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Cab lock/unlock buttons in Fiat Ducato


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I have noticed recently that if the cab locking button is pressed the doors lock, but the warning light in the button stays on. If the doors are locked using the key or the zapper then the warning light goes red, but a few seconds later it starts a slow flashing. If the red warning light stays on permanently does that mean power is being drawn permanently? Not a good idea I would have thought.


Also the unlock button doesn't work at all. Any thoughts please?



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On our 2011 model, press the lock button and the light will stay on for some time, not sure how long but it eventually goes out. Haven't noticed if it flashes when using remote as I'm not sure I've ever used remote inside the van but most (all?) modern vehicles display a flashing red light if remotely locked which donates the immobiliser is working.
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I can't advise why your Ducato's unlock button doesn't work, but I believe what you've described in your first paragraph is normal.


How the dashboard 'lock' warning LED reacts will depend on whether the doors are locked from outside the vehicle (ie. using the zapper or key) when the dashboard LED will go out then start to flash regularly to indicate that the immobiliser system is operating, or locked from inside the vehicle (ie. using the lock-button on the dashboard) when the dashboard LED will stay on.


This is covered in the "KEYS" and "DOORS" sections of your Ducato Owner Handbook.

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Thanks for all the responses. I don't think my system is working correctly; not helped by my manual diagram being incorrectly labelled. The unlock button on the dash definitely fails to work. It isn't too important at the moment, so it can be investigated later back in the UK.



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One important point to note is that use of the dashboard buttons means that ALL doors lock. In our van that means the hab door as well.


We learnt this from bitter experience. The hab door was open as usual in hot weather. My OH had gone to reception. I wanted to join him. Since I had no keys I locked the cab doors using the button, went out of the hab door and shut it after me, thinking that the site was small and felt safe so leaving the hab door unlocked would be safe.


When we got back we could not get in as,the hab door had been in the lock setting when I shut it.


Be aware !

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