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Refillable Gas Bottles?

Guest starspirit

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Guest starspirit

Please Bas and Sshortcircuit knock it off.


You have both added to the discussion and you both have valid views so why the personal attacks?


Please - just live and let live, and agree to differ without any more nastiness.


Meanwhile many thanks to everyone and I reckon that before too long we will have joined the fill it yourself brigade.





PS - Can we all come and watch the kiss and make up ceremony please.


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Thanks for your intervention. Im afraid I am a dour Scot'sman not taking to kindly to yon natives from south of the border.


My next outing is up to Golspie where I spat on the duke, so a meeting there is a bit distant. There is a statue above Golspie of the duke of Sutherland. He was responsible for many of the terrible going ons during the highland clearances. Its a Scotsmans duty to show due defference and climb the hill and spit on the statue.


On a lighter subject may I assure you, you will not regret fitting refillables

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Guest starspirit

OK Hamish I'll just warn the residents of Golspie (both of them) that you are coming so they can get a small minibus out of there for the duration.

Used to be a nice little golf course there and we have been known to spend the odd night down on the beachside by the river estuary.

Mind you every night in Golspie is odd?

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Grandson is into Karting and the track, Little Ferry, is at the far end of the golf course. We wild camp at the track which has 5 star brand new facilities which they open up to us and others. Only disappointment is that as there are no hook ups some keep generators running a bit late. May quiten down now we are heading into summer?-


We invarabley have a meal at the golf club on the Saturday. May take the clubs sometime but a get quite upset when I see green keeepers weeping after I have been round.


Fish supper at Golspie fish and chip shop are MAGIC

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Good bit of wild camping going on there then.

Isn't it funny what one person calls wild camping to another which just goes to show how we all think differently.


Just for the record wild camping is the out back in Australia something similar to that anyway IMHO..

Back to the Gaslow is it very exspensive to have fitted ?

I did see it at the show but the lady was very busy i didn't think to ask as she looked flustered.

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Guest starspirit

Have not been to Golspie for years but have many fond memories.

Glad the chippie has survived - makes it all worthwhile dunnit?

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Just to explain why Golspie is so good


American comes to UK an the grand tour and goes to Westminster Abbey. Telephone on the wall "Call to God £20,00.00" He asks what this is and told it is a direct call to God


Goes up to Yorkminster and same telephone, but this time £10,00.00


He then ends up in St Giles in Edinburgh, same phone, but in this instance 20p


Absolutely astounded he asks why its only 20p





Its a local call



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