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pelmetman - 2021-08-12 10:02 AM.............................Incorrect..........I only call those who fail to accept that they LOST........LOSERS >:-) .......... Because those who have accepted the result of the democratic vote aren't wasting their lives sulking (lol) (lol) (lol) .......

Incorrect, you call anyone who thinks we'd have been better off staying in the EU losers. :-D


Thinking we'd have been better off is an opinion. People don't change their opinions just because a majority, at a point in time, have a different opinion - though they might if they could see evidence that the majority had the best idea after all.


You do realise that majorities are only a political device, don't you? Once upon a time the majority of people thought the earth was flat! So pish to your majority! :-D


Ideas change over time, so on any given subject, one weeks majority can turn into the next weeks minority. Besides all of which, no-one knows what the actual majority, on 23 June 2016, thought. All we know is that 52% of those who voted on that day thought leave the better of the two options on offer. But we also know that 27.85% of the electorate did not vote.


The UK age of majority is 18 (though when we had the 26 February 1975 referendum on whether to stay in the EEC (as it then was), it was 21 - which is why, as you've complained many times, you were not eligible to vote). So, given your complaint about then being excluded by your age, and the fact that the question of leave or remain will affect the lives of the young far more than it will affect the old, was 18 the fairest cut-off point for voting? What about the 16 and 17 year olds? What of their views?


In 2016 the UK population was stated to be 66,866,282. The electorate (those over the age of 18) was 46,500,001. So 12,948,018 did not vote. Voting leave were 17,410,742 (37.44%) and voting remain were 16,141,241 (34.71%), a majority of 1,269,501 (2.73% of the electorate, and 3.78% of the votes cast). Hardly a landslide on which to found such sweeping claims, is it?


So do I accept the outcome? Yes, because I have no alternative. Do I agree that the majority was right? No, because I think they were wrong. Am I going to change my mind? Not until I see evidence that leave was the better choice. Do I see any sign of that at present? No - what I see at present confirms my opinion that leaving was, and will eventually prove to be, a damaging national error.


It is now for the Brexiters to prove themselves right, and me and other remainers, wrong. That is not going too well, at present, is it? How much longer do you need? (lol) (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2021-08-12 6:49 PM


It is now for the Brexiters to prove themselves right, and me and other remainers, wrong. That is not going too well, at present, is it? How much longer do you need? (lol) (lol)


So being at the front of the queue for vaccines and coming top in the G7 for economic growth is "not going too well"??? 8-) ...........


Gawden Bennet You LOSERS are a desperate bunch (lol) (lol) (lol) ..............

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pelmetman - 2021-08-13 8:16 AM


Brian Kirby - 2021-08-12 6:49 PM


It is now for the Brexiters to prove themselves right, and me and other remainers, wrong. That is not going too well, at present, is it? How much longer do you need? (lol) (lol)


So being at the front of the queue for vaccines and coming top in the G7 for economic growth is "not going too well"??? 8-) ...........


Gawden Bennet You LOSERS are a desperate bunch (lol) (lol) (lol) ..............


Try and get your head around the facts. As reported by your government's official source.



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Brian Kirby - 2021-08-12 6:49 PM


pelmetman - 2021-08-12 10:02 AM.............................Incorrect..........I only call those who fail to accept that they LOST........LOSERS >:-) .......... Because those who have accepted the result of the democratic vote aren't wasting their lives sulking (lol) (lol) (lol) .......

Incorrect, you call anyone who thinks we'd have been better off staying in the EU losers. :-D


The UK age of majority is 18 (though when we had the 26 February 1975 referendum on whether to stay in the EEC (as it then was), it was 21 - which is why, as you've complained many times, you were not eligible to vote). So, given your complaint about then being excluded by your age, and the fact that the question of leave or remain will affect the lives of the young far more than it will affect the old, was 18 the fairest cut-off point for voting? What about the 16 and 17 year olds? What of their views?

I find todays teenagers way more politically aware and informed than what they were back in my day as one during the 60's. Music preoccupied much of our lives then but also of course we had no computers, smartphones and internet and I think it's that which has changed the way teenagers today are more politically aware.


I knew about the Cuban missile crisis and of the "Iron Curtain" in Germany but I was more annoyed with our government threatening to stop Radio Caroline and other offshore stations broadcasting! :-D

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CurtainRaiser - 2021-08-13 8:24 AM


pelmetman - 2021-08-13 8:16 AM


Brian Kirby - 2021-08-12 6:49 PM


It is now for the Brexiters to prove themselves right, and me and other remainers, wrong. That is not going too well, at present, is it? How much longer do you need? (lol) (lol)


So being at the front of the queue for vaccines and coming top in the G7 for economic growth is "not going too well"??? 8-) ...........


Gawden Bennet You LOSERS are a desperate bunch (lol) (lol) (lol) ..............


Try and get your head around the facts. As reported by your government's official source.



He can't......not even when his precious Beano publishes an apology for lying over the vaccination roll out.


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Bulletguy - 2021-08-13 4:14 PM


CurtainRaiser - 2021-08-13 8:24 AM


pelmetman - 2021-08-13 8:16 AM


Brian Kirby - 2021-08-12 6:49 PM


It is now for the Brexiters to prove themselves right, and me and other remainers, wrong. That is not going too well, at present, is it? How much longer do you need? (lol) (lol)


So being at the front of the queue for vaccines and coming top in the G7 for economic growth is "not going too well"??? 8-) ...........


Gawden Bennet You LOSERS are a desperate bunch (lol) (lol) (lol) ..............


Try and get your head around the facts. As reported by your government's official source.



He can't......not even when his precious Beano publishes an apology for lying over the vaccination roll out.



The Express weren't lying.


They were reporting what Rees-Mogg and Matt Hancock said.


Their mistake was to rely on Johnsons team telling the truth - without checking the facts with a reliable /competent authourity.



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malc d - 2021-08-13 4:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2021-08-13 4:14 PM


CurtainRaiser - 2021-08-13 8:24 AM


pelmetman - 2021-08-13 8:16 AM


Brian Kirby - 2021-08-12 6:49 PM


It is now for the Brexiters to prove themselves right, and me and other remainers, wrong. That is not going too well, at present, is it? How much longer do you need? (lol) (lol)


So being at the front of the queue for vaccines and coming top in the G7 for economic growth is "not going too well"??? 8-) ...........


Gawden Bennet You LOSERS are a desperate bunch (lol) (lol) (lol) ..............


Try and get your head around the facts. As reported by your government's official source.



He can't......not even when his precious Beano publishes an apology for lying over the vaccination roll out.



The Express weren't lying.


They were reporting what Rees-Mogg and Matt Hancock said.


Their mistake was to rely on Johnsons team telling the truth - without checking the facts with a reliable /competent authourity.



Spreading misinformation and in Pelmet land the ONLY "truth" comes from headers in the Beano *-)


The facts were already out there in the public domain and Dr June Raines public announcement was all over sm.




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Bulletguy - 2021-08-13 5:49 PM


malc d - 2021-08-13 4:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2021-08-13 4:14 PM


CurtainRaiser - 2021-08-13 8:24 AM


pelmetman - 2021-08-13 8:16 AM


Brian Kirby - 2021-08-12 6:49 PM


It is now for the Brexiters to prove themselves right, and me and other remainers, wrong. That is not going too well, at present, is it? How much longer do you need? (lol) (lol)


So being at the front of the queue for vaccines and coming top in the G7 for economic growth is "not going too well"??? 8-) ...........


Gawden Bennet You LOSERS are a desperate bunch (lol) (lol) (lol) ..............


Try and get your head around the facts. As reported by your government's official source.



He can't......not even when his precious Beano publishes an apology for lying over the vaccination roll out.



The Express weren't lying.


They were reporting what Rees-Mogg and Matt Hancock said.


Their mistake was to rely on Johnsons team telling the truth - without checking the facts with a reliable /competent authourity.





The facts were already out there in the public domain and Dr June Raines public announcement was all over sm.





" Facts " on social media ???


I would be very surprised if ANYONE seeking the truth about ANYTHING would turn to ( unregulated ) social media.


( Surely that lesson was learned when Donald Trump was on it every day ).


In normal times our ( regulated ) newspapers can rely on truthful statements from Government Ministers -

- so it's excusable that the Express did so ( even though they are politically biased ). At least they printed a correction.


But these are not normal times.


Any statements issued by the current government should be very closely checked and verified by newspapers before publishing.



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malc d - 2021-08-13 7:27 PM


Bulletguy - 2021-08-13 5:49 PM


malc d - 2021-08-13 4:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2021-08-13 4:14 PM


CurtainRaiser - 2021-08-13 8:24 AM


pelmetman - 2021-08-13 8:16 AM


Brian Kirby - 2021-08-12 6:49 PM


It is now for the Brexiters to prove themselves right, and me and other remainers, wrong. That is not going too well, at present, is it? How much longer do you need? (lol) (lol)


So being at the front of the queue for vaccines and coming top in the G7 for economic growth is "not going too well"??? 8-) ...........


Gawden Bennet You LOSERS are a desperate bunch (lol) (lol) (lol) ..............


Try and get your head around the facts. As reported by your government's official source.



He can't......not even when his precious Beano publishes an apology for lying over the vaccination roll out.



The Express weren't lying.


They were reporting what Rees-Mogg and Matt Hancock said.


Their mistake was to rely on Johnsons team telling the truth - without checking the facts with a reliable /competent authourity.





The facts were already out there in the public domain and Dr June Raines public announcement was all over sm.





" Facts " on social media ???


I would be very surprised if ANYONE seeking the truth about ANYTHING would turn to ( unregulated ) social media.




Malc, I know you don't like social media but if you looked at the clip you would see the BBC News strapline at the bottom which was where the poster had taken the video clip from and quoted Dr Raines words verbatim.


Most msm also use sm as well as police forces around the world.


Here is the same article in msm;




and also on UK Gov website;



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Bulletguy - 2021-08-13 8:01 PM


malc d - 2021-08-13 7:27 PM


Bulletguy - 2021-08-13 5:49 PM


malc d - 2021-08-13 4:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2021-08-13 4:14 PM


CurtainRaiser - 2021-08-13 8:24 AM


pelmetman - 2021-08-13 8:16 AM


Brian Kirby - 2021-08-12 6:49 PM


It is now for the Brexiters to prove themselves right, and me and other remainers, wrong. That is not going too well, at present, is it? How much longer do you need? (lol) (lol)


So being at the front of the queue for vaccines and coming top in the G7 for economic growth is "not going too well"??? 8-) ...........


Gawden Bennet You LOSERS are a desperate bunch (lol) (lol) (lol) ..............


Try and get your head around the facts. As reported by your government's official source.



He can't......not even when his precious Beano publishes an apology for lying over the vaccination roll out.



The Express weren't lying.


They were reporting what Rees-Mogg and Matt Hancock said.


Their mistake was to rely on Johnsons team telling the truth - without checking the facts with a reliable /competent authourity.





The facts were already out there in the public domain and Dr June Raines public announcement was all over sm.





" Facts " on social media ???


I would be very surprised if ANYONE seeking the truth about ANYTHING would turn to ( unregulated ) social media.





Malc, I know you don't like social media







It's not a question of " liking " social media - it a question of " trusting " social media..


.... and I don't.


For instance I don't trust the anti vaxxers messages on social media - is anything THEY say true ? How will I know ? .


But I use sm quite a lot - it's a useful tool - but very much open to ' abuse '


As for the BBC logo -


I am very much an amateur with Photoshop - but even I have added members of the family to photos because they couldn't be there on the day ( among other things ) So I can't imagine what an expert could do.


So when you say " there's a BBC logo on it " I'm afraid that doesn't prove anything to me at all.



So, for now, I will stick to relying for facts - whenever possible - on regulated media - where at least there is some accountability.



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malc d - 2021-08-13 8:33 PM


Bulletguy - 2021-08-13 8:01 PM


malc d - 2021-08-13 7:27 PM


Bulletguy - 2021-08-13 5:49 PM


malc d - 2021-08-13 4:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2021-08-13 4:14 PM


CurtainRaiser - 2021-08-13 8:24 AM


pelmetman - 2021-08-13 8:16 AM


Brian Kirby - 2021-08-12 6:49 PM


It is now for the Brexiters to prove themselves right, and me and other remainers, wrong. That is not going too well, at present, is it? How much longer do you need? (lol) (lol)


So being at the front of the queue for vaccines and coming top in the G7 for economic growth is "not going too well"??? 8-) ...........


Gawden Bennet You LOSERS are a desperate bunch (lol) (lol) (lol) ..............


Try and get your head around the facts. As reported by your government's official source.



He can't......not even when his precious Beano publishes an apology for lying over the vaccination roll out.



The Express weren't lying.


They were reporting what Rees-Mogg and Matt Hancock said.


Their mistake was to rely on Johnsons team telling the truth - without checking the facts with a reliable /competent authourity.





The facts were already out there in the public domain and Dr June Raines public announcement was all over sm.





" Facts " on social media ???


I would be very surprised if ANYONE seeking the truth about ANYTHING would turn to ( unregulated ) social media.





Malc, I know you don't like social media







It's not a question of " liking " social media - it a question of " trusting " social media..


.... and I don't.


For instance I don't trust the anti vaxxers messages on social media - is anything THEY say true ? How will I know ? .


But I use sm quite a lot - it's a useful tool - but very much open to ' abuse '


As for the BBC logo -


I am very much an amateur with Photoshop - but even I have added members of the family to photos because they couldn't be there on the day ( among other things ) So I can't imagine what an expert could do.


So when you say " there's a BBC logo on it " I'm afraid that doesn't prove anything to me at all.



So, for now, I will stick to relying for facts - whenever possible - on regulated media - where at least there is some accountability.



Malc, this is the Downing street briefing in full Dr June Raine announced the vaccine approval. It was broadcast by major news channels, BBC, ITV, Sky, C4.


It should go straight to the part where Dr Raine states those exact words on the clip I posted. If not then it's a quick scroll through to 27 min 06 seconds which is the exact part that clip is taken from on BBC News.



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