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12v Socket


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Hi Stewart & welcome to the mad house.

In a quick answer, yes there are different styles and types. It sounds as if you may have a European M/Home, which might be the reason for your enquiry.We were fortunate in that we had the 12Volt adaptor come with our van.

It may help if you could contact the manufacturer from whom you bought the van,or state you specific make of van, knowing the people on this forum, there will be someone along soon who can give you some better advice.


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Hi I found this with my van..it is what is called a Hella type plug..used in Europe. What you will need is an adapter either from a hella plug or one of the universal plugs that have a red removable caps that can work in either sockett.

The best place is to try ebay and do a search for 12v adapter leads or hella plug.

Hope this helps

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Also called a DIN socket. For various solutions have a look at the online catalogue of Vehicle Wiring Products at




For years this firm has been ultra helpful to me and is well worth a look for any electrical requirements. They've come up trumps for all sorts of odd things I've wanted to do.



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I have just upgraded my m/h and have noticed something a bit odd that maybe you guys can help with.

The cigar lighter and additional 12v supply outlet are different diameters. When carting the troops about, they tend to watch films on 2 portable DVD players, which I plug in using a multi adaptor. The adaptor fits lovely into the 12v socket, but is too small for the cigar lighter! Plugging my sat nav charger in and I find the same with that.

Both fit nicely into the cigar lighter in my car, so why is the one in my van bigger and if I swap it out, will the replacement be the same or will it not fit in the dash properly?

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Quite simply Baz because cigar lighters are designed for that purpose and as such are not subject to size standards (the removable part that heats up is supplied by the same manufacturer so it will fit). There can be quite a large variation in diameters of cigar lighter sockets while the true auxiliary power socket is a standard size.



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I have just opened up a cigarette lighter plug in the hope of putting a hella/DIN plug on the cable end (AC plug on other end). I have the 2 ears + a red and white wire that was connected together to the centre pin, so why were they different colours?
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