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UK to withdraw from EAW


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Sheer madness.




Amusing that UK Gov say the EU wants to establish “effective arrangements” for extradition, while the UK would like an agreement based on EU surrender agreement with Norway and Iceland, which came into force in 2019......both of which are in the EEA.

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Maybe the EU warning that the UK wont have access to it was a deciding factor or maybe The Law Society might be able to explain the current complexities and difficulties with the EAW ... https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/practice-points/time-to-ditch-the-european-arrest-warrant/5069106.article ... Try to look beyond the usual hate , I know its difficult
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Barryd999 - 2020-02-27 6:17 PM


But I Thought many on here were saying stuff like "of course we wont get rid of stuff like the EAW" and other security systems. It seems very odd. They cant be wrong surely.

Of course they are wrong. The EAW is for member states only and half of UK voted to do without it.....though i'll give 'em benefit of doubt in that they didn't think they would lose it because they believed the lies. Perhaps they want a return to the good old days of Costa del Crime with Brit drug lords whooping it up in their vilas.


In October 2018, the Director General of the National Crime Agency, Lynne Owens, said that without access to EU tools or a planning period that allows for “sensible negotiation” with bilateral partners, there is “a risk that this country will be less safe as a result.” This view was endorsed by DAC Richard Martin of the Metropolitan Police Service and National Police Chiefs’ Council, who said that “entrepreneurs of crime” will “exploit any gap that they can find in the market”, and will “certainly exploit it across borders”. He warned that “if we were not to get a deal, then we will not be as safe as we currently are.”


There would be some restrictions, for example an EU member state may refuse to execute a European Arrest Warrant against its own citizens during the transition period, in which case the UK could declare that it will not surrender nationals to that state (we outline concerns about this loss of capability below)


It's a lengthy read but we stand to lose much much more.



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jumpstart - 2020-02-28 7:38 AM


The government want an extradition plan as used by Norway and Iceland with the EU ,that has additional safeguards over and above what the current system has, so basically better.

It's actually the same j/start. UK knew about this before leaving the EU as both countries adopted the EAW in 2006 and it was formalised in law last year. Both Norway and Iceland are EEA member countries where UK gave up their rights to that last month. Our cherry picking days are over.





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