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To wave or not to wave


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if waving at other mh users help pass the time on a long journey keeps the kids happy we score points if you get a return wave. frank live and let live lighten up and join in the fun, after all if you analyse everything there isnt a lot of point to anything you might as well put your other foot in.
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To wave or not to wave that is the question !

That was also the header surely Frank has the right to say he won't wave

If we all said that we would wave then be no point in having this discussion would there ?.


If we were all the same the world would not go round ;-)

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do you reply if someone says good morning to you, or its a lovely day, are you alright, eyup me duck. you have no need to you probually wont see them again. but hey be sivel be friendly or you might as well stay at home.
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No I dont I just smile ;-) And i do stay in doors all day thats why I'm on gere so much...

Seriously not everyone wants to wave as time go's on I cant be bothered sick of waving and no one waves back you think they are trying to tell me something . I with Frank on this dont make me unsociable just makes me fed up with it all done my years on waving on the buses.

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Guest caraprof
K&D - 2007-07-16 8:35 PM do you reply if someone says good morning to you, or its a lovely day, are you alright, eyup me duck. you have no need to you probually wont see them again. but hey be sivel be friendly or you might as well stay at home.

Yes, but people whom you pass in the street do not stop and utter fatuous pleasantries at everyone they pass. If they did I can assure you that you too would soon get fed up with it!

Michele has hit it on the head, this thread is questioned 'To wave or not to wave?'

I choose not to wave as I find it embarrassing and annoying when all of these total strangers insist on treating me as if I'm a long lost friend.

On the other hand I'm a total stickler for good manners. If I stop someone in the street for instance to ask directions I would never dream of addressing them, as so many do these days, as 'pal' or 'mate'. Just as the Americans do I would say: "Excuse me sir.......... (or madam)."

Choosing not to wave does not make someone ill-mannered. In my opinion, waving at strangers puts them under an obligation and may itself be construed as more ill-mannered.

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Guest caraprof
davenewell@home - 2007-07-16 7:26 PM Frank said ".....I don't think that I've ever met anyone so pompous and full of himself!" Have you never looked in a mirror Frank? >:-) D.

Thank you Dave, I would have expected no less. It's just that I had a quick look at his profile and when I saw that he lists his hobbies as 'environmental ethics and misanthropy' I just put two fingers in my throat and did a retching sound!

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caraprof - 2007-07-16 6:43 PM

I'm rather enjoying it myself actually although I don't think that I've ever met anyone so pompous and full of himself! As for your 'light hearted banter', mmmm, good try but I think not.

By the way, when did we first meet? I have no recollection. Or do you need to brush up on your semantics?

I have attended and returned, and hence we meet again. You will see, therefore, or perhaps not given your transparent lack of intelligence, that I have no need to brush up on my semantics. At least not to joust with you. There are contributors to the forum with whom I am careful, but this is like a dull break between lectures in the first year of a very average university.

It really isn’t taking much effort, as you are demonstrably not as bright as you seek to purport. You may get away with your sloppy grasp of academia, and reasonably good use of the language with some; but you don’t intimidate me.

It simply isn’t going well for you. If I were you, and I’d hate to be so trapped, I’d slope off and gain a broader understanding of, well everything really, and then come back and try again. I suggest you trot off to a forum for real academics and hone your deliberately inflammatory devices before trying to intimidate the good people who genuinely contribute to this forum.

I assure you that my reference to your head and anus, which may not be that easy to distinguish come to think - you seem to communicate with both, was and is meant as light hearted, it is beneath me to make physical threats.

You make reference elsewhere to my interests. At least I have the courage to be open, and don’t hide behind anonymity. I would be pleased to discuss my interests and defend my views with anyone that might understand: so if you know anyone, by all means have them interpret for you. This forum though is not the place, I’m sure you’d agree.

I will continue to wave at anyone that waves at me, and long may it continue.

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Guest peter
michele - 2007-07-16 9:22 PM


No I dont I just smile ;-) And i do stay in doors all day thats why I'm on gere so much...

What gere you on Bubbles. Wacky Backy? :D

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What did I tell you ! You know me dyslexic lille thats why I said if the men want to joust do it for dummies like me by the way is that how you spell it jousting ?..joust . anyway back to the thread .I,m putting me head down now before I get into trouble thats not hard for me .


Pete you got any? PM me

:D off to lookup misanthropy . :D Oh my god well over my little head (lol)

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Guest caraprof
crinklystarfish - 2007-07-16 10:48 PM

caraprof - 2007-07-16 6:43 PM

I'm rather enjoying it myself actually although I don't think that I've ever met anyone so pompous and full of himself! As for your 'light hearted banter', mmmm, good try but I think not.

By the way, when did we first meet? I have no recollection. Or do you need to brush up on your semantics?

I have attended and returned, and hence we meet again. You will see, therefore, or perhaps not given your transparent lack of intelligence, that I have no need to brush up on my semantics. At least not to joust with you. There are contributors to the forum with whom I am careful, but this is like a dull break between lectures in the first year of a very average university.

It really isn’t taking much effort, as you are demonstrably not as bright as you seek to purport. You may get away with your sloppy grasp of academia, and reasonably good use of the language with some; but you don’t intimidate me.

It simply isn’t going well for you. If I were you, and I’d hate to be so trapped, I’d slope off and gain a broader understanding of, well everything really, and then come back and try again. I suggest you trot off to a forum for real academics and hone your deliberately inflammatory devices before trying to intimidate the good people who genuinely contribute to this forum.

I assure you that my reference to your head and anus, which may not be that easy to distinguish come to think - you seem to communicate with both, was and is meant as light hearted, it is beneath me to make physical threats.

You make reference elsewhere to my interests. At least I have the courage to be open, and don’t hide behind anonymity. I would be pleased to discuss my interests and defend my views with anyone that might understand: so if you know anyone, by all means have them interpret for you. This forum though is not the place, I’m sure you’d agree.

I will continue to wave at anyone that waves at me, and long may it continue.

Oh my God, you really are too much! We may have corresponded but we haven't met. Is that too simple to grasp? And you are the one who's trying to be intimidating and as for your pompous profile, that really sums you up! Environmental ethics! Whom do you think you're impressing?

Let me guess, you're a state-employed, sandal-wearing vegetarian who reads the Grauniad and who thinks that he's intellectually superior to everyone else.

I would also add that your comment about me having my head up my anus as you so charmingly put it was far from light hearted and no matter how much you now wriggle I'm sure that you actually know that.

This is fun!

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Not taking sides, just enjoying the fun, but a couple of points about the current non-slanging match on this thread:


1) Crinklystarfish referred to caraprof hiding behind anonymity. It's only fair to point out (as CSF may not have been around long enough to know) that "the artist formerly known as Frank" isn't actually free to post under his real name on here, but in practice he makes no secret of his identity.


2) What is it about people with "star" in their usernames? They always seem to wind Frank up!



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Well personally I thought this was quite sensible and enjoyable until Frank appeared again. This forum was getting back to normal but perhaps with him around it will always descend into personal abuse.



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I have to defend Frank here folks ............


We are all not the same . If a person says something you or I dont like that must make them wrong then ? ............Think about it.

Frank has only said what he feels albeit not the way everyone would of said it but none the less he has said what he believes in . Does that make him wrong !????


As for the rest of it why is it people always claim that they dont like disharmony ?

this always makes me wet my knickers laughing ...


Have you ever watched the viewing figures I ask ya watch em go up for people who dont like it why do we all keep watching is it human nature.


I am not embarrsed to say that includes me...well I,m honest if nothing else


Apart from that I,m out of here just watching .... :D

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In all honesty I find it quite boring, two apparently educated people, who you would reasonably expect to know how to have a discussion without descending into personal insults having a slanging match, in public and bandying big fancy words around as if to say "I'm highly educated and above all you other mere mortals". I find them both offensive and I'm outta here!


Grow up, both of you, please.



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crinklystarfish - 2007-07-16 6:28 PM


And not that I don't enjoy toying with your limitations-----


caraprof - 2007-07-14 4:34 PM


if I'm in a good mood I may give you the finger!


How you've both given me a larrfff, good to know that we are not all the same, how boring that would be.


As far as waving goes:-


When we get in the van on our own with no kids, (which is not as often as we would like) we both feel a sense of happiness that we are "getting away from it all" even if it is just for a weekend.


This feeling, fortunately or unfortunately generates a waving phenomenon and behavior that we would just not do when out and about in the car.


Some days we both wave other days I just can't be arsed and on really good days I wave like billyo then with a quick twist of the wrist transform the wave into giving them the finger just before they flash past.


I know it is probably silly, childish, ill mannered and could even be considered rude but it really makes me laarrfff (despite being berrated by the wife) and could actually bring a smile to some other motorhomers who are also fed up of waving.


If you like to wave then you get a wave back, so you are happy, if you don't like to wave and are feeling in a bit of a one foot in the grave sort of mood then you might even crack a smile when you get the finger?


Anyway, each to their own, I came on here to ask a question and got totaly side tracked, will ask away in another post.


Looking forward to the next crinklyfish/caraprof installment, it's nearly as good as watching back to back episodes of the simpsons, but not quite.


oops, Dave posted before me so would just like to add that even though it did give me a laarrfff, it could be viewed as a bit on the offensive side and maybe an agreement to disagree would be the way forward.(think I just covered myself?)


Keep waving, or possibly not.



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Guest caraprof
Ralph - 2007-07-17 9:46 AM Well personally I thought this was quite sensible and enjoyable until Frank appeared again. This forum was getting back to normal but perhaps with him around it will always descend into personal abuse.

You're right and I apologise but I would ask you to consider one thing. After a jokey posting to him, which he acknowledges himself was light hearted, he responded by saying this, which gave me advice on:

How to remove your head from your anus, both metaphorically, and perhaps more pressingly following the discussion, actually.

He is now trying to weasel out of what was a very offensive remark, particularly his comment that, after we have met, I will have to remove my head from my anus, which he intends putting there!

I don't take kindly to comments like that I'm afraid and reacted. I have to say that if ever I'm in a row, certain people automatically assume that it's my fault and never actually look at the underlying reason.

For the sake of harmony I shall opt out of this row and let our intellectually superior friend carry on alone, assuming of course that he has time after pondering all of those environmental ethics that occupy him so much that he lists them as a hobby!

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I did consider properly dismantling your diatribe. However, your growing desperation, evidenced by your flailing attempts to stay afloat, curry support, and ridicule what you hilariously assume to be my lifestyle, has made me reconsider. 

I take little pleasure in shooting fish in a barrel. 

In any event, the readers will see the order of events and make their informed conclusions. I am confident that you have exposed yourself quite sufficiently. Your attempts to trample over people with quasi-intellect are undone. Hopefully, you will have the courage to introspect and learn from your experience. The nub of it is hidden in your last: 

“I have to say that if ever I'm in a row, certain people automatically assume that it's my fault and never actually look at the underlying reason.”  

Quite simply you are it. You can’t expect to use provocative language and then try to deflect blame when there are consequences. As has been written before, controversy tends to follow you. Why do you think that might be? 

I’m also mindful of the comments of some of the forum members, for whom I have respect, that have rightly expressed concerns that this is not the place for this kind of self-indulgent exchange. I do apologise to any of the readers who have taken offence and withdraw with a cheery wave. Please don’t feel any obligation to wave back.

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Is it because I've just had a glass of malt whisky, I thought I clicked on to a Motorhome Matters web site but some Star person seems to think we all need to see how many big words he can come up with, but does not seem to know how to keep to a thread, think I'll have another malt perhaps I'll understand it then. Carol.
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Guest peter
I'm not taking sides, but I can't understand why Caraprof has to respond to the abuse directed at him for his totally rational response the the original title of the thread. I've stopped waving as well, as it's pointless and usually means I spill my Gin and Tonic all over the dashboard as I swing my arm up. :-D
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When in France I must admit I did get arm ache having to wave all the time, especially since it meant I had t lean forward a bit to make sure I was spotted (by those who had already waved as well as those I was the instigator of). I soon solved this, I stuck a white glove on the end of a fly swatter and just flicked it up and waggled it about a bit, then down again. Not only does it meant that it made it much easier and less tiring but also the fact that it was a white glove meant that the oncoming motorhomer could see my wave much easier than a hand so I always got a wave back when instigating. I must admit that sometimes it wasn't always clear though when waves were returned as sometimes the way the light strikes the windscreen makes it difficult to see if you're 'being served' or 'returned'.


I did wonder if there is a market for such an item, properly manufactured of course - any one interested in buying one???? :-S

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peter - 2007-07-17 10:49 PM I'm not taking sides, but I can't understand why Caraprof has to respond to the abuse directed at him for his totally rational response the the original title of the thread. I've stopped waving as well, as it's pointless and usually means I spill my Gin and Tonic all over the dashboard as I swing my arm up. :-D

Bloody hell Peter, what do you think your other arm is for?

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