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Taking an accompanied motorcycle to Europe


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We are hoping to travel to Germany and France this summer taking a small motorbike on the back of the van. Other friends will have their bike on a trailer.

The big question is, Do we need a carnet and if so who issues it?

Can anyone point to the definitive regulation about this? Information at present seems to be that as long as the rider is in the main vehicle it is not a problem but has anyone direct experience with this?

We will be attending a social meeting, no racing!

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I've taken various motorcycles to Europe and north Africa for over 20 years (every year), Including since January 31st 2020 ie the post Brexit era, I've not been asked to produce a carnet for temporary importation (or any other documentation cometo that)..

I don't have definitive proof, but my belief is that so long as you can provide reasonable proof that you have no intention of flogging the M/bike eg insurance certificate, V5 in your name, a single M/ bike etc then that suffices. After all even your M/home is being temporarily imported and I've never heard of anyone having to produce a carnet for that.

Where the problem lies, again I don't have proof, is that where people take several M/bikes in a van obstensibely for some kind of meet or rental hire purposes then they will possibly run into problems.

Morocco and Tunisia do require carnets for all vehicles usually obtainable at frontier. Even if you write off the vehicle

and its just a pile scrap, you have to export it when you leave the country!!



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These links may be worth reading






Historically, in the UK, the RAC used to issue Carnet de Passage en Douanes but ceased doing this 4 years ago for the reasons given on this webpage.





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The RAC state that Temporary Vehicle Import Carnets are not required for Morocco. Actually you do have to fill in a

Temporary Vehicle Import Form (Carnet?) as mentioned in previous post. Free and no money surety involved. Normally @ the customs point at the ferry terminal, for a M/homer.

When you leave Morocco you're obliged to export your vehicle even If you write it off, heap of scrap notwithstanding.

There are ways of paying taxes in lieu, but involved.

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