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President Elect Joe Diden ...


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Birdbrain - 2020-11-21 6:56 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-21 6:13 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-21 4:52 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-21 9:24 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-21 7:00 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-20 10:27 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-20 7:40 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-20 5:48 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-20 4:57 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-20 4:50 PM


Not long hopefully. She seems pretty decent. I guess they had to let Biden run and be a kind of stepping stone caretaker president. Running a woman of colour instead wouldnt have worked. Now America can maybe get used to the idea.


You do know those nasty Americans have had a black POTUS dont ya and you do know last time out Hilary (allegedly a woman) won more votes than POTUS Trump ... You think your all inclusive Labour Party will ever have a woman leader like the other major UK parties Barry


Yes I do know that thankyou Mr Birdbrain but Black and a Woman? Not in 2020 but soon, hopefully.


As for Labour not having a woman leader well nothing stopping them. Starmer this time was the right person for the job IMO.


Why "hopefully" "soon" for a black woman to run America ??? ... What exactly would a black woman give America others havent ... Your hoping for it "soon" so it obviously plays a big part in your life ??? ... Do tell


Well apart from her seeming to be a decent person what about "hope", "inspiration" and something to aspire to? If you are black and a woman in places like America that basically puts you one rung above an illegal Mexican really in the hierarchical chain of "supremacy".


I would imagine a lot of young girls both black and white would feel inspired to see a black lady as President. Imagine what it would do for the black lives matter movement. Please dont start spouting off about marxists and terrorists with an agenda etc. I am talking about those who feel they are not considered equal to whites.


Theres more to being a President than being a colour or a gender Barry ... BLM ??? The same BLM thats been torching cities up and down America that you find "funny" , seems BLM are an inspiration to you ... Funny how you want equality for black women yet voted and campaigned for a party and its leader who dont care about equality for Jews ... Hypocrite


I find the torching of cities up and down America funny? Evidence. BLM are not an inspiration to me.



You find violence, thuggery and criminality "funny" remember or have you conveniently forgotten ... Why wouldnt you find criminality in the USA "funny" also when its done in your beloved BLMs name ???


I found the tossing of an old racists statue into a harbour funny because it made a funny clanging sound and then a splash and everyone went Hurray! (lol) . I dont really see how that now means I find serious violence, thuggery and criminality funny.


Oh chuckle ... Thats why you found it so "funny" because it made a "splash" ... Chuckle ... You should have said ... Ruddy "funny" that splashing sound, bet you find pooping "funny" ... Chuckle on hater


Probably more like a spanking sound.


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jumpstart - 2020-11-21 7:00 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-21 6:56 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-21 6:13 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-21 4:52 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-21 9:24 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-21 7:00 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-20 10:27 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-20 7:40 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-20 5:48 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-20 4:57 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-20 4:50 PM


Not long hopefully. She seems pretty decent. I guess they had to let Biden run and be a kind of stepping stone caretaker president. Running a woman of colour instead wouldnt have worked. Now America can maybe get used to the idea.


You do know those nasty Americans have had a black POTUS dont ya and you do know last time out Hilary (allegedly a woman) won more votes than POTUS Trump ... You think your all inclusive Labour Party will ever have a woman leader like the other major UK parties Barry


Yes I do know that thankyou Mr Birdbrain but Black and a Woman? Not in 2020 but soon, hopefully.


As for Labour not having a woman leader well nothing stopping them. Starmer this time was the right person for the job IMO.


Why "hopefully" "soon" for a black woman to run America ??? ... What exactly would a black woman give America others havent ... Your hoping for it "soon" so it obviously plays a big part in your life ??? ... Do tell


Well apart from her seeming to be a decent person what about "hope", "inspiration" and something to aspire to? If you are black and a woman in places like America that basically puts you one rung above an illegal Mexican really in the hierarchical chain of "supremacy".


I would imagine a lot of young girls both black and white would feel inspired to see a black lady as President. Imagine what it would do for the black lives matter movement. Please dont start spouting off about marxists and terrorists with an agenda etc. I am talking about those who feel they are not considered equal to whites.


Theres more to being a President than being a colour or a gender Barry ... BLM ??? The same BLM thats been torching cities up and down America that you find "funny" , seems BLM are an inspiration to you ... Funny how you want equality for black women yet voted and campaigned for a party and its leader who dont care about equality for Jews ... Hypocrite


I find the torching of cities up and down America funny? Evidence. BLM are not an inspiration to me.



You find violence, thuggery and criminality "funny" remember or have you conveniently forgotten ... Why wouldnt you find criminality in the USA "funny" also when its done in your beloved BLMs name ???


I found the tossing of an old racists statue into a harbour funny because it made a funny clanging sound and then a splash and everyone went Hurray! (lol) . I dont really see how that now means I find serious violence, thuggery and criminality funny.


Oh chuckle ... Thats why you found it so "funny" because it made a "splash" ... Chuckle ... You should have said ... Ruddy "funny" that splashing sound, bet you find pooping "funny" ... Chuckle on hater


Probably more like a spanking sound.



You and ya missus will know the "sound" of her getting a good "spanking" ... Thankfully I dont know what it sounds like ... You prolly tape it so why dont ya share

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-21 6:56 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-21 6:13 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-21 4:52 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-21 9:24 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-21 7:00 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-20 10:27 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-20 7:40 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-20 5:48 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-20 4:57 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-20 4:50 PM


Not long hopefully. She seems pretty decent. I guess they had to let Biden run and be a kind of stepping stone caretaker president. Running a woman of colour instead wouldnt have worked. Now America can maybe get used to the idea.


You do know those nasty Americans have had a black POTUS dont ya and you do know last time out Hilary (allegedly a woman) won more votes than POTUS Trump ... You think your all inclusive Labour Party will ever have a woman leader like the other major UK parties Barry


Yes I do know that thankyou Mr Birdbrain but Black and a Woman? Not in 2020 but soon, hopefully.


As for Labour not having a woman leader well nothing stopping them. Starmer this time was the right person for the job IMO.


Why "hopefully" "soon" for a black woman to run America ??? ... What exactly would a black woman give America others havent ... Your hoping for it "soon" so it obviously plays a big part in your life ??? ... Do tell


Well apart from her seeming to be a decent person what about "hope", "inspiration" and something to aspire to? If you are black and a woman in places like America that basically puts you one rung above an illegal Mexican really in the hierarchical chain of "supremacy".


I would imagine a lot of young girls both black and white would feel inspired to see a black lady as President. Imagine what it would do for the black lives matter movement. Please dont start spouting off about marxists and terrorists with an agenda etc. I am talking about those who feel they are not considered equal to whites.


Theres more to being a President than being a colour or a gender Barry ... BLM ??? The same BLM thats been torching cities up and down America that you find "funny" , seems BLM are an inspiration to you ... Funny how you want equality for black women yet voted and campaigned for a party and its leader who dont care about equality for Jews ... Hypocrite


I find the torching of cities up and down America funny? Evidence. BLM are not an inspiration to me.



You find violence, thuggery and criminality "funny" remember or have you conveniently forgotten ... Why wouldnt you find criminality in the USA "funny" also when its done in your beloved BLMs name ???


I found the tossing of an old racists statue into a harbour funny because it made a funny clanging sound and then a splash and everyone went Hurray! (lol) . I dont really see how that now means I find serious violence, thuggery and criminality funny.


Oh chuckle ... Thats why you found it so "funny" because it made a "splash" ... Chuckle ... You should have said ... Ruddy "funny" that splashing sound, bet you find pooping "funny" ... Chuckle on hater


No it was more the "Clang" than the splash.


Re your comment above. Hows the late night "Live Gold Skype channel" going? Dave tells me there is a fair bit of spanking going on, got all the "Toys" and everything (he says).

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Barryd999 - 2020-11-21 11:07 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-21 6:56 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-21 6:13 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-21 4:52 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-21 9:24 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-21 7:00 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-20 10:27 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-20 7:40 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-20 5:48 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-20 4:57 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-20 4:50 PM


Not long hopefully. She seems pretty decent. I guess they had to let Biden run and be a kind of stepping stone caretaker president. Running a woman of colour instead wouldnt have worked. Now America can maybe get used to the idea.


You do know those nasty Americans have had a black POTUS dont ya and you do know last time out Hilary (allegedly a woman) won more votes than POTUS Trump ... You think your all inclusive Labour Party will ever have a woman leader like the other major UK parties Barry


Yes I do know that thankyou Mr Birdbrain but Black and a Woman? Not in 2020 but soon, hopefully.


As for Labour not having a woman leader well nothing stopping them. Starmer this time was the right person for the job IMO.


Why "hopefully" "soon" for a black woman to run America ??? ... What exactly would a black woman give America others havent ... Your hoping for it "soon" so it obviously plays a big part in your life ??? ... Do tell


Well apart from her seeming to be a decent person what about "hope", "inspiration" and something to aspire to? If you are black and a woman in places like America that basically puts you one rung above an illegal Mexican really in the hierarchical chain of "supremacy".


I would imagine a lot of young girls both black and white would feel inspired to see a black lady as President. Imagine what it would do for the black lives matter movement. Please dont start spouting off about marxists and terrorists with an agenda etc. I am talking about those who feel they are not considered equal to whites.


Theres more to being a President than being a colour or a gender Barry ... BLM ??? The same BLM thats been torching cities up and down America that you find "funny" , seems BLM are an inspiration to you ... Funny how you want equality for black women yet voted and campaigned for a party and its leader who dont care about equality for Jews ... Hypocrite


I find the torching of cities up and down America funny? Evidence. BLM are not an inspiration to me.



You find violence, thuggery and criminality "funny" remember or have you conveniently forgotten ... Why wouldnt you find criminality in the USA "funny" also when its done in your beloved BLMs name ???


I found the tossing of an old racists statue into a harbour funny because it made a funny clanging sound and then a splash and everyone went Hurray! (lol) . I dont really see how that now means I find serious violence, thuggery and criminality funny.


Oh chuckle ... Thats why you found it so "funny" because it made a "splash" ... Chuckle ... You should have said ... Ruddy "funny" that splashing sound, bet you find pooping "funny" ... Chuckle on hater


No it was more the "Clang" than the splash.


Re your comment above. Hows the late night "Live Gold Skype channel" going? Dave tells me there is a fair bit of spanking going on, got all the "Toys" and everything (he says).


Oh hang on have I got it wrong ... Did DumbFart actually mean Priti needed sexually spanking and not beaten up then ???

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-22 5:49 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-21 11:07 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-21 6:56 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-21 6:13 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-21 4:52 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-21 9:24 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-21 7:00 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-20 10:27 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-20 7:40 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-20 5:48 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-20 4:57 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-20 4:50 PM


Not long hopefully. She seems pretty decent. I guess they had to let Biden run and be a kind of stepping stone caretaker president. Running a woman of colour instead wouldnt have worked. Now America can maybe get used to the idea.


You do know those nasty Americans have had a black POTUS dont ya and you do know last time out Hilary (allegedly a woman) won more votes than POTUS Trump ... You think your all inclusive Labour Party will ever have a woman leader like the other major UK parties Barry


Yes I do know that thankyou Mr Birdbrain but Black and a Woman? Not in 2020 but soon, hopefully.


As for Labour not having a woman leader well nothing stopping them. Starmer this time was the right person for the job IMO.


Why "hopefully" "soon" for a black woman to run America ??? ... What exactly would a black woman give America others havent ... Your hoping for it "soon" so it obviously plays a big part in your life ??? ... Do tell


Well apart from her seeming to be a decent person what about "hope", "inspiration" and something to aspire to? If you are black and a woman in places like America that basically puts you one rung above an illegal Mexican really in the hierarchical chain of "supremacy".


I would imagine a lot of young girls both black and white would feel inspired to see a black lady as President. Imagine what it would do for the black lives matter movement. Please dont start spouting off about marxists and terrorists with an agenda etc. I am talking about those who feel they are not considered equal to whites.


Theres more to being a President than being a colour or a gender Barry ... BLM ??? The same BLM thats been torching cities up and down America that you find "funny" , seems BLM are an inspiration to you ... Funny how you want equality for black women yet voted and campaigned for a party and its leader who dont care about equality for Jews ... Hypocrite


I find the torching of cities up and down America funny? Evidence. BLM are not an inspiration to me.



You find violence, thuggery and criminality "funny" remember or have you conveniently forgotten ... Why wouldnt you find criminality in the USA "funny" also when its done in your beloved BLMs name ???


I found the tossing of an old racists statue into a harbour funny because it made a funny clanging sound and then a splash and everyone went Hurray! (lol) . I dont really see how that now means I find serious violence, thuggery and criminality funny.


Oh chuckle ... Thats why you found it so "funny" because it made a "splash" ... Chuckle ... You should have said ... Ruddy "funny" that splashing sound, bet you find pooping "funny" ... Chuckle on hater


No it was more the "Clang" than the splash.


Re your comment above. Hows the late night "Live Gold Skype channel" going? Dave tells me there is a fair bit of spanking going on, got all the "Toys" and everything (he says).


Oh hang on have I got it wrong ... Did DumbFart actually mean Priti needed sexually spanking and not beaten up then ???


I dunno. It would take a team of spankers to cover that sizable arse.

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Yes ..as we spank.. sorry i mean speak, the M3 is chokka with cars heading to Whitehall to spank the government.

The Police are controlling the crowds....

Keep in line please.....your turn will come sir.

Borie has dropped his trousers and is waving to the crowds....me first,me first.

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