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whats going on ,Tunnel booking ?


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i have been checking the price for a crossing in August over the past week. the best price on the Euro tunnel web site was £191 for the dates and times that suited me. then i signed on to the caravan club site as last year when i booked was told that the club would do a 10 % discount. on club site the price was £217 for the same times etc, this i checked for the last three days. so today i phoned the caravan club to ask why can i get the price cheaper by going to Euro tunnel, the answer was that the prices are set back in November 2006, and that the euro tunnel can sometime make better deals as the year goes on. i said to the club i think this is unfair when as a large club with 1000's member should be able to get the same deal or better at anytime of the year. i was told to write to the club to put my view in writing, i said that , what was the point been a member if no discount was given. she said if i would hold i could talk to a supervisor. after giving the above story the supervisor said she would check the price for my dates/time and see what price is at . when she then came back with a price of £165. well i am still trying to work out how she can come back with this price. so i quickly made the booking over the phone. but after putitng the phone down i checked both web sites and the price was still £191 / £217 . ?


thanks for taking the time in reading this post, what are your views ?


more views can be seen here http://www.motorhometoday.co.uk

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I don't think it's the fault of the CC - it seems to be what the industry call market forces or something similar!

We're members of the Brittany Ferries PropertyOwners club, which gives us a substantial discount on the 'standard' fares. These fares though go up and down quite regularly, and recently when I wished to change a booking to alternative dates, the whole thing worked out cheaper when I looked at it as a 'new ' booking, but £30 more expensive to just 'change' the dates of my exisiting one.

On the basis the website claims no 'charge' to change, I telephoned them - having found a 'landline' number instead of their 'premuim rate' number - to complain about this, and in the end they accepted the situation after referring to one of the managers,and only charged me the lower amount.

Their 'reasoning' was that although the fares had dropped in the meantime, I should have been charged at the price shown on the original date and not the date I made the 'new' booking!

It's always worth checking to see - and in this case gave me a worthwhile saving!"

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I have the same with the C&C C.

At the end of the day they are just another supplier/service provider, with staff to pay, AGM's to finance, targets to meet etc.

I usually ask them for a quote, from insurance to travel to campsites, but have always found a cheaper price myself so far.

And, as with any supplier, if you ask for a discount, or a price match, sometimes they can, sometimes they can't.

I stay a member mainly for the CS's and the holiday sites and members meets.




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Both clubs operate as business's, they enjoy a discount/commission across the board on all fares which is set in advance, how much or little of that that is passed on to the members is their decision, through member apathy and mis-conceived ideas that they would give the best deal, after all it's a members club >:-)

Market forces kicked in when you queried the pricing and got a better price, they will still pay the same base cost to them but make a smaller margin.

Anyway enjoy your savings and don't waste them on beer or vin rouge or any frivolous items B-)



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