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how do you enter gps coordinates on a satnav???


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Hi all,

I can enter towns and postcodes so how do I enter gps coordinates as I am not sure.


Have the camperstop book and dont know how to enter 50*44'48"N2*18'18"E. tHIS IS AT aRQUES IN nORTH fRANCE AS AN EXAMPLE.This is something that stresses me out? My computer as you can see is not entering the symbol for degree etc so how does it work on a satnav?



Using the thing is great....entering coordinates and downloading POIs is doing my head in though!!!!!

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I also intend to buy a bigger sd card as mine is 1gb. Is there need to buy a 2gb card or should i get 4gb? Way2 go are you there?


(Yes I have posted on mhf too but need answers quick sorry)



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I suppose it depends on the brand of SatNav you have. I run TomTom 6 on a PDA and can enter coordinates, but I believe that on pre version 5 you can't.


To do a º hold ALT and type 0186 ( or 0176 for a small one) on the number pad at the right hand side of keyboard.



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Guest JudgeMental

you really need to state make and model of GPS to expect anyone to assist....


and from what book are you getting the co ordinates


for a start, normally the letters are in front of numbers not after?

see that you have posted previously regards this and if W2G cant help there is little that I can do as I am a techno dummy myself - now if it was Garmin I have a fair bit of experience...


what i do as I have an old GPS is: save anywhere on the map as a waypoint then click on coordinates and change them to one from book this should *-) bring you to new spot - all is left is then to change the name?

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Hi Chris,As previously stated I have no experience of your particular device. Are there any examples in the manual ?On the very few times I have entered co-ordinates into TomTom I just typed in the actual numbers and left the machine to add the extra characters.I have several sets of POIs for Aires, camping places and stuff so why not send me a PM with an email address and I'll send them to you as an attachment . . . and to anyone else if you're interested.Just tell me what format you want them in.I can't send them until tomorrow as I'm currently tucked up in bed, with a purring cat on my chest, using a wireless PDA . . . but that's probably too much information ;-) It also strips out all the nice formatting unfortunately :-(
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mom - 2007-07-16 11:27 AM Chris, are you happy with the unit?  I have had my eye on it for quite some time, and it has only just become available in the UK again.

Buy one by all means but the support and advice from here is very limited because most people have 'mainstream' devices such as Garmin and TomTom.

If you know nothing about SatNav and/or think you'll need a lot of help my advice would be to go for a more 'popular' brand . . . . or join a SatNav forum ;-) 

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wELL i WOULD LIKE TO THANK wAY2GO for all the help and emails received and everyone else who is trying to help me.


I am replying to way2go here as I think all novices of satnavs can learn from these postings.


Mom..this satnav works as it says and warns you of speedcameras etc which is great. It also warns you if you are going over the speed limit as this too is good.




After ringing medion helpline at 6pm tonight I have tried to connect and sort this out for 4 hours plus so it is not easy for novices.


Medion answered the following


1. You cannot make this device suitable to plan a route for hgv or bus etc

2. You cannot enter coordinates for gps only download them via the POIWarner website.

3. I seem to have worked out that the files are kml files (I think?)


At the start I must have tried to copy/synchronise maps that were already on the device so the internal memory is full. I have managed to go to "my computer" and go to "mobile device" and see what could be deleted. Why this is not made clear I do not know.

I had used up all the memory card which was 1gb so I decided to reformat that and ended up deleting things. As you can see I have made a right old botch up of this.

Anyway, I have now finally got through a process with POI warner which allows me to register for a bigger programme so I am waiting for an email reply to that with my password.


I managed to do something right tonight but AM NOW WORN OUT, FRUSTRATED AND FED UP.

I always said I prefered maps and now I definately do as I wouldn't trust a satnav to take a motorhome from A to B as some roads are to narrow .


Mom in answer to your question, if you are experienced or do not want to add on any POIs then this satnav is good but I am such a novice that I wish I had bought a wellknow model with a voice to speak to on the phone as a helpline not a website. It says a lot that Halfords will install and show you how to run them.


Way2go. I am waiting for password from navigating de and will give it another go tomorrow. Thanks for everything. Will let you know if finally succeed but at least all the french maps etc are on the card now.

Ps wish I had got those sd cards from Amazon as you said as it cost me £39.99 in comet tonight for a 2gb card.


I am having a glass of wine now. I deserve it and I will have one to toast you to way2go.



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Glad to hear you're making progress Chris.  I'm sorry that you had to learn all this the hard way.

I have to agree that if someone buys a device such as this there is very little support available here.  I have no beef about this particular product as I've never seen it but its not uncommon for things like this to come with a very flimsy manual and virtually no support.

They can be made to perform to a greater or lesser degree but you do need a certain amount of either IT experience or SatNav experience.

My advice to anyone who is contemplating such a purchase is to get a mainstream model which has some manufacturer's support and/or a bunch of people who have some experience of using it.

Unfortunately, Chris has now been put off the idea of using SatNav and much prefers a paper map but it isn't really the SatNav's fault.  Yes it might be limited compared to what he thought it could do but it isn't really the SatNav's fault if Chris doesn't know how to use it or get the best from it (no offence meant Chris).

If I bought a Ford car and didn't know I had to change gear it would be a bit harsh of me to say that Fords were rubbish because they don't go very fast.  By the same token, it would also be unfair of me to expect someone to teach me how to drive over the internet.

Again, no offence meant Chris, its just meant to draw a comparison.

I hope you reconsider the use of SatNav as a way of navigation because they produce an awful lot of benefits.  My device doesn't have an HGV mode either so I just need to be more careful how I plan my routes.  In addition I NEVER choose the 'shortest' route ;-)

Good Luck with it :-)

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Hooray :-D

At last :-)

Can't believe it, I am doing cartwheels here. :-)


I have finally done it!!!!!!!!!


Got the password and registration from POIWarner and worked out how to do something withPOIHandler. After a lot of downloading etc and click this, check that I have somehow managed to download the campsites , motorhome parking and supermarkets together with renault dealers (in case have problem with the motorhome -I hope not) and public internet access points in France and Germany to contact son who is touring Africa for 6 months.


This has been a long long process but I have achieved something. Please don't ask me how as I have instructions and manuals all over the desk and it has been just trial and error.


Off to France Sunday for 5 weeks with satnav and loads of my maps for cycling and touring. I still love my maps so will compare notes when we return.

We are just going to follow the sun wherever it goes and hopefully leave this rain behind.


Thanks everyone . Moonshine I will look at that site on return as I have the book so will rely on that this time rather than pay more.


Wish us luck with the satnav everyone...it will hopefully do its job now?


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