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We keep hearing of people complaining of the Whale system in the their vans but surely there must be those out there who say " hang on I've had really good service out of mine".


I'm certainly not defending Whale and I'm sure they need to improve on their systems but I can't believe no one hasn't been satisfied with theirs.

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I have had our van for coming up for seven years and have a Whale heating system. Only ever used it on mains hookup but it has worked perfectly apart from one intermittent issue that comes up sometimes on initial startup after being sitting for a while. The system starts but cuts out after a few minutes and shows a flashing red light - I recall it is four flashes each time. This is for a blocked air intake I think but it is just a spurious fault which is cleared by turning the heat setting dial clockwise all the way then back anti clockwise to the heat setting you want. It always clears after doing this and only ever does it once at a time. Only does it very rarely though and clears each time. It is a simple system and from what I have heard I would much rather have this than the alternative Truma combi system which seems to be plagued by faults.
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If the Whale you are referring to is the Whale that supplies pumps for motorhomes, based in Ireland I think then I only have good words to say about them.  I had problems with the water pump in my campervan, contacted them and they sent a replacement free of charge even though the pump was way out of guarantee.
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Presumably Pete-B’s posting was provoked by this other recent thread that discussed a problem with a Whale heating system




There are several Whale heating systems and their installation will primarily be limited to UK-built caravans and motorhomes. But I very much doubt if statistical data are generally available regarding the number of Whale systems that have been fitted over the years and what the reliability of those systems has been.


People are generally optimistic (though I’m not!) and, when their hopes are dashed, will complain. Conversely, when things go as they’ve anticipated, reporting this is much less common. Consequently, although I’m sure that an online search will result in identifying a good many complaints about the Whale systems, that doesn’t mean that there is no ’silent majority’ that are satisfied. In this 2014 forum discussion




Graham Wright (grahamw) seemed happy enoygh with his Whale space heater.


The same is true for Truma combination air/water heaters. Over the last 20 years tens of thousands of these appliances will have been installed in motorhomes and some of these heaters will have gone wrong. (The new C3402 ‘combi’ retro-fitted to my Herald motorhome needed major attention twice.) But - out of the huge number of Truma ‘combi’ appliances that have been fitted over such a long period - how many have been problem-free and how many have been problematical? I can’t argue with Don’s statement about the Truma combi system SEEMING to be plagued by faults, but (given the numbers/time-period involved) I’d expect there to be a large number of moans and not many plaudits.


The statement "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics” is attributed to several people, but the truth is that it’s commonplace for judgements to be made nowadays that have no statistical backing to validate them.

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Pete-B - 2021-03-15 10:43 AM


weldted - 2021-03-15 8:55 AM


If you have 999 happy customers and 1 grumpy one you will always hear the complaining one. The rest are happy and have no need to voice their opinion.

Good thinking

Generally speaking, I am not referring to the brand in question.


True but statistics are not an exact science.

If 99 were treated for a boil and recovered and the only one who had a heart attack died ...

Statistically, the service is 99% effective.

But go and explain it to the dead man's wife.


p.s. In the world of computers it is perfectly replicable by the law of 99 mouses and the mother board.

Of course Murphy says that your card will fail, the only spare that support doesn't have in stock.

But if you complain they will tell you that they have successfully replaced 99 mouses.

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The whale water/heating system in my AS always seem to go into fail mode on first startup.Bit frustrating which means I have to check to see that it is still operating.But then,if there is another lockdown for this summer,it will not matter cause the van will go,and I'll buy the jaguar. :'(
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