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2 litre water bottles


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monty - 2021-07-08 10:59 AM

Should my next query be what container does everyone use to store their face(mask) by the door?

A hook so it dries out.

Bacteria need water like we do so the best way to get rid of them is take their moisture away.

So I wear cotton gloves to the supermarket. Washed without fabric conditioner so its more absorbent. I read somewhere that cotton is the surface that kills covid fastest. Which I guess is because its so absorbent? Once it gets stuck on the cotton it doesn't get off :-D

I know when I get oily muck on my hands working on the van it spreads everywhere.

But if I'm wearing absorbent gloves it stays on the gloves.

So hopefully covid muck is the same.

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Charles - 2021-07-08 10:11 AM


We buy 2 litre bottles and pour it into ½ litre bottles that fit in the fridge. We don't use enough to store it in bulk. Some of you sound like you cross deserts (lol)


I've got 3 x 25 litre containers as well :-D

I carry them for months without using them and I realise thats costing me money, but I would rather that than risk being without clean water, or have to faff about searching for it. It stays fresh indefinately because the containers are airtight. So the chlorine put in by the water company at the treatment works can't evaporate off like it would in a ventilated water tank.

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