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Living in the M/home after house sold.


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A few questions to you knowledgeable people out there.

House sale agreed so hopefully moving out Oct. Will be living in the M/home until new property found ,so maybe couple of months.

Do I need to let the Insurance Co. know that it’s not on a drive at night but on a site?

What do you full timers do about Dr. surgery’s?

Anything else I should consider.?


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jumpstart - 2020-07-23 4:54 PM


A few questions to you knowledgeable people out there.

House sale agreed so hopefully moving out Oct. Will be living in the M/home until new property found ,so maybe couple of months.

Do I need to let the Insurance Co. know that it’s not on a drive at night but on a site?

What do you full timers do about Dr. surgery’s?

Anything else I should consider.?


I think that as far as your insurance company is concerned that not having a place of residence is a notifiable change in any event.

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Firstly be careful......

A couple of year back I was in same position and contacted insurance company to advise them I would be living in my van for a few months.....

Insurance company said that I would then be Full Timing in the motorhome and the insurance premium would increase by some considerable amount.(Full timing rates)

Then I said my motorhome would be parked in my sons drive and we would be using his address etc, okay they said and I must provide a full address and at the same time I had be be enrolled on the Electoral Roll before they would quote me.

So like I said be careful what you say to the insurance company


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For a few months I am not sure what is important but,

We used a parents house for 15 years as a postal address and had the local doctor/dentist.

The Van insurance was also that address and any travel insurance.

We are now back in a house after seeing 21 countries and being away abroad for up to 11 months at a time.


We did not go on the electoral list and were hardly there.

We did pay tax.


No probs its easy...

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Well some 8 years ago we did the same thing - also in October. However in our case we pointed the motorhome south and meandered to the Algarve to over winter there - way too cold here ! Took 15 months in the end before moving back to a house.

From my recollection and experience here are some points:

- Did NOT put ourselves on electoral roll - worried about being called for jury service and having to come "home"

- Make sure your finances are all OK before leaving your house - very very difficult to open up any accounts/credit cards etc without an established house residence.

- As others say, have a relative or trusted friend act to collect postal matters - very difficult to have no address at all.

- If going abroad for a time check MoT will last the duration


go for it!


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Ok thanks for that guys,food for thought. Might stay the n this country till we see if it’s no deal or not. Quite a few CL’s with hard standing we are looking at . One with farm shop, veggies own produced meat and fresh baked bread.
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stevec176 - 2020-07-23 6:24 PM


With Comfort insurance they need to know if my van is parked anywhere other than on an official site or notified place of storage for more than, I think, 3 days.


Comfort Insurance policy insists that


- your motorhome remains in your custody or control. If for any reason your motorhome will not be within your custody or control for a period in excess of 48 hours, then you must notify Comfort Insurance in advance. Please refer to Section I of this policy for information on security of stored vehicles.

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https://wildcamping.co.uk/forums/motorhome-full-timing.219/ Lots of your questions can be answered on here , you are entering a mine field living in your van almost full time you will get a lot of I THINK information good meaning from folks but the bottom line is you must be living at the address you give your Insurance company , be on the Electoral role be able to produce utility bills at your stated address , in your name the van must be registered at the said address as must your driving licence etc, way round these things , of course there are BUT lie to your Insurance company at your peril, full time Insurance is available bit expensive BUT cheaper than a refused claim or a visit to the Courts for defrauding an Insurance Company , best wishes for your adventure .
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