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Waving again - sorry!!!!


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In reply to Brian K. re:-'dont even say " hello"once you arrive on site'.The same folk who havnt said a dickiebird all week then stand up and give you a cheery wave as you leave.But in hindsight perhaps its because we are one of the Hymer mob and theyr;e pleased to see the back of us.
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I've no intention of waving at anyone or anything. I see no reason.


The object of driving a motorvehicle safely is to concentrate on the job in hand and that's driving with two hands on the steering wheel.


I don't look to see if others wave at me either, that 5 seconds it takes could mean you run into a deer or miss an incident happening in front of you.


If anyone wishes to wave at me that's fine but don't expect one in return.


What vehicle am I in, and that does'nt matter either. I just enjoy the capability of going about where ever I choose.


When I'm parked, now that's a different matter, I'll wave then!!

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We wave to ALL motorhomes and camper vans .on route and then wonder wear they are off to .Most wave back. We find people talk on sites in the wash up areas and toilets . The not speaking around your unit is probaly to do with being british .Dose it matter if you have £100,ooo rv or £500.00

Bedford as long as you enjoy it .


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Generally a gentle wave doesn't do any harm and in my view it's just a way of acknowledging other people with similar interests, even to Hymers....

Last year we were travelling from the CC site at Hawes on the A59 to York on the same day that the MMM show finished at York and we must have waved at around 150 'vans travelling in the opposite direction, eventually I gave up and the wife took over. At least while she was doing that she wasn't giving me a boll**king about my driving.  

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Mick H. - 2007-07-08 9:01 PM In reply to Brian K. re:-'dont even say " hello"once you arrive on site'.The same folk who havnt said a dickiebird all week then stand up and give you a cheery wave as you leave.But in hindsight perhaps its because we are one of the Hymer mob and theyr;e pleased to see the back of us.

Oh no, I don't think that is the reason at all.  We seem to find the only time people actually start talking to you, if you haven't got in first, is just as you begin packing up to go.  They show no interest when you arrive, they're not interested in you at all while you're there, but they'll use all their linguistic ingenuity to prevent you leaving!  If you can get away with just a wave, instead of getting the third degree, my next van's a Hymer!

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Thai Bry - 2007-07-08 3:45 PM

Mr Kirby

Obviously from your comments I must be in the blue rinse brigade as our M/home is a Hymer on a Mercedes 416 chasis.Never thought about it being better than all the rest, just thought that we wanted a rear wheel drive vehicle with a reasonable payload.

Sorry to you all, I should have bought a Fiat/Renault/Peugeot/Ford based vehicle then, rather than going for something that I as an individual wanted!! Minds you - Don Madge-I did get a very good deal on some palstic flowers when I bought our van - our main reason for doing so actually, and then all the extra stickers on our new van showing all the different places that we've visited was another reason !!


Oops!  The tongue was firmly in the cheek Brian.  From your very formal address, it seems you may have interpreted my cartoon Homo Hymerensis personally, whereas he was only supposed to parody the type who gets Hymer owners labelled snobbish!  I had thought that was reasonably clear, but apologise if it was not.

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Wow now I know what it is to open a can of worms!!!! :$

I just wanted to guage what other people thought of the waving debate as when we first drove out in the first old beat up motorhome the fact that people waved made us feel welcome into a sort of club or community.

I suppose it takes all types just like in life to have a motorhome...I must admit that few van conversions waved at us so we didnt wave back but now we just like waving at others.

If any scots followed the tv programme "Chewing the Fat" then we just play the good guy, good guy, w*** format for wavers and non-wavers. Please excuse the bad language :$

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I have only recently returned to motorhoming (semi-retirement and lump sum providing the means). On our maiden voyage I found myself on numerous occasions (due to my concentration) only seeing other motorhomes owners just after they have waved, leaving me no time to respond, thus leaving me feeling guilty. I can't imagine anyone deliberately not returning a wave if they have seen it. Are we reading too much into this and perhaps getting ourselves into a completely unnecessary lather?
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With reference to John KEATS first comment about not missing a deer or an incedent by taking ones eyes off the road for 5 seconds may I say that if you have been reading the road ahead you would be aware of any hazards that were either happening or about to happen. By the same score you would be aware of any m'home travelling towards you either on a single or dual c'way. I agree that waving is a personal thing but it is, after all, just a fun thing which does no harm. We have always waved to any c'built or 'A' class, panel vans we don't always wave to as too often they have turned out to be delivery vans!!!

Regards, Mike & Cherry.

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Hello All,

I am a firm believer in waving and if safe will always do it.


My only vehicle is my MH so am always pottering around town in it. I live in a coastal town much frequented by Motor homes throughout the year, especially in the summer months. I go beyond waving and if I feel I am not intruding pull up for a yarn where they park up, either on our Marine Parade or around the harbour area. Invariably they are pleased that I do this and am able to offer them the benefit of local knowledge, also the loan of tools for their running repairs on occasion.


At 5pm this evening there were 3 on the seafront and 4 in the harbour area. All appeared to be enjoying a brew or having some grub so I did not stop. Two had someone who came to the side habitation windows to wave as I passed by. I must have met them in the past. One solo traveller I befriended about four years ago always gets in touch when visiting and we head to a catering pub near the harbour which has become much used by the regular visiting Motorhomers.


I shall always wave when safe and most types of MH, from RVs downward seem to have waved in the past. I love the camaraderie. I shall see what happens in the autumn when I leave my home patch for a long planned 5 week tour of Scotland.




Best Wishes, Mike

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Been giving this one some thought whilst walking the dog.

I claimed to be a waiver but really I'm more of a responder than initiator. I wonder if that's why we don't always wave, we're both waiting to see what the other one does.

So if you are an initiator can you please wave to me in plenty of time and I'll do my best to wave back...



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I wave to all motorhomes - it's a pleasantly old fashioned convention in an increasingly hostile and cynical world. If people don't wave back I really don't mind and the cheery waves from those that do, make up for it anyway.


To repeat my post on another thread - should one wave to 5th Wheelers?



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Usinmyknaus - 2007-07-11 11:43 AM


I wave to all motorhomes - it's a pleasantly old fashioned convention in an increasingly hostile and cynical world. If people don't wave back I really don't mind and the cheery waves from those that do, make up for it anyway.


To repeat my post on another thread - should one wave to 5th Wheelers?




I'm with you all the way - but I don't think the word "should" belongs in this discussion. Wave to anyone you want to!!



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