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Exhaust systems


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I remember reading in MMM sometime last year about stainless steel exhaust systems for motorhomes, despite searching through all my kept copies for the last goodness knows how many years, I don't seem to be able to find it again.

I am interested in changing the system on my Buccaneer Coaster based on a Ford Transit, so thought now would be the time to look at stainless.

Has anyone out there got any information or can tell me where I can look for information. I would imagine that a system for a motorhome would have to be made up, as a standard system would not fit because of the fitting of the coach built body.

If there are any nation wide firms that do such things or one that happens to be close to Norfolk. Would be much obliged.


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Basil - 2007-03-18 10:32 AM I'm afraid its not local to you but I would recommend TB Turbo at Lancaster, they do their own bespoke systems at very reasonable prices. Bas

Also in that neck of the woods  - at Kendal, is Rampant Tuning, (John), Tel:07843 248824. e-mail rampant-tuning@fsmail.net recommended in a letter to MMM last year.  Good price for a bespoke job.


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Guest starspirit

I have to wonder how old the van is and how long the original Ford exhaust has lasted?


Factor in how long you intend keeping the van and then work out the cost to convenience rating.


A new Ford system will undoubtedly cost a lot more than a cheapie from the local motor factors but it should reasonably be expected to last as long as the original or at least a good few years and a lot longer than the cheapie.


Exhausts in general do not seem to be as awful as they used to be, especially a diesel which has little corrosive gas in it, and I have to wonder whether you need to spend megabucks on stainless steel unless you intend keeping the van for a long long time?


On the other hand if you just fancy the idea - fair enough - just go for it as it's only money!

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Thanks for all your replies.

The van is 6 years old and for the most part the exhaust isn't too bad, the only part which is really awful is the tail pipe section which is not a standard Ford part as it needs to be longer and a different shape because of the coach built body on the back. This section did actually snap off last year whilst touring around Yorkshire, a few Jubilee clips, an old tin can and some wire held it all together whilst we finished our journey. On arrival home I purchased a length of exhaust pipe and fitted it on, but it isn't really the "thing" and I would prefer it if it looked a bit prettier.

I checked with Ford but it is not listed, so it looks as though it will have to be a one off, which is where the stainless idea came from.

Any more advice gratefully received


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