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Is 2020 going to be a complete write off for motorhoming?


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Lets face it, there's not likely to be a vaccine anytime soon.

Normal timescale is 10 years, which includes things that can't be rushed like clinical trials - which are even harder for Covid19 because you can't ask people to expose themselves to a fatal incurable disease to see if it the vaccine makes it better or worse.

So you can't maintain the lockdown till we get a vaccine, the economy won't last that long.

By the time you decide to go out it will be less safe than it is now because it will be busier :-S

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StuartO - 2020-05-03 9:33 AM


Cattwg - 2020-05-02 5:58 PM


Just like many others we shall be off to the Continent as soon as allowed but when we feel it’s safe to do so. I just wonder what the situation will be regarding travel insurance for us pensioners. A lot more expensive I should think.

Cattwg :-D


All policies will incorporate an exclusion for claims related to coronavirus, that's for sure. Our Nationwide policy has already done that by saying that any holiday booked after March 18th will have that additional exclusion in force.


And of course we will lose the EHIC card as none members no doubt next year. That would have covered you.

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John52 - 2020-05-03 2:40 PM Lets face it, there's not likely to be a vaccine anytime soon.

Normal timescale is 10 years, which includes things that can't be rushed like clinical trials.....


That's far more pessimistic than the experts, who are saying from 18 months to much less, so I don't think we need to take predictions for economic consequences at all seriously.


Pressure seems to be building to allow healthy over 70s more freedom, which presumably could include freedom to tour in a motorhome - assuming site operators think up ways of social distancing in toilet blocks.



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I think that after the trials in the IOW on the phone App assuming it all goes well they may let us out in stages but may restrict distances as some areas will be under control virus wise more than others. So the Gov won't want us driving (and staying/loitering) all over the place as that will make it all worse. They could control that by phone App or by the registered address of the vehicle. I know that you could argue that you can go away in the MH and not mix but I don't think they will make an exception for just MH's. We will be swept along with the day trippers and everyone else.


Funnily enough over the last 6 weeks I have done thousands of miles in the car for work and never got stopped once but the car registration is with the company (company car)and also there was only me in it so it didn't look like a day out. The first two weeks all I saw were trucks and vans and I appeared to be the only car.

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StuartO - 2020-04-29 12:29 PM



I've bought a box van trailer as the basis of the overloading solution, so we can transfer some weight to the trailer and end up with spare payload so we can probably take even more stuff with us, like the electric bikes/trikes I've been asking about on here. I used to have a 10 foot Ifor Williams box van trailer when I was motorcycling, to transport the bike which worked well for that - but it was too big and cumbersome without the motorcycle so I got rid.  This is a smaller one (eight feet long) of lighter construction, so easier to manhandle but still able to carry weight up to the MH's towing capacity, up to about 1,000 kg of extra payload. 



Exactly what I was thinking of doing as I have a motorcycle trailer but would rather not have everything on show so thinking of a box trailer. A 6ft one would not allow a M/C to fit in and if I get a slightly larger ones the bikes can go in it. Do sites charge extra for a trailer? Which one have you got as I did see a manufacturer on the Fens knocking them out?

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Went from Wiltshire to Brittany last night, home for 9am. Sound of the sea was wonderful courtesy of Alexa.

I know sad old git, we slept in the drive. Think we will go to Denmark tonight as we were there this time last year.


Stay safe everyone.

Best Wishes


Steve Kelly

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StuartO - 2020-05-03 3:15 PM


John52 - 2020-05-03 2:40 PM Lets face it, there's not likely to be a vaccine anytime soon.

Normal timescale is 10 years, which includes things that can't be rushed like clinical trials.....


That's far more pessimistic than the experts, who are saying from 18 months to much less, so I don't think we need to take predictions for economic consequences at all seriously.


Pressure seems to be building to allow healthy over 70s more freedom, which presumably could include freedom to tour in a motorhome - assuming site operators think up ways of social distancing in toilet blocks.



Would any motorhomer with a self contained unit seriously consider using a public toilet and shower block while this thing is going on? 8-)

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witzend - 2020-05-03 10:10 AM


14-day lockdown for people arriving in France proposed







"France won’t quarantine EU, Schengen area citizens. France said on Sunday it would not quarantine anyone arriving from the EU, the Schengen area or Britain due to the coronavirus, as it prepares to start easing confinement measures after two months of lockdown. " - various sources

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niktam - 2020-05-03 4:56 PM


I think that after the trials in the IOW on the phone App assuming it all goes well they may let us out in stages but may restrict distances as some areas will be under control virus wise more than others. So the Gov won't want us driving (and staying/loitering) all over the place as that will make it all worse. They could control that by phone App or by the registered address of the vehicle. I know that you could argue that you can go away in the MH and not mix but I don't think they will make an exception for just MH's. We will be swept along with the day trippers and everyone else.


Funnily enough over the last 6 weeks I have done thousands of miles in the car for work and never got stopped once but the car registration is with the company (company car)and also there was only me in it so it didn't look like a day out. The first two weeks all I saw were trucks and vans and I appeared to be the only car.



There is already a online site for COVID 19 tracking with 3m people already joined.




They are in association with Kings college hospital London.


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Barryd999 - 2020-05-03 9:03 PM


Would any motorhomer with a self contained unit seriously consider using a public toilet and shower block while this thing is going on? 8-)


If washing hands eradicates it ,surely with washing down in showers there wouldn’t be a problem.

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jumpstart - 2020-05-04 10:23 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-05-03 9:03 PM


Would any motorhomer with a self contained unit seriously consider using a public toilet and shower block while this thing is going on? 8-)


If washing hands eradicates it ,surely with washing down in showers there wouldn’t be a problem.


That would only work if people didn't breathe near each other while they were inside the toilet block! Even if there was an effective way of social distancing in toilet blocks, I fear there is always going to be the risk of someone who doesn't understand the rules (or doesn't care about complying with them) exposing others to unnecessary risks. I was in the local doctor's surgery recently and sat in the waiting room for almost 30 minutes, which wasn't supposed to happen, but it gave me a chance to watch how other people were following the system they have in place there. Most people were wandering about ignoring it, I suspect out of ignorance and failure to read the signs. It would be the same if campsites tried anything elaborate to allow people to enter toilet blocks I would think.

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jumpstart - 2020-05-04 10:15 AM



There is already a online site for COVID 19 tracking with 3m people already joined.




They are in association with Kings college hospital London.

The new app that is undergoing trials is for contact tracing and has been third partied by the NHS / gov.uk to a commercial enterprise. Basically it will track and record your movements and who you are in close proximity to (utilising Bluetooth) with the intention of identifying persons coming in to contact with a known infected person. Naturally this raises a number of privacy issues that are no doubt debatable on Chatterbox.

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StuartO - 2020-05-03 3:15 PM


John52 - 2020-05-03 2:40 PM Lets face it, there's not likely to be a vaccine anytime soon.

Normal timescale is 10 years, which includes things that can't be rushed like clinical trials.....


That's far more pessimistic than the experts, who are saying from 18 months to much less, so I don't think we need to take predictions for economic consequences at all seriously.


Difficult to know whats coming from the 'experts' and what is coming from the politcians with BoJo's Spin Doctor there.

Absurdly over-optimistic promises works for him - its got him into No.10, so I don't think we need to his predictions at all seriously.

After what his Spin Doctors were saying at the Downing Street Press briefings whilst his medical Doctors were preparing his death statement, I'm surprised anyone still does.

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This isn't a Chatterbox thread John52, so there's no need to climb onto one of your familiar hobby horses is there?


Aren't we discussing whether motorhoming is likely to be resumed during this season?

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I’m happy to ‘legislate’ as to what subjects are more suitable for the Chatterbox forum than this one.


My rule of thumb will be that any thread that does not clearly relate to motorcaravanning and is initiated on Motorhome Matters by someone who posts on Chatterbox more than 3 times per week gets immediately moved to the latter forum.


I’m also considering suggesting to the forum Administrator that, when the new forum is being developed, postings are ‘rationed’ so that, if someone posts incessantly on one forum, they can’t do the same on any of the others.

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Is there any real need for the Chatterbox section any more?..Just what is its purpose? In in current "anything goes" form, what does it add to the forum as a whole? *other than perhaps helping to keep the trolls in one place.

(*and surely there are far more appropriate platforms for them to peddle their wares than this one anyway).


Back to the Topic..


If(IF?) motor-homing/caravanning/ camping is to occur much this year, personally I'd only really want to be going about it in some quiet,secluded,"isolated" location anyway..and what is the chance of that happening if/when most folk will be thinking the same thing?

My overview is that if us and our loved ones can get through all this, with only the lack of some "camping" to bleat about, we would've got off very lightly :-S

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pepe63 - 2020-05-06 9:21 AM ....personally I'd only really want to be going about it in some quiet,secluded,"isolated" location anyway..and what is the chance of that happening if/when most folk will be thinking the same thing? My overview is that if us and our loved ones can get through all this, with only the lack of some "camping" to bleat about, we would've got off very lightly :-S


I agree. We normally head straight for the Channel ports to go touring and use UK sites purely as a stopover en route, so CAMC and C&CC sites as holiday destinations ordinarily have little appeal for us. If options open up we'd think about heading for North Norfolk but we are currently enjoying the Lockdown lifestyle, watching the garden springing into life and aren't really missing motorhoming much at all. I'm glad we haven't spent a lot of money upgrading to a newer MH, as we had been considering, and I suspect we'll be more than happy sticking to the one we've got indefinitely.


I think Chatterbox serves a useful purpose keeping the rest of this Forum clear of politics, even though it does sometimes dismay - but you can easily steer clear if you prefer not to read any of it.

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StuartO - 2020-05-06 9:43 AM


I'm glad we haven't spent a lot of money upgrading to a newer MH, as we had been considering, and I suspect we'll be more than happy sticking to the one we've got indefinitely.



I'm in quite the opposite camp - really pleased that we managed to complete the sale of the old van and get the new one home just before lockdown.

It's given me so much to do (in breaks from gardening..). Solar has gone on, B2B installed, Gasit done, plus loads of other jobs with the time to consider them properly and do them well. I'm surprised at how well the supply chain has been working; the solar panels arrived from Germany in 3 days and Eura Mobil themselves have sent out 2 batches of warranty parts.


It's also made me immune to the threads and opinions on the state of the motorhome market under the 'new normal,' which seem to range from bankrupt dealers, fire sales and slashed values/prices to a boom with shortages and price hikes due to under-supply of vans and a whole new wave of motorhome buyers seeking a new way to holiday while isolating. I don't have to think about this for another 6 or 7 years, maybe longer.


This weeks job: fitting out the garage for the tandem and 2 solo bikes:


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Was wondering when the restrictions would be lifted, the mood from Europe is that late July onwards, but depends on countries.

Vehicle transport first then restricted air travel.

So thinking of a possible European trip end of August, but then thought that, 'ok we can travel but might Airies be locked off by the local councils.'

Might initially look at a UK site in August, then paid site jumping in September in Europe.

However if our infection rate is still high might find that the continent will ban us from free movment.

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That looks impressive Steve928 - and in your case Lockdown is clearly providing an opportunity to do your fitting out properly. I think you’re right not to pay attention to speculation about the motorhome industry’s future - it’s only speculation and probably won’t impact much on you anyway.
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This virus thingy will effect the motorhome world for a long time to come in some quise or other. Some motorhome dealers will go bust as demand for new vans go down while international government travel restrictions will hinder motorhome movement well into 2021.


We need to wait and see what happens in mainland Europe over May and June to see if the death figures increase following the current easing of restrictions. If the numbers do go up then we'll back to square one in terms of how we use our motorhomes - or not as the case may be.


The only people that like motorhomes is the likes of us owners and the very few small businesses that we may support while on our trips. I hate to say it but to small village communities in the UK who want outsiders to refrain from visiting them then we're nothing but rats that could potentially spread the virus.


Some funny times ahead for sure!

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