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Guest caraprof

Mmmm, I wonder what the chances are that jennyuk works for the organisation that I suspect is behind all three of these sites?

It could be of course that she's just a very kind individual who woke up one morning and thought: "I know what I'll do today, I'll find out any websites that give away free things and I'll inform all those nice people who have motorhomes how to claim lots of nappies and washing powder."

What do you bet that she's so kind that she's informed dozens of other different forums as well!

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caraprof - 2007-06-18 10:21 AM

Mmmm, I wonder what the chances are that jennyuk works for the organisation that I suspect is behind all three of these sites?

It could be of course that she's just a very kind individual who woke up one morning and thought: "I know what I'll do today, I'll find out any websites that give away free things and I'll inform all those nice people who have motorhomes how to claim lots of nappies and washing powder."

What do you bet that she's so kind that she's informed dozens of other different forums as well!

Maybe, or maybe she's just fallen for what to me looks a bit like some kind of pyramid selling scam!  Hope not!  Wonder of the mods will scotch this one?

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Its interesting to note that all three websites are breaking the law by not giving details of the company who is running them, it is now a legal requirement for any publicised information relating to a business to clearly identify the owners of the business and the address of their main operating centre.


Anyway, I don't use any of the products listed so i shan't be bothering with them.



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If I'm not mistaken I think it's one of those sites that you sign up to and then get other people to sign up so that the orignator gets major freebies! There are a lot of sites out and about like this where you promise to get X number of people to also sign up and then you get a nice present for your efforts. Trouble is people then get bombarded with cr*p emails, mail etc and the 'free' present for the originators is not always forthcoming. I avoid them like the plague, I like to keep my cr*p mail etc levels as small as possible.


You don't get owt for nowt normally. :-|

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