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We have downsized from a 6m A Class to a 6m PVC. I found that I was always thinking about where we would  stay or park rather than where I wanted to go.

We have been used to taking  more or less whatever we want. If anyone has favourite tips about how to  make best use of more limited space I'd really like to hear them!

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We’ve had so many MH’s in the past and the one we had most fun in was the 6.4 Malibu PVC. 
After 5 years we went for a Cathago 6.95 super lightweight. Fantastic. Loads of space. Loads of bits and bobs being carried unecacarily   
we pick up our new 6.4 Malibu up around June time and so looking forward to carrying less. 
I’ll put a page table outside with most items on and pack thoughtfully. 
cadac, reclining chairs, table will definitely go in. 
I didn’t miss the space in the first Malibu and I’m sure I won’t this time. 
I will enjoy the more Car like driving experience and using it for more days out with the dogs. 
I carry a watering can to fetch water when necessary, couple of 4 ltr bottles of drinking water and most food for a week at a time. 
mots amazing how little we need and how much we’ve probably not used in the last year. 

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Really weed out everything you havnt used in a year, (except tools/yellow jackets etc).  You may be able to thin out the cooking stuff.  We had a set of three saucepans that fitted inside one another, realized we never used the largest, so no longer take it.  Do you need 6 bowels 10 plates etc? We use the net fruit/veg drawer string bags you get from supermarkets at about 30p each for underclothes. t-shirts etc.  Once you start thinking about each item, its surprising how much you can ditch.  We are in a 6.4m PVC and have plenty of room. 

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