'd urge you to watch if you missed it.




Seconded. The first step is going to be the Americans massively upping the prices of our Drugs in any trade deal costing us an extra £500 million a week. Its not just Corbyn thats being discussing the Americans controlling our Pharmo and taking over the NHS. Many of us have been mentioning it for yonks as have other key politicians. Farage is even on the record suggesting it as are some Tory politicians in the past. Its no secret that this is what they have been working towards for years. Now they have the perfect opportunity.


A trade deal doesn't mean you have to buy their stuff ;-) ..........


So I doubt they'll be able up the prices as you doom mongers are alleging *-) ..........


Ffs try watching the programme, we already buy the drugs from them as they're the only supplier. Trumps issue is that we "don't pay enough for them", the drugs actually cost American people more than the NHS pays, currently.


So do they overcharge the EU? ;-) ...........

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pelmetman - 2019-10-31 6:55 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-10-31 6:40 PM


pelmetman - 2019-10-31 3:26 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-10-31 3:16 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-10-31 1:12 PM


StuartO - 2019-10-31 10:56 AM


I suppose that blatant lying by politicians started long before Donald Trump and his blunderbuss "fake news" dismissal of anything unfavourable to him but the practice of making false or thinly based claims of sculduggery by political opponents and over-hyped claims for the policies they are promoting seems to have become shamelessly prevalent these days. It matters only how much attention you can get for your sound bites of false claims which matters, on the grounds that the people you are aiming at will want to believe stuff like that. Jeremy Corbyn's claim that the Conservatives are going to sell the NHS to Amercian Pharma seems to me to be pretty baseless but some will swallow it.

All the silly soundbites the cultists learned to parrot are a direct US import which has turned British politics into a farcical circus with Johnson as our own mini Trump. It's a sideshow which appeals to those who want to be entertained rather than informed.


Regards the US pharma and NHS, Dispatches ran a good documentary about that three days ago. I'd urge you to watch if you missed it.




Seconded. The first step is going to be the Americans massively upping the prices of our Drugs in any trade deal costing us an extra £500 million a week. Its not just Corbyn thats being discussing the Americans controlling our Pharmo and taking over the NHS. Many of us have been mentioning it for yonks as have other key politicians. Farage is even on the record suggesting it as are some Tory politicians in the past. Its no secret that this is what they have been working towards for years. Now they have the perfect opportunity.


A trade deal doesn't mean you have to buy their stuff ;-) ..........


So I doubt they'll be able up the prices as you doom mongers are alleging *-) ..........


Ffs try watching the programme, we already buy the drugs from them as they're the only supplier. Trumps issue is that we "don't pay enough for them", the drugs actually cost American people more than the NHS pays, currently.


So do they overcharge the EU? ;-) ...........


No Dave, they will be as cheap as chips in the EU.


We better stay in then. :-(


Edited to add ... none of my drugs are from the USA.

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Guest pelmetman
747 - 2019-10-31 7:19 PM


pelmetman - 2019-10-31 6:55 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-10-31 6:40 PM


pelmetman - 2019-10-31 3:26 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-10-31 3:16 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-10-31 1:12 PM


StuartO - 2019-10-31 10:56 AM


I suppose that blatant lying by politicians started long before Donald Trump and his blunderbuss "fake news" dismissal of anything unfavourable to him but the practice of making false or thinly based claims of sculduggery by political opponents and over-hyped claims for the policies they are promoting seems to have become shamelessly prevalent these days. It matters only how much attention you can get for your sound bites of false claims which matters, on the grounds that the people you are aiming at will want to believe stuff like that. Jeremy Corbyn's claim that the Conservatives are going to sell the NHS to Amercian Pharma seems to me to be pretty baseless but some will swallow it.

All the silly soundbites the cultists learned to parrot are a direct US import which has turned British politics into a farcical circus with Johnson as our own mini Trump. It's a sideshow which appeals to those who want to be entertained rather than informed.


Regards the US pharma and NHS, Dispatches ran a good documentary about that three days ago. I'd urge you to watch if you missed it.




Seconded. The first step is going to be the Americans massively upping the prices of our Drugs in any trade deal costing us an extra £500 million a week. Its not just Corbyn thats being discussing the Americans controlling our Pharmo and taking over the NHS. Many of us have been mentioning it for yonks as have other key politicians. Farage is even on the record suggesting it as are some Tory politicians in the past. Its no secret that this is what they have been working towards for years. Now they have the perfect opportunity.


A trade deal doesn't mean you have to buy their stuff ;-) ..........


So I doubt they'll be able up the prices as you doom mongers are alleging *-) ..........


Ffs try watching the programme, we already buy the drugs from them as they're the only supplier. Trumps issue is that we "don't pay enough for them", the drugs actually cost American people more than the NHS pays, currently.


So do they overcharge the EU? ;-) ...........


No Dave, they will be as cheap as chips in the EU.


We better stay in then. :-(


Edited to add ... none of my drugs are from the USA.


Problem sorted ;-) ...........


Just import them via the EU :D ...........



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