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French customs re tobacco/alcohol


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(?) I've recently read some stories about people being stopped by customs officials and having cigs confiscated and a fine imposed. We were in France a couple of weeks ago and pulled into a motorway service station for diesel. We were flagged down by police/customs and asked why we were in France, where had we been , how long for etc. We said we were on holiday, heading for Calais, where we had visited etc. they asked had we been to Spain - no not this trip - had we any tobacco - only two packs of twenty bought in France they examined these - had we any alcohol - only a small amount bought in France. (We were planning to stock up on vino at Calais). They didn't search us, perhaps our two large dogs put them off or perhaps I look honest! Anyway the point of all of this is - does anyone know what the apparently new limits are for bringing booze and tobacco into France from Spain. and why the change ? I thought we were in the "free market" European community
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ike - 2007-06-28 10:29 AM


I thought we were in the "free market" European community

The French have a history of 'administering' EU rules for their own convenience. Our farmers are struggling but not the French farm, subsidys were cut here on advice from Europe but not in la belle France.

Monoplolies in utiliies were banned by Europe even to the point that some of our power and water companies are now French owned, but no in France they are state owned monopolies. Go through a speed camera in France and they will prosecute in England, but a French driver committing the same offence here is immune.The new un-holy alliance with Germany is worrying, I believe the Germans have managed to acheive what they could'nt do in 1939!!

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Guest JudgeMental

going out via eurotunnel at weekend French did not even bother to look at passport.


coming back was an all together different experience. van searched seemed disappointed that there was no cigarettes or drink on board.


101 questions, examined paperwork in fine detail. delayed so that I missed scheduled crossing - no big deal as they are every 20 minutes...


I wouldn't mind but while I'm being "interviewed" who knows whats getting through. well we all know the answer to that don't we - drugs and guns and knives and....


sorry rant over back on post :-D

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Thanks for the info. and the site link. We were away when the original question came up. I'm a bit clearer now about the allowances and will kep well under the limits just in case the French customs get over zealous in their application!


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I have been led to believe that the acceptable quantities per person are as follows


Spirits over 22% 10 litres = 13 bottles

Spirits under 22% 20 litres = 26 bottles

Still or Sparkling wine 90 litres = 120 bottles

Sparkling wine 60 litres = 80 bottles

Beer 110 litres = 200 pints

Cigarettes 3,200

Cigarillos 400

Cigars 200

Tobacco 3 Kg


Is this correct??? We have never had a problem when using the Dover- Calais ferries but are travelling via Eurotunnel in a few weeks time and although we will not be bringing back any where near these amounts with us we do not want to fall foul of the French Customs.


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Brisey - 2007-06-30 3:56 PM


I have been led to believe that the acceptable quantities per person are as follows


Spirits over 22% 10 litres = 13 bottles

Spirits under 22% 20 litres = 26 bottles

Still or Sparkling wine 90 litres = 120 bottles

Sparkling wine 60 litres = 80 bottles

Beer 110 litres = 200 pints

Cigarettes 3,200

Cigarillos 400

Cigars 200

Tobacco 3 Kg


Is this correct??? We have never had a problem when using the Dover- Calais ferries but are travelling via Eurotunnel in a few weeks time and although we will not be bringing back any where near these amounts with us we do not want to fall foul of the French Customs.


They may be correct for items that have been bought in France and then taken to the UK.


The problem is taking items bought outside of France e.g Spain, Belgium and carrying them into France.


For example you could buy your 3,200 ciggies in Spain and take them on a plane direct to the UK. No problem.


But, if you travelled by road from Spain to the UK you can only take 200 ciggies per person across the border into France. You can of course buy another 3000 in France, but they will cost substantially more!!

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