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To wave or not to wave


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Being at the end of our first full year motorhoming the thing that I really like is the feeling of belonging to a community when out on the open road and you pass another motorhome to exchange a friendly wave to each other.

Having travelled the length of the country I have found that wavers vary from place to place...there seems to be more in Scotland than down the south coast.

My question is what do you do wave or not..depending on traffic...we find it great fun especially on a long drive to share a wave or two (lol)

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J9withdogs - 2007-07-04 4:30 PM


Tony - do you realise that you are the only human on this forum, if the pictures are anything to go by? *-)


Not quite - Michele, Frank and Peter are all human, IF you believe they're really Hayley Mills, Victor Meldrew and Quentin Whatisname respectively!


Icelander has a human face too, but I'm not sure if it's his or not.


T x

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We always wave, and have been surprised over the more recent years how many French especially wave. Generally we find the Dutch don,t rarely do teh Germans, and as for Swiss or Italians, never!

When we're out in our car we often feel tempted to wave - perhaps we're on auto-pilot, and forget wee're not in the motorhome!

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We wave 95% of the time - but if you're on the M25 or any other major dual carriageway you don't expect a wave back.

As you say it's nice to feel like you belong to a community.

And if you haven't waved to a prison van - well you've never lived ;-)



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J9withdogs - 2007-07-04 3:37 PM I agree! I wave at anyone - and quite often anything, including prison vans. Ooops! :$

Whoops . . . 15 points deducted for a prison van (well it is mainly white).  If it's a double glazing van its 25 points . . . . a bit harsh I know but they do have a big wooden cradle stuck on the side.

:-) :-) :-)

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Me and Al are definitely wavers, when the co pilot is not having 40 winks we count 1,2,3 and wave like the clappers in unison. :-) :-)


Even if we don't get a wave back it is sometimes funny to see the startled faces of fellow motorhomers.


Keep on Waving :-)

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We always wave - and sometimes find the hand going up when we're in the car as well.


On a rally in Derbyshire last Easter we went on a coach trip round the Dales. I think we confused a few motorhome drivers when everyone on the coach waved at them :-D



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Has anyone invented a large, mechanically driven hand, that you could just press a button and it would make a wave so big even the Germans would see it *-)


Or perhaps I could fix a big hand to the windscreen wipers and just put them on when I see a van coming the other way?

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Yeah.  Count us in as wavers.

On my transit drive home - my first ever motorhome drive - I couldn't understand why people were waving . . . were my lights on? . . . did you really think I was that bloke you parked next to in Calais?

I then had the 'devine ah ha' and realised what was going on.  Mind you, Mrs Way2Go built up quite a negative score before she could recognise another motorhome in time as she was too busy trying to silence the audio alarm which sounds at 80 mph!!

We do wave and mainly get a response . . . all apart from Hymer drivers *-)  What's their problem?

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We are deffinate wavers. (lol)

It used to keep the kids amused but as they are getting older they are starting to think they have a couple of wiedos for parents.


In France most people wave, In scotland too when we toured germany not many did. But up here in Cheshire we are the ultimate wavers. I susspect that these are real tourers not just people out shopping in their motorhomes.

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J9withdogs - 2007-07-04 6:32 PM


Has anyone invented a large, mechanically driven hand, that you could just press a button and it would make a wave so big even the Germans would see it *-)



A friend of ours in the Pilote Owners Association has a large white rabbit in the front of her van with strings on it's ears. She pulls a string when a van goes past and the rabbit "waves" its ears.



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Ralph ,

You realise by putting a dog there on you avatar we will all be getting called the mad lot again by another lot of M/'homers on another forum!


Tony ,

thats not nice I never professed to be Hayley Mills what I said was I won a competition for looking the most like Hayley when I was younger



the hand thing has been done MMM gave a way free hands for your windscreen


everyone else I wave at evrything except Hymers they have their nose's up their bottoms Why I 'll never know

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Way2Go - 2007-07-04 6:36 PM


p>We do wave and mainly get a response . . . all apart from Hymer drivers *-)  What's their problem?


I didnt want to mention this at first but it does seem to be many hymer drivers a sour-faced so and so's but also many A class drivers also seem to think it is beneath them.


At first we thought it was a class system with tuggers the lowest of the low followed by campervans with coachbuilts just below the A class but it doesnt matter if you are a motorhomer we just wave as it didn't seem to bother anyone when we were driving a 23 yr old Autorail before we bought a new van after only a month of this wonderful lifestyle.



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Yes we are wavers its now down to the co-pilots job she always manages to see them from two miles away if they dont wave back and you notice its left hand drive, it must be some foreign stewards that work behind a bar.

I have got to admit to the odd ice cream van and white van man gets a wave but I dont think a prison van has passed our way yet. And if any one thinks we are stuck up because we have not waved, we have honest its just when you get to our age your reactions get a bit slow and we may be half a mile past you when we wave ( He He )



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