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Greggs "bonus" to the government!


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FunsterJohn - 2020-01-22 10:36 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-01-22 11:17 PM


FunsterJohn - 2020-01-22 10:09 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-01-22 10:53 PM


FunsterJohn - 2020-01-22 9:37 PM


From a proper news source, the BBC article actually listed by Bulletlie.

And from the same 'proper news source'.....but the bit Freaky Frank prefers to ignore about the DWP. *-)


Even more waffle. Where have I ever denied that some employees will only get £75?


I ask again. Where does the DWP or anyone else for that matter confirm that MOST Greggs' employees fall into this category?


Stop diverting and obfuscating and back up that claim.

Ok i get that you're now purposely trolling as i'd posted the BBC link on my third post almost TWO HOURS ago yet you're still being your usual obtuse self over one word which was corrected long back. Now wind yer neck back in and get a cold shower. *-)



From the very beginning all I have ever done is asked you to back up your claim that MOST Greggs' employees are on UC and will get a fraction of their bonus...

Second post in over THREE HOURS back when you went on the attack to accuse me of "claiming most" to which i replied, "I didn't claim it.......i quoted from the damn article you dummy". Here it is, in black and white; "There’s just one problem: most of these people are on Universal Credit and any bonuses they receive will be subtracted from their benefit payments in the future."


Got it now? Has it finally sunk in yet? I did not "claim it".....i quoted verbatim from the original linked article. *-)


I then linked the BBC report on my third post in for more balance and went on to highlight in follow up posts, more times than i care to remember, including a screenshot, "That means that the £300 bonus would only have left them £75.48 better off. We spoke to the Department for Work and Pensions about these figures. They told us there were Greggs employees who would be in that situation, but not all of them." Got that bit now?? I've re-posted that bolded quote often enough yet you've still continued trolling away with your silly pedantry.


I don't give a flying fig about your nocturnal habits and neither do i care a jot where you are.....but am sick to death of your obtuse bullish sanctimonious arrogance you bring to this forum each time you post.


Now.......for the third time, i'd appreciate an answer to MY question to you, What percentage of people on UC should have their £300 bonuses taken away in order to meet your 'approval'? Greggs employ 20,000. Johnson kicked up a stink about bankers having their bonuses capped....but isn't interested in pastry shop workers. The Tories keep telling us that UC is all about making work pay; so if somebody works overtime/hard enough to get a bonus yet aren't noticeably better off at the end of the month, then work isn't paying is it?

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Bulletguy - 2020-01-23 12:42 AM


Socialist waffle and whataboutery deleted.


There’s just one problem: most of these people are on Universal Credit and any bonuses they receive will be subtracted from their benefit payments in the future."



You quoted from a leftie blog that appears to have taken its 'truth' from a Twitter post and have since ignored every article and comment from the BBC and other sources, including the biggest union involved. All of these sources state clearly that no one knows the number of Greggs' staff on UC. But that suits your narrative doesn't it, of downtrodden workers being screwed by a filthy capitalist and an uncaring Tory government?


Fact - only 7% of all workers are on Universal Credit. That's 2.3 million out of over 32 million. Greggs is a massive firm with a huge range of employees. Senior managers, middle managers, junior managers, clerical and admin staff, personnel managers, marketing and advertising staff, warehouse workers, bakers and food technologists, drivers, shopfitters, electricians, IT specialists and, at the sharp end, retail assistants.


In the UK only 7% of workers are on UC but in Greggs, a company with a diverse range of staff, you believe that MOST are on UC! Only a small number of workers qualify for UC. If you're a shop assistant working a few hours a week to bolster the family income you won't qualify.


Do you actually understand how UC works? If workers earn more than the limit they then lose a proportion of the UC for each pound over. Should we continue to pay UC if someone's salary goes up considerably or they move to a higher paid job? There's a threshold and if it's exceeded by a wage increase or a one-off bonus then the rule applies. Apart from which this is a bonus from a generous employer, who had no need to do it. Many shop staff will get the entire £300 tax free because they're not on UC and earn under the income tax threshold, a threshold raised massively by the horrible Tories. Many will pay the standard rate of income tax. But even if those on UC find that it takes them over the threshold, they'll still get £75 and upwards. How many will be exactly at the UC limit where the entire £300 is subject? That would be one hell of a coincidence.


So a tiny number will only get £75, so what? It's still £75 they weren't expecting. Don't be so ungrateful.



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FunsterJohn - 2020-01-23 10:28 AM


Bulletguy - 2020-01-23 12:42 AM


Socialist waffle and whataboutery deleted.


There’s just one problem: most of these people are on Universal Credit and any bonuses they receive will be subtracted from their benefit payments in the future."



You quoted from a leftie blog that appears to have taken its 'truth' from a Twitter post and have since ignored every article and comment from the BBC......

Rubbish. I posted the BBC link third post including quoting from it. *-)


In the UK only 7% of workers are on UC......

37% of UC claimants are in employment according to the DWP.



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Bulletguy - 2020-01-23 3:52 PM


FunsterJohn - 2020-01-23 10:28 AM


Bulletguy - 2020-01-23 12:42 AM


Socialist waffle and whataboutery deleted.


There’s just one problem: most of these people are on Universal Credit and any bonuses they receive will be subtracted from their benefit payments in the future."



You quoted from a leftie blog that appears to have taken its 'truth' from a Twitter post and have since ignored every article and comment from the BBC......

Rubbish. I posted the BBC link third post including quoting from it. *-)


In the UK only 7% of workers are on UC......

37% of UC claimants are in employment according to the DWP.




Thank you for strengthening my argument. Very kind of you.


That 37% means that only 760,000 working people out of 32 million are on Universal credit. Mmm, hardly millions of downtrodden exploited workers all being screwed by the evil Tories and greedy capitalists.


That equates to just over two percent of all workers, yet you fell for the brainless nonsense that MOST of Greggs' workers are on UC. Most means at least 51%, so according to you and your Socialist brainboxes, Greggs has twenty times more workers on UC than the national average. Good thinking!



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FunsterJohn - 2020-01-23 3:54 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-01-23 3:52 PM


FunsterJohn - 2020-01-23 10:28 AM


Bulletguy - 2020-01-23 12:42 AM


Socialist waffle and whataboutery deleted.


There’s just one problem: most of these people are on Universal Credit and any bonuses they receive will be subtracted from their benefit payments in the future."



You quoted from a leftie blog that appears to have taken its 'truth' from a Twitter post and have since ignored every article and comment from the BBC......

Rubbish. I posted the BBC link third post including quoting from it. *-)


In the UK only 7% of workers are on UC......

37% of UC claimants are in employment according to the DWP.




Thank you for strengthening my argument. Very kind of you.


That 37% means that only 760,000 working people out of 32 million are on Universal credit. Mmm, hardly millions of downtrodden exploited workers all being screwed by the evil Tories and greedy capitalists.

It doesn't strengthen your argument at all.....it just shows your lack of empathy and strengthens your self-centred 'i'm alright Jack fcuk them' attitude. You think it's the way forward to keep low income earners down and make sure they 'know their place' whilst Johnson and his cronies wail about 'poor' bankers bonuses being capped? No need to answer that.....your attitude speaks volumes.


That equates to just over two percent of all workers, yet you fell for the brainless nonsense that MOST of Greggs' workers.........

Why are you still regurgitating this when i'd already linked and repeatedly quoted the BBC article yesterday? You boasted to an fm on here you are "clever and educated" yet you're very slow on the uptake.

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Bulletguy - 2020-01-23 6:11 PM


FunsterJohn - 2020-01-23 3:54 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-01-23 3:52 PM


FunsterJohn - 2020-01-23 10:28 AM


Bulletguy - 2020-01-23 12:42 AM


Socialist waffle and whataboutery deleted.


There’s just one problem: most of these people are on Universal Credit and any bonuses they receive will be subtracted from their benefit payments in the future."



You quoted from a leftie blog that appears to have taken its 'truth' from a Twitter post and have since ignored every article and comment from the BBC......

Rubbish. I posted the BBC link third post including quoting from it. *-)


In the UK only 7% of workers are on UC......

37% of UC claimants are in employment according to the DWP.




Thank you for strengthening my argument. Very kind of you.


That 37% means that only 760,000 working people out of 32 million are on Universal credit. Mmm, hardly millions of downtrodden exploited workers all being screwed by the evil Tories and greedy capitalists.

It doesn't strengthen your argument at all.....it just shows your lack of empathy and strengthens your self-centred 'i'm alright Jack fcuk them' attitude. You think it's the way forward to keep low income earners down and make sure they 'know their place' whilst Johnson and his cronies wail about 'poor' bankers bonuses being capped? No need to answer that.....your attitude speaks volumes.


That equates to just over two percent of all workers, yet you fell for the brainless nonsense that MOST of Greggs' workers.........

Why are you still regurgitating this when i'd already linked and repeatedly quoted the BBC article yesterday? You boasted to an fm on here you are "clever and educated" yet you're very slow on the uptake.


Haha! Good try. Of course it strengthens my argument you clown. It proves that only just over two percent of workers are on UC so the claim that MOST of Greggs ' employees are on UC is obviously total b*llocks.


And where did you ever accept that your original claim was nonsense and that your source was a total lie? Did I miss that sentence?

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FunsterJohn - 2020-01-23 5:19 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-01-23 6:11 PM


FunsterJohn - 2020-01-23 3:54 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-01-23 3:52 PM


FunsterJohn - 2020-01-23 10:28 AM


Bulletguy - 2020-01-23 12:42 AM


Socialist waffle and whataboutery deleted.


There’s just one problem: most of these people are on Universal Credit and any bonuses they receive will be subtracted from their benefit payments in the future."



You quoted from a leftie blog that appears to have taken its 'truth' from a Twitter post and have since ignored every article and comment from the BBC......

Rubbish. I posted the BBC link third post including quoting from it. *-)


In the UK only 7% of workers are on UC......

37% of UC claimants are in employment according to the DWP.




Thank you for strengthening my argument. Very kind of you.


That 37% means that only 760,000 working people out of 32 million are on Universal credit. Mmm, hardly millions of downtrodden exploited workers all being screwed by the evil Tories and greedy capitalists.

It doesn't strengthen your argument at all.....it just shows your lack of empathy and strengthens your self-centred 'i'm alright Jack fcuk them' attitude. You think it's the way forward to keep low income earners down and make sure they 'know their place' whilst Johnson and his cronies wail about 'poor' bankers bonuses being capped? No need to answer that.....your attitude speaks volumes.


That equates to just over two percent of all workers, yet you fell for the brainless nonsense that MOST of Greggs' workers.........

Why are you still regurgitating this when i'd already linked and repeatedly quoted the BBC article yesterday? You boasted to an fm on here you are "clever and educated" yet you're very slow on the uptake.


Haha! Good try. Of course it strengthens my argument you clown. It proves that only just over two percent of workers are on UC so the claim that MOST of Greggs ' employees are on UC is obviously total b*llocks.

No it doesn't, it just shows you up for what you are.....and you're beginning to sound like an old worn out 78 record with the needle stuck. *-)


And where did you ever accept that your original claim was nonsense and that your source was a total lie? Did I miss that sentence?

Seriously you need to wind your neck back in....you brag on here you're "clever and better educated" yet this shows really you're totally thick as mince. I QUOTED that from article so it wasn't my "claim". Do you know what quote means? I've even stated God knows how many times yet you're so damn thick you STILL can't grasp it. Do you even understand 'copy and paste' procedure? i don't think you do but it's basic computing stuff. *-)

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Bulletguy - 2020-01-23 7:59 PM


Thank you for strengthening my argument. Very kind of you.


That 37% means that only 760,000 working people out of 32 million are on Universal credit. Mmm, hardly millions of downtrodden exploited workers all being screwed by the evil Tories and greedy capitalists.




It doesn't strengthen your argument at all.....it just shows your lack of empathy and strengthens your self-centred 'i'm alright Jack fcuk them' attitude. You think it's the way forward to keep low income earners down and make sure they 'know their place' whilst Johnson and his cronies wail about 'poor' bankers bonuses being capped? No need to answer that.....your attitude speaks volumes.



And that really does show your debating skills, how thick you are, and how you just obfuscate when you're on the ropes. I point out to you that, as only 7% of people are on UC, it is obvious that very few workers at Greggs will be on UC. You kindly point out that of the 7% only a small proportion are actually in employment. That figure is actually 760,000 workers. Therefore as it's now just over 2% of all workers who are on UC it figures that the number of Greggs' workers who will be on UC is even lower! Yep, that's my argument strengthened somewhat!


Your answer to this? Nothing, because you have nothing. All we get is the usual leftist whinging about my empathy and keeping down the poor exploited workers.


Just for once, instead of the usual Corbyn-style ranting, explain to me why you haven't strengthened my argument by highlighting the fact that it's just over 2% of all workers that are on Universal Credit?


You're good at finance. If I remember you're the expert who claimed that Jacob-Rees Mogg has a hedge fund and that he's moved his firm to Ireland. That would be the JRM who has nothing to do with hedge funds, has never moved his base from London and is a minority shareholder with no control over the firm. Yep, really intelligent financial expert aren't you?


Now put your tiny brain to work and try to guess how many, out of Greggs' 20,000 staff, are on UC. Here's a clue, only 2.4% of all workers are on UC.


Finally, from your third post on here, when I and another questioned your readiness to believe some leftie blog that MOST Greggs' workers are on UC, you wrote:


'SM is alive with varying threads on it Colin....they can't all be wrong.'


Turns out they were.


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