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lpg is it worth it for domestic use ie heating etc?


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laikaman - 2007-06-26 2:09 PM I am considering changing from calor for domestic use on our van to lpg,mainly because we use the van on the continent does anybody have any experience of lpg abroad is it widely available etc.

Hi Laikaman

1st of all welcome to the madhouse. There has been discussions on this topic before, but I'm sure some of our regular experts will be along to offer their advice soon.

In the meantime, scroll up to the top of the page and then click on the search button. Then type in your query subject -i.e. LPG - but make sure that you then ask it to serach all forums and the time set should be longer than you last logged on time.This will then bring up a list of the past discussions on the subject.

Hope this helps, but as I say, if you wait, there will be someone along soon who can give you some advice. Also look up David Newell's contact details. He's in the trade and will also help with any advice.


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I fitted a gaslow system in the locker of our Bessacarr positioning a filler next to the locker i have filled up in the uk no problem, we have just come back from 3 months touring France, Spain and the Algarve we filled up once in Spain this was in a main gas supply depot the only surprise was the look on the attendants face when the cost was 4 Euros I think he was used to filling lorries and buses,France was no problem the gas is sold at most fuel stations, you do need adapters. I got a list of places to refill in Spain and the Algarve off one of the forums if you put a search on this forum i am sure you will get the info B-)
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Just a little clarification here. Calor is LPG. LPG stands for liquified petroleum gas and as such coverss a range of gases including propane and butane which are the two main gases used in caravans/motorhomes. I take it from the previous replies and your response that what you're really asking is "is it worth changing from Calor swappable cylinders to a refillable system, i.e. Gaslow/MTH.


Financially it will take quite a while to save the cost of the installation, the exact period depending on how much gas you use. The real benefit is in usability. With a refillable system, whether it be a cylinder(s) or under floor mounted bulk tank is one of convenience, no more lifting heavy cylinders in and out of your gas locker. Before a tour you can check the quantity of Liquified gas in the cylinder (well you can with the MTH cylinders and bulk tanks anyway) and if its a bit low simply top it up.



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me and alice is thinking of changing from nescafe to maxwell house as us is told its cheaper and more available on the continent.


we do love our gold blend tho, and the shortage is puttin us off going abroad for our annual holiday in august. Dus anyone know if anyone dus a bulk tank for gold blens or will us hav to switch


its a bit of a coffeee conumdrum i suppose, but it does bear a little semblance to the question of gas and lpg above.


anyone help


fred bean



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Hi there,


If you go to www.autogas.co.uk you will find the people there able to supply a copy of the 2007 guide to all LPG outlets in europe.


Should you want them, they can also supply the Stako cylinders that MTH supply, which are quite simply better than the Gaslow ones. As can Dave Newell, and others.


Use the search faciliy on this forum before you commit, and enjoy the initiation.

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laikaman - 2007-06-26 7:36 PM Thanks It is more a question of availability abroad(not he economics) I have heard that in southern spain it is not easy to gey of hold of?

The economics of this will depend upon the size of your gas locker, how long you plan on being away, and whether you normally use a mains hook-up. 

However, gas cylinder contracts, and refills, are quite cheap in France, compared to Calor's UK prices.  (2005 Butagaz contract 19 Euro inc full cylinder, Calor £24.99 for cylinder rental and £15.22 for contents!)  If your locker can take the 13Kg cylinders, "Butagaz" is available as butane (light metallic blue) or propane (light metallic blue/silver) from almost all supermarkets, many filling stations, and a few hardware/ironmonger's stores throughout France.  There are a variety of other brands, not all having quite such wide geographic availability.  

We find that, using sites, and thus normally on hook-up with the fridge and water heating on mains, one 13Kg cylinder lasts us for comfortably in excess of 3 months spring/autumn. 

We carry one 13Kg Calor and one 13Kg Butagaz, both propane.  We have an auto-changeover between the cylinders, the French propane cylinder connection is the same as the UK butane one, so the flexibles are readily available before you go, if you prefer this option.

Since almost any European trip involves some time in France, exchanging an empty hasn't yet proved a problem.  Changing the Calor can be done at any time when home.  Thus with both cylinders full, we have enough gas for six months or more continual touring, and even with one empty enough for three months or more.  Since we haven't yet been away for more than 12 weeks on the trot, and have ready access to refills either when back in UK or when passing through France, there seems little realistic prospect of running out with no access to reserve supplies.

Would this works for 7Kg cylinders?  In truth, I think borderline for us (but I guess you'll know roughly your rate of consumption).  Hence my preference for the 13Kg jobs.

Would the Gaslow refillables etc be more economical?  Well, the gas is cheaper, but the installation relatively expensive.  My take is that you'd need to spend an awful lot on gas before economics alone made refillables worthwhile.  Even at Calor's prices you'd need to buy around 20 refills just to equal the cost of a refillable installation, and you still have to pay for your autogas.  As we seem to use less than 1.5 cylinders per year, and the French refills are presently cheaper, I think we'll probably be giving up motorhoming around break-even time!  Yer pays yer money............!

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