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2010 Mercedes Sprinter Autosleeper


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Hi, my standard fitted Sound 5 Mercedes radio has decided to default to a "PHONE" display having worked perfectly. It does not have the steering wheel controls and attempt to push every button in every sequence has no affect. Mercedes agents weren't a lot of help only advising to disconnect the radio etc. All this has been tried but as soon as power is applied back comes the display of "PHONE" I should add that its never been used on phone function. Also it, according to Mercedes, it doesn't require a code after disconnection. Have I just got a dead radio which is unrecoverable? Thankyou J C.
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Have you got the user manual? It's downloadable if you do a search. It states that,

The radio automatically switches if:

O a system such as a hands-free device or

a navigation system (Personal Navigation

Device /PND) is installed

O and if the system activates the mute

function via a connection line to the ra-


The radio switches the audio output accord-

ing to the following priorities when in radio or

CD mode:

1. Telephone (hands-free system)

2. Navigation device (PND)

In this operating mode, you can only switch

off and adjust the volume of the Sound 5 ra-



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Thanks Steve, yes I have got the radio manual and there is mention that the radio can resort to phone but no mention how to cancel it. I've never used the phone function. The only device has been a sat nave plugged into the 12v supply. Could this have screwed the system up?
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Magic Steve thankyou. However the b****dy radio has now decided to work, unless of course I some how managed to reset it by pressing every button! That write up is great as now doubt it will end up in "PHONE" mode again for whatever reason. Cheers Steve. Regards John C.
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