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Morocco greencard.


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Hi there

My motorhome insurance is due for renewal soon with safeguard but they don't do a greencard for morocco which is our next trip so i'm wondering if any of you out there know which insurance companies give a morocco greencard, if so are they free or at what cost for 3 months. We went years ago and our insurers gave a free greencard but we can't remember who the insurer was. Alternatively does anybody know how much the 3rd party insurance is bought at the port for a 3 month stay.


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This motorhome/Morocco-related link may be of interest




as it includes the following advice about vehicle insurance


Vehicle Insurance


The matter of motorhome and campervan insurance in Morocco is one of the most asked questions on any Morocco motorhome forum. Many insurers have now stopped providing a green card for Morocco and those that do, will charge for it. You are required by Moroccan law to have, at a minimum, third party insurance.


Our latest research shows that only Comfort and Saga ‘may’ offer fully comprehensive cover for Morocco. Note the ‘may’ which is a catch-all get out should they wish to change their mind after you have taken out a policy based on getting a green card. At the time of writing, both are charging upwards of £50 a week for a fully comprehensive green card. Whether this may change when Morocco increases in popularity for people long-term motorhoming in Europe post-Brexit, remains to be seen.


You could shop around and try and get cover from a UK underwriter for the period of your trip, but our own recent research has shown that most only offer third party cover and those that were willing to discuss fully comprehensive cover would be charging a prohibitive amount.


Your final option is to purchase third party insurance at the port in Morocco. It’s a very simple process; you arrive, hand over your V5 (original not copy) for a cursory inspection, pay around €200 for three months and be on your way. We were unable to buy for less than three months but other travellers have reported being able to buy for a month. You will get a document with a number to call in case of an accident but this is basic insurance which remember, will not cover you for theft or any damage to your motorhome that you cause yourself. Only you can decide if you are willing to take the risk.


There’s also this agency



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