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2001 autotrail cheyenne


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hi new member, i have just bought a 2001 autotrail on a fiat i was wondering if anybody knows the answer..The electric control panel is sited above the entry door ive got to grips with all of the functions except 2 the first being there is a switch with a red light in it what is this for.the 2nd is the heating,it has gas and electric heating but only seems to have one control any ideas .thanks in advance Pagey
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Hi If your van has a space htr with the blown air fan behind it.all the gas controls are on the fire part. the switch with the red light is possibly 240v to the water htr(make sure it,s full before trying it,)or it is the 240v supply to the blown air heating.the Carver water heater normaly has a gas control panel with a couple of round press buttons and a series of little lights and a picture of a flame with a cross though it.



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