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HI just had an e-mail from someone which maybe of interest to this group.


Please, Please be careful staying in Aires in France, we did this last October in our Winnebago, and were attacked by a narcotic gas ( ethyl- di ether) used for starting diesel engines the effect is almost instantaneous and the effects are still with us. The main problem areas are the service areas ( especially Service du Moret) on the A10 between Bordeaux and Bayonne. where 6 people have died in the vehicles. All these attackers are interested in is money and jewellery.


We have found the best Aire around Calais to be on the A28 towards Rouen, a wind farm with super toilets and good parking well away from the traffic,

We are also returning to our Portuguese home at the end of the month for a few weeks but this time by car


Let us know how you get on


Dr Raymond & Maria Palmer

35 Repton Drive

Haslington, Crewe

Cheshire CW1 5SA UK


I can get it on this forum.

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This subject is discussed in detail on a four page thread at the top of this forum. The subject has been raised many times and we all have to draw our own conclusions on the subject and take any precautions we think necessary.


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Guest Frank Wilkinson

Mmmmm. Six people have died in gas attacks and not one newspaper, caravan or motorhome magazine or holiday publication has ever mentioned it!

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Guest starspirit

I understand the scepticism of many (me included) on here but perhaps we should all just keep an open mind and consider any ongoing evidence as and when it appears?


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All for keeping an open mind.


But when it's plain rowlocks and there's no shred of reliable evidence that it ever happened why don't we all go back to worrying about being abducted by aliens whilst camping.


It's just as likely IMHO ( and let's wait for the emails..)

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Open mind by all means, however, I do suggest treating this information with a bit of caution. 

I have checked the GMC list, and there is only a Kelvin Raymond Palmer listed as a UK registered Doctor of Medicine.  However, it is possible Dr Palmer has retired and is no longer on the list.  It is also possible he is not a Doctor of Medicine.  However, it is interesting he states what gas was used, and it is interesting it is our old friend ether which, it was categorically stated by the RCA, cannot be used in this way.


His plea for caution when staying on Aires is well founded.  It is just a shame he appears not to follow his own advice!

To try to clarify: the A10 does not run between Bordeaux and Bayonne, it runs from Paris to Bordeaux.  From Bordeaux onwards to Bayonne the roads are A63, N10, A63.  There are only 4 Aires listed in the Guide Officiel on this stretch, but none are on the road; at St-Vincent-de-Tyrosse (On old N10, at the Netto, open all year), at Ondres (On old N10, just North of Bayonne, at Camping Municipal le Lac, open all year, no animals), at Labene (2km W on D126, towards Labene-Ocean, at Camping la Cote d’Argent, open 1/4 - 31/10), and St-Martin-de-Seignanx (Via N117 and D26, from A63 Southbound, leave at Junc 6; 110 Avenue du Quartier Neuf, Camping le P’Tit Poun, open Jun - Sept).


It seems Dr Palmer may have been overnighting at filling stations or car parks, which would be very unwise on this route, and more so on this particular stretch of road!

The reference to the Aire near Calais is confusing.  The A28 runs between Abbevelle and Rouen.  However, there is no Aire on the A28 and I can only assume he is referring to an “Aire” somewhere along the A16 between Calais and Abbeville.  There is a designated motorhome Aire at the Sailly-Fliebeaucourt "Shell" autoroute aire des services, but the windfarm is some way North of this.  Is this just another reference to overnighting on an undesignated car park?

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I am a bit sceptical about this all, especially the claim about 6 people being dead due to gassing (I assume?) rather than as a consequence of just being robbed, I find it extremely hard to believe that we haven't heard about this being definitely caused by the unfortunate people being gassed and I sincerely hope that it is not the case and that there are no 'victims' for their sake of course.


I'm intrigued - with you just receiving an email I wonder are these persons know to you, ie friends, or have you just had an email out of the blue? I get loads and loads of emails to one address from people that I have no connection with at all and wondered if this was the case with you in receiving this email? I just wonder how genuine the sources are, they may be totally legitimate and above board but obviously it is hard to determine.







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People I am only pasting on new information, I ready don,t care if you are gased or not, I have spoken to the man, and all information will be available soon, lets just see what happens.

But lets just not get into talking silly as before until we have these facts.


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Guest peter
terry1956 - 2007-03-15 8:04 PM


People I am only pasting on new information, I ready don,t care if you are gased or not, I have spoken to the man, and all information will be available soon, lets just see what happens.

But lets just not get into talking silly as before until we have these facts.


So why did you not wait until then before posting this, and causing people unneccessary worry
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Brian, i think the aire they are referring to is the rest area called Baie de Somme just north of Abbeville.This is the one with wind turbine, i have used this place many times in the past without problem, they appear to have there own security guards going arround at night.Just don,t park near the lorries or it becomrs noisey.There is a bourn there for motorhomes
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Mickt - 2007-03-15 9:55 PM Brian, i think the aire they are referring to is the rest area called Baie de Somme just north of Abbeville.This is the one with wind turbine, i have used this place many times in the past without problem, they appear to have there own security guards going arround at night.Just don,t park near the lorries or it becomrs noisey.There is a bourn there for motorhomes

Mick, it seems probable that is the one. 

However, my point really was that this is not a designated overnight stopping aire.  See the Guide Officiel.

However, it serves neatly to underline my main point that autoroute service "aires" should not be confused with motorhome stopover "aires".  The two are quite different in their intended use, and in the risks they present for motorhomers. 

It's all about "horses for courses"!

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The Aire at the Baie de Somme sevice station on the Autoroute is notorious for break ins and robberies. We were broken into at this location a couple of years ago along with five other vehicles. We have learnt from our experience and now only stop at the aires listed in the Aires de Official Guide. We have since spent several nights on aires without any problems but diligently take all precautions to prevent this happening again.
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Hi Brian,


following this lot with interest, you make the remark regarding Aires and there differences, please can you expand for the uninitiated!


Thanks a lot, we did not realise that there were 2 different sorts




Henry (lol)

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Hi Henry


There is a french publication, Guide Officiel des Aires de Services Camping-car, which lists all of the official Aire de Service sites and locations. These aires are set up by the mayorie of the town and villages where they are located. A small charge is made for their use, this revenue pays for their upkeep and supplements local taxation revenue. As such it is in the best interest of the towns and villages to ensure that these places are safe which in turn attracts visitors whose spending boosts the local economy.

The other type of aire, which is not recommended for overnight stops, can be found on the autoroute service areas and they are really meant for short refreshment stops to break up a journey. These places are notorious for robberies, as you can imagine, a robbery takes place- thief jumps in his car- exits aire onto motorway- at 60mph he is 10 miles away from scene of crime in 10 minutes.

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The confusion is caused by the French word "aire", meaning, simply, area. 

Down the Autoroutes, there tend to be two kinds of these.  Those that have parking, fuel pumps and, usually, a restaurant of sorts; and those that are just a rest halt with parking, picnic areas, and toilets.  Both kinds are usually named, and signed accordingly, as the "Aire de (whatever)"

Additionally, there are a few Autoroute "aires" that incorporate "Aires de Service Camping-Cars", which are designated, and intended, to be used as overnight stopovers and include some services - dump station, water etc.  In practice, these may not offer much improvement in security, however.

Then there are the non-autoroute "Aires de Services Camping-Cars", usually signed with the motorhome over a dump pit sign, that are all over France and are provided by local councils, businesses, and campsites.  They are primarily intended as places to drain waste water, empty toilets, take on water, and sometimes pick up a mains charge.  However, what is provided, how it can be used, and at what cost, is decided by the provider.  Because "Aire de Service Camping-Car" is a bit of a mouthful, even the French have taken to using the abbreviation "aire", which we have picked up, but without differentiating what "aires" we are talking about.

The last kind range from "aires" that permit only parking and have no facilities, up to "aires" that are virtual mini-campsites with all facilities, toilets, and even showers.

It is the references to robberies that causes the anxiety, and these almost always involve people overnighting on autoroute filling stations, or rest areas, that are not designated as overnight rest halts.  Since most are used while travelling to/from holiday destinations, most follow much the same routes and, thieves being a sharp bunch, they just cruise these routes and rest stops looking for easy prey.  However, the victims tend just to report being robbed on an "aire", failing to point out that they were using the "wrong kind of aire".

If you use the aires away from the autoroutes you shouldn't experience any trouble at all, but any on the main holiday routes will always be crowded, and that bit more suspect, during the main holiday periods.

Hope this helps.

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Have you ever smelt ethyl- di ether for starting diesel engines? it would probably wake you up if it doesn,t blow your van up first, it would need vast quantites to send you to sleep,next time you are at a halfords etc have a whiff !!

don,t worry


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Guest starspirit

If you spray too much easy start into an engine air intake it can ignite and blow back with considerable force instead of starting the engine.


Just make sure you are not directly over the air intake or you will lose your eyebrows, hair and maybe sight too.


It is VERY volatile and even a whiff will produce a mighty bang when compressed or added to a flame or a spark or even something very hot.


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starspirit - 2007-03-20 11:48 AM


it is VERY volatile and even a whiff will produce a mighty bang when compressed or added to a flame or a spark or even something very hot.





Err ! like a fridge running on gas overnight ?


My imagination has just run riot,as i picture a 'Swarthy' east european carefully spraying Easy-start into the fridge vents of 'said' sleeping motorhome........only to be met by a ball of flame leaping out at him and

(hopefully) exploding 'aforsaid' aerosol can......... naw! couldn't happen

could it ??????? a good myth for the prosecution though !



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Guest JudgeMental



Fridge vents are just to circulate cool air around back of fridge


they are sealed to the interior of camper.


So not a way of gassing occupants – more likely to explode in his face?


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