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Disabled Motorhoming

B Dobson

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In an attempt to get away from the endless political threads on here I thought I would ask a question for my disabled friend . She has an old motorhome that needs replacing and she is disabled and almost in a wheelchair . She enjoys her motorhome as it helps with her severe depression but when away she spends a lot off time in it due to her large size and disability so I was wondering if there are motorhomes that are more suitable for large disabled people to enjoy the same as normal people do? . Thanks for any information Belinda 

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Thanks peedee that link should be very useful for my friend so I shall pass on the information you so kindly have provided . I think second hand may be the way to go given my friends what you might call tight use of the purse and also the condition inside of the motor wouldnt really be a problem as she's what we might call not the cleanest person in the world which is mainly down to her depression . Thanks Belinda 

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7 hours ago, Barryd999 said:

Your "imaginary" friend needs to talk to a legal professional about "her" stalker (you). 

Caring for and trying to help someone less fortunate than myself is not stalking a friend Barryd999 wether or not my friend is to blame for her disabilities 

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