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Guest pelmetman
CurtainRaiser - 2020-12-20 10:03 AM


pelmetman - 2020-12-20 9:43 AM


CurtainRaiser - 2020-12-20 8:36 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-12-20 7:44 AM


CurtainRaiser - 2020-12-20 1:28 AM


pelmetman - 2020-12-19 8:07 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-12-19 6:48 PM


colin - 2020-12-19 5:15 PM


In our area it is ripping through the schools at an alarming rate, Thankfully they are now closed for the holidays, just hoping those school children and parents don't visit their grand parents over Christmas, yes it's very disappointing, but we are a few months away from the vaccine providing widespread coverage, just hang in there folks.


Hopefully but the government has once again reacted too slowly. If this new variant spreads across the UK and rips through the country my worry is that the NHS will be overwhelmed and will not be able to help distribute the vaccine(s) as they will be too busy firefighting. it would have been better to have followed Germany's approach and put everything into strict lockdown and not advisory either until the vaccine roll out was well underway.


The other thing that worries me about this very late U Turn on Christmas is people will have already made plans and many will just ignore the rules now and carry on with them.


"but the government has once again reacted too slowly."


Why aren't your slagging off the Welsh Scottish or NI governments then? *-) ..........



But the Prime Minister knew on Wednesday that there was a new and deadly strain and he poured scorn on the Leader of the Opposition's fears about his insane determination to encourage Christmas festivities, then he misled the Commons and the country.


And he must resign.



I presume then that the leaders from all the other UK Governments should resign also n'all ??? ... Looks like you will be a valuable nodding dog for the ugly sisters on ere after the new year when it gets a bit quieter


The leadership of other UK governments had already taken a different approach to Christmas, the issue here is that Johnson knew that the increase in the south east was due to the new variant, like at the beginning of the pandemic he acted too late and didn't listen to the scientists.


Can you show evidence of when the SNP or Labour in Wales cancelled Christmas before Boris? ;-) .........



Yes. And you to can find it by using Google.


No evidence found ;-) .........


Perhaps you can back up your claims with some actual evidence? >:-) ........



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pelmetman - 2020-12-20 10:12 AM


colin - 2020-12-20 10:06 AM


CurtainRaiser - 2020-12-20 1:28 AM


But the Prime Minister knew on Wednesday that there was a new and deadly strain and he poured scorn on the Leader of the Opposition's fears about his insane determination to encourage Christmas festivities, then he misled the Commons and the country.


Just to correct this, the new strain was known about back in November.


But its ability to spread faster wasn't known was it? :-| ..........


Unless we have some armchair scientists on here who were able to predict that would be how the virus would mutate? ;-) ............



The fact remains (and we dont know "really" how long they have known as they dont share the data and never have) they knew about a new strain, they knew cases were rapidly rising in certain areas but once again reacted too slowly and waited until it was too late. Time after time after time they have done this right back to when Johnson was too busy thinking about Brexit Gongs and then missing five Cobra meetings, shaking hands in covid hospitals, telling people to shake hands and take it on the chin etc etc etc. He is still doing it now because its a popularity contest to him. Its all about him and always has been.


As regards Scotland, NI and Wales, they rely on what titbits Johnson decides to give them. All the science and data is shared at Westminster's discretion and as I say, they only like to share when it suits them.

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2020-12-20 10:25 AM


pelmetman - 2020-12-20 10:12 AM


colin - 2020-12-20 10:06 AM


CurtainRaiser - 2020-12-20 1:28 AM


But the Prime Minister knew on Wednesday that there was a new and deadly strain and he poured scorn on the Leader of the Opposition's fears about his insane determination to encourage Christmas festivities, then he misled the Commons and the country.


Just to correct this, the new strain was known about back in November.


But its ability to spread faster wasn't known was it? :-| ..........


Unless we have some armchair scientists on here who were able to predict that would be how the virus would mutate? ;-) ............



The fact remains (and we dont know "really" how long they have known as they dont share the data and never have) they knew about a new strain, they knew cases were rapidly rising in certain areas but once again reacted too slowly and waited until it was too late. Time after time after time they have done this right back to when Johnson was too busy thinking about Brexit Gongs and then missing five Cobra meetings, shaking hands in covid hospitals, telling people to shake hands and take it on the chin etc etc etc. He is still doing it now because its a popularity contest to him. Its all about him and always has been.


As regards Scotland, NI and Wales, they rely on what titbits Johnson decides to give them. All the science and data is shared at Westminster's discretion and as I say, they only like to share when it suits them.


Please stop spreading Lies Barry *-) ........


Or show evidence where the UK scientists are not sharing evidence on the virus with Scotland or Wales? ;-) .......


BTW I mean genuine evidence :-| ...........


Not any of your Fake News Bollox's >:-) ........

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pelmetman - 2020-12-20 10:12 AM


colin - 2020-12-20 10:06 AM


CurtainRaiser - 2020-12-20 1:28 AM


But the Prime Minister knew on Wednesday that there was a new and deadly strain and he poured scorn on the Leader of the Opposition's fears about his insane determination to encourage Christmas festivities, then he misled the Commons and the country.


Just to correct this, the new strain was known about back in November.


But its ability to spread faster wasn't known was it? :-| ..........


Unless we have some armchair scientists on here who were able to predict that would be how the virus would mutate? ;-) ............



It was reported as possibly spreading faster back in early December.

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Guest pelmetman
colin - 2020-12-20 10:37 AM


pelmetman - 2020-12-20 10:12 AM


colin - 2020-12-20 10:06 AM


CurtainRaiser - 2020-12-20 1:28 AM


But the Prime Minister knew on Wednesday that there was a new and deadly strain and he poured scorn on the Leader of the Opposition's fears about his insane determination to encourage Christmas festivities, then he misled the Commons and the country.


Just to correct this, the new strain was known about back in November.


But its ability to spread faster wasn't known was it? :-| ..........


Unless we have some armchair scientists on here who were able to predict that would be how the virus would mutate? ;-) ............



It was reported as possibly spreading faster back in early December.


"Possiby" ;-) ........


So the scientists suspected it was, but didn't have the hard evidence :-| ........


Are you suggesting Government should make COVID19 policy based on "possibilities"? 8-) ..........





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pelmetman - 2020-12-20 10:30 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-12-20 10:25 AM


pelmetman - 2020-12-20 10:12 AM


colin - 2020-12-20 10:06 AM


CurtainRaiser - 2020-12-20 1:28 AM


But the Prime Minister knew on Wednesday that there was a new and deadly strain and he poured scorn on the Leader of the Opposition's fears about his insane determination to encourage Christmas festivities, then he misled the Commons and the country.


Just to correct this, the new strain was known about back in November.


But its ability to spread faster wasn't known was it? :-| ..........


Unless we have some armchair scientists on here who were able to predict that would be how the virus would mutate? ;-) ............



The fact remains (and we dont know "really" how long they have known as they dont share the data and never have) they knew about a new strain, they knew cases were rapidly rising in certain areas but once again reacted too slowly and waited until it was too late. Time after time after time they have done this right back to when Johnson was too busy thinking about Brexit Gongs and then missing five Cobra meetings, shaking hands in covid hospitals, telling people to shake hands and take it on the chin etc etc etc. He is still doing it now because its a popularity contest to him. Its all about him and always has been.


As regards Scotland, NI and Wales, they rely on what titbits Johnson decides to give them. All the science and data is shared at Westminster's discretion and as I say, they only like to share when it suits them.


Please stop spreading Lies Barry *-) ........


Or show evidence where the UK scientists are not sharing evidence on the virus with Scotland or Wales? ;-) .......


BTW I mean genuine evidence :-| ...........


Not any of your Fake News Bollox's >:-) ........


If you read decent media publications you would know this. They do share with the devolved nations but only when it suits them. Government controls that information. Decent journalists have been banging on about the lack of data sharing all year!

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pelmetman - 2020-12-20 10:45 AM


colin - 2020-12-20 10:37 AM


pelmetman - 2020-12-20 10:12 AM


colin - 2020-12-20 10:06 AM


CurtainRaiser - 2020-12-20 1:28 AM


But the Prime Minister knew on Wednesday that there was a new and deadly strain and he poured scorn on the Leader of the Opposition's fears about his insane determination to encourage Christmas festivities, then he misled the Commons and the country.


Just to correct this, the new strain was known about back in November.


But its ability to spread faster wasn't known was it? :-| ..........


Unless we have some armchair scientists on here who were able to predict that would be how the virus would mutate? ;-) ............



It was reported as possibly spreading faster back in early December.


"Possiby" ;-) ........


So the scientists suspected it was, but didn't have the hard evidence :-| ........


Are you suggesting Government should make COVID19 policy based on "possibilities"? 8-) ..........



That's what CV-19 and Brexit policies have been based on, the 'possibilities' of what might happen, at no time has there been 100% guaranteed hard facts until after the event.

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jumpstart - 2020-12-20 1:47 PM


Public health England have said there is no evidence of greater mortality rate with the super strain.


Lies, Damned lies, and statistics.

The mortality rate amongst those who are infected appears the same, the mortality rate amongst the population has increased due to the increased infection rate.

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colin - 2020-12-20 1:58 PM


jumpstart - 2020-12-20 1:47 PM


Public health England have said there is no evidence of greater mortality rate with the super strain.


Lies, Damned lies, and statistics.

The mortality rate amongst those who are infected appears the same, the mortality rate amongst the population has increased due to the increased infection rate.


The overall rate is reasonably static at present or actually slightly less for deaths.

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Barryd999 - 2020-12-20 10:25 AM The fact remains (and we dont know "really" how long they have known as they dont share the data and never have) they knew about a new strain, they knew cases were rapidly rising in certain areas but once again reacted too slowly and waited until it was too late. .....

As regards Scotland, NI and Wales, they rely on what titbits Johnson decides to give them. All the science and data is shared at Westminster's discretion and as I say, they only like to share when it suits them.


Methinks you are inventing "facts" to suit your arguments, or rather your prejudices and attitudes.


The Government first heard about this new strain at the beginning of this week and at that stage it was just another of multiple strain variations. The increased infectivity of the strain, linked to recent rapidly escalating infections in London and the SE only emerged to them as advice on Friday at 2pm. Prior to that putting London in Tier 3 had been challenged publicly as an OTT reaction. The Governments acceptance of the new scientific advice was rapid and triggered a radical change of plan (cur Christmas down to one day of limited mingling with one other household, new Tier 4 etc) which was announced within just over 24 hours to take effect the following morning.


Methinks you are spouting b0ll0cks.


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jumpstart - 2020-12-20 2:04 PM


colin - 2020-12-20 1:58 PM


jumpstart - 2020-12-20 1:47 PM


Public health England have said there is no evidence of greater mortality rate with the super strain.


Lies, Damned lies, and statistics.

The mortality rate amongst those who are infected appears the same, the mortality rate amongst the population has increased due to the increased infection rate.


The overall rate is reasonably static at present or actually slightly less for deaths.


That is because we have had a country wide lockdown, followed by increased restrictions in the areas with newCV-19, but in those areas even this wasn't enough and rates in the SE have significantly increased whilst in other areas hardly affected it has reduced.

p.s. The government have quite rightly had to introduce a new tier to slow newCV-19 as if treated to oldCV-19 it would soon get out of control.

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StuartO - 2020-12-20 2:15 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-12-20 10:25 AM The fact remains (and we dont know "really" how long they have known as they dont share the data and never have) they knew about a new strain, they knew cases were rapidly rising in certain areas but once again reacted too slowly and waited until it was too late. .....

As regards Scotland, NI and Wales, they rely on what titbits Johnson decides to give them. All the science and data is shared at Westminster's discretion and as I say, they only like to share when it suits them.


Methinks you are inventing "facts" to suit your arguments, or rather your prejudices and attitudes.


The Government first heard about this new strain at the beginning of this week and at that stage it was just another of multiple strain variations. The increased infectivity of the strain, linked to recent rapidly escalating infections in London and the SE only emerged to them as advice on Friday at 2pm. Prior to that putting London in Tier 3 had been challenged publicly as an OTT reaction. The Governments acceptance of the new scientific advice was rapid and triggered a radical change of plan (cur Christmas down to one day of limited mingling with one other household, new Tier 4 etc) which was announced within just over 24 hours to take effect the following morning.


Methinks you are spouting b0ll0cks.


Methinks you should take a look at what Chris Whitty said about the correlation between where the new strain was found and the increase in infection in the south east last Tuesday.

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StuartO - 2020-12-20 2:15 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-12-20 10:25 AM The fact remains (and we dont know "really" how long they have known as they dont share the data and never have) they knew about a new strain, they knew cases were rapidly rising in certain areas but once again reacted too slowly and waited until it was too late. .....

As regards Scotland, NI and Wales, they rely on what titbits Johnson decides to give them. All the science and data is shared at Westminster's discretion and as I say, they only like to share when it suits them.


Methinks you are inventing "facts" to suit your arguments, or rather your prejudices and attitudes.


The Government first heard about this new strain at the beginning of this week and at that stage it was just another of multiple strain variations. The increased infectivity of the strain, linked to recent rapidly escalating infections in London and the SE only emerged to them as advice on Friday at 2pm. Prior to that putting London in Tier 3 had been challenged publicly as an OTT reaction. The Governments acceptance of the new scientific advice was rapid and triggered a radical change of plan (cur Christmas down to one day of limited mingling with one other household, new Tier 4 etc) which was announced within just over 24 hours to take effect the following morning.


Methinks you are spouting b0ll0cks.


A representative from the WHO on Marr this morning said they knew about the new strain back in September! They might have only announced the coloration with the new strain and the huge spike in cases this week but it must have been pretty clear for some time that something was up in the south east so they should have reacted earlier IMO. Thats this government throughout though. Too slow to react because Johnson wants to be popular. Regardless of the new strain, Christmas should have been cancelled full stop and the entire country put in Tier 3 when we are that close to a cure. Now that cure (vaccine) is under threat as the delivery will be hampered if the virus gets out of control again.

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StuartO - 2020-12-20 2:15 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-12-20 10:25 AM The fact remains (and we dont know "really" how long they have known as they dont share the data and never have) they knew about a new strain, they knew cases were rapidly rising in certain areas but once again reacted too slowly and waited until it was too late. .....

As regards Scotland, NI and Wales, they rely on what titbits Johnson decides to give them. All the science and data is shared at Westminster's discretion and as I say, they only like to share when it suits them.


Methinks you are inventing "facts" to suit your arguments, or rather your prejudices and attitudes.


The Government first heard about this new strain at the beginning of this week and at that stage it was just another of multiple strain variations. The increased infectivity of the strain, linked to recent rapidly escalating infections in London and the SE only emerged to them as advice on Friday at 2pm. Prior to that putting London in Tier 3 had been challenged publicly as an OTT reaction. The Governments acceptance of the new scientific advice was rapid and triggered a radical change of plan (cur Christmas down to one day of limited mingling with one other household, new Tier 4 etc) which was announced within just over 24 hours to take effect the following morning.


Methinks you are spouting b0ll0cks.

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StuartO - 2020-12-20 2:15 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-12-20 10:25 AM The fact remains (and we dont know "really" how long they have known as they dont share the data and never have) they knew about a new strain, they knew cases were rapidly rising in certain areas but once again reacted too slowly and waited until it was too late. .....

As regards Scotland, NI and Wales, they rely on what titbits Johnson decides to give them. All the science and data is shared at Westminster's discretion and as I say, they only like to share when it suits them.


Methinks you are inventing "facts" to suit your arguments, or rather your prejudices and attitudes.


The Government first heard about this new strain at the beginning of this week and at that stage it was just another of multiple strain variations. The increased infectivity of the strain, linked to recent rapidly escalating infections in London and the SE only emerged to them as advice on Friday at 2pm. Prior to that putting London in Tier 3 had been challenged publicly as an OTT reaction. The Governments acceptance of the new scientific advice was rapid and triggered a radical change of plan (cur Christmas down to one day of limited mingling with one other household, new Tier 4 etc) which was announced within just over 24 hours to take effect the following morning.


Methinks you are spouting b0ll0cks.


There are various reports that show we have known about this strain for several weeks,certainly not just found out.

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Guest pelmetman
colin - 2020-12-20 1:53 PM


pelmetman - 2020-12-20 10:45 AM


colin - 2020-12-20 10:37 AM


pelmetman - 2020-12-20 10:12 AM


colin - 2020-12-20 10:06 AM


CurtainRaiser - 2020-12-20 1:28 AM


But the Prime Minister knew on Wednesday that there was a new and deadly strain and he poured scorn on the Leader of the Opposition's fears about his insane determination to encourage Christmas festivities, then he misled the Commons and the country.


Just to correct this, the new strain was known about back in November.


But its ability to spread faster wasn't known was it? :-| ..........


Unless we have some armchair scientists on here who were able to predict that would be how the virus would mutate? ;-) ............



It was reported as possibly spreading faster back in early December.


"Possiby" ;-) ........


So the scientists suspected it was, but didn't have the hard evidence :-| ........


Are you suggesting Government should make COVID19 policy based on "possibilities"? 8-) ..........



That's what CV-19 and Brexit policies have been based on, the 'possibilities' of what might happen, at no time has there been 100% guaranteed hard facts until after the event.


So comparing the likelyhood of a Deal or No Deal with the EU ;-) ........


Is the same as trying to out guess a virus ? 8-) ..........


At least Brexit will be over in 11 days time B-) ........



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Guest pelmetman
StuartO - 2020-12-20 2:15 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-12-20 10:25 AM The fact remains (and we dont know "really" how long they have known as they dont share the data and never have) they knew about a new strain, they knew cases were rapidly rising in certain areas but once again reacted too slowly and waited until it was too late. .....

As regards Scotland, NI and Wales, they rely on what titbits Johnson decides to give them. All the science and data is shared at Westminster's discretion and as I say, they only like to share when it suits them.


Methinks you are inventing "facts" to suit your arguments, or rather your prejudices and attitudes.


The Government first heard about this new strain at the beginning of this week and at that stage it was just another of multiple strain variations. The increased infectivity of the strain, linked to recent rapidly escalating infections in London and the SE only emerged to them as advice on Friday at 2pm. Prior to that putting London in Tier 3 had been challenged publicly as an OTT reaction. The Governments acceptance of the new scientific advice was rapid and triggered a radical change of plan (cur Christmas down to one day of limited mingling with one other household, new Tier 4 etc) which was announced within just over 24 hours to take effect the following morning.


Methinks you are spouting b0ll0cks.


Methinks you are enjoying being retired Doc :D .........



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Bulletguy - 2020-12-20 4:03 PM



Matt Hancock admits the new strain of Covid is 'out of control' and Tier 4 could be in place for months




It couldn't have happened in a worse place either. The south east is the most densely populated area in the uk and also of course encapsulates the Capital. Grim.

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StuartO - 2020-12-20 2:15 PM



Methinks you are inventing "facts" to suit your arguments, or rather your prejudices and attitudes.


The Government first heard about this new strain at the beginning of this week and at that stage it was just another of multiple strain variations. The increased infectivity of the strain, linked to recent rapidly escalating infections in London and the SE only emerged to them as advice on Friday at 2pm. Prior to that putting London in Tier 3 had been challenged publicly as an OTT reaction. The Governments acceptance of the new scientific advice was rapid and triggered a radical change of plan (cur Christmas down to one day of limited mingling with one other household, new Tier 4 etc) which was announced within just over 24 hours to take effect the following morning.


Methinks you are spouting b0ll0cks.


Here's a tip, when you listen to Boris you need to analyse his words, you might have thought from what he said that he only knew about it on Friday, this is not true, Mat Hancock spoke about it a couple of weeks ago, it appears this is why Kent was put in tier 3 straight away after lockdown.

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Barryd999 - 2020-12-20 4:35 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-12-20 4:03 PM



Matt Hancock admits the new strain of Covid is 'out of control' and Tier 4 could be in place for months




It couldn't have happened in a worse place either. The south east is the most densely populated area in the uk and also of course encapsulates the Capital. Grim.


And there was mass exodus from London last night.

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colin - 2020-12-20 5:20 PM


StuartO - 2020-12-20 2:15 PM



Methinks you are inventing "facts" to suit your arguments, or rather your prejudices and attitudes.


The Government first heard about this new strain at the beginning of this week and at that stage it was just another of multiple strain variations. The increased infectivity of the strain, linked to recent rapidly escalating infections in London and the SE only emerged to them as advice on Friday at 2pm. Prior to that putting London in Tier 3 had been challenged publicly as an OTT reaction. The Governments acceptance of the new scientific advice was rapid and triggered a radical change of plan (cur Christmas down to one day of limited mingling with one other household, new Tier 4 etc) which was announced within just over 24 hours to take effect the following morning.


Methinks you are spouting b0ll0cks.


Here's a tip, when you listen to Boris you need to analyse his words, you might have thought from what he said that he only knew about it on Friday, this is not true, Mat Hancock spoke about it a couple of weeks ago, it appears this is why Kent was put in tier 3 straight away after lockdown.


And more slowly trickles out. It does appear as if the plans to shut down Christmas were in place for a while. Johnson delayed it purely for PR when all his back benchers had naffed off to their constituencies and couldn't kick up a fuss. I wonder how many people this decision will ultimately kill.



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Matt Hancock was quite explicit when he was asked about the emergence of this new strain coronovirus. The strain was spotted as a new variant a while ago but it did not become a particular threat until the data emerged (only on Friday) that it was responsible for the sudden and surprising increase of infections in London and the South East. The decision to apply Tier 4 and reduce the duration and scale of the Christmas relaxation was made just 26 hours later, to take effect only a few hours after that. Many variant strains of the COVID-19 virus have been identified but none until this one have shown any difference in the way they infect people.


It will have been a tough decision to take to introduce Tier 4 and clamp down further on Christmas (after Boris saying he was determined not to compromise Christmas) but the Government acted very quickly and grasped the nettle.

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