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I'm not a football fan.......But.....

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman
mtravel - 2021-07-12 2:26 PM


pelmetman - 2021-07-12 11:36 AM


Further evidence that Fascism is the B*stard child of YOU Socialists >:-) .............



Fascism and Nazism are children of the Treaty of Versailles and how winners and losers were treated by the British and French.

Italy that has not seen its role recognized and has not received the Istrian peninsula with a predominant Italian population.

Germany penalized by compensation beyond any logical sense.

Situations that have fostered popular resentment, nationalism and revanchism.


But don't think that the list of your mistakes has ended here, you have followed it up.

Starting from the Balfour declaration, the deepening of which I leave to you.

After the Second World War you wanted to establish a religious, fanatical and fundamentalist state in the homeland of others.

We pay the consequences of your political shortsightedness and colonizing arrogance.


"We pay the consequences of your political shortsightedness and colonizing arrogance."


Remind me ;-) .............


Where did the Romans come from? >:-) ..........


Worra Muppet (lol) (lol) (lol) ..........

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CurtainRaiser - 2021-07-12 3:41 PM


Birdbrain - 2021-07-12 3:21 PM


CurtainRaiser - 2021-07-12 2:13 PM


Birdbrain - 2021-07-12 1:12 PM


CurtainRaiser - 2021-07-12 9:39 AM


mtravel - 2021-07-12 9:17 AM


pelmetman - 2021-07-12 9:44 AM


We Brits win the important battles ;-) ............


2 world wars.......... and..........1 Brexit referendum :D ...........



Without the Americans who won the two world wars you would now speak German and still be in the EU.

Note that the former was caused by rivalry between relatives, don't forget that your ruling house is German.


I bet Parasiteman doesn't know that those three lions come from France and Belgium, bloody immigrants coming over here and taking over our royal family.


Imagine getting yaself into such a liccle tizzy ya have to babble on about where "those three lions come from" ... Chuckle ... Be happy ... SFH


Imagine getting yaself into such a liccle tizzy ya have to babble on about someone else commenting where "those three lions come from" ... Chuckle ... Be happy ... SFH


So your "commenting" basically was calling another member a name and then sumat about "bloody immigrants" and sumat else questioning wether the fella you insulted knew sumat about three lions??? ... You did all that valuable "commenting" in basically one line ... Please SFH ... Chuckle


Imagine getting yaself into such a liccle tizzy ya have to babble on about someone else commenting where "those three lions come from" ..TWICE. Chuckle ... Be happy ... SFH


Given your publicly acknowledged fondness for thumping those you disagree with I might be better dropping out of your silliness ... You fund Stop Funding Hate dont ya???

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2021-07-12 10:54 AM


Dave simply re-arranges the world in his head to look the way he wants it to look. Then, he thinks that is the way it really is. There is no known cure for this kind of delusion. If he becomes aware of a mis-match between what he wants to see, and how it now looks to him, he simply re-arranges the world again until it matches once more. It endlessly creates and re-creates the perfect Panglossian world. These is no point arguing against it. If your argument upsets his perfect Panglossian harmony, he re-arranges the world again, until the harmony is restored. In this world, fascists become socialists, or even communists, because to Dave, fascists are the good guys (so beyond reproach), and socialists and communists the bad guys (who, by definition, must be eliminated).


No delusion here ;-) ............


You forget I haven't been brainwashed at Lefty finishing school B-) ..........


So I know that Fascism and Communism are Nasty Variants of the Socialism virus >:-) .........


BTW............Were Hitler, Stalin, Musollini, Pol pot, Chairman Mao ..........Tories? :D .........


Just askin (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........

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mtravel - 2021-07-12 2:26 PM


pelmetman - 2021-07-12 11:36 AM


Further evidence that Fascism is the B*stard child of YOU Socialists >:-) .............



Fascism and Nazism are children of the Treaty of Versailles and how winners and losers were treated by the British and French.

Italy that has not seen its role recognized and has not received the Istrian peninsula with a predominant Italian population.

Germany penalized by compensation beyond any logical sense.

Situations that have fostered popular resentment, nationalism and revanchism.


But don't think that the list of your mistakes has ended here, you have followed it up.

Starting from the Balfour declaration, the deepening of which I leave to you.

After the Second World War you wanted to establish a religious, fanatical and fundamentalist state in the homeland of others.

We pay the consequences of your political shortsightedness and colonizing arrogance.



I think all that is way above Daves' head - - I doubt if he has any idea of what you are talking about.


In the UK we have a big construction company called Balfour Beatty, so he probably thinks the Balfour Declaration is a plan for a new motorway.



( Which reminds me that the Romans gave us our earliest paved roads ).



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pelmetman - 2021-07-12 8:07 PM



BTW............Were Hitler, Stalin, Musollini, Pol pot, Chairman Mao ..........Tories? :D .........





We will never know. They might have been, given the chance.


I shouldn't think any of them were ever eligible to vote in British General Elections.



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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2021-07-12 9:13 PM



( Which reminds me that the Romans gave us our earliest paved roads ).




Correct ;-) ................


Built by British Slaves 8-) ............


Perhaps we need to demand some Compo from Italy? >:-) ................



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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2021-07-12 10:13 PM


pelmetman - 2021-07-12 8:07 PM



BTW............Were Hitler, Stalin, Musollini, Pol pot, Chairman Mao ..........Tories? :D .........





We will never know. They might have been, given the chance.


I shouldn't think any of them were ever eligible to vote in British General Elections.




How very Loony Lefty :D ...............


Just ignore the historical FACTS when they dont suit your agenda (lol) (lol) (lol) ..............



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pelmetman - 2021-07-12 8:07 PM


Brian Kirby - 2021-07-12 10:54 AM


Dave simply re-arranges the world in his head to look the way he wants it to look. Then, he thinks that is the way it really is. There is no known cure for this kind of delusion. If he becomes aware of a mis-match between what he wants to see, and how it now looks to him, he simply re-arranges the world again until it matches once more. It endlessly creates and re-creates the perfect Panglossian world. These is no point arguing against it. If your argument upsets his perfect Panglossian harmony, he re-arranges the world again, until the harmony is restored. In this world, fascists become socialists, or even communists, because to Dave, fascists are the good guys (so beyond reproach), and socialists and communists the bad guys (who, by definition, must be eliminated).


No delusion here ;-) ............


You forget I haven't been brainwashed at Lefty finishing school B-) ..........


So I know that Fascism and Communism are Nasty Variants of the Socialism virus >:-) .........


BTW............Were Hitler, Stalin, Musollini, Pol pot, Chairman Mao ..........Tories? :D .........


Just askin (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........


Looks like they were









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pelmetman - 2021-07-12 8:07 PM

Brian Kirby - 2021-07-12 10:54 AM

Dave simply re-arranges the world in his head to look the way he wants it to look. Then, he thinks that is the way it really is. There is no known cure for this kind of delusion. If he becomes aware of a mis-match between what he wants to see, and how it now looks to him, he simply re-arranges the world again until it matches once more. It endlessly creates and re-creates the perfect Panglossian world. These is no point arguing against it. If your argument upsets his perfect Panglossian harmony, he re-arranges the world again, until the harmony is restored. In this world, fascists become socialists, or even communists, because to Dave, fascists are the good guys (so beyond reproach), and socialists and communists the bad guys (who, by definition, must be eliminated).

1 No delusion here ;-) ............

2 You forget I haven't been brainwashed at Lefty finishing school B-) ..........

3 So I know that Fascism and Communism are Nasty Variants of the Socialism virus >:-) .........

4 BTW............Were Hitler, Stalin, Musollini, Pol pot, Chairman Mao ..........Tories? :D .........

Just askin (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........

1 But it seems there are - see 3 below.


2 No, probably not. At times it seems your brain was hardly touched by any school: left, right, or centre! :-D


3 Illustrates exactly what I meant about re-arranging the world until it fits what you want it to fit. In you head, Fascism, Communism and Socialism all share the same root. This is because someone noticed that Nazism was also referred to (by the Nazis) as National Socialism, which made you think the Nazis were closet socialists (i.e. left wingers), whereas, by their creed, words, and deeds they were identifiably on the extreme right of politics. But some said it, you liked it, so socialists they were - but in reality, weren't. :-D


Three Wiki primers for you: Tories: https://tinyurl.com/n88h9n7j Conservatives (because they morphed from the Tories in 1834) https://tinyurl.com/9fnxd4nk , and Nazis https://tinyurl.com/5c34uwbj You'll soon see the problem. It's a bit like absent-mindedly calling your pet cat Fido, and then claiming it must be a dog because it's name is Fido.


4 So no, Dave, none of those could have been members of the Tory party, because the Tory party died in 1834, before any of them were born.


Now, what was your point?

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pelmetman - 2021-07-13 7:18 AM


malc d - 2021-07-12 9:13 PM



( Which reminds me that the Romans gave us our earliest paved roads ).




Correct ;-) ................


Built by British Slaves 8-) ............







Just think how awful that must have been for the slaves.


Those Romans must have been really nasty people.



But, before we claim any compensation from the Romans - is there anyone who could claim from us ?



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pelmetman - 2021-07-13 8:18 AM


Built by British Slaves 8-) ............


Perhaps we need to demand some Compo from Italy? >:-) ................



Everywhere the Romans brought civilization and wealth.

So much so that everyone dreamed of becoming citizen of Rome.

The Barbarians invaded the Empire because they knew how much wealth there was in Rome.

Confined as you are to a small island lost in the Atlantic, you haven't even tried.


Without the Romans you would still be confined to the woods with your queen Boudicca.

Where did you stay until 1066 when the French conquered you.

Without the Romans you wouldn't have known how to wash yourself but I bet you have never been to Bath.

Just as I believe you haven't even been to Vindolanda.


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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2021-07-13 8:16 AM


3 Illustrates exactly what I meant about re-arranging the world until it fits what you want it to fit. In you head, Fascism, Communism and Socialism all share the same root. This is because someone noticed that Nazism was also referred to (by the Nazis) as National Socialism, which made you think the Nazis were closet socialists (i.e. left wingers), whereas, by their creed, words, and deeds they were identifiably on the extreme right of politics. But some said it, you liked it, so socialists they were - but in reality, weren't. :-D



Did I re-arrange Musollini into being a Socialist Politician prior to becoming a Fascist ? >:-) ...........


Seems to me its you Loony Liberal Lefties who wants to change the FACT that ALL Fascists Leaders have emerged from the Socialist swamp ;-) ........


Unless you have any evidence that Hitler or Musollini were closet Tories? :D ..........


Just askin (lol) (lol) (lol) ...............

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2021-07-13 10:26 AM


pelmetman - 2021-07-13 7:18 AM


malc d - 2021-07-12 9:13 PM



( Which reminds me that the Romans gave us our earliest paved roads ).




Correct ;-) ................


Built by British Slaves 8-) ............







Just think how awful that must have been for the slaves.


Those Romans must have been really nasty people.



But, before we claim any compensation from the Romans - is there anyone who could claim from us ?




Seeing as they were one of the first to start Empire building ;-) .............


They should cough up first :D ............



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Guest pelmetman
mtravel - 2021-07-13 11:35 AM


pelmetman - 2021-07-13 8:18 AM


Built by British Slaves 8-) ............


Perhaps we need to demand some Compo from Italy? >:-) ................



Everywhere the Romans brought civilization and wealth.



Oh I see.......When Romans invade its called wealth creation and civilization :-| ...........


I doubt Queen Boudicca's daughters thought that when they were gang banged by them *-) ...........



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pelmetman - 2021-07-13 2:59 PM


Oh I see.......When Romans invade its called wealth creation and civilization :-| ...........



Probably not in Athens, Alexandria or Babylon.

The French Celts were happy to have had cities like Arles, Nimes and Lutetia itself.

Ditto the Spanish Goths (Sagunto, Tarragona, Malaga).

It is useless to mention Syrian, Lebanon or Turkey towns that you have certainly never heard of.


I save myself from saying who are the only ones who have not understood the advantages.

And I'm not talking about the Picts or the Scots.

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CurtainRaiser - 2021-07-13 7:58 AM


pelmetman - 2021-07-12 8:07 PM


Brian Kirby - 2021-07-12 10:54 AM


Dave simply re-arranges the world in his head to look the way he wants it to look. Then, he thinks that is the way it really is. There is no known cure for this kind of delusion. If he becomes aware of a mis-match between what he wants to see, and how it now looks to him, he simply re-arranges the world again until it matches once more. It endlessly creates and re-creates the perfect Panglossian world. These is no point arguing against it. If your argument upsets his perfect Panglossian harmony, he re-arranges the world again, until the harmony is restored. In this world, fascists become socialists, or even communists, because to Dave, fascists are the good guys (so beyond reproach), and socialists and communists the bad guys (who, by definition, must be eliminated).


No delusion here ;-) ............


You forget I haven't been brainwashed at Lefty finishing school B-) ..........


So I know that Fascism and Communism are Nasty Variants of the Socialism virus >:-) .........


BTW............Were Hitler, Stalin, Musollini, Pol pot, Chairman Mao ..........Tories? :D .........


Just askin (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........


Looks like they were






What a bunch of evil scumbags on that second link. 8-)

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Brian Kirby - 2021-07-13 8:16 AM


pelmetman - 2021-07-12 8:07 PM

Brian Kirby - 2021-07-12 10:54 AM

Dave simply re-arranges the world in his head to look the way he wants it to look. Then, he thinks that is the way it really is. There is no known cure for this kind of delusion. If he becomes aware of a mis-match between what he wants to see, and how it now looks to him, he simply re-arranges the world again until it matches once more. It endlessly creates and re-creates the perfect Panglossian world. These is no point arguing against it. If your argument upsets his perfect Panglossian harmony, he re-arranges the world again, until the harmony is restored. In this world, fascists become socialists, or even communists, because to Dave, fascists are the good guys (so beyond reproach), and socialists and communists the bad guys (who, by definition, must be eliminated).

1 No delusion here ;-) ............

2 You forget I haven't been brainwashed at Lefty finishing school B-) ..........

3 So I know that Fascism and Communism are Nasty Variants of the Socialism virus >:-) .........

4 BTW............Were Hitler, Stalin, Musollini, Pol pot, Chairman Mao ..........Tories? :D .........

Just askin (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........

1 But it seems there are - see 3 below.


2 No, probably not. At times it seems your brain was hardly touched by any school: left, right, or centre! :-D


3 Illustrates exactly what I meant about re-arranging the world until it fits what you want it to fit. In you head, Fascism, Communism and Socialism all share the same root. This is because someone noticed that Nazism was also referred to (by the Nazis) as National Socialism, which made you think the Nazis were closet socialists (i.e. left wingers), whereas, by their creed, words, and deeds they were identifiably on the extreme right of politics. But some said it, you liked it, so socialists they were - but in reality, weren't. :-D


Three Wiki primers for you: Tories: https://tinyurl.com/n88h9n7j Conservatives (because they morphed from the Tories in 1834) https://tinyurl.com/9fnxd4nk , and Nazis https://tinyurl.com/5c34uwbj You'll soon see the problem. It's a bit like absent-mindedly calling your pet cat Fido, and then claiming it must be a dog because it's name is Fido.


4 So no, Dave, none of those could have been members of the Tory party, because the Tory party died in 1834, before any of them were born.


Now, what was your point?

Determined a square peg will fit in a round hole. By his skewed misinterpretation North Korea is a democracy purely because it has the word "democratic" as part of it's country title. ;-)

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mtravel - 2021-07-13 11:35 AM


pelmetman - 2021-07-13 8:18 AM


Built by British Slaves 8-) ............


Perhaps we need to demand some Compo from Italy? >:-) ................



....Just as I believe you haven't even been to Vindolanda.

He will think thats an Indian takeaway! :-|

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pelmetman - 2021-07-13 1:54 PM..........................

Seeing as they were one of the first to start Empire building ;-) .........................

Is your knowledge of history really that small? Apparently, the Assyrians started it in about 2,500BC, followed by almost 30 others before they got to the Romans in 27BC. Empire building is favourite human game. It's all on Wiki, so you could easily have checked your facts before posting. Next time? :-D

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2021-07-13 5:27 PM


pelmetman - 2021-07-13 1:54 PM..........................

Seeing as they were one of the first to start Empire building ;-) .........................

Is your knowledge of history really that small? Apparently, the Assyrians started it in about 2,500BC, followed by almost 30 others before they got to the Romans in 27BC. Empire building is favourite human game. It's all on Wiki, so you could easily have checked your facts before posting. Next time? :-D


So 30 before 27BC ;-) ...........


That kinda puts those that are demanding us Brits pay reperations into context dosen't it? :D ............


They're obviously just opportunists jumping on the Marxists latest BLM bandwagon *-) ..........



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Birdbrain - 2021-07-13 8:07 PM


Always best for the haters to focus on the 44 tweets out of the 50 odd thousand sent that were racist to England players ... https://twitter.com/MatthewPFirth/status/1414999252821069826 ... Bit like theres food shortages, medical shortages, staff shortages and no one can get that "great British pint" anymore ... Lordy ... They are defo hate not hope


Except he can't provide a source for that statistic and Twitter itself disagrees




Still good to know you have stood by your racist principles and happy to defend your racist chums.

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CurtainRaiser - 2021-07-13 8:36 PM


Birdbrain - 2021-07-13 8:07 PM


Always best for the haters to focus on the 44 tweets out of the 50 odd thousand sent that were racist to England players ... https://twitter.com/MatthewPFirth/status/1414999252821069826 ... Bit like theres food shortages, medical shortages, staff shortages and no one can get that "great British pint" anymore ... Lordy ... They are defo hate not hope


Except he can't provide a source for that statistic and Twitter itself disagrees




Still good to know you have stood by your racist principles and happy to defend your racist chums.


Your Bible quoting data from your Hate Not Hope https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/jun/27/revealed-shocking-scale-twitter-abuse-targeting-england-euro-2020 ... Its always easier and just more convenient for the likes of you to scream racist at me and others though ... Do Stop Funding Hate know you spend all day throwing insults on forums???

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Seems that most of those nasty tweets didn't come from folk based in that nasty raciiiiiist England ... Thats not what the haters want to hear though is it??? ... They want to blame nasty English Brexit/Tory voters
... Our thoughts are with Marcus and his family though at this sad time
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