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Johnson on the ropes


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Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 7:09 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-02-13 7:01 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 5:48 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-02-13 5:42 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 5:25 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 5:19 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 4:55 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 4:05 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 3:16 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 2:42 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 1:34 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 12:40 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 12:18 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 11:06 AM


lets not get caught up in defending or slating Corbyn, the message is whats important. Mission Hostile Britain is well and truly under way now. It seems its not just if your black or brown either.


this poor sod is white so maybe it was a mistake. Either way he is now stateless and homeless and unable to return home to the UK and his life. Its disgusting.





You mean "lets not get caught up defending or slating Corbyn" because you have no defence ??? even though you voted for him ... You know that "Mission hostile Britain" you mention you forgot to mention the folk who are at the thick end of it more than any other here in Britain , Jews ... Und guess who heads a party to blame for much of it ???


No. I mean dont shoot the messenger. Corbyn is right with his message. The Jews are at the thick end of it? Can you show me examples of Jews being thrown out of the UK who have British Citizenship? Ive yet to see any real evidence of fully blown racism towards the Jews anyway but this is just more whataboutery. There is however a raft of evidence of a rise in racism towards anyone who is remotely foreign in this country now endorsed by the hostile environment this government has created. Of that there is no doubt.



So your "mission hostile Britain" doesnt count Jews then just because they havent for all we know been "thrown out of the UK" ... You link one fella and thats your "mission hostile Britain" then ??? ... How much more "mission hostile Britain" do you want ... https://www.israelhayom.com/2019/11/04/almost-50-of-jews-in-uk-say-will-leave-if-labours-corbyn-wins-general-elections/ ... Double the hate crimes than the previous year https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/hate-crimes-against-jews-more-than-double-in-a-year-1.490103 but it doesnt count as "mission hostile Britain"because its your boyfriend , the fella that you voted for and campaigned for thats caused much of it ... You should be ashamed pointing fingers at others and trying to score points when youve gone along with that


Ah right! So now you acknowledge a huge spike in hate crime after you spent years rubbishing it. Now its true because Jews are included. Ive still not seen any real evidence of what these so called hate crimes and racism against Jews entails. A real example. Ive seen plenty against Muslims, Europeans and Black and Asian people but nothing against the Jews. Please enlighten me. Im not saying it doesnt happen but Ive just genuinely not seen any evidence.


Your being very , very silly ... https://cst.org.uk/public/data/file/a/b/IR17.pdf ... Can you tell me in any UK election in living memory where 50% of those asked from a certain religious background said they would leave the country if a certain political party came to power ??? ... Ill give you a clue , the election was just a couple of months ago and you voted for and campaigned for the vile anti-Semitic party and its terrorist loving leader ... Shame on ya


What does that prove? All I saw was one example of a vile text from someones phone by the looks of it. Im not saying it doesnt happen but Ive just seen very little evidence of it and certainly very little evidence of racist abuse towards Jews from any political party. Lets see some. Labour I believe are generally supportive of the Palestinians so perhaps its more to do with that then them being total racists.


Why do you only come to the defence of the Jews? Why not Muslims, Blacks, Europeans even?


Maybe I just have a little more compassion for Jews given 6 million of them were slaughtered by those nice Germans not that long ago ... Sorry about that


Yes it was horrific and so is any kind of racism regardless if a particular race or religion were the victims of a genocide or ethnic cleansing which of course has gone on for other races in more recent times, even within Europe in the 90s. So for me racism is racism. I dont have a favourite religion or skin colour to defend, nobody should.


There are many examples I could show you of racism in the UK from Polish vermin to Muslims go home etc. Loads in fact but I have honestly struggled to find similar referring to Jews.


So lets get this straight you hate racism but voted for a fella and campaigned for a fella who put flowers on the grave of a racist anti-Semite ??? ... Thats right isnt it ???

And you voted for a "fella" who celebrated the unveiling of a statue to virulently antisemitic and Nazi sympathiser, Nancy Astor Tory MP. *-)


She castrated , tortured and murdered who exactly ???

And that idiotic comment illustrates perfectly your inability to discuss in an adult manner. *-)


You previously condemned Barry for "voting for a fella and campaigned for a fella who put flowers on the grave of a racist anti-Semite", yet YOU voted a "fella" who celebrated the unveiling of a statue to virulently antisemitic and Nazi sympathiser, Nancy Astor Tory MP who despised Jews. Astor was a member of the Cliveden set known for its appeasement of Nazism and sympathy toward fascism. Catholics and homosexuals also came in for her dislike and hatred.


You shot yourself in the foot. I could have taken it to the next stage to include Johnsons known record of racist remarks, Islamophobic and homophobic comments but kept it relevant to show your hypocrisy.


Princess watch ... I dont care for Nancy Astor ... I dont care for Boris as I've said before.

Well Pansy thats not the impression you give on here. If you were posting your support for Corbyn and whoever becomes the next LP leader or applauding topics on the left, that might just be a little bit more convincing....but somehow i doubt you will ever manage that.

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Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 7:11 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-02-13 7:02 PM

I was referring to your mo which has long been well known on here as thats what influences your posts.


Well if its well known I'll ask again to show ... You obviously wont because you cant ... Your grandchildren if ever they looked in would be so proud of old Grandpa not being able to back up his claims ... Make them proud for once

MO defines the manner and style in which an fm posts......hence the reason you were outed so quickly as you couldn't control or moderate your obsession over Muslims. So there is no need for me to "show" what you're well known for on this forum which everyone knows about. Also your childish strop of playing silly games you should have grown out of long ago, as well as your obsession over my young grandchildren which i find pretty sick and disturbing. Go and seek some professional help to find why you need to keep referring to my young grandchildren of whom, thankfully, are well beyond your reach and cared for by mature adult parents. You are a sick fella, seek help.

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Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 7:14 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 6:33 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 5:25 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 5:19 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 4:55 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 4:05 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 3:16 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 2:42 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 1:34 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 12:40 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 12:18 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 11:06 AM


lets not get caught up in defending or slating Corbyn, the message is whats important. Mission Hostile Britain is well and truly under way now. It seems its not just if your black or brown either.


this poor sod is white so maybe it was a mistake. Either way he is now stateless and homeless and unable to return home to the UK and his life. Its disgusting.





You mean "lets not get caught up defending or slating Corbyn" because you have no defence ??? even though you voted for him ... You know that "Mission hostile Britain" you mention you forgot to mention the folk who are at the thick end of it more than any other here in Britain , Jews ... Und guess who heads a party to blame for much of it ???


No. I mean dont shoot the messenger. Corbyn is right with his message. The Jews are at the thick end of it? Can you show me examples of Jews being thrown out of the UK who have British Citizenship? Ive yet to see any real evidence of fully blown racism towards the Jews anyway but this is just more whataboutery. There is however a raft of evidence of a rise in racism towards anyone who is remotely foreign in this country now endorsed by the hostile environment this government has created. Of that there is no doubt.



So your "mission hostile Britain" doesnt count Jews then just because they havent for all we know been "thrown out of the UK" ... You link one fella and thats your "mission hostile Britain" then ??? ... How much more "mission hostile Britain" do you want ... https://www.israelhayom.com/2019/11/04/almost-50-of-jews-in-uk-say-will-leave-if-labours-corbyn-wins-general-elections/ ... Double the hate crimes than the previous year https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/hate-crimes-against-jews-more-than-double-in-a-year-1.490103 but it doesnt count as "mission hostile Britain"because its your boyfriend , the fella that you voted for and campaigned for thats caused much of it ... You should be ashamed pointing fingers at others and trying to score points when youve gone along with that


Ah right! So now you acknowledge a huge spike in hate crime after you spent years rubbishing it. Now its true because Jews are included. Ive still not seen any real evidence of what these so called hate crimes and racism against Jews entails. A real example. Ive seen plenty against Muslims, Europeans and Black and Asian people but nothing against the Jews. Please enlighten me. Im not saying it doesnt happen but Ive just genuinely not seen any evidence.


Your being very , very silly ... https://cst.org.uk/public/data/file/a/b/IR17.pdf ... Can you tell me in any UK election in living memory where 50% of those asked from a certain religious background said they would leave the country if a certain political party came to power ??? ... Ill give you a clue , the election was just a couple of months ago and you voted for and campaigned for the vile anti-Semitic party and its terrorist loving leader ... Shame on ya


What does that prove? All I saw was one example of a vile text from someones phone by the looks of it. Im not saying it doesnt happen but Ive just seen very little evidence of it and certainly very little evidence of racist abuse towards Jews from any political party. Lets see some. Labour I believe are generally supportive of the Palestinians so perhaps its more to do with that then them being total racists.


Why do you only come to the defence of the Jews? Why not Muslims, Blacks, Europeans even?


Maybe I just have a little more compassion for Jews given 6 million of them were slaughtered by those nice Germans not that long ago ... Sorry about that


Yes it was horrific and so is any kind of racism regardless if a particular race or religion were the victims of a genocide or ethnic cleansing which of course has gone on for other races in more recent times, even within Europe in the 90s. So for me racism is racism. I dont have a favourite religion or skin colour to defend, nobody should.


There are many examples I could show you of racism in the UK from Polish vermin to Muslims go home etc. Loads in fact but I have honestly struggled to find similar referring to Jews.


So lets get this straight you hate racism but voted for a fella and campaigned for a fella who put flowers on the grave of a racist anti-Semite ??? ... Thats right isnt it ???


I presume you are talking about Jeremy Corbyn? Nope. I never voted for him or campaigned for him although I dont for a minute believe he is racist or a supporter of terrorism.


You however say you hate racism but voted for an openly racist PM with a party that has a long history of real racism rather than stuff thats been made up by the Sun, Brexpress and Mail.


Still waiting to see some "real" examples of racism towards Jews. See if you can find some from Jezza seeing as you have him down as some kind of terror loving racist. We could have a competition. See who can find the most racist quotes from Johnson and Corbyn.


If I put flowers on the grave of a white supremacist killer I had never met that would mean I supported his murderous actions wouldnt it ??? ... The same applies to your hero ... You voted and campaigned for a fella who rejoiced/rejoices in murder ... The murder of Jews ... You obviously cant deal with it


I have no idea what your on about but not necessarily. Sometimes politicians rub shoulders with soke dodgy folk or do things they maybe should have thought twice about in the name of peace.


I'm not defending Corbyn but you need to find some new sources if news IMO. Corbyn supports terrorism and murder. Give over. Old beardy is some kind of Bond villain! Bet he has a white cat eh? Meanwhile we have a real bond villain running the country. No, not Johnson. He's just his dummy.

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Bulletguy - 2020-02-13 8:08 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 7:09 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-02-13 7:01 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 5:48 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-02-13 5:42 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 5:25 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 5:19 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 4:55 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 4:05 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 3:16 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 2:42 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 1:34 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 12:40 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 12:18 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 11:06 AM


lets not get caught up in defending or slating Corbyn, the message is whats important. Mission Hostile Britain is well and truly under way now. It seems its not just if your black or brown either.


this poor sod is white so maybe it was a mistake. Either way he is now stateless and homeless and unable to return home to the UK and his life. Its disgusting.





You mean "lets not get caught up defending or slating Corbyn" because you have no defence ??? even though you voted for him ... You know that "Mission hostile Britain" you mention you forgot to mention the folk who are at the thick end of it more than any other here in Britain , Jews ... Und guess who heads a party to blame for much of it ???


No. I mean dont shoot the messenger. Corbyn is right with his message. The Jews are at the thick end of it? Can you show me examples of Jews being thrown out of the UK who have British Citizenship? Ive yet to see any real evidence of fully blown racism towards the Jews anyway but this is just more whataboutery. There is however a raft of evidence of a rise in racism towards anyone who is remotely foreign in this country now endorsed by the hostile environment this government has created. Of that there is no doubt.



So your "mission hostile Britain" doesnt count Jews then just because they havent for all we know been "thrown out of the UK" ... You link one fella and thats your "mission hostile Britain" then ??? ... How much more "mission hostile Britain" do you want ... https://www.israelhayom.com/2019/11/04/almost-50-of-jews-in-uk-say-will-leave-if-labours-corbyn-wins-general-elections/ ... Double the hate crimes than the previous year https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/hate-crimes-against-jews-more-than-double-in-a-year-1.490103 but it doesnt count as "mission hostile Britain"because its your boyfriend , the fella that you voted for and campaigned for thats caused much of it ... You should be ashamed pointing fingers at others and trying to score points when youve gone along with that


Ah right! So now you acknowledge a huge spike in hate crime after you spent years rubbishing it. Now its true because Jews are included. Ive still not seen any real evidence of what these so called hate crimes and racism against Jews entails. A real example. Ive seen plenty against Muslims, Europeans and Black and Asian people but nothing against the Jews. Please enlighten me. Im not saying it doesnt happen but Ive just genuinely not seen any evidence.


Your being very , very silly ... https://cst.org.uk/public/data/file/a/b/IR17.pdf ... Can you tell me in any UK election in living memory where 50% of those asked from a certain religious background said they would leave the country if a certain political party came to power ??? ... Ill give you a clue , the election was just a couple of months ago and you voted for and campaigned for the vile anti-Semitic party and its terrorist loving leader ... Shame on ya


What does that prove? All I saw was one example of a vile text from someones phone by the looks of it. Im not saying it doesnt happen but Ive just seen very little evidence of it and certainly very little evidence of racist abuse towards Jews from any political party. Lets see some. Labour I believe are generally supportive of the Palestinians so perhaps its more to do with that then them being total racists.


Why do you only come to the defence of the Jews? Why not Muslims, Blacks, Europeans even?


Maybe I just have a little more compassion for Jews given 6 million of them were slaughtered by those nice Germans not that long ago ... Sorry about that


Yes it was horrific and so is any kind of racism regardless if a particular race or religion were the victims of a genocide or ethnic cleansing which of course has gone on for other races in more recent times, even within Europe in the 90s. So for me racism is racism. I dont have a favourite religion or skin colour to defend, nobody should.


There are many examples I could show you of racism in the UK from Polish vermin to Muslims go home etc. Loads in fact but I have honestly struggled to find similar referring to Jews.


So lets get this straight you hate racism but voted for a fella and campaigned for a fella who put flowers on the grave of a racist anti-Semite ??? ... Thats right isnt it ???

And you voted for a "fella" who celebrated the unveiling of a statue to virulently antisemitic and Nazi sympathiser, Nancy Astor Tory MP. *-)


She castrated , tortured and murdered who exactly ???

And that idiotic comment illustrates perfectly your inability to discuss in an adult manner. *-)


You previously condemned Barry for "voting for a fella and campaigned for a fella who put flowers on the grave of a racist anti-Semite", yet YOU voted a "fella" who celebrated the unveiling of a statue to virulently antisemitic and Nazi sympathiser, Nancy Astor Tory MP who despised Jews. Astor was a member of the Cliveden set known for its appeasement of Nazism and sympathy toward fascism. Catholics and homosexuals also came in for her dislike and hatred.


You shot yourself in the foot. I could have taken it to the next stage to include Johnsons known record of racist remarks, Islamophobic and homophobic comments but kept it relevant to show your hypocrisy.


Princess watch ... I dont care for Nancy Astor ... I dont care for Boris as I've said before.

Well Pansy thats not the impression you give on here. If you were posting your support for Corbyn and whoever becomes the next LP leader or applauding topics on the left, that might just be a little bit more convincing....but somehow i doubt you will ever manage that.


Utter gibberish ... No answer to my question yet again ... Hardly surprising you live all your life on your Jack Jones ... You simply cant communicate

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Bulletguy - 2020-02-13 8:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 7:11 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-02-13 7:02 PM

I was referring to your mo which has long been well known on here as thats what influences your posts.


Well if its well known I'll ask again to show ... You obviously wont because you cant ... Your grandchildren if ever they looked in would be so proud of old Grandpa not being able to back up his claims ... Make them proud for once

MO defines the manner and style in which an fm posts......hence the reason you were outed so quickly as you couldn't control or moderate your obsession over Muslims. So there is no need for me to "show" what you're well known for on this forum which everyone knows about. Also your childish strop of playing silly games you should have grown out of long ago, as well as your obsession over my young grandchildren which i find pretty sick and disturbing. Go and seek some professional help to find why you need to keep referring to my young grandchildren of whom, thankfully, are well beyond your reach and cared for by mature adult parents. You are a sick fella, seek help.


More utter gibberish with you showing nothing yet again of what you claim ... Old Grandpa comes up trumps again

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Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 8:24 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 7:14 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 6:33 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 5:25 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 5:19 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 4:55 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 4:05 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 3:16 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 2:42 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 1:34 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 12:40 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 12:18 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-02-13 11:06 AM


lets not get caught up in defending or slating Corbyn, the message is whats important. Mission Hostile Britain is well and truly under way now. It seems its not just if your black or brown either.


this poor sod is white so maybe it was a mistake. Either way he is now stateless and homeless and unable to return home to the UK and his life. Its disgusting.





You mean "lets not get caught up defending or slating Corbyn" because you have no defence ??? even though you voted for him ... You know that "Mission hostile Britain" you mention you forgot to mention the folk who are at the thick end of it more than any other here in Britain , Jews ... Und guess who heads a party to blame for much of it ???


No. I mean dont shoot the messenger. Corbyn is right with his message. The Jews are at the thick end of it? Can you show me examples of Jews being thrown out of the UK who have British Citizenship? Ive yet to see any real evidence of fully blown racism towards the Jews anyway but this is just more whataboutery. There is however a raft of evidence of a rise in racism towards anyone who is remotely foreign in this country now endorsed by the hostile environment this government has created. Of that there is no doubt.



So your "mission hostile Britain" doesnt count Jews then just because they havent for all we know been "thrown out of the UK" ... You link one fella and thats your "mission hostile Britain" then ??? ... How much more "mission hostile Britain" do you want ... https://www.israelhayom.com/2019/11/04/almost-50-of-jews-in-uk-say-will-leave-if-labours-corbyn-wins-general-elections/ ... Double the hate crimes than the previous year https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/hate-crimes-against-jews-more-than-double-in-a-year-1.490103 but it doesnt count as "mission hostile Britain"because its your boyfriend , the fella that you voted for and campaigned for thats caused much of it ... You should be ashamed pointing fingers at others and trying to score points when youve gone along with that


Ah right! So now you acknowledge a huge spike in hate crime after you spent years rubbishing it. Now its true because Jews are included. Ive still not seen any real evidence of what these so called hate crimes and racism against Jews entails. A real example. Ive seen plenty against Muslims, Europeans and Black and Asian people but nothing against the Jews. Please enlighten me. Im not saying it doesnt happen but Ive just genuinely not seen any evidence.


Your being very , very silly ... https://cst.org.uk/public/data/file/a/b/IR17.pdf ... Can you tell me in any UK election in living memory where 50% of those asked from a certain religious background said they would leave the country if a certain political party came to power ??? ... Ill give you a clue , the election was just a couple of months ago and you voted for and campaigned for the vile anti-Semitic party and its terrorist loving leader ... Shame on ya


What does that prove? All I saw was one example of a vile text from someones phone by the looks of it. Im not saying it doesnt happen but Ive just seen very little evidence of it and certainly very little evidence of racist abuse towards Jews from any political party. Lets see some. Labour I believe are generally supportive of the Palestinians so perhaps its more to do with that then them being total racists.


Why do you only come to the defence of the Jews? Why not Muslims, Blacks, Europeans even?


Maybe I just have a little more compassion for Jews given 6 million of them were slaughtered by those nice Germans not that long ago ... Sorry about that


Yes it was horrific and so is any kind of racism regardless if a particular race or religion were the victims of a genocide or ethnic cleansing which of course has gone on for other races in more recent times, even within Europe in the 90s. So for me racism is racism. I dont have a favourite religion or skin colour to defend, nobody should.


There are many examples I could show you of racism in the UK from Polish vermin to Muslims go home etc. Loads in fact but I have honestly struggled to find similar referring to Jews.


So lets get this straight you hate racism but voted for a fella and campaigned for a fella who put flowers on the grave of a racist anti-Semite ??? ... Thats right isnt it ???


I presume you are talking about Jeremy Corbyn? Nope. I never voted for him or campaigned for him although I dont for a minute believe he is racist or a supporter of terrorism.


You however say you hate racism but voted for an openly racist PM with a party that has a long history of real racism rather than stuff thats been made up by the Sun, Brexpress and Mail.


Still waiting to see some "real" examples of racism towards Jews. See if you can find some from Jezza seeing as you have him down as some kind of terror loving racist. We could have a competition. See who can find the most racist quotes from Johnson and Corbyn.


If I put flowers on the grave of a white supremacist killer I had never met that would mean I supported his murderous actions wouldnt it ??? ... The same applies to your hero ... You voted and campaigned for a fella who rejoiced/rejoices in murder ... The murder of Jews ... You obviously cant deal with it


I have no idea what your on about but not necessarily. Sometimes politicians rub shoulders with soke dodgy folk or do things they maybe should have thought twice about in the name of peace.


I'm not defending Corbyn but you need to find some new sources if news IMO. Corbyn supports terrorism and murder. Give over. Old beardy is some kind of Bond villain! Bet he has a white cat eh? Meanwhile we have a real bond villain running the country. No, not Johnson. He's just his dummy.


What an utter tool ... Is that a real answer youve thought about FFS ??? ... If someone told you to put flowers on the grave of a terrorist murderer you would ??? ... Your a hypocrite , you bark on about Boris blah , blah , blah yet vote and campaign for Corbyn ... Jeez

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Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 8:52 PM


Utter gibberish ... No answer to my question yet again ... Hardly surprising you live all your life on your Jack Jones ... You simply cant communicate

Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 8:53 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-02-13 8:18 PM


MO defines the manner and style in which an fm posts......hence the reason you were outed so quickly as you couldn't control or moderate your obsession over Muslims. So there is no need for me to "show" what you're well known for on this forum which everyone knows about. Also your childish strop of playing silly games you should have grown out of long ago, as well as your obsession over my young grandchildren which i find pretty sick and disturbing. Go and seek some professional help to find why you need to keep referring to my young grandchildren of whom, thankfully, are well beyond your reach and cared for by mature adult parents. You are a sick fella, seek help.


More utter gibberish with you showing nothing yet again of what you claim ... Old Grandpa comes up trumps again

I think not as it's obviously rattled your cage enough to hit home. And take my advice to get some professional help. Nothing wrong with living alone...ask your "wife".

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Bulletguy - 2020-02-13 9:42 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 8:52 PM


Utter gibberish ... No answer to my question yet again ... Hardly surprising you live all your life on your Jack Jones ... You simply cant communicate

Birdbrain - 2020-02-13 8:53 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-02-13 8:18 PM


MO defines the manner and style in which an fm posts......hence the reason you were outed so quickly as you couldn't control or moderate your obsession over Muslims. So there is no need for me to "show" what you're well known for on this forum which everyone knows about. Also your childish strop of playing silly games you should have grown out of long ago, as well as your obsession over my young grandchildren which i find pretty sick and disturbing. Go and seek some professional help to find why you need to keep referring to my young grandchildren of whom, thankfully, are well beyond your reach and cared for by mature adult parents. You are a sick fella, seek help.


More utter gibberish with you showing nothing yet again of what you claim ... Old Grandpa comes up trumps again

I think not as it's obviously rattled your cage enough to hit home. And take my advice to get some professional help. Nothing wrong with living alone...ask your "wife".


Ive just asked her as she's given me my Valentines present ... She says ask your wife ... Bet she's getting a Valentines present xx

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