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Spain "LEZ"


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Spanish cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants have adopted or will adopt restrictions on the entry of the most polluting vehicles.

As in various European countries (e.g. Germany, France) there are stickers to be placed on the windscreen.

Stickers NOT available for foreigners. But...

...Google something like equivalencia distinctives ambientes ue.

If you already have the German Plakette 4 or the French Crit'Air 2 or 3 you should be OK.

I use the conditional because some notes leave decision-making space for the individual Ayuntamientos.

For example Madrid and Barcelona which continue to ask for the registration of the plate with the sending of a copy of the registration certificate.


p.s. Remember that in villages and towns, on roads with one lane in each direction, the speed limit has been lowered to 30km/h.

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