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Elddis Autoquest 130 2008 - Edge of internal step split

Tina N

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Presumably you’ve checked with Elddis dealerships and confirmed that what you are looking for cannot be supplied nowadays? If it cannot, and the product advertised by O’Leary Motorhomes is what you need, you may have to accept that it’s black not grey.


(Is it impossible to repair your motorhome’s broken step well frame?)


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I'd consider two options, well three if you include replacing with a new black one.


Firstly could you not repair the broken one with say some aluminium angle strip from B&Q glued and riveted in position? Secondly how about buying the black one and either painting it grey or getting a car sprayer to do it for you?


At sixty quid hardly the endo of the world is it?

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If it was mine I would go for the black one, it's not like it's a piece of gear in full view like a worktop or wardrobe front. If you paint it it will then show signs of wearing of back to black that will look even worse then.just my opinion (lol)
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