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Taking dog abroad


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Just done it for the first time and for people contimplating this and perhaps a bit nervous this was our experience. Bit nervous as had heard things like failure of scanner etc. Wel we used Dogs abroad (an expensive service) but worth it to us as first time motorhomers plus dog abroad. They gave us good advice, said it would all go very smoothly (it did) booked us an english speaking vet who was au fait with the paper work and necessary treatments, a map showing surgery and parking places suitable for a motorhome.Vet gave treatments and scanned dog. At eurotunnel we missed the pets place and had to be redirected (only problem) good parking near there and small exercise area as well and everything went very well. Dog looking forward to next trip!
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Ive never heard of this Dogs abroad you speak of! I thought it was just a case of going to the vet getting the Jab and blood test. Who issues the dog passport? I hope you dont have to make an appointment with a vet abroad I hoped we could just find one with a few questions on here as to where, we intend to go into Germany, Holland and back through France next year I was hopeing our return time could be flexible although I do know you have to have your pet treated 24 hours and not more than 48 hours before check in.


We have never been abroad with the van yet and it is a bit stressfull when you think about it.

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The dogs abroad is an organization whose details I got from the camping and caravanning club. They pre book the appointment for you but I don't supose you have to do that. The things you MUST DO are have a passport issued by your vet and the dog MUST be seen more than 24 hours etc. before departure.They will treat for tick. fleas and worms (compulsory) and equally important stamp the passport in the proper places and give details of treatment given. Sounds complicated but very simple in practice.
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The company is called Dogs Away and as well as booking vets on the continent they also give some good advice on how to best protect your dogs while abroad.


We've taken our 2 dogs to France 3 times now and while the 1st time was a little worrying as we didn't know what to expect, all the trips went smoothly and we're going again in Sept. Mind you, on our 1st trip like Poppy, we also drove past the Pet Passport Control and out of the Eurotunnel terminal!!


I'd say to anyone thinking about taking their dogs abroad to go for it but you need to plan ahead.

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I'm pretty sure you could find a vet without making an appointment Maggyd, but you need to be careful about the day you are returning-for instance if you were coming home on a Monday you would need to see the vet on a Saturday which might not be possible. We went to the excellent Docteur Dandifrosse in St-Omer, I'm sure its been mentioned in previous threads that his

receptionist is from the nearby Camping La Chaumiere and if you stay at the site they will make the appointment. Dont be put off as it is all more straightforward than it first seems!


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We had arranged to travel home on a Monday> Vet didn't seem worried when we mentioned this, just gave us a Sunday appointment. Wrong! He didn't "give", he charged us extra. But I can't complain, it was our fault. The vet was is Lanvalley near Dinan, just in case you can't find anybody rlse as accomadating.


This time we went by Eurotunnel. Pre-booked on WWW. Put credit card into machine on arrival at treminal...not accepted. Tried a couple more times, still rejected. Pressed the HELP button. Lady told us we had a dog, and hadn't taken him to the PAWS desk.


A rather abrupt bloke at the Paws desk gave my wife a funny looking device, said "Press switch and scan". My wife had just given him her credit card, and thought that was what he wanted scanned (Doh!) She asked for help. "Press switch and scan" This was repeated a couple more times, bloke got terse, but kept saying same thing. We THINK that you need to keep the button pressed while scanning the dog. Stop pressing, and you start again. ?????



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All went really smoothly for you then John!! We were surprised to be handed the scanner as on previous trips they had scanned the dogs, I wonder if they have been bitten at some time? I didnt know which way round to hold it, when I looked suitably hopeless they came round the counter and did it for me- it has to be held flat against the dog with the button pressed til it beeps.
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George - 2007-07-09 9:40 AM


We were surprised to be handed the scanner as on previous trips they had scanned the dogs,


Made a number of trips with Norfolk Line and Sea France and every time we've been passed the scanner to do it ourselves.

And for that, they charge £30 :'(


For anyone who hasn't taken their dog abroad I'd say just do it. It's very easy these days and well worth it.

Incidentally, I've twice had to change my sailing date because I booked a return ferry on Monday but forgot about getting the dog done. Once, as they say, is careless but twice must smack of senility...



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Ralph - 2007-07-09 3:59 PM


George - 2007-07-09 9:40 AM


We were surprised to be handed the scanner as on previous trips they had scanned the dogs,


Made a number of trips with Norfolk Line and Sea France and every time we've been passed the scanner to do it ourselves.

And for that, they charge £30 :'(



It's only £20 with Norfolkline.

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Brittany Ferries told us that they are restricted on the number of dogs they can carry. I assume they have certain responsibilities, possibly even have to pay for a licence.


I have seen notices refering to kennels on the top deck,with the suggestion that you may be required to use them. And pay? But then again, I've seen notices referring to a swimming pool. ???



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The Brittany ferries down to Santander have both Kennels and Swimming pools albeit they don't let dogs swim - pity i have a labrador that would love it!


The kennels on the top deck of ferry arecellent with a WALKIES area outside on the deck.


Not used it ourselves but went and inspected it on our trip over in APRIL and would be happy to use next time (didn't take dog on that trip as heading down to Marrakesh)



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We asked to be able to visit our German Shepherd in the car, half way across to St Malo. Lady accompanied us while we took hin for a walk between the cars. But frankly, he didn't seem interested, didn't perform, and just seemed to want to get back to his (our?) bed. Next trip, we didn't disturb him.


Our latest "rescue" mutt, would regard this as an open invitation to destroy the van, so he travelled in a cage on the ferry, but we now just tie him at the back, behind a barrier, through the tunnel. My wife suggested he might like to come up front...but there is scarcely time. Yes he should be in a cage...but he growed and growed, and now scrapes his head on the top of his cage (all bloody). We are now trying to find a suitable plastic box.



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Do animals get Sea Sick ??? I wonder also the above post you just tie him at the back ??? Dont have a problem but i do have one with what you mean ?? Are you on the Shuttle if so are you allowed to get the dog out ?.


Or do you mean you tie him in your camper? just inteterested

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michele - 2007-07-10 6:33 PM


Do animals get Sea Sick ???


This is something I wonder every time I leave the dog in the van. Fortunately the answer so far is always no but I always expect to return and find it's started :-S

Actually the dog is in the hold thus lower down and less movement and I often wonder if sea sickness is at least 50% in the mind. The jolting in the van is probably no worse than on the road and he doesn't know he's at sea so perhaps that's why he's OK?



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Our trip home in April caused us a problem (of our own making). We have a rehomed guide dog still registered through the microchip as a guide dog. The port guys checked our chip to find our dog not listed as ours and a slightly different name in the passport. (would you call your dog Perth?) They would not let other half talk to MAFF (or whoever they are these days) and it took 1.5 hours to get us through. Thankfully the tow truck driver - see below - was into his lunch break and intervened.

The reason they checked up was because there was no date written in the passport as to when the chip was planted. Even though she had been checked by my own vet and our French vet.

Then they gave us the scanner (incidently we were being towed in on the back of a truck so were even further away from the security guys than usual) to pass over the dog. Noone ever checked that we had the correct (or any) dog.


First thing I did on return was chase up the Guide Dog people to update the info!


Don't know if they get sea sick - but never found a pile on the carpet to prove they do...

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I suppose its likehumans actually now I come to think of it .

Sea sickness is caused by a labarinth disorder and if they can't see the sea or outside then they can't get sick nothing to knock you off balance with in your vision ? *-) I think anyway

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We took the train through the Chunnel. No problems - but when I left the driver's seat to get some water from the fridge the dog got really annoyed.


Hey (bark), I know you've got cruise control (bark), but this is ridiculous...



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We went out via the Chunnel, with dog in his cage in the back of the van. He also travelled in France in his cage, but he gets very offended when another car comes close, and leaps around barking. If he can't see through a window, he assumes there is a car there. He is a rescue mutt, and we don't know his history.


Anyway, in France, we found he was scraping his head on the top of his cage. He is only 20kg, but tall with it. Cage is 2ft x 3ft x 2ft high. What we need is 2ft x 2ft x 3ft high 8-) So we tied him in the back of the van, rope to collar, and made an MDF removable barrier. This doesn't seem to bother him, but is not ideal as far as we are concerned. We are looking for a plastic box, which will be a nuisance. Cages can be folded flat, boxes can't.


You can walk to the WC while in the train, but it can be a long way if you are in the middle compartment. (the loos are at each end of the train), but they ask passengers not to walk between the cars. So I assume you can take your dog out of the car. What can they do if they don't like it? Tell you to get off?



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Booking through Motorhome Ticket Club - £62 for an early saver ticket for a 7 metre van and £50 for two dogs travelling Sea France who do charge but cost no longer shown as a separate item. no probs with sea sickness. For normal travelling the dogs wear harnesses which attach to seat belts. Released during crossing and they both seem very relaxed for the 1h 30m spell. Always been given the scanner to DIY but we do have two v large dogs so maybe there's a bit of self preservation going on! Some vets are very accomodating and will be helpful in terms of putting date, time appropriate to ferry crossing. Most of them seem to think that the whole process is unnecessary and at least one has told us that the worm treatment injection can be detrimental if done too often which is a worry as we do the trip a couple of times a year
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John williams,

You just need to do a little jobbie on the cage you have . I agree it wont be much good witha plastic one can't fold it down as you rightly say.


Make your dog a padding or buy one of those dog mat blanket padded things put a hole in the four corners and use cable ties tie it to the four corners inside upside down if you see what I mean and hey presto he wont make it bleed . Cheaper and more convenient than having one of those plastic things . I oftern wonder if they are to hot in them anyway as they dont seem to be as open as a cage . I use a cage and would not swop it now ... Anyway good luck if you make it yourself even cheaper ;-)

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