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Is Trump attempting a coup?


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Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 7:12 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 3:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 AM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 7:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 7:02 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 5:31 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 3:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 2:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 12:57 PM


Sinister or just Trump being petulant? Its seems the security and validity of the voting system is now the most secure its ever been. He is now sacking his own cybersecurity officials as they are not giving him the answers he wants to hear or is it something more sinister. Probably the former.

At the moment it's certainly the former as that's what he's always done with anyone who doesn't kowtow. But the longer they leave him in the WH the more damage he will cause and we've seen how he's been whipping up his gangs of armed thugs. Saturday there are pro-Trump demos planned but Biden supporters are being encouraged to stay away. With all that weaponry loose on the streets the Trump lot are daft enough to start shooting each other if there are no Biden folk out on the streets.


If any shooting starts Trump will be hiding in WH with a supply of Maccy D's.


At this rate Trump is going to drag the republican party down with him. So far the only fraudulent vote found was some PA Trump voter who put in a vote for his dead mother. Apparently Trump insisted on an investigation as to why Hillary got 3 million more popular votes than him. I think they found six fraudulent votes, some of which were for Trump.



He dragged the RP into the swamp long ago. His psychopathy is ooc now though as he's started claiming Biden never won the election but lost......by a lot! *-)


All his batty tweets have been flagged by Twitter. The world is watching the US and it's not a pretty sight....quite shameful (and dangerous) having a lunatic on the loose in the WH.


The world was also watching Al Gore in 2000 when he questioned the election result ... Wonder if he was called a "lunatic" for questioning the machines that read the ballots

I don't recall "the world watching" as Gore questioned the election result at all. Perhaps that was because despite disagreeing with the Court's decision he behaved as a statesman and conceded with grace and honour saying, "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." Something your petulant man-child Trump would do well to learn.


I recall Al Gore questioning the result, you wont because it now suits your purpose and agenda not to ... He offered his concession how long after the election ??? ...

1) Oh but i do as i wrote that he questioned the result.........just that i don't recall "the world watching".

2) The day after Bush took 271 votes. 13th December to be precise. He conceded as a statesman with the above quoted comment, something your boy Trump should have done but never will as he's never been a statesman and treated the office of president as his own personal tv game show. You backed a donkey and got led by it......he's a conman and a crook.


Names and insults dont make your point more valid ... "lunatic, conman, crook" ??? ... By the way Gore went to court, the Supreme Court like POTUS Trump would like to do and it took Gore weeks to concede so your rant looks a liccle hypocritical

"Lunatic, conman and crook" are not insults about your man-child, they're observations concluded from facts and i've no idea what "liccle" is supposed to mean....how old are you, two? I expect that from babies.....whats the matter with you?


I know Gore went to Court which despite not agreeing with the finding, accepted it and conceded to Bush saying "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." That's the difference between Gore, a true statesman, and Trump whose an idiot that's brought the office of presidency into disrepute. We know you've always fawned over Trump from posts and threads you've made on here but it was only a matter of time for your little populist bubble to burst as all decent citizens with a moral compass knew his shenanigans could not be allowed to continue.


Numerous law firms engaged to represent Trumps campaign have already withdrawn their services as they're sick of his manic allegations for which they have no evidence. Sounding off on Twitter that "Biden lost the election big time" is not evidence, even though Trump and his followers think it is.












Chuckle ... If "lunatic, conman and crook" are "facts" then please provide evidence to back each up

You've got a computer with internet access and shown you're capable of scouring around for far right extremist rubbish so Trumps history should present no problem as it's plentiful. You need to have been living in cave not to know.......or a fanatical Trump supporter.


So you cant prove "lunatic, conman and crook" ... Not even a liccle bit ???

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:18 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 7:12 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 3:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 AM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 7:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 7:02 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 5:31 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 3:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 2:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 12:57 PM


Sinister or just Trump being petulant? Its seems the security and validity of the voting system is now the most secure its ever been. He is now sacking his own cybersecurity officials as they are not giving him the answers he wants to hear or is it something more sinister. Probably the former.

At the moment it's certainly the former as that's what he's always done with anyone who doesn't kowtow. But the longer they leave him in the WH the more damage he will cause and we've seen how he's been whipping up his gangs of armed thugs. Saturday there are pro-Trump demos planned but Biden supporters are being encouraged to stay away. With all that weaponry loose on the streets the Trump lot are daft enough to start shooting each other if there are no Biden folk out on the streets.


If any shooting starts Trump will be hiding in WH with a supply of Maccy D's.


At this rate Trump is going to drag the republican party down with him. So far the only fraudulent vote found was some PA Trump voter who put in a vote for his dead mother. Apparently Trump insisted on an investigation as to why Hillary got 3 million more popular votes than him. I think they found six fraudulent votes, some of which were for Trump.



He dragged the RP into the swamp long ago. His psychopathy is ooc now though as he's started claiming Biden never won the election but lost......by a lot! *-)


All his batty tweets have been flagged by Twitter. The world is watching the US and it's not a pretty sight....quite shameful (and dangerous) having a lunatic on the loose in the WH.


The world was also watching Al Gore in 2000 when he questioned the election result ... Wonder if he was called a "lunatic" for questioning the machines that read the ballots

I don't recall "the world watching" as Gore questioned the election result at all. Perhaps that was because despite disagreeing with the Court's decision he behaved as a statesman and conceded with grace and honour saying, "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." Something your petulant man-child Trump would do well to learn.


I recall Al Gore questioning the result, you wont because it now suits your purpose and agenda not to ... He offered his concession how long after the election ??? ...

1) Oh but i do as i wrote that he questioned the result.........just that i don't recall "the world watching".

2) The day after Bush took 271 votes. 13th December to be precise. He conceded as a statesman with the above quoted comment, something your boy Trump should have done but never will as he's never been a statesman and treated the office of president as his own personal tv game show. You backed a donkey and got led by it......he's a conman and a crook.


Names and insults dont make your point more valid ... "lunatic, conman, crook" ??? ... By the way Gore went to court, the Supreme Court like POTUS Trump would like to do and it took Gore weeks to concede so your rant looks a liccle hypocritical

"Lunatic, conman and crook" are not insults about your man-child, they're observations concluded from facts and i've no idea what "liccle" is supposed to mean....how old are you, two? I expect that from babies.....whats the matter with you?


I know Gore went to Court which despite not agreeing with the finding, accepted it and conceded to Bush saying "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." That's the difference between Gore, a true statesman, and Trump whose an idiot that's brought the office of presidency into disrepute. We know you've always fawned over Trump from posts and threads you've made on here but it was only a matter of time for your little populist bubble to burst as all decent citizens with a moral compass knew his shenanigans could not be allowed to continue.


Numerous law firms engaged to represent Trumps campaign have already withdrawn their services as they're sick of his manic allegations for which they have no evidence. Sounding off on Twitter that "Biden lost the election big time" is not evidence, even though Trump and his followers think it is.












Chuckle ... If "lunatic, conman and crook" are "facts" then please provide evidence to back each up

You've got a computer with internet access and shown you're capable of scouring around for far right extremist rubbish so Trumps history should present no problem as it's plentiful. You need to have been living in cave not to know.......or a fanatical Trump supporter.


So you cant prove "lunatic, conman and crook" ... Not even a liccle bit ???

This isn't a court of law you clown though you treat it as one demanding proof for this and that when invariably never showing any yourself. You know how to search out far right extremist garbage you spend virtually every day burying your head in so you can run searches on Trumps history. The change will do you good. And why do you keep posting words little babies use? What IS the matter with you? Seriously...how old are you because you cannot be much above two or three if thats how you talk. Have you asked your mummy or daddy for permission to use their computer? :-S

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Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 7:33 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:18 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 7:12 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 3:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 AM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 7:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 7:02 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 5:31 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 3:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 2:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 12:57 PM


Sinister or just Trump being petulant? Its seems the security and validity of the voting system is now the most secure its ever been. He is now sacking his own cybersecurity officials as they are not giving him the answers he wants to hear or is it something more sinister. Probably the former.

At the moment it's certainly the former as that's what he's always done with anyone who doesn't kowtow. But the longer they leave him in the WH the more damage he will cause and we've seen how he's been whipping up his gangs of armed thugs. Saturday there are pro-Trump demos planned but Biden supporters are being encouraged to stay away. With all that weaponry loose on the streets the Trump lot are daft enough to start shooting each other if there are no Biden folk out on the streets.


If any shooting starts Trump will be hiding in WH with a supply of Maccy D's.


At this rate Trump is going to drag the republican party down with him. So far the only fraudulent vote found was some PA Trump voter who put in a vote for his dead mother. Apparently Trump insisted on an investigation as to why Hillary got 3 million more popular votes than him. I think they found six fraudulent votes, some of which were for Trump.



He dragged the RP into the swamp long ago. His psychopathy is ooc now though as he's started claiming Biden never won the election but lost......by a lot! *-)


All his batty tweets have been flagged by Twitter. The world is watching the US and it's not a pretty sight....quite shameful (and dangerous) having a lunatic on the loose in the WH.


The world was also watching Al Gore in 2000 when he questioned the election result ... Wonder if he was called a "lunatic" for questioning the machines that read the ballots

I don't recall "the world watching" as Gore questioned the election result at all. Perhaps that was because despite disagreeing with the Court's decision he behaved as a statesman and conceded with grace and honour saying, "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." Something your petulant man-child Trump would do well to learn.


I recall Al Gore questioning the result, you wont because it now suits your purpose and agenda not to ... He offered his concession how long after the election ??? ...

1) Oh but i do as i wrote that he questioned the result.........just that i don't recall "the world watching".

2) The day after Bush took 271 votes. 13th December to be precise. He conceded as a statesman with the above quoted comment, something your boy Trump should have done but never will as he's never been a statesman and treated the office of president as his own personal tv game show. You backed a donkey and got led by it......he's a conman and a crook.


Names and insults dont make your point more valid ... "lunatic, conman, crook" ??? ... By the way Gore went to court, the Supreme Court like POTUS Trump would like to do and it took Gore weeks to concede so your rant looks a liccle hypocritical

"Lunatic, conman and crook" are not insults about your man-child, they're observations concluded from facts and i've no idea what "liccle" is supposed to mean....how old are you, two? I expect that from babies.....whats the matter with you?


I know Gore went to Court which despite not agreeing with the finding, accepted it and conceded to Bush saying "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." That's the difference between Gore, a true statesman, and Trump whose an idiot that's brought the office of presidency into disrepute. We know you've always fawned over Trump from posts and threads you've made on here but it was only a matter of time for your little populist bubble to burst as all decent citizens with a moral compass knew his shenanigans could not be allowed to continue.


Numerous law firms engaged to represent Trumps campaign have already withdrawn their services as they're sick of his manic allegations for which they have no evidence. Sounding off on Twitter that "Biden lost the election big time" is not evidence, even though Trump and his followers think it is.












Chuckle ... If "lunatic, conman and crook" are "facts" then please provide evidence to back each up

You've got a computer with internet access and shown you're capable of scouring around for far right extremist rubbish so Trumps history should present no problem as it's plentiful. You need to have been living in cave not to know.......or a fanatical Trump supporter.


So you cant prove "lunatic, conman and crook" ... Not even a liccle bit ???

This isn't a court of law you clown though you treat it as one demanding proof for this and that when invariably never showing any yourself. You know how to search out far right extremist garbage you spend virtually every day burying your head in so you can run searches on Trumps history. The change will do you good. And why do you keep posting words little babies use? What IS the matter with you? Seriously...how old are you because you cannot be much above two or three if thats how you talk. Have you asked your mummy or daddy for permission to use their computer? :-S


Chuckle ... https://forums.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/General-Chat/Chatterbox/Anti-Islam-/56755/31/ ... Thats you isnt it demanding in bold Dave provides you with proof for a 5th time ??? ... Hyyyyyypocrite ... Take it you cant prove "lunatic, conman and crook" ??? ... Poor liccle darling

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:38 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 7:33 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:18 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 7:12 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 3:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 AM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 7:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 7:02 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 5:31 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 3:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 2:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 12:57 PM


Sinister or just Trump being petulant? Its seems the security and validity of the voting system is now the most secure its ever been. He is now sacking his own cybersecurity officials as they are not giving him the answers he wants to hear or is it something more sinister. Probably the former.

At the moment it's certainly the former as that's what he's always done with anyone who doesn't kowtow. But the longer they leave him in the WH the more damage he will cause and we've seen how he's been whipping up his gangs of armed thugs. Saturday there are pro-Trump demos planned but Biden supporters are being encouraged to stay away. With all that weaponry loose on the streets the Trump lot are daft enough to start shooting each other if there are no Biden folk out on the streets.


If any shooting starts Trump will be hiding in WH with a supply of Maccy D's.


At this rate Trump is going to drag the republican party down with him. So far the only fraudulent vote found was some PA Trump voter who put in a vote for his dead mother. Apparently Trump insisted on an investigation as to why Hillary got 3 million more popular votes than him. I think they found six fraudulent votes, some of which were for Trump.



He dragged the RP into the swamp long ago. His psychopathy is ooc now though as he's started claiming Biden never won the election but lost......by a lot! *-)


All his batty tweets have been flagged by Twitter. The world is watching the US and it's not a pretty sight....quite shameful (and dangerous) having a lunatic on the loose in the WH.


The world was also watching Al Gore in 2000 when he questioned the election result ... Wonder if he was called a "lunatic" for questioning the machines that read the ballots

I don't recall "the world watching" as Gore questioned the election result at all. Perhaps that was because despite disagreeing with the Court's decision he behaved as a statesman and conceded with grace and honour saying, "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." Something your petulant man-child Trump would do well to learn.


I recall Al Gore questioning the result, you wont because it now suits your purpose and agenda not to ... He offered his concession how long after the election ??? ...

1) Oh but i do as i wrote that he questioned the result.........just that i don't recall "the world watching".

2) The day after Bush took 271 votes. 13th December to be precise. He conceded as a statesman with the above quoted comment, something your boy Trump should have done but never will as he's never been a statesman and treated the office of president as his own personal tv game show. You backed a donkey and got led by it......he's a conman and a crook.


Names and insults dont make your point more valid ... "lunatic, conman, crook" ??? ... By the way Gore went to court, the Supreme Court like POTUS Trump would like to do and it took Gore weeks to concede so your rant looks a liccle hypocritical

"Lunatic, conman and crook" are not insults about your man-child, they're observations concluded from facts and i've no idea what "liccle" is supposed to mean....how old are you, two? I expect that from babies.....whats the matter with you?


I know Gore went to Court which despite not agreeing with the finding, accepted it and conceded to Bush saying "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." That's the difference between Gore, a true statesman, and Trump whose an idiot that's brought the office of presidency into disrepute. We know you've always fawned over Trump from posts and threads you've made on here but it was only a matter of time for your little populist bubble to burst as all decent citizens with a moral compass knew his shenanigans could not be allowed to continue.


Numerous law firms engaged to represent Trumps campaign have already withdrawn their services as they're sick of his manic allegations for which they have no evidence. Sounding off on Twitter that "Biden lost the election big time" is not evidence, even though Trump and his followers think it is.












Chuckle ... If "lunatic, conman and crook" are "facts" then please provide evidence to back each up

You've got a computer with internet access and shown you're capable of scouring around for far right extremist rubbish so Trumps history should present no problem as it's plentiful. You need to have been living in cave not to know.......or a fanatical Trump supporter.


So you cant prove "lunatic, conman and crook" ... Not even a liccle bit ???

This isn't a court of law you clown though you treat it as one demanding proof for this and that when invariably never showing any yourself. You know how to search out far right extremist garbage you spend virtually every day burying your head in so you can run searches on Trumps history. The change will do you good. And why do you keep posting words little babies use? What IS the matter with you? Seriously...how old are you because you cannot be much above two or three if thats how you talk. Have you asked your mummy or daddy for permission to use their computer? :-S


Chuckle ... https://forums.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/General-Chat/Chatterbox/Anti-Islam-/56755/31/ ... Thats you isnt it demanding in bold Dave provides you with proof for a 5th time ??? ... Hyyyyyypocrite ... Take it you cant prove "lunatic, conman and crook" ??? ... Poor liccle darling

Fill yer boots Mr Bone Idle Ostrich......not that you'll read any as they don't paint your flame in a very good light at all. *-)



















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Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 7:54 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:38 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 7:33 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:18 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 7:12 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 3:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 AM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 7:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 7:02 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 5:31 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 3:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 2:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 12:57 PM


Sinister or just Trump being petulant? Its seems the security and validity of the voting system is now the most secure its ever been. He is now sacking his own cybersecurity officials as they are not giving him the answers he wants to hear or is it something more sinister. Probably the former.

At the moment it's certainly the former as that's what he's always done with anyone who doesn't kowtow. But the longer they leave him in the WH the more damage he will cause and we've seen how he's been whipping up his gangs of armed thugs. Saturday there are pro-Trump demos planned but Biden supporters are being encouraged to stay away. With all that weaponry loose on the streets the Trump lot are daft enough to start shooting each other if there are no Biden folk out on the streets.


If any shooting starts Trump will be hiding in WH with a supply of Maccy D's.


At this rate Trump is going to drag the republican party down with him. So far the only fraudulent vote found was some PA Trump voter who put in a vote for his dead mother. Apparently Trump insisted on an investigation as to why Hillary got 3 million more popular votes than him. I think they found six fraudulent votes, some of which were for Trump.



He dragged the RP into the swamp long ago. His psychopathy is ooc now though as he's started claiming Biden never won the election but lost......by a lot! *-)


All his batty tweets have been flagged by Twitter. The world is watching the US and it's not a pretty sight....quite shameful (and dangerous) having a lunatic on the loose in the WH.


The world was also watching Al Gore in 2000 when he questioned the election result ... Wonder if he was called a "lunatic" for questioning the machines that read the ballots

I don't recall "the world watching" as Gore questioned the election result at all. Perhaps that was because despite disagreeing with the Court's decision he behaved as a statesman and conceded with grace and honour saying, "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." Something your petulant man-child Trump would do well to learn.


I recall Al Gore questioning the result, you wont because it now suits your purpose and agenda not to ... He offered his concession how long after the election ??? ...

1) Oh but i do as i wrote that he questioned the result.........just that i don't recall "the world watching".

2) The day after Bush took 271 votes. 13th December to be precise. He conceded as a statesman with the above quoted comment, something your boy Trump should have done but never will as he's never been a statesman and treated the office of president as his own personal tv game show. You backed a donkey and got led by it......he's a conman and a crook.


Names and insults dont make your point more valid ... "lunatic, conman, crook" ??? ... By the way Gore went to court, the Supreme Court like POTUS Trump would like to do and it took Gore weeks to concede so your rant looks a liccle hypocritical

"Lunatic, conman and crook" are not insults about your man-child, they're observations concluded from facts and i've no idea what "liccle" is supposed to mean....how old are you, two? I expect that from babies.....whats the matter with you?


I know Gore went to Court which despite not agreeing with the finding, accepted it and conceded to Bush saying "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." That's the difference between Gore, a true statesman, and Trump whose an idiot that's brought the office of presidency into disrepute. We know you've always fawned over Trump from posts and threads you've made on here but it was only a matter of time for your little populist bubble to burst as all decent citizens with a moral compass knew his shenanigans could not be allowed to continue.


Numerous law firms engaged to represent Trumps campaign have already withdrawn their services as they're sick of his manic allegations for which they have no evidence. Sounding off on Twitter that "Biden lost the election big time" is not evidence, even though Trump and his followers think it is.












Chuckle ... If "lunatic, conman and crook" are "facts" then please provide evidence to back each up

You've got a computer with internet access and shown you're capable of scouring around for far right extremist rubbish so Trumps history should present no problem as it's plentiful. You need to have been living in cave not to know.......or a fanatical Trump supporter.


So you cant prove "lunatic, conman and crook" ... Not even a liccle bit ???

This isn't a court of law you clown though you treat it as one demanding proof for this and that when invariably never showing any yourself. You know how to search out far right extremist garbage you spend virtually every day burying your head in so you can run searches on Trumps history. The change will do you good. And why do you keep posting words little babies use? What IS the matter with you? Seriously...how old are you because you cannot be much above two or three if thats how you talk. Have you asked your mummy or daddy for permission to use their computer? :-S


Chuckle ... https://forums.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/General-Chat/Chatterbox/Anti-Islam-/56755/31/ ... Thats you isnt it demanding in bold Dave provides you with proof for a 5th time ??? ... Hyyyyyypocrite ... Take it you cant prove "lunatic, conman and crook" ??? ... Poor liccle darling

Fill yer boots Mr Bone Idle Ostrich......not that you'll read any as they don't paint your flame in a very good light at all. *-)




















Chuckle ... I got to the fourth link and lost the will ... None of those prove "lunatic, conman and crook" ... Not one single bit of nailed on fact ... You have been quite definite in your claims ... Provide the evidence to back up hes a "lunatic, conman and crook" because those prove nothing other than what you want it to prove with your hate filled obsession with him ... By the way you obviously dont like me showing your utter hypocrisy on here with regards to you demanding proof ... Bet you feel like a silly liccle boy dont ya

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 8:02 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 7:54 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:38 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 7:33 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:18 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 7:12 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 3:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:03 AM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 7:18 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 7:02 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 5:31 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-13 3:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 2:58 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-13 12:57 PM


Sinister or just Trump being petulant? Its seems the security and validity of the voting system is now the most secure its ever been. He is now sacking his own cybersecurity officials as they are not giving him the answers he wants to hear or is it something more sinister. Probably the former.

At the moment it's certainly the former as that's what he's always done with anyone who doesn't kowtow. But the longer they leave him in the WH the more damage he will cause and we've seen how he's been whipping up his gangs of armed thugs. Saturday there are pro-Trump demos planned but Biden supporters are being encouraged to stay away. With all that weaponry loose on the streets the Trump lot are daft enough to start shooting each other if there are no Biden folk out on the streets.


If any shooting starts Trump will be hiding in WH with a supply of Maccy D's.


At this rate Trump is going to drag the republican party down with him. So far the only fraudulent vote found was some PA Trump voter who put in a vote for his dead mother. Apparently Trump insisted on an investigation as to why Hillary got 3 million more popular votes than him. I think they found six fraudulent votes, some of which were for Trump.



He dragged the RP into the swamp long ago. His psychopathy is ooc now though as he's started claiming Biden never won the election but lost......by a lot! *-)


All his batty tweets have been flagged by Twitter. The world is watching the US and it's not a pretty sight....quite shameful (and dangerous) having a lunatic on the loose in the WH.


The world was also watching Al Gore in 2000 when he questioned the election result ... Wonder if he was called a "lunatic" for questioning the machines that read the ballots

I don't recall "the world watching" as Gore questioned the election result at all. Perhaps that was because despite disagreeing with the Court's decision he behaved as a statesman and conceded with grace and honour saying, "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." Something your petulant man-child Trump would do well to learn.


I recall Al Gore questioning the result, you wont because it now suits your purpose and agenda not to ... He offered his concession how long after the election ??? ...

1) Oh but i do as i wrote that he questioned the result.........just that i don't recall "the world watching".

2) The day after Bush took 271 votes. 13th December to be precise. He conceded as a statesman with the above quoted comment, something your boy Trump should have done but never will as he's never been a statesman and treated the office of president as his own personal tv game show. You backed a donkey and got led by it......he's a conman and a crook.


Names and insults dont make your point more valid ... "lunatic, conman, crook" ??? ... By the way Gore went to court, the Supreme Court like POTUS Trump would like to do and it took Gore weeks to concede so your rant looks a liccle hypocritical

"Lunatic, conman and crook" are not insults about your man-child, they're observations concluded from facts and i've no idea what "liccle" is supposed to mean....how old are you, two? I expect that from babies.....whats the matter with you?


I know Gore went to Court which despite not agreeing with the finding, accepted it and conceded to Bush saying "for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession." That's the difference between Gore, a true statesman, and Trump whose an idiot that's brought the office of presidency into disrepute. We know you've always fawned over Trump from posts and threads you've made on here but it was only a matter of time for your little populist bubble to burst as all decent citizens with a moral compass knew his shenanigans could not be allowed to continue.


Numerous law firms engaged to represent Trumps campaign have already withdrawn their services as they're sick of his manic allegations for which they have no evidence. Sounding off on Twitter that "Biden lost the election big time" is not evidence, even though Trump and his followers think it is.












Chuckle ... If "lunatic, conman and crook" are "facts" then please provide evidence to back each up

You've got a computer with internet access and shown you're capable of scouring around for far right extremist rubbish so Trumps history should present no problem as it's plentiful. You need to have been living in cave not to know.......or a fanatical Trump supporter.


So you cant prove "lunatic, conman and crook" ... Not even a liccle bit ???

This isn't a court of law you clown though you treat it as one demanding proof for this and that when invariably never showing any yourself. You know how to search out far right extremist garbage you spend virtually every day burying your head in so you can run searches on Trumps history. The change will do you good. And why do you keep posting words little babies use? What IS the matter with you? Seriously...how old are you because you cannot be much above two or three if thats how you talk. Have you asked your mummy or daddy for permission to use their computer? :-S


Chuckle ... https://forums.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/General-Chat/Chatterbox/Anti-Islam-/56755/31/ ... Thats you isnt it demanding in bold Dave provides you with proof for a 5th time ??? ... Hyyyyyypocrite ... Take it you cant prove "lunatic, conman and crook" ??? ... Poor liccle darling

Fill yer boots Mr Bone Idle Ostrich......not that you'll read any as they don't paint your flame in a very good light at all. *-)




















Chuckle ... I got to the fourth link and lost the will ... None of those prove "lunatic, conman and crook" ... Not one single bit of nailed on fact ... You have been quite definite in your claims ... Provide the evidence to back up hes a "lunatic, conman and crook" because those prove nothing other than what you want it to prove with your hate filled obsession with him ... By the way you obviously dont like me showing your utter hypocrisy on here with regards to you demanding proof ... Bet you feel like a silly liccle boy dont ya


" liccle".. . really.

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 8:02 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 7:54 PM


Fill yer boots Mr Bone Idle Ostrich......not that you'll read any as they don't paint your flame in a very good light at all. *-)




















Chuckle ... I got to the fourth link and lost the will ...

I'll translate that for you.....you glanced at four links as in less than six minutes you never had time to read the headers let alone any of the content. I knew you couldn't because your blind subservience to Trump won't allow your mind to read or see anything negative because he's your God, always has been and always will be.....go and have a fiddle with your inflatable Trump dolly.

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Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 8:21 PM


jumpstart - 2020-11-14 8:08 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 8:02 PM


Bet you feel like a silly liccle boy dont ya


" liccle".. . really.

Well quite! He's supposedly an adult but uses little baby words. Probably a regressive state when he feels he needs to suck his thumb.


Or someone else's.

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Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 8:17 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 8:02 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 7:54 PM


Fill yer boots Mr Bone Idle Ostrich......not that you'll read any as they don't paint your flame in a very good light at all. *-)




















Chuckle ... I got to the fourth link and lost the will ...

I'll translate that for you.....you glanced at four links as in less than six minutes you never had time to read the headers let alone any of the content. I knew you couldn't because your blind subservience to Trump won't allow your mind to read or see anything negative because he's your God, always has been and always will be.....go and have a fiddle with your inflatable Trump dolly.


Chuckle ... Like getting blood from a stone ... Princess none of those prove anything, absolutely nothing ... They are opinions from POTUS Trump haters and one of those psychiatrists giving an opinion was threatened with being struck after publicly diagnosing someone without ever meeting them !!! Now back to your that claim POTUS Trump is a "lunatic, conman and a crook" do you have any proof at all to back up those claims ??? ... Your a big boy throwing names around on the internet not a liccle boy so come on give us sumat more than insults

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2020-11-14 12:25 PM


pelmetman - 2020-11-13 8:41 PM..................................

Did you get to vote for the EU President? >:-) ..........

And who, exactly, is that? Real world answer, not Pelmetworld answer, please! :-D


Don't you know? 8-) ..........




If I were you I'd get checked out for dementia ;-) ...........



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pelmetman - 2020-11-15 9:24 AM

Brian Kirby - 2020-11-14 12:25 PM

pelmetman - 2020-11-13 8:41 PM..................................

Did you get to vote for the EU President? >:-) ..........

And who, exactly, is that? Real world answer, not Pelmetworld answer, please! :-D

Don't you know? 8-) ..........


If I were you I'd get checked out for dementia ;-) ...........

Good start Dave. Now read it, and explain how that equates US president, our head of state, or PM.

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The irony here is literally off the scale. Watch in speechless awe what happened when the boot was on the other foot 4 years ago.


Trumps cronies howled themselves hoarse screaming "sore losers" because Hillary waited all of ... err ... 24 hours before she conceded to him.


She did not make him wait 10 days - and counting - like what he's doing to Biden. Despite the fears of fraud, illegal practice etc, she conceded THE NEXT DAY!



Karma can be a bitch eh old Bone Spurs? (lol)(lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2020-11-15 1:07 PM


pelmetman - 2020-11-15 9:24 AM

Brian Kirby - 2020-11-14 12:25 PM

pelmetman - 2020-11-13 8:41 PM..................................

Did you get to vote for the EU President? >:-) ..........

And who, exactly, is that? Real world answer, not Pelmetworld answer, please! :-D

Don't you know? 8-) ..........


If I were you I'd get checked out for dementia ;-) ...........

Good start Dave. Now read it, and explain how that equates US president, our head of state, or PM.


Is she not the President of the EU? ;-) .........


That EU that seeks to turn European nations into a Federation of vassal states of the Fourth Reich *-) ........


The obvious difference is the Yank voters had a choice of TWO :D ........


Along with the FACT that no European voter got to vote for their President 8-) .........


AND you'd call that Democracy???........You're avin a Giraffe aintcha >:-) .........

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Bulletguy - 2020-11-15 3:38 PM


The irony here is literally off the scale. Watch in speechless awe what happened when the boot was on the other foot 4 years ago.


Trumps cronies howled themselves hoarse screaming "sore losers" because Hillary waited all of ... err ... 24 hours before she conceded to him.


She did not make him wait 10 days - and counting - like what he's doing to Biden. Despite the fears of fraud, illegal practice etc, she conceded THE NEXT DAY!



Karma can be a bitch eh old Bone Spurs? (lol)(lol)


Its nothing new though for Trump. He simply cannot handle defeat or "losing" but he loses quite a lot. Multiple bankruptcies, law suits etc but even after he loses he carries on fighting after everyone has gone home and just claims he has won or its fake news. Thats bad enough when its the loss of a business or a law suit but this is the very heart of American Democracy. Its just completely unchartered territory now. The man is deranged, unhinged and the sooner he is locked up the better.

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Barryd999 - 2020-11-15 4:51 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-15 3:38 PM


The irony here is literally off the scale. Watch in speechless awe what happened when the boot was on the other foot 4 years ago.


Trumps cronies howled themselves hoarse screaming "sore losers" because Hillary waited all of ... err ... 24 hours before she conceded to him.


She did not make him wait 10 days - and counting - like what he's doing to Biden. Despite the fears of fraud, illegal practice etc, she conceded THE NEXT DAY!



Karma can be a bitch eh old Bone Spurs? (lol)(lol)


Its nothing new though for Trump. He simply cannot handle defeat or "losing" but he loses quite a lot. Multiple bankruptcies, law suits etc but even after he loses he carries on fighting after everyone has gone home and just claims he has won or its fake news. Thats bad enough when its the loss of a business or a law suit but this is the very heart of American Democracy. Its just completely unchartered territory now. The man is deranged, unhinged and the sooner he is locked up the better.


Whats he doing that Al Gore didn't do ??? ... Remember Al Gore, he went on to travel the world umpteen times telling us the ills of climate change while pocketing millions of $$$$ ... Come on whats POTUS Trump and his team doing thats so different ???

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Barryd999 - 2020-11-15 4:51 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-15 3:38 PM


The irony here is literally off the scale. Watch in speechless awe what happened when the boot was on the other foot 4 years ago.


Trumps cronies howled themselves hoarse screaming "sore losers" because Hillary waited all of ... err ... 24 hours before she conceded to him.


She did not make him wait 10 days - and counting - like what he's doing to Biden. Despite the fears of fraud, illegal practice etc, she conceded THE NEXT DAY!



Karma can be a bitch eh old Bone Spurs? (lol)(lol)


Its nothing new though for Trump. He simply cannot handle defeat or "losing" but he loses quite a lot. Multiple bankruptcies, law suits etc but even after he loses he carries on fighting after everyone has gone home and just claims he has won or its fake news. Thats bad enough when its the loss of a business or a law suit but this is the very heart of American Democracy. Its just completely unchartered territory now. The man is deranged, unhinged and the sooner he is locked up the better.

He's a complete disgrace to office of president conducting his silly war by Twitter, whipping up his 'patriots' and telling police "do your job and don't hold back". As if he hasn't killed enough innocent folk already by his crass handling of Covid. He doesn't care if the bullets start flying.



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pelmetman - 2020-11-15 3:58 PM...........................

1 Is she not the President of the EU? ;-) .........

2 That EU that seeks to turn European nations into a Federation of vassal states of the Fourth Reich *-) ........

3 The obvious difference is the Yank voters had a choice of TWO :D ........

4 Along with the FACT that no European voter got to vote for their President 8-) .........

5 AND you'd call that Democracy???........You're avin a Giraffe aintcha >:-) .........

1 So you didn't read it, did you? All the answers to your questions are in the Wiki you linked. But, as ever, you prefer not to know.

2 That EU has only the powers its member states give it, and it does not have that power. Pelmet paranoia speaks!

3 Read your own Wiki.

4 Oh yes they did. All who voted for her were European voters. Read your own Wiki.

5 It is a democratic process. Read your own Wiki.

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Brian Kirby - 2020-11-16 1:01 PM


pelmetman - 2020-11-15 3:58 PM...........................

1 Is she not the President of the EU? ;-) .........

2 That EU that seeks to turn European nations into a Federation of vassal states of the Fourth Reich *-) ........

3 The obvious difference is the Yank voters had a choice of TWO :D ........

4 Along with the FACT that no European voter got to vote for their President 8-) .........

5 AND you'd call that Democracy???........You're avin a Giraffe aintcha >:-) .........

1 So you didn't read it, did you? All the answers to your questions are in the Wiki you linked. But, as ever, you prefer not to know.

2 That EU has only the powers its member states give it, and it does not have that power. Pelmet paranoia speaks!

3 Read your own Wiki.

4 Oh yes they did. All who voted for her were European voters. Read your own Wiki.

5 It is a democratic process. Read your own Wiki.

He never reads his own links......he needs word bubbles and pictures to look at. :-|

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-15 4:53 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-15 4:51 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-15 3:38 PM


The irony here is literally off the scale. Watch in speechless awe what happened when the boot was on the other foot 4 years ago.


Trumps cronies howled themselves hoarse screaming "sore losers" because Hillary waited all of ... err ... 24 hours before she conceded to him.


She did not make him wait 10 days - and counting - like what he's doing to Biden. Despite the fears of fraud, illegal practice etc, she conceded THE NEXT DAY!



Karma can be a bitch eh old Bone Spurs? (lol)(lol)


Its nothing new though for Trump. He simply cannot handle defeat or "losing" but he loses quite a lot. Multiple bankruptcies, law suits etc but even after he loses he carries on fighting after everyone has gone home and just claims he has won or its fake news. Thats bad enough when its the loss of a business or a law suit but this is the very heart of American Democracy. Its just completely unchartered territory now. The man is deranged, unhinged and the sooner he is locked up the better.


Whats he doing that Al Gore didn't do ??? ... Remember Al Gore, he went on to travel the world umpteen times telling us the ills of climate change while pocketing millions of $$$$ ... Come on whats POTUS Trump and his team doing thats so different ???


That fight I seem to remember was over one key state that could have won the election for either Bush or Gore and both of them fought aggressively over the recounts so much so there were just 500+ votes in it I think when it was called. The networks also withdrew Florida as being called when Gore withdrew his concession statement and a recount was called.


The difference here is Trump is throwing about bucket loads of fake news and claims of fraud with no evidence whatsoever and the dispute is not just one state but all the key states which even if there is a recount he has no chance whatsoever of winning. All he is doing is whipping up one big conspiracy theory argument in order to sow seeds of doubt into his supporters to disrupt the presidency of Joe Biden. Well that and as I said he just cannot handle losing. The tweets that he is putting out like that one Bullet just posted are a disgrace. I am surprised Twitter allowed it. Most of his tweets are now censored or carry a fake news warning. This is the president of the United States. This is how low they have now sunk.

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Barryd999 - 2020-11-16 1:35 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-15 4:53 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-15 4:51 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-15 3:38 PM


The irony here is literally off the scale. Watch in speechless awe what happened when the boot was on the other foot 4 years ago.


Trumps cronies howled themselves hoarse screaming "sore losers" because Hillary waited all of ... err ... 24 hours before she conceded to him.


She did not make him wait 10 days - and counting - like what he's doing to Biden. Despite the fears of fraud, illegal practice etc, she conceded THE NEXT DAY!



Karma can be a bitch eh old Bone Spurs? (lol)(lol)


Its nothing new though for Trump. He simply cannot handle defeat or "losing" but he loses quite a lot. Multiple bankruptcies, law suits etc but even after he loses he carries on fighting after everyone has gone home and just claims he has won or its fake news. Thats bad enough when its the loss of a business or a law suit but this is the very heart of American Democracy. Its just completely unchartered territory now. The man is deranged, unhinged and the sooner he is locked up the better.


Whats he doing that Al Gore didn't do ??? ... Remember Al Gore, he went on to travel the world umpteen times telling us the ills of climate change while pocketing millions of $$$$ ... Come on whats POTUS Trump and his team doing thats so different ???


That fight I seem to remember was over one key state that could have won the election for either Bush or Gore and both of them fought aggressively over the recounts so much so there were just 500+ votes in it I think when it was called. The networks also withdrew Florida as being called when Gore withdrew his concession statement and a recount was called.


The difference here is Trump is throwing about bucket loads of fake news and claims of fraud with no evidence whatsoever and the dispute is not just one state but all the key states which even if there is a recount he has no chance whatsoever of winning. All he is doing is whipping up one big conspiracy theory argument in order to sow seeds of doubt into his supporters to disrupt the presidency of Joe Biden. Well that and as I said he just cannot handle losing. The tweets that he is putting out like that one Bullet just posted are a disgrace. I am surprised Twitter allowed it. Most of his tweets are now censored or carry a fake news warning. This is the president of the United States. This is how low they have now sunk.


Princess ... So your saying Gore didn't accept the count and wanted a recount ??? Just like POTUS Trump is doing ... POTUS Trump has a right to question the result and he has a right to do anything legally he can do to prove what ever evidence he has regarding the count ... I presume your Government insider has told you that just one of the things being questioned the Dominion voter program hasn't made any mistakes ??? I dont recall you crying when President of the USA Barack Obama tried to influence our referendum so why are you getting all twitchy about POTUS Trump tweets that unless you follow him you dont have to read ??? ... Hate on chunky

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-16 1:48 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-16 1:35 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-15 4:53 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-15 4:51 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-15 3:38 PM


The irony here is literally off the scale. Watch in speechless awe what happened when the boot was on the other foot 4 years ago.


Trumps cronies howled themselves hoarse screaming "sore losers" because Hillary waited all of ... err ... 24 hours before she conceded to him.


She did not make him wait 10 days - and counting - like what he's doing to Biden. Despite the fears of fraud, illegal practice etc, she conceded THE NEXT DAY!



Karma can be a bitch eh old Bone Spurs? (lol)(lol)


Its nothing new though for Trump. He simply cannot handle defeat or "losing" but he loses quite a lot. Multiple bankruptcies, law suits etc but even after he loses he carries on fighting after everyone has gone home and just claims he has won or its fake news. Thats bad enough when its the loss of a business or a law suit but this is the very heart of American Democracy. Its just completely unchartered territory now. The man is deranged, unhinged and the sooner he is locked up the better.


Whats he doing that Al Gore didn't do ??? ... Remember Al Gore, he went on to travel the world umpteen times telling us the ills of climate change while pocketing millions of $$$$ ... Come on whats POTUS Trump and his team doing thats so different ???


That fight I seem to remember was over one key state that could have won the election for either Bush or Gore and both of them fought aggressively over the recounts so much so there were just 500+ votes in it I think when it was called. The networks also withdrew Florida as being called when Gore withdrew his concession statement and a recount was called.


The difference here is Trump is throwing about bucket loads of fake news and claims of fraud with no evidence whatsoever and the dispute is not just one state but all the key states which even if there is a recount he has no chance whatsoever of winning. All he is doing is whipping up one big conspiracy theory argument in order to sow seeds of doubt into his supporters to disrupt the presidency of Joe Biden. Well that and as I said he just cannot handle losing. The tweets that he is putting out like that one Bullet just posted are a disgrace. I am surprised Twitter allowed it. Most of his tweets are now censored or carry a fake news warning. This is the president of the United States. This is how low they have now sunk.


Princess ... So your saying Gore didn't accept the count and wanted a recount ??? Just like POTUS Trump is doing ... POTUS Trump has a right to question the result and he has a right to do anything legally he can do to prove what ever evidence he has regarding the count ... I presume your Government insider has told you that just one of the things being questioned the Dominion voter program hasn't made any mistakes ??? I dont recall you crying when President of the USA Barack Obama tried to influence our referendum so why are you getting all twitchy about POTUS Trump tweets that unless you follow him you dont have to read ??? ... Hate on chunky


He has a right to a recount if the difference is (and I think it varies from state to state) less than 1% but this isnt his only plan to try and regain the presidency. His main argument based on no evidence whatsoever is that the election was stolen from him with fraudulent mail in votes which is just preposterous. I hope they do give him the recounts and fully investigate the fraud so they can categorically state that Bidens win is 100% legitimate. However the whole world knows its just him being the worst loser in history and trying to disrupt, cause chaos and seed doubt and hopefully hobble the transition to the new President. Do you really want to be a supporter of all that?


The trouble is (for Trump) he is a serial liar. Its actually him that spreads the fake news. He cant stop himself from the minute he gets up to the minute he goes to bed. Serial liars and conmen are generally insecure and assume everyone else is as bad as them. Have a read of this. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2020-10-30/trump-false-claims-cnn-daniel-dale-fact-checker


As for his tweets well I dont follow him but its still impossible to miss them. Even his own pet network Fox News has turned against him. Carry on supporting him if you like but you will just end up looking as daft as him. Will you still be singing his praises when he gets sent down for twenty years?

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Barryd999 - 2020-11-16 2:26 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-16 1:48 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-16 1:35 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-15 4:53 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-15 4:51 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-15 3:38 PM


The irony here is literally off the scale. Watch in speechless awe what happened when the boot was on the other foot 4 years ago.


Trumps cronies howled themselves hoarse screaming "sore losers" because Hillary waited all of ... err ... 24 hours before she conceded to him.


She did not make him wait 10 days - and counting - like what he's doing to Biden. Despite the fears of fraud, illegal practice etc, she conceded THE NEXT DAY!



Karma can be a bitch eh old Bone Spurs? (lol)(lol)


Its nothing new though for Trump. He simply cannot handle defeat or "losing" but he loses quite a lot. Multiple bankruptcies, law suits etc but even after he loses he carries on fighting after everyone has gone home and just claims he has won or its fake news. Thats bad enough when its the loss of a business or a law suit but this is the very heart of American Democracy. Its just completely unchartered territory now. The man is deranged, unhinged and the sooner he is locked up the better.


Whats he doing that Al Gore didn't do ??? ... Remember Al Gore, he went on to travel the world umpteen times telling us the ills of climate change while pocketing millions of $$$$ ... Come on whats POTUS Trump and his team doing thats so different ???


That fight I seem to remember was over one key state that could have won the election for either Bush or Gore and both of them fought aggressively over the recounts so much so there were just 500+ votes in it I think when it was called. The networks also withdrew Florida as being called when Gore withdrew his concession statement and a recount was called.


The difference here is Trump is throwing about bucket loads of fake news and claims of fraud with no evidence whatsoever and the dispute is not just one state but all the key states which even if there is a recount he has no chance whatsoever of winning. All he is doing is whipping up one big conspiracy theory argument in order to sow seeds of doubt into his supporters to disrupt the presidency of Joe Biden. Well that and as I said he just cannot handle losing. The tweets that he is putting out like that one Bullet just posted are a disgrace. I am surprised Twitter allowed it. Most of his tweets are now censored or carry a fake news warning. This is the president of the United States. This is how low they have now sunk.


Princess ... So your saying Gore didn't accept the count and wanted a recount ??? Just like POTUS Trump is doing ... POTUS Trump has a right to question the result and he has a right to do anything legally he can do to prove what ever evidence he has regarding the count ... I presume your Government insider has told you that just one of the things being questioned the Dominion voter program hasn't made any mistakes ??? I dont recall you crying when President of the USA Barack Obama tried to influence our referendum so why are you getting all twitchy about POTUS Trump tweets that unless you follow him you dont have to read ??? ... Hate on chunky


He has a right to a recount if the difference is (and I think it varies from state to state) less than 1% but this isnt his only plan to try and regain the presidency. His main argument based on no evidence whatsoever is that the election was stolen from him with fraudulent mail in votes which is just preposterous. I hope they do give him the recounts and fully investigate the fraud so they can categorically state that Bidens win is 100% legitimate. However the whole world knows its just him being the worst loser in history and trying to disrupt, cause chaos and seed doubt and hopefully hobble the transition to the new President. Do you really want to be a supporter of all that?


The trouble is (for Trump) he is a serial liar. Its actually him that spreads the fake news. He cant stop himself from the minute he gets up to the minute he goes to bed. Serial liars and conmen are generally insecure and assume everyone else is as bad as them. Have a read of this. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2020-10-30/trump-false-claims-cnn-daniel-dale-fact-checker


As for his tweets well I dont follow him but its still impossible to miss them. Even his own pet network Fox News has turned against him. Carry on supporting him if you like but you will just end up looking as daft as him. Will you still be singing his praises when he gets sent down for twenty years?


If he has no evidence what so ever why are you getting all hot and sweaty ... As for your fact checker guff you could do that with every politician princess, even fact checker you with your false claims so stop being so bitter ... Your now telling us he'll get 20 years !!! ... Take a long look at yaself princess

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-16 3:23 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-16 2:26 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-16 1:48 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-16 1:35 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-15 4:53 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-15 4:51 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-15 3:38 PM


The irony here is literally off the scale. Watch in speechless awe what happened when the boot was on the other foot 4 years ago.


Trumps cronies howled themselves hoarse screaming "sore losers" because Hillary waited all of ... err ... 24 hours before she conceded to him.


She did not make him wait 10 days - and counting - like what he's doing to Biden. Despite the fears of fraud, illegal practice etc, she conceded THE NEXT DAY!



Karma can be a bitch eh old Bone Spurs? (lol)(lol)


Its nothing new though for Trump. He simply cannot handle defeat or "losing" but he loses quite a lot. Multiple bankruptcies, law suits etc but even after he loses he carries on fighting after everyone has gone home and just claims he has won or its fake news. Thats bad enough when its the loss of a business or a law suit but this is the very heart of American Democracy. Its just completely unchartered territory now. The man is deranged, unhinged and the sooner he is locked up the better.


Whats he doing that Al Gore didn't do ??? ... Remember Al Gore, he went on to travel the world umpteen times telling us the ills of climate change while pocketing millions of $$$$ ... Come on whats POTUS Trump and his team doing thats so different ???


That fight I seem to remember was over one key state that could have won the election for either Bush or Gore and both of them fought aggressively over the recounts so much so there were just 500+ votes in it I think when it was called. The networks also withdrew Florida as being called when Gore withdrew his concession statement and a recount was called.


The difference here is Trump is throwing about bucket loads of fake news and claims of fraud with no evidence whatsoever and the dispute is not just one state but all the key states which even if there is a recount he has no chance whatsoever of winning. All he is doing is whipping up one big conspiracy theory argument in order to sow seeds of doubt into his supporters to disrupt the presidency of Joe Biden. Well that and as I said he just cannot handle losing. The tweets that he is putting out like that one Bullet just posted are a disgrace. I am surprised Twitter allowed it. Most of his tweets are now censored or carry a fake news warning. This is the president of the United States. This is how low they have now sunk.


Princess ... So your saying Gore didn't accept the count and wanted a recount ??? Just like POTUS Trump is doing ... POTUS Trump has a right to question the result and he has a right to do anything legally he can do to prove what ever evidence he has regarding the count ... I presume your Government insider has told you that just one of the things being questioned the Dominion voter program hasn't made any mistakes ??? I dont recall you crying when President of the USA Barack Obama tried to influence our referendum so why are you getting all twitchy about POTUS Trump tweets that unless you follow him you dont have to read ??? ... Hate on chunky


He has a right to a recount if the difference is (and I think it varies from state to state) less than 1% but this isnt his only plan to try and regain the presidency. His main argument based on no evidence whatsoever is that the election was stolen from him with fraudulent mail in votes which is just preposterous. I hope they do give him the recounts and fully investigate the fraud so they can categorically state that Bidens win is 100% legitimate. However the whole world knows its just him being the worst loser in history and trying to disrupt, cause chaos and seed doubt and hopefully hobble the transition to the new President. Do you really want to be a supporter of all that?


The trouble is (for Trump) he is a serial liar. Its actually him that spreads the fake news. He cant stop himself from the minute he gets up to the minute he goes to bed. Serial liars and conmen are generally insecure and assume everyone else is as bad as them. Have a read of this. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2020-10-30/trump-false-claims-cnn-daniel-dale-fact-checker


As for his tweets well I dont follow him but its still impossible to miss them. Even his own pet network Fox News has turned against him. Carry on supporting him if you like but you will just end up looking as daft as him. Will you still be singing his praises when he gets sent down for twenty years?


If he has no evidence what so ever why are you getting all hot and sweaty ... As for your fact checker guff you could do that with every politician princess, even fact checker you with your false claims so stop being so bitter ... Your now telling us he'll get 20 years !!! ... Take a long look at yaself princess


Hot and sweaty? (lol) Are you joking? Its the best laugh I have had in ages watching Trump go into a meltdown and his demise. I dont think anyone who is still in the rational world has any doubt at all that his ridiculous attempts to claim the election was stolen from him has a one in a million chance of working in his favour. Its not me saying he will go down but plenty are speculating that he will. Thats probably another reason he is desperately trying every trick in the book to cling onto his throne. That makes him even more dangerous though IMO. There is no politician I can think of that compares to Trump in the lies and deceit stakes though. Not even Johnson. Maybe a few tinpot dictators from the past perhaps might come close. Given half a chance thats exactly what Trump would have become.

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Barryd999 - 2020-11-16 4:08 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-16 3:23 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-16 2:26 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-16 1:48 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-16 1:35 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-15 4:53 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-15 4:51 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-15 3:38 PM


The irony here is literally off the scale. Watch in speechless awe what happened when the boot was on the other foot 4 years ago.


Trumps cronies howled themselves hoarse screaming "sore losers" because Hillary waited all of ... err ... 24 hours before she conceded to him.


She did not make him wait 10 days - and counting - like what he's doing to Biden. Despite the fears of fraud, illegal practice etc, she conceded THE NEXT DAY!



Karma can be a bitch eh old Bone Spurs? (lol)(lol)


Its nothing new though for Trump. He simply cannot handle defeat or "losing" but he loses quite a lot. Multiple bankruptcies, law suits etc but even after he loses he carries on fighting after everyone has gone home and just claims he has won or its fake news. Thats bad enough when its the loss of a business or a law suit but this is the very heart of American Democracy. Its just completely unchartered territory now. The man is deranged, unhinged and the sooner he is locked up the better.


Whats he doing that Al Gore didn't do ??? ... Remember Al Gore, he went on to travel the world umpteen times telling us the ills of climate change while pocketing millions of $$$$ ... Come on whats POTUS Trump and his team doing thats so different ???


That fight I seem to remember was over one key state that could have won the election for either Bush or Gore and both of them fought aggressively over the recounts so much so there were just 500+ votes in it I think when it was called. The networks also withdrew Florida as being called when Gore withdrew his concession statement and a recount was called.


The difference here is Trump is throwing about bucket loads of fake news and claims of fraud with no evidence whatsoever and the dispute is not just one state but all the key states which even if there is a recount he has no chance whatsoever of winning. All he is doing is whipping up one big conspiracy theory argument in order to sow seeds of doubt into his supporters to disrupt the presidency of Joe Biden. Well that and as I said he just cannot handle losing. The tweets that he is putting out like that one Bullet just posted are a disgrace. I am surprised Twitter allowed it. Most of his tweets are now censored or carry a fake news warning. This is the president of the United States. This is how low they have now sunk.


Princess ... So your saying Gore didn't accept the count and wanted a recount ??? Just like POTUS Trump is doing ... POTUS Trump has a right to question the result and he has a right to do anything legally he can do to prove what ever evidence he has regarding the count ... I presume your Government insider has told you that just one of the things being questioned the Dominion voter program hasn't made any mistakes ??? I dont recall you crying when President of the USA Barack Obama tried to influence our referendum so why are you getting all twitchy about POTUS Trump tweets that unless you follow him you dont have to read ??? ... Hate on chunky


He has a right to a recount if the difference is (and I think it varies from state to state) less than 1% but this isnt his only plan to try and regain the presidency. His main argument based on no evidence whatsoever is that the election was stolen from him with fraudulent mail in votes which is just preposterous. I hope they do give him the recounts and fully investigate the fraud so they can categorically state that Bidens win is 100% legitimate. However the whole world knows its just him being the worst loser in history and trying to disrupt, cause chaos and seed doubt and hopefully hobble the transition to the new President. Do you really want to be a supporter of all that?


The trouble is (for Trump) he is a serial liar. Its actually him that spreads the fake news. He cant stop himself from the minute he gets up to the minute he goes to bed. Serial liars and conmen are generally insecure and assume everyone else is as bad as them. Have a read of this. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2020-10-30/trump-false-claims-cnn-daniel-dale-fact-checker


As for his tweets well I dont follow him but its still impossible to miss them. Even his own pet network Fox News has turned against him. Carry on supporting him if you like but you will just end up looking as daft as him. Will you still be singing his praises when he gets sent down for twenty years?


If he has no evidence what so ever why are you getting all hot and sweaty ... As for your fact checker guff you could do that with every politician princess, even fact checker you with your false claims so stop being so bitter ... Your now telling us he'll get 20 years !!! ... Take a long look at yaself princess


Hot and sweaty? (lol) Are you joking? Its the best laugh I have had in ages watching Trump go into a meltdown and his demise. I dont think anyone who is still in the rational world has any doubt at all that his ridiculous attempts to claim the election was stolen from him has a one in a million chance of working in his favour. Its not me saying he will go down but plenty are speculating that he will. Thats probably another reason he is desperately trying every trick in the book to cling onto his throne. That makes him even more dangerous though IMO. There is no politician I can think of that compares to Trump in the lies and deceit stakes though. Not even Johnson. Maybe a few tinpot dictators from the past perhaps might come close. Given half a chance thats exactly what Trump would have become.


Well if no one believes him you'll have no issue with him doing what hes legally entitled to do then will ya ... Just like Al Gore did what he was legally entitled to do ... Your other guff reads like a Spielberg fantasy script as usual

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