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It's starting to look like EU need us.....

Guest pelmetman

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pelmetman - 2021-10-15 7:31 PM


Brian Kirby - 2021-10-15 7:23 PM


pelmetman - 2021-10-15 5:29 PM

Brian Kirby - 2021-10-15 5:05 PM

pelmetman - 2021-10-15 10:59 AM............................

1 The UK like every other country in the world has to comply with other countries standards, so I dont see why you LOSERS see it as a concession? :-S .............

2 At least we wont be paying £350 million quid a week for the privilige (lol) (lol) (lol) ..........

1 Really Dave? Makes one wonder why on earth we left the single market, then, doesn't it?

2 The EU did not cost the UK £350m a week, because that figure omitted the UK’s rebate, leaving £252M per week. Of this, £87M came back to the UK in payment for EU projects in the UK, leaving a net cost of £165M.

Johnson and Vote leave were both censured for that lie during the referendum, so why are you still peddling it? If you can't make sense you could at least try to be accurate. :-S

1 The gross figure WAS £350 million a week.......

2 the fact that the EU gave us back some small change hardly makes up for the billions British workers lost due to cheap EU labour does it? *-) ............

1 So if you owe someone £35, and they offer you a £9.80 discount on that, on top of which they owe you £8.70, how much do you pay them? £35, or £ 16.50?

2 Got the facts and figures to back that? No-one forced to UK to accept cheap labour, that was the business owners.


1.......The £350,000,000 was just the admission fee *-) .........


Answer the question instead of deflecting because you've been caught out LYING......again as usual.


2.......Total Crap!.......The EU forces all of their club members to accept free movement.....eventually *-).......


And where are your facts and figures to prove that?


Come on, quit the waffle and bluster and start BACKING UP YOUR WILD CLAIMS WITH FACTS.

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Guest pelmetman
CurtainRaiser - 2021-10-15 8:23 PM


Temporary visas for HGV, Butchers, Abattoir workers, farm workers……it’s almost as if we would be better off without Brexit.


Nope........before Brexit they had access to our benefit system, so their low pay was topped up by the taxpayer *-) .........



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pelmetman - 2021-10-16 8:44 AM


CurtainRaiser - 2021-10-15 8:23 PM


Temporary visas for HGV, Butchers, Abattoir workers, farm workers……it’s almost as if we would be better off without Brexit.


Nope........before Brexit they had access to our benefit system, so their low pay was topped up by the taxpayer *-) .........



You still haven't answered the question as to how you hope to get trade deals if you are not prepared to water down our current EU standards?

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pelmetman - 2021-10-15 7:31 PM

Brian Kirby - 2021-10-15 7:23 PM

pelmetman - 2021-10-15 5:29 PM

Brian Kirby - 2021-10-15 5:05 PM

pelmetman - 2021-10-15 10:59 AM............................

1 The UK like every other country in the world has to comply with other countries standards, so I dont see why you LOSERS see it as a concession? :-S .............

2 At least we wont be paying £350 million quid a week for the privilige (lol) (lol) (lol) ..........

1 Really Dave? Makes one wonder why on earth we left the single market, then, doesn't it?

2 The EU did not cost the UK £350m a week, because that figure omitted the UK’s rebate, leaving £252M per week. Of this, £87M came back to the UK in payment for EU projects in the UK, leaving a net cost of £165M.

Johnson and Vote leave were both censured for that lie during the referendum, so why are you still peddling it? If you can't make sense you could at least try to be accurate. :-S

1 The gross figure WAS £350 million a week.......

2 the fact that the EU gave us back some small change hardly makes up for the billions British workers lost due to cheap EU labour does it? *-) ............

1 So if you owe someone £35, and they offer you a £9.80 discount on that, on top of which they owe you £8.70, how much do you pay them? £35, or £ 16.50?

2 Got the facts and figures to back that? No-one forced to UK to accept cheap labour, that was the business owners.

1.......The £350,000,000 was just the admission fee *-) .........

2.......Total Crap!.......The EU forces all of their club members to accept free movement.....eventually *-).......

1 An admission fee is what you pay to get in. Post the Thatcher rebate we never paid £350M / week, or anything like it. It was, an remains, a blatant, scaremongering, lie which you have obviously swallowed hook, line, and sinker.


2 "Total crap" isn't an argument, and your unsupported rejection of my point is not factual.


Free movement is not an unconditional EU right. It was a UK government that decided not to restrict (indeed encouraged), entry from the fifth and sixth enlargements, where the other states applied the permitted restrictions. That decision focused the migrations into the UK.


The only way cheap labour affects pay rates in host states is when that cheap labour is employed within the state. The EU didn't employ those migrants in the UK, UK businesses did.


So, the UK government first let then all in at once, and then UK businesses lapped them up. How is that the fault of the EU?


In addition, UK Conservative MPs and MEPs were in favour of both enlargements because they thought the new entrants would prevent EU pursuing deeper integration. That turned out to be a bit of a Trojan horse, didn't it? So, if there was a loss of earnings for UK workers, it was brought about by UK politicians and businesses. :-D


As to your "billions" that British workers lost, the widespread decline in pay rates followed the 2008 financial crash, by which time many of the eastern migrants were already here. Pay falls when unemployment rises. But, how could 2.4 million migrants have gained employment at a time of falling employment? Answer: they didn't. They were first absorbed into the economy, and then came the crash, which caused unemployment to rise generally (although not by as much as in previous recessions), including for the migrants. Employment then recovered to pre-recession levels within about 5 years, while production is still recovering.


So, recession, not immigration, was the problem - and the EU didn't cause the recession either! (lol) (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2021-10-16 6:23 PM


So, recession, not immigration, was the problem - and the EU didn't cause the recession either! (lol) (lol)


SO ;-) .......Seeing as you are such an "Expert" :D ......


Why are we not in a deep recession with 800.000+ looking for a job as PREDICTED BY YOU EXPERTS??? >:-) ........


Keep on Blah blahing Brian :-> ........


Coz I like watching you making a Muppet of yourself (lol) (lol) (lol) ............


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pelmetman - 2021-10-16 6:39 PM

Brian Kirby - 2021-10-16 6:23 PM

So, recession, not immigration, was the problem - and the EU didn't cause the recession either! (lol) (lol)

SO ;-) .......Seeing as you are such an "Expert" :D ......

Why are we not in a deep recession with 800.000+ looking for a job as PREDICTED BY YOU EXPERTS??? >:-) ........

Keep on Blah blahing Brian :-> ........

Coz I like watching you making a Muppet of yourself (lol) (lol) (lol) ............

I made, nor make, no claim of expertise - saving that I can read, so I do.

The source of my above summary is this: https://cep.lse.ac.uk/pubs/download/brexit05.pdf

It's only 20 pages, published by the Centre for Economic Performance at the LSE in May 2016, so it is an analysis of past performance and not a forecast. For some reason I find it more convincing, with references and factual analysis, than "crap". Why not have a read yourself and learn something?

Now, where did you get that 800,000 figure from. The side of a bus somewhere? Perhaps, for once, you could give a link to the source document - and not a half digested headline from your favourite "newspaper", written by someone who'd only half read and understood the source document.

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pelmetman - 2021-10-16 6:39 PM


Brian Kirby - 2021-10-16 6:23 PM


So, recession, not immigration, was the problem - and the EU didn't cause the recession either! (lol) (lol)



Coz I like watching you making a Muppet of yourself (lol) (lol) (lol) ............

The one making a Muppet of himself is you, unable to counter any of Brians points with a mature adult response you resort to attacking the poster with a digitally altered personal photograph and making your usual shouty shouty nonsensical remarks, neither of which is remotely amusing, just sad. Your behaviour is akin to a five year old having a temper tantrum.

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Brian Kirby - 2021-10-17 8:13 AM


pelmetman - 2021-10-16 6:39 PM

Brian Kirby - 2021-10-16 6:23 PM

So, recession, not immigration, was the problem - and the EU didn't cause the recession either! (lol) (lol)

SO ;-) .......Seeing as you are such an "Expert" :D ......

Why are we not in a deep recession with 800.000+ looking for a job as PREDICTED BY YOU EXPERTS??? >:-) ........

Keep on Blah blahing Brian :-> ........

Coz I like watching you making a Muppet of yourself (lol) (lol) (lol) ............

I made, nor make, no claim of expertise - saving that I can read, so I do.

The source of my above summary is this: https://cep.lse.ac.uk/pubs/download/brexit05.pdf

It's only 20 pages, published by the Centre for Economic Performance at the LSE in May 2016, so it is an analysis of past performance and not a forecast. For some reason I find it more convincing, with references and factual analysis, than "crap". Why not have a read yourself and learn something?

Now, where did you get that 800,000 figure from. The side of a bus somewhere? Perhaps, for once, you could give a link to the source document - and not a half digested headline from your favourite "newspaper", written by someone who'd only half read and understood the source document.

Good link though the stats will make uncomfortable reading for rabid Brexiteers. I didn't realise our school leaving figure was so high either. That said, some never attended and so remain uneducated. :-|


EU immigrants are more educated, younger, more likely to be in work and less likely to claim benefits than the UK-born. About 44% have some form of higher education compared with only 23% of the UK-born. Only 15% of EU immigrants left school at 16 compared with 44% of the UK-born. 8-)


Many people are concerned that immigration reduces the pay and job chances of the UKborn due to more competition for jobs. But immigrants consume goods and services and this increased demand helps to create more employment opportunities. Immigrants also might have skills that complement UK-born workers.


EU immigrants pay more in taxes than they take out in welfare and the use of public services. They therefore help reduce the budget deficit. Immigrants do not have a negative effect on local services such as crime, education, health, or social housing.

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Brian Kirby - 2021-10-17 8:13 AM


pelmetman - 2021-10-16 6:39 PM

Brian Kirby - 2021-10-16 6:23 PM

So, recession, not immigration, was the problem - and the EU didn't cause the recession either! (lol) (lol)

SO ;-) .......Seeing as you are such an "Expert" :D ......

Why are we not in a deep recession with 800.000+ looking for a job as PREDICTED BY YOU EXPERTS??? >:-) ........

Keep on Blah blahing Brian :-> ........

Coz I like watching you making a Muppet of yourself (lol) (lol) (lol) ............

I made, nor make, no claim of expertise - saving that I can read, so I do.

The source of my above summary is this: https://cep.lse.ac.uk/pubs/download/brexit05.pdf

It's only 20 pages, published by the Centre for Economic Performance at the LSE in May 2016, so it is an analysis of past performance and not a forecast. For some reason I find it more convincing, with references and factual analysis, than "crap". Why not have a read yourself and learn something?

Now, where did you get that 800,000 figure from. The side of a bus somewhere? Perhaps, for once, you could give a link to the source document - and not a half digested headline from your favourite "newspaper", written by someone who'd only half read and understood the source document.

He's more interested in keeping his fire stoked but fwiw you wouldn't have got a sensible answer to either question from him.



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