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Germany - Fairytale Road Route


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Hey, it's me again!


Has anyone driven the Germany Fairytale Road Trip Route before?


Looks really impressive, with a collection of the Brothers Grim castles, house, rivers and forests.


Just wondered if anyone has any tips?


Going for two weeks, poss longer



Thanks Sarah xx

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Not been on the Fairytale Road but have done parts of the Romantic Road (Romantische Straße). Used the Stellplatz that are in most of the little villages and guess the Fairytale route will be similar. The Stellplaz are very cost effective and in the centre of the area you visit. After a few days the villages start to look the same but all of them are very nice clean and pretty with flowers on the balconies. Have fun. B-)
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Hi, did it couple of years ago, very enjoyable following the Wesser river with plenty of stellaplatzes on the river bank, the ONLY thing we found in Germany was need for cash to pay for stellaplatzes etc so build up a stock of euro coins
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