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Vanbitz BM or Victron B2B


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As the title suggests I’m wondering which would be the better option. I know the Vanbitz Battery Master keeps the vehicle battery topped up but does a Victron B2B do the same?

if not can I have both fitted so that the B2B charges the leisure batteries and the BM keeps the vehicle battery topped when not moving?


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The Victron B2B will charge the motorhome's starter and leisure batteries when the vehicle's engine is running. The Van Bitz Battery Master is a 'battery balancer' designed to trickle-charge the starter battery from the leisure battery when the latter's state of charge is above a certain voltage, and the motorhome's engine does not need to be running for this to happen. 

I noticed on the MHFun forum this 2022 discussion that may help.



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