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Johnson promised an inquiry into Tory Islamophobia 500 days ago – where is it?


According to Sayeeda Warsi, former chairwoman of the Conservative Party, the Tories have turned a blind eye to ‘deep-rooted’ Islamophobia, partly, because they are not ‘brave enough’ to confront the reality that there are Conservative Party members amongst their ranks who’ve got ‘deeply distasteful and bigoted views’.


Hope Not Hate published a report revealing poll findings which showed widespread Islamophobia in the Conservative Party. About 57% of party members reportedly held negative views about Muslims and nearly half believe that Islam is ‘a threat to the British way of life’.


This issue goes right to the very top of the party, with Johnson himself stoking the flames of Islamophobia.


The Tory party harbours racists and Islamophobes and indeed views of many, including Johnson, are utterly despicable. Johnson should never have held office as PM - totally unfit to hold such a position with his bigoted views.



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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 10:04 PM


Johnson promised an inquiry into Tory Islamophobia 500 days ago – where is it?


According to Sayeeda Warsi, former chairwoman of the Conservative Party, the Tories have turned a blind eye to ‘deep-rooted’ Islamophobia, partly, because they are not ‘brave enough’ to confront the reality that there are Conservative Party members amongst their ranks who’ve got ‘deeply distasteful and bigoted views’.


Hope Not Hate published a report revealing poll findings which showed widespread Islamophobia in the Conservative Party. About 57% of party members reportedly held negative views about Muslims and nearly half believe that Islam is ‘a threat to the British way of life’.


This issue goes right to the very top of the party, with Johnson himself stoking the flames of Islamophobia.


The Tory party harbours racists and Islamophobes and indeed views of many, including Johnson, are utterly despicable. Johnson should never have held office as PM - totally unfit to hold such a position with his bigoted views.




Says our resident speaker for the Nonbelieverphobic Islamists ;-) ..........


Who is also a Proven Liar >:-) .........

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Incredible isn't it? Yet the scum sheet media and the Tory supporters are mad keen to point the finger at the Labour party for antisemitism which despite the recent court hearing I am still yet to see a blatant example of such racism from a Labour MP. Why isnt the media all over this?
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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 10:52 AM


Incredible isn't it? Yet the scum sheet media and the Tory supporters are mad keen to point the finger at the Labour party for antisemitism which despite the recent court hearing I am still yet to see a blatant example of such racism from a Labour MP. Why isnt the media all over this?


What pathetic folk you Losers are *-) .........


Have you not noticed the government has been rather busy tackling a worldwide pandemic? :-| ........


Furthermore.......When are we going to get a investigation into the Nonbelieverphobic Islamists? >:-) ........

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Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 10:52 AM


Incredible isn't it? Yet the scum sheet media and the Tory supporters are mad keen to point the finger at the Labour party for antisemitism which despite the recent court hearing I am still yet to see a blatant example of such racism from a Labour MP. Why isnt the media all over this?


Open your eyes ... You dont see it because you refuse to see it ... Heres yet another example, the vile thing even admits to being anti-Semitic ... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-36802075 ... You were an activist, campaigned for and voted for her ... Yuk

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 11:13 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 10:52 AM


Incredible isn't it? Yet the scum sheet media and the Tory supporters are mad keen to point the finger at the Labour party for antisemitism which despite the recent court hearing I am still yet to see a blatant example of such racism from a Labour MP. Why isnt the media all over this?


Open your eyes ... You dont see it because you refuse to see it ... Heres yet another example, the vile thing even admits to being anti-Semitic ... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-36802075 ... You were an activist, campaigned for and voted for her ... Yuk


Right! Now we are getting somewhere. So she said ""Solution for Israel-Palestine conflict - relocate Israel into United States", with the comment "problem solved"


How is that racist? She is against the state of Israel clearly and perhaps for good reason but I dont see how that is racist or anti Jewish, she clearly thinks they are aligned with the US and does not like their politics or the treatment of the Palestinians. Are we not allowed to criticise a country or a regime because of what religion they are now? How very PC. I dont think the comments are appropriate or very clever for an MP but its not racism as far as I am concerned. I knew it was a crock of s**t.

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pelmetman - 2020-11-14 11:00 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 10:52 AM


Incredible isn't it? Yet the scum sheet media and the Tory supporters are mad keen to point the finger at the Labour party for antisemitism which despite the recent court hearing I am still yet to see a blatant example of such racism from a Labour MP. Why isnt the media all over this?


What pathetic folk you Losers are *-) .........


Have you not noticed the government has been rather busy tackling a worldwide pandemic? :-| ........


Furthermore.......When are we going to get a investigation into the Nonbelieverphobic Islamists? >:-) ........


So what was the excuse before the pandemic then and it seems there was time for a court case regarding antisemitism in the Labour party. Johnson is on record being openly racist, everyone knows that as are many others in the party.

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Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 10:52 AM


Incredible isn't it? Yet the scum sheet media and the Tory supporters are mad keen to point the finger at the Labour party for antisemitism which despite the recent court hearing I am still yet to see a blatant example of such racism from a Labour MP.

Their years of smearing Corbyn backfired on them as all it did was highlight their hypocrisy over vile racism including Islamophobia. Obviously not all Tory party members are racists as it's been decent Tory MP's that have highlighted the issue, and even high profile ones such as Baroness Warsi whose campaigned for years to get an independent inquiry Johnsons racism is blatant and even extends to making antisemitic remarks such as calling Jews "hooked nose Arabs", black people "picaninnies" and Muslim women "letter boxes".


It's always been known as the nasty party and it certainly attract the racists.


Why isnt the media all over this?

UK media is very right wing and media barons control the country and government. Times, Telegraph, Daily Mail, Sun, Express all right wing. Only the Guardian and Mirror could be termed left of centre with the Independent as centrist.


In a broadsheet, we saw Boris Johnson afforded column inches to compare muslim women to “bank robbers” and “letter boxes”. The Eton-educated former foreign secretary’s comments tangibly contributed to the widespread dehumanisation of visibly Muslim women, who make up 75 per cent of the victims of Islamophobic hate crime.


The impact of who gets to set the agenda should not go unnoticed. It’s easy to question whether, in terms of media, the playing field is equal – but the dominance of right-wing papers, and right-wing stances, can’t be ignored.







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Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 12:27 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 11:13 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 10:52 AM


Incredible isn't it? Yet the scum sheet media and the Tory supporters are mad keen to point the finger at the Labour party for antisemitism which despite the recent court hearing I am still yet to see a blatant example of such racism from a Labour MP. Why isnt the media all over this?


Open your eyes ... You dont see it because you refuse to see it ... Heres yet another example, the vile thing even admits to being anti-Semitic ... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-36802075 ... You were an activist, campaigned for and voted for her ... Yuk


Right! Now we are getting somewhere. So she said ""Solution for Israel-Palestine conflict - relocate Israel into United States", with the comment "problem solved"


How is that racist? She is against the state of Israel clearly and perhaps for good reason but I dont see how that is racist or anti Jewish, she clearly thinks they are aligned with the US and does not like their politics or the treatment of the Palestinians. Are we not allowed to criticise a country or a regime because of what religion they are now? How very PC. I dont think the comments are appropriate or very clever for an MP but its not racism as far as I am concerned. I knew it was a crock of s**t.


Chuckle ... Your getting nowhere not "somewhere" ... If I said move Bradford to Pakistan that would be OK would it ??? ... Of course not ... Stop defending just because its your party FGS ... Its not a pretty sight

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