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Is Trump attempting a coup?


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pelmetman - 2020-11-13 3:32 PM


Brian Kirby - 2020-11-13 12:33 PM


pelmetman - 2020-11-13 9:07 AM

Brian Kirby - 2020-11-13 7:05 AM

Barryd999 - 2020-11-12 10:43 PM...............................I think this is it Brian but I can't fully understand it.


Yep, that's the one. It seems almost no-one (outside those responsible for administering it) fully understands it, because it is so convoluted - which in itself seems to leave it open to manipulation. At least it's different! :-D

Different? :-S ...........

Sounds just like the EU to me >:-) .........

It would! :-D In fact, as you'd know if you'd read the Huff Post piece, and knew anything factual about the EU, there is no similarity at all, other than that some people get to vote - in a lot of different places. But then its an election - but not as we know it!

Correct ;-) ...........

In a Democracy the people get to vote for their President >:-) .........

Unlike the unDemocratic EU *-) ..........

So the UK is undemocratic, then?

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 4:01 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 8:58 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 7:56 AM


Its simply a form of proportional representation ... Something the wets on here strongly support ... Or dont they support it anymore now ???


I dont think anyone would support a system where a set of electors get to skew the final vote if it doesn't suit them which is what this sounds like even if it was proportional representation. If America goes down this route then it really is in trouble.


Blimey ... Hypocrisy lives ... You mean like our traitor MPs would have gladly got "to skew" the referendum result because it didn't "suit them" ??? ... Why are you not allowing POTUS Trump to question the result in the legal way him and his team are doing ??? Why is the legal route so wrong ???


Its not the same as I have explained to you previously. Nobody questioned the vote count of Brexit just what the final destination was and how we decided upon it and whether it warranted a confirmatory vote. Brexit was not an election, it was a referendum and not even a legally binding one. Had it been legally binding and we and gone down the legal route as you mention above it could have been overthrown as illegal activity was proved in court during the referendum.


We are allowing Trump to pursue a legal route (Well actually its feck all to do with us) but it seems pretty clear to me that its actually trump thats trying to win the election through lies and deception and by any means possible. It could well be an attempted coup. I think for your own sanity its time you admitted you backed the wrong horse with this moron. You are not stupid, I think you know you have. Give it up now and retain some dignity.

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2020-11-13 5:15 PM


pelmetman - 2020-11-13 3:32 PM


Brian Kirby - 2020-11-13 12:33 PM


pelmetman - 2020-11-13 9:07 AM

Brian Kirby - 2020-11-13 7:05 AM

Barryd999 - 2020-11-12 10:43 PM...............................I think this is it Brian but I can't fully understand it.


Yep, that's the one. It seems almost no-one (outside those responsible for administering it) fully understands it, because it is so convoluted - which in itself seems to leave it open to manipulation. At least it's different! :-D

Different? :-S ...........

Sounds just like the EU to me >:-) .........

It would! :-D In fact, as you'd know if you'd read the Huff Post piece, and knew anything factual about the EU, there is no similarity at all, other than that some people get to vote - in a lot of different places. But then its an election - but not as we know it!

Correct ;-) ...........

In a Democracy the people get to vote for their President >:-) .........

Unlike the unDemocratic EU *-) ..........

So the UK is undemocratic, then?


Eh? :-S ............


Dunno if you've noticed......But.....We don't have President ;-) ........


The last time I voted was for a polictical party.......after I'd voted for the leader of that party B-) .........


I guess you'd call that undemocratic because you lost (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 3:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 2:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 12:57 PM


Sinister or just Trump being petulant? Its seems the security and validity of the voting system is now the most secure its ever been. He is now sacking his own cybersecurity officials as they are not giving him the answers he wants to hear or is it something more sinister. Probably the former.

At the moment it's certainly the former as that's what he's always done with anyone who doesn't kowtow. But the longer they leave him in the WH the more damage he will cause and we've seen how he's been whipping up his gangs of armed thugs. Saturday there are pro-Trump demos planned but Biden supporters are being encouraged to stay away. With all that weaponry loose on the streets the Trump lot are daft enough to start shooting each other if there are no Biden folk out on the streets.


If any shooting starts Trump will be hiding in WH with a supply of Maccy D's.


At this rate Trump is going to drag the republican party down with him. So far the only fraudulent vote found was some PA Trump voter who put in a vote for his dead mother. Apparently Trump insisted on an investigation as to why Hillary got 3 million more popular votes than him. I think they found six fraudulent votes, some of which were for Trump.



He dragged the RP into the swamp long ago. His psychopathy is ooc now though as he's started claiming Biden never won the election but lost......by a lot! *-)


All his batty tweets have been flagged by Twitter. The world is watching the US and it's not a pretty sight....quite shameful (and dangerous) having a lunatic on the loose in the WH.


The world was also watching Al Gore in 2000 when he questioned the election result ... Wonder if he was called a "lunatic" for questioning the machines that read the ballots

I don't recall "the world watching" as Gore questioned the election result at all. Perhaps that was because despite disagreeing with the Court's decision he behaved as a statesman and conceded with grace and honour saying, "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." Something your petulant man-child Trump would do well to learn.

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pelmetman - 2020-11-13 5:26 PM

Brian Kirby - 2020-11-13 5:15 PM

pelmetman - 2020-11-13 3:32 PM

Brian Kirby - 2020-11-13 12:33 PM

pelmetman - 2020-11-13 9:07 AM

Brian Kirby - 2020-11-13 7:05 AM

Barryd999 - 2020-11-12 10:43 PM...............................I think this is it Brian but I can't fully understand it.


Yep, that's the one. It seems almost no-one (outside those responsible for administering it) fully understands it, because it is so convoluted - which in itself seems to leave it open to manipulation. At least it's different! :-D

Different? :-S ...........

Sounds just like the EU to me >:-) .........

It would! :-D In fact, as you'd know if you'd read the Huff Post piece, and knew anything factual about the EU, there is no similarity at all, other than that some people get to vote - in a lot of different places. But then its an election - but not as we know it!

Correct ;-) ...........

In a Democracy the people get to vote for their President >:-) .........

Unlike the unDemocratic EU *-) ..........

So the UK is undemocratic, then?

Eh? :-S ............

Dunno if you've noticed......But.....We don't have President ;-) ........

The last time I voted was for a polictical party.......after I'd voted for the leader of that party B-) .........

I guess you'd call that undemocratic because you lost (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........

Careless!! :-D You said, "In a Democracy the people get to vote for their President". Ergo, countries that do not have presidents for their people to vote for, can't be democratic, can they? 8-)


In addition, we don't get to elect our Prime Ministers either, do we? You had to join the Conservative Party (after you'd dumped UKIP) to be able to vote for its leader, who could only become PM if the Conservatives won an election.


The Conservatives actually keep their membership numbers a secret, so the only measure is via estimates, the most reliable presumably being from the HoC library, at 180,000. So, Boris was elected as leader by somewhere around 0.38% of the electorate. Much the same is true for the other parties, although the others aren't so coy about their membership.


So, the head of state is unelected, and the future PM is chosen in closed poll by members of his/her party alone who, in the case of the Conservatives, number less that 1% of the electorate. And you consider that democratic, while complaining about a lack of democracy elsewhere? Blimey!!


What on earth would you have said if that model of "democracy" had been adopted by the EU? No possible change at the top, and a PM indirectly selected by an insignificant number of unrepresentative people?


Oh, silly me. I forgot. You just voted for whoever you though would deliver Brexit, whatever the cost to the UK, and that is sufficient justification for anything and everything that secured that end. If you'd been thinking of the best long term interests of the UK, instead of Brexit, you wouldn't have put up such a dumb-cluck as party leader, would you? But no, you just wanted Brexit, and sod everyone, and everything, else. Democracy? Don't make me laugh!

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Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 5:22 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 4:01 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 8:58 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 7:56 AM


Its simply a form of proportional representation ... Something the wets on here strongly support ... Or dont they support it anymore now ???


I dont think anyone would support a system where a set of electors get to skew the final vote if it doesn't suit them which is what this sounds like even if it was proportional representation. If America goes down this route then it really is in trouble.


Blimey ... Hypocrisy lives ... You mean like our traitor MPs would have gladly got "to skew" the referendum result because it didn't "suit them" ??? ... Why are you not allowing POTUS Trump to question the result in the legal way him and his team are doing ??? Why is the legal route so wrong ???


Its not the same as I have explained to you previously. Nobody questioned the vote count of Brexit just what the final destination was and how we decided upon it and whether it warranted a confirmatory vote. Brexit was not an election, it was a referendum and not even a legally binding one. Had it been legally binding and we and gone down the legal route as you mention above it could have been overthrown as illegal activity was proved in court during the referendum.


We are allowing Trump to pursue a legal route (Well actually its feck all to do with us) but it seems pretty clear to me that its actually trump thats trying to win the election through lies and deception and by any means possible. It could well be an attempted coup. I think for your own sanity its time you admitted you backed the wrong horse with this moron. You are not stupid, I think you know you have. Give it up now and retain some dignity.


Are you pi$$$ed already

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Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 5:31 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 3:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 2:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 12:57 PM


Sinister or just Trump being petulant? Its seems the security and validity of the voting system is now the most secure its ever been. He is now sacking his own cybersecurity officials as they are not giving him the answers he wants to hear or is it something more sinister. Probably the former.

At the moment it's certainly the former as that's what he's always done with anyone who doesn't kowtow. But the longer they leave him in the WH the more damage he will cause and we've seen how he's been whipping up his gangs of armed thugs. Saturday there are pro-Trump demos planned but Biden supporters are being encouraged to stay away. With all that weaponry loose on the streets the Trump lot are daft enough to start shooting each other if there are no Biden folk out on the streets.


If any shooting starts Trump will be hiding in WH with a supply of Maccy D's.


At this rate Trump is going to drag the republican party down with him. So far the only fraudulent vote found was some PA Trump voter who put in a vote for his dead mother. Apparently Trump insisted on an investigation as to why Hillary got 3 million more popular votes than him. I think they found six fraudulent votes, some of which were for Trump.



He dragged the RP into the swamp long ago. His psychopathy is ooc now though as he's started claiming Biden never won the election but lost......by a lot! *-)


All his batty tweets have been flagged by Twitter. The world is watching the US and it's not a pretty sight....quite shameful (and dangerous) having a lunatic on the loose in the WH.


The world was also watching Al Gore in 2000 when he questioned the election result ... Wonder if he was called a "lunatic" for questioning the machines that read the ballots

I don't recall "the world watching" as Gore questioned the election result at all. Perhaps that was because despite disagreeing with the Court's decision he behaved as a statesman and conceded with grace and honour saying, "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." Something your petulant man-child Trump would do well to learn.


I recall Al Gore questioning the result, you wont because it now suits your purpose and agenda not to ... He offered his concession how long after the election ??? ...

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 7:02 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 5:31 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 3:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 2:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 12:57 PM


Sinister or just Trump being petulant? Its seems the security and validity of the voting system is now the most secure its ever been. He is now sacking his own cybersecurity officials as they are not giving him the answers he wants to hear or is it something more sinister. Probably the former.

At the moment it's certainly the former as that's what he's always done with anyone who doesn't kowtow. But the longer they leave him in the WH the more damage he will cause and we've seen how he's been whipping up his gangs of armed thugs. Saturday there are pro-Trump demos planned but Biden supporters are being encouraged to stay away. With all that weaponry loose on the streets the Trump lot are daft enough to start shooting each other if there are no Biden folk out on the streets.


If any shooting starts Trump will be hiding in WH with a supply of Maccy D's.


At this rate Trump is going to drag the republican party down with him. So far the only fraudulent vote found was some PA Trump voter who put in a vote for his dead mother. Apparently Trump insisted on an investigation as to why Hillary got 3 million more popular votes than him. I think they found six fraudulent votes, some of which were for Trump.



He dragged the RP into the swamp long ago. His psychopathy is ooc now though as he's started claiming Biden never won the election but lost......by a lot! *-)


All his batty tweets have been flagged by Twitter. The world is watching the US and it's not a pretty sight....quite shameful (and dangerous) having a lunatic on the loose in the WH.


The world was also watching Al Gore in 2000 when he questioned the election result ... Wonder if he was called a "lunatic" for questioning the machines that read the ballots

I don't recall "the world watching" as Gore questioned the election result at all. Perhaps that was because despite disagreeing with the Court's decision he behaved as a statesman and conceded with grace and honour saying, "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." Something your petulant man-child Trump would do well to learn.


I recall Al Gore questioning the result, you wont because it now suits your purpose and agenda not to ... He offered his concession how long after the election ??? ...

1) Oh but i do as i wrote that he questioned the result.........just that i don't recall "the world watching".

2) The day after Bush took 271 votes. 13th December to be precise. He conceded as a statesman with the above quoted comment, something your boy Trump should have done but never will as he's never been a statesman and treated the office of president as his own personal tv game show. You backed a donkey and got led by it......he's a conman and a crook.

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 7:02 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 5:31 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 3:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 2:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 12:57 PM


Sinister or just Trump being petulant? Its seems the security and validity of the voting system is now the most secure its ever been. He is now sacking his own cybersecurity officials as they are not giving him the answers he wants to hear or is it something more sinister. Probably the former.

At the moment it's certainly the former as that's what he's always done with anyone who doesn't kowtow. But the longer they leave him in the WH the more damage he will cause and we've seen how he's been whipping up his gangs of armed thugs. Saturday there are pro-Trump demos planned but Biden supporters are being encouraged to stay away. With all that weaponry loose on the streets the Trump lot are daft enough to start shooting each other if there are no Biden folk out on the streets.


If any shooting starts Trump will be hiding in WH with a supply of Maccy D's.


At this rate Trump is going to drag the republican party down with him. So far the only fraudulent vote found was some PA Trump voter who put in a vote for his dead mother. Apparently Trump insisted on an investigation as to why Hillary got 3 million more popular votes than him. I think they found six fraudulent votes, some of which were for Trump.



He dragged the RP into the swamp long ago. His psychopathy is ooc now though as he's started claiming Biden never won the election but lost......by a lot! *-)


All his batty tweets have been flagged by Twitter. The world is watching the US and it's not a pretty sight....quite shameful (and dangerous) having a lunatic on the loose in the WH.


The world was also watching Al Gore in 2000 when he questioned the election result ... Wonder if he was called a "lunatic" for questioning the machines that read the ballots

I don't recall "the world watching" as Gore questioned the election result at all. Perhaps that was because despite disagreeing with the Court's decision he behaved as a statesman and conceded with grace and honour saying, "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." Something your petulant man-child Trump would do well to learn.


I recall Al Gore questioning the result, you wont because it now suits your purpose and agenda not to ... He offered his concession how long after the election ??? ...


Questioning the result isn't the problem , its the false allegations and Trumps outright lie's that are.

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2020-11-13 6:42 PM


Careless!! :-D You said, "In a Democracy the people get to vote for their President". Ergo, countries that do not have presidents for their people to vote for, can't be democratic, can they? 8-)



Nit picking and defelction *-) .............


Did you get to vote for the EU President? >:-) ..........



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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2020-11-13 6:42 PM


In addition, we don't get to elect our Prime Ministers either, do we? You had to join the Conservative Party (after you'd dumped UKIP) to be able to vote for its leader, who could only become PM if the Conservatives won an election.


The Conservatives actually keep their membership numbers a secret, so the only measure is via estimates, the most reliable presumably being from the HoC library, at 180,000. So, Boris was elected as leader by somewhere around 0.38% of the electorate. Much the same is true for the other parties, although the others aren't so coy about their membership.


So, the head of state is unelected, and the future PM is chosen in closed poll by members of his/her party alone who, in the case of the Conservatives, number less that 1% of the electorate. And you consider that democratic, while complaining about a lack of democracy elsewhere?


You had the opportunity to join the Tory party and vote for your prefered candidate ;-) ........


So why are you complaining about those us who had the Gumption to do so? ;-) ..........



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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2020-11-13 6:42 PM


Oh, silly me. I forgot. You just voted for whoever you though would deliver Brexit, whatever the cost to the UK, and that is sufficient justification for anything and everything that secured that end. If you'd been thinking of the best long term interests of the UK, instead of Brexit, you wouldn't have put up such a dumb-cluck as party leader, would you? But no, you just wanted Brexit, and sod everyone, and everything, else. Democracy? Don't make me laugh!


Yes silly you ;-) .........


Democracy seems to work fine from where I'm sat >:-) ...........



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Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 7:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 7:02 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 5:31 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 3:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 2:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 12:57 PM


Sinister or just Trump being petulant? Its seems the security and validity of the voting system is now the most secure its ever been. He is now sacking his own cybersecurity officials as they are not giving him the answers he wants to hear or is it something more sinister. Probably the former.

At the moment it's certainly the former as that's what he's always done with anyone who doesn't kowtow. But the longer they leave him in the WH the more damage he will cause and we've seen how he's been whipping up his gangs of armed thugs. Saturday there are pro-Trump demos planned but Biden supporters are being encouraged to stay away. With all that weaponry loose on the streets the Trump lot are daft enough to start shooting each other if there are no Biden folk out on the streets.


If any shooting starts Trump will be hiding in WH with a supply of Maccy D's.


At this rate Trump is going to drag the republican party down with him. So far the only fraudulent vote found was some PA Trump voter who put in a vote for his dead mother. Apparently Trump insisted on an investigation as to why Hillary got 3 million more popular votes than him. I think they found six fraudulent votes, some of which were for Trump.



He dragged the RP into the swamp long ago. His psychopathy is ooc now though as he's started claiming Biden never won the election but lost......by a lot! *-)


All his batty tweets have been flagged by Twitter. The world is watching the US and it's not a pretty sight....quite shameful (and dangerous) having a lunatic on the loose in the WH.


The world was also watching Al Gore in 2000 when he questioned the election result ... Wonder if he was called a "lunatic" for questioning the machines that read the ballots

I don't recall "the world watching" as Gore questioned the election result at all. Perhaps that was because despite disagreeing with the Court's decision he behaved as a statesman and conceded with grace and honour saying, "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." Something your petulant man-child Trump would do well to learn.


I recall Al Gore questioning the result, you wont because it now suits your purpose and agenda not to ... He offered his concession how long after the election ??? ...

1) Oh but i do as i wrote that he questioned the result.........just that i don't recall "the world watching".

2) The day after Bush took 271 votes. 13th December to be precise. He conceded as a statesman with the above quoted comment, something your boy Trump should have done but never will as he's never been a statesman and treated the office of president as his own personal tv game show. You backed a donkey and got led by it......he's a conman and a crook.


Names and insults dont make your point more valid ... "lunatic, conman, crook" ??? ... By the way Gore went to court, the Supreme Court like POTUS Trump would like to do and it took Gore weeks to concede so your rant looks a liccle hypocritical

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pelmetman - 2020-11-13 8:45 PM.........................

You had the opportunity to join the Tory party and vote for your prefered candidate ;-) ........

So why are you complaining about those us who had the Gumption to do so? ;-) ..........

Of course, but none of those on offer were my preferred choice.

Because that impressive accumulation of gumption of yours led you to vote for a clown with a weathervane for a mind. Still, so long as you're happy, eh? :-D

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 AM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 7:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 7:02 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 5:31 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 3:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 2:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 12:57 PM


Sinister or just Trump being petulant? Its seems the security and validity of the voting system is now the most secure its ever been. He is now sacking his own cybersecurity officials as they are not giving him the answers he wants to hear or is it something more sinister. Probably the former.

At the moment it's certainly the former as that's what he's always done with anyone who doesn't kowtow. But the longer they leave him in the WH the more damage he will cause and we've seen how he's been whipping up his gangs of armed thugs. Saturday there are pro-Trump demos planned but Biden supporters are being encouraged to stay away. With all that weaponry loose on the streets the Trump lot are daft enough to start shooting each other if there are no Biden folk out on the streets.


If any shooting starts Trump will be hiding in WH with a supply of Maccy D's.


At this rate Trump is going to drag the republican party down with him. So far the only fraudulent vote found was some PA Trump voter who put in a vote for his dead mother. Apparently Trump insisted on an investigation as to why Hillary got 3 million more popular votes than him. I think they found six fraudulent votes, some of which were for Trump.



He dragged the RP into the swamp long ago. His psychopathy is ooc now though as he's started claiming Biden never won the election but lost......by a lot! *-)


All his batty tweets have been flagged by Twitter. The world is watching the US and it's not a pretty sight....quite shameful (and dangerous) having a lunatic on the loose in the WH.


The world was also watching Al Gore in 2000 when he questioned the election result ... Wonder if he was called a "lunatic" for questioning the machines that read the ballots

I don't recall "the world watching" as Gore questioned the election result at all. Perhaps that was because despite disagreeing with the Court's decision he behaved as a statesman and conceded with grace and honour saying, "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." Something your petulant man-child Trump would do well to learn.


I recall Al Gore questioning the result, you wont because it now suits your purpose and agenda not to ... He offered his concession how long after the election ??? ...

1) Oh but i do as i wrote that he questioned the result.........just that i don't recall "the world watching".

2) The day after Bush took 271 votes. 13th December to be precise. He conceded as a statesman with the above quoted comment, something your boy Trump should have done but never will as he's never been a statesman and treated the office of president as his own personal tv game show. You backed a donkey and got led by it......he's a conman and a crook.


Names and insults dont make your point more valid ... "lunatic, conman, crook" ??? ... By the way Gore went to court, the Supreme Court like POTUS Trump would like to do and it took Gore weeks to concede so your rant looks a liccle hypocritical

"Lunatic, conman and crook" are not insults about your man-child, they're observations concluded from facts and i've no idea what "liccle" is supposed to mean....how old are you, two? I expect that from babies.....whats the matter with you?


I know Gore went to Court which despite not agreeing with the finding, accepted it and conceded to Bush saying "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." That's the difference between Gore, a true statesman, and Trump whose an idiot that's brought the office of presidency into disrepute. We know you've always fawned over Trump from posts and threads you've made on here but it was only a matter of time for your little populist bubble to burst as all decent citizens with a moral compass knew his shenanigans could not be allowed to continue.


Numerous law firms engaged to represent Trumps campaign have already withdrawn their services as they're sick of his manic allegations for which they have no evidence. Sounding off on Twitter that "Biden lost the election big time" is not evidence, even though Trump and his followers think it is.











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Brian Kirby - 2020-11-14 12:25 PM


pelmetman - 2020-11-13 8:41 PM..................................

Did you get to vote for the EU President? >:-) ..........

And who, exactly, is that? Real world answer, not Pelmetworld answer, please! :-D

I'm afraid that's what you'll get! (lol)

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Brian Kirby - 2020-11-14 12:30 PM


pelmetman - 2020-11-13 8:45 PM.........................

You had the opportunity to join the Tory party and vote for your prefered candidate ;-) ........

So why are you complaining about those us who had the Gumption to do so? ;-) ..........

Of course, but none of those on offer were my preferred choice.

Because that impressive accumulation of gumption of yours led you to vote for a clown with a weathervane for a mind. Still, so long as you're happy, eh? :-D


(lol)(lol)(lol)(lol) :D

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Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 3:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 AM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 7:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 7:02 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 5:31 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 3:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 2:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 12:57 PM


Sinister or just Trump being petulant? Its seems the security and validity of the voting system is now the most secure its ever been. He is now sacking his own cybersecurity officials as they are not giving him the answers he wants to hear or is it something more sinister. Probably the former.

At the moment it's certainly the former as that's what he's always done with anyone who doesn't kowtow. But the longer they leave him in the WH the more damage he will cause and we've seen how he's been whipping up his gangs of armed thugs. Saturday there are pro-Trump demos planned but Biden supporters are being encouraged to stay away. With all that weaponry loose on the streets the Trump lot are daft enough to start shooting each other if there are no Biden folk out on the streets.


If any shooting starts Trump will be hiding in WH with a supply of Maccy D's.


At this rate Trump is going to drag the republican party down with him. So far the only fraudulent vote found was some PA Trump voter who put in a vote for his dead mother. Apparently Trump insisted on an investigation as to why Hillary got 3 million more popular votes than him. I think they found six fraudulent votes, some of which were for Trump.



He dragged the RP into the swamp long ago. His psychopathy is ooc now though as he's started claiming Biden never won the election but lost......by a lot! *-)


All his batty tweets have been flagged by Twitter. The world is watching the US and it's not a pretty sight....quite shameful (and dangerous) having a lunatic on the loose in the WH.


The world was also watching Al Gore in 2000 when he questioned the election result ... Wonder if he was called a "lunatic" for questioning the machines that read the ballots

I don't recall "the world watching" as Gore questioned the election result at all. Perhaps that was because despite disagreeing with the Court's decision he behaved as a statesman and conceded with grace and honour saying, "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." Something your petulant man-child Trump would do well to learn.


I recall Al Gore questioning the result, you wont because it now suits your purpose and agenda not to ... He offered his concession how long after the election ??? ...

1) Oh but i do as i wrote that he questioned the result.........just that i don't recall "the world watching".

2) The day after Bush took 271 votes. 13th December to be precise. He conceded as a statesman with the above quoted comment, something your boy Trump should have done but never will as he's never been a statesman and treated the office of president as his own personal tv game show. You backed a donkey and got led by it......he's a conman and a crook.


Names and insults dont make your point more valid ... "lunatic, conman, crook" ??? ... By the way Gore went to court, the Supreme Court like POTUS Trump would like to do and it took Gore weeks to concede so your rant looks a liccle hypocritical

"Lunatic, conman and crook" are not insults about your man-child, they're observations concluded from facts and i've no idea what "liccle" is supposed to mean....how old are you, two? I expect that from babies.....whats the matter with you?


I know Gore went to Court which despite not agreeing with the finding, accepted it and conceded to Bush saying "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." That's the difference between Gore, a true statesman, and Trump whose an idiot that's brought the office of presidency into disrepute. We know you've always fawned over Trump from posts and threads you've made on here but it was only a matter of time for your little populist bubble to burst as all decent citizens with a moral compass knew his shenanigans could not be allowed to continue.


Numerous law firms engaged to represent Trumps campaign have already withdrawn their services as they're sick of his manic allegations for which they have no evidence. Sounding off on Twitter that "Biden lost the election big time" is not evidence, even though Trump and his followers think it is.












Chuckle ... If "lunatic, conman and crook" are "facts" then please provide evidence to back each up ... If not they are as I said just "insults" from a very sad. lonely fella ... We await your "facts"

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 3:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 AM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 7:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 7:02 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 5:31 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 3:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 2:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 12:57 PM


Sinister or just Trump being petulant? Its seems the security and validity of the voting system is now the most secure its ever been. He is now sacking his own cybersecurity officials as they are not giving him the answers he wants to hear or is it something more sinister. Probably the former.

At the moment it's certainly the former as that's what he's always done with anyone who doesn't kowtow. But the longer they leave him in the WH the more damage he will cause and we've seen how he's been whipping up his gangs of armed thugs. Saturday there are pro-Trump demos planned but Biden supporters are being encouraged to stay away. With all that weaponry loose on the streets the Trump lot are daft enough to start shooting each other if there are no Biden folk out on the streets.


If any shooting starts Trump will be hiding in WH with a supply of Maccy D's.


At this rate Trump is going to drag the republican party down with him. So far the only fraudulent vote found was some PA Trump voter who put in a vote for his dead mother. Apparently Trump insisted on an investigation as to why Hillary got 3 million more popular votes than him. I think they found six fraudulent votes, some of which were for Trump.



He dragged the RP into the swamp long ago. His psychopathy is ooc now though as he's started claiming Biden never won the election but lost......by a lot! *-)


All his batty tweets have been flagged by Twitter. The world is watching the US and it's not a pretty sight....quite shameful (and dangerous) having a lunatic on the loose in the WH.


The world was also watching Al Gore in 2000 when he questioned the election result ... Wonder if he was called a "lunatic" for questioning the machines that read the ballots

I don't recall "the world watching" as Gore questioned the election result at all. Perhaps that was because despite disagreeing with the Court's decision he behaved as a statesman and conceded with grace and honour saying, "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." Something your petulant man-child Trump would do well to learn.


I recall Al Gore questioning the result, you wont because it now suits your purpose and agenda not to ... He offered his concession how long after the election ??? ...

1) Oh but i do as i wrote that he questioned the result.........just that i don't recall "the world watching".

2) The day after Bush took 271 votes. 13th December to be precise. He conceded as a statesman with the above quoted comment, something your boy Trump should have done but never will as he's never been a statesman and treated the office of president as his own personal tv game show. You backed a donkey and got led by it......he's a conman and a crook.


Names and insults dont make your point more valid ... "lunatic, conman, crook" ??? ... By the way Gore went to court, the Supreme Court like POTUS Trump would like to do and it took Gore weeks to concede so your rant looks a liccle hypocritical

"Lunatic, conman and crook" are not insults about your man-child, they're observations concluded from facts and i've no idea what "liccle" is supposed to mean....how old are you, two? I expect that from babies.....whats the matter with you?


I know Gore went to Court which despite not agreeing with the finding, accepted it and conceded to Bush saying "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." That's the difference between Gore, a true statesman, and Trump whose an idiot that's brought the office of presidency into disrepute. We know you've always fawned over Trump from posts and threads you've made on here but it was only a matter of time for your little populist bubble to burst as all decent citizens with a moral compass knew his shenanigans could not be allowed to continue.


Numerous law firms engaged to represent Trumps campaign have already withdrawn their services as they're sick of his manic allegations for which they have no evidence. Sounding off on Twitter that "Biden lost the election big time" is not evidence, even though Trump and his followers think it is.












Chuckle ... If "lunatic, conman and crook" are "facts" then please provide evidence to back each up

You've got a computer with internet access and shown you're capable of scouring around for far right extremist rubbish so Trumps history should present no problem as it's plentiful. You need to have been living in cave not to know.......or a fanatical Trump supporter.

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