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Mel E

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The subject of gas attacks rumbles on (see separate thread at the top).


However, I HAVE THE SOLUTION!! It's obvious really! I can't think why nobody has thought of this explanation before!


Robbers have been putting contaminants into the fresh water tank (they don't need many keys to cover all the tank filler locks) so that, when you have that late night drink, cuppa, whatever, you fall into a deep, deep sleep that night. The robber then returns 2 or 3 hours later. Obviously a few motorhomes will have left by then, but the team will get rich pickings from the rest.


And it would also give you a headache the next morning. And all those who claim they were gassed but only drank bottled water obviously forgot that they brushed their teeth with tank water.


I bet the police investigating these alleged gas attacks have never tested the water. And that tank full would give you a great night's sleep for several more nights to come!


So what we need is an alarm fitted to the feed from the tank to detect such pollutants before we drink the water. Unlike the gas story, it is perfectly possible to add enough pollutant to the fresh water to cause the desired effect. And there's no danger of fire from the fridge flame, as there is with (highly flammable) gas. For obvious reasons, it would be highly remiss of me to quote the chemical formulae of suitable preparations on a public web site, but I think you can see I'm right, can't you?


Expect a flush of stalls selling water alarms at future motorhome shows.


Mel E


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I really do take exception to the levity of the above responses.


This is an extremely serious matter and I have checked it out with a Lithuanian Euro MP who agreed with me and said the authorities were keeping it quiet in case they started dumping the stuff in reservoirs.


Mel E


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If thats the case Mel then one would suggest that people could die .

And again why have we not heard of it ?.. Surely by putting stuff into the water this would not only cause people to sleep as you say but die.


If enough was put in then people would die. Why because all kinds of things can happen such as breathing problems heart rate dropping pulse and resperation causing death .


Again we have not been told ? I am sceptical if its true .

Another thought how would they know in what strenghts to put it in I have 100ltr tank someone else bigger someone else smaller they would have to know how much it was being diluted by surely to get it right .


Put to much and you run the risk of killing someone

To little and nothing !

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That's a very interesting theory Mel and just another good reason why we don't drink the water from our on board tank but carry a 10 litre hand container of drinking water, they'd have to break in FIRST to contaminate our water supply and as you well know I don't take anything with water in it after 6 pm!



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Surely would this not put you to sleep after your early morning cuppa why would it only work at night? Or is that a special quality of this "alleged substance"?


Sorry but as anesthetics is an extremely highly qualified profession I fail to see how some totaly unqualified towrag can estimate how much gas/poison it will take to knock out an unknown number of occupants of a motorhome without managing to kill anybody in the process!!


Regards Pat

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coach2000 - 2007-07-16 9:45 PM Do they have keys for all the different water filler caps or has no one reported a spate of damaged ones. Clive.

Quite easily done, look at your filler cap, and see how easy it would be to then use a syringe with a needle attached, to inject any form of "poison" into your water tank!!


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Could it be Ketamine its the only one that I can think of that is sometimes given orally but your blood pressure would rise.


Mind you there is Diazepam but they would have to crush so much of it into powder to put into your tank the tablets wouldn't disolve that quickly and if it was Diazepam or Ketamine I,m sure we would of heard of deaths by now.


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Mel describes the well-publicised modus operandi of the infamous Cuadrilla Agua, a criminal organisation based near Madrid who specialise in stealing from UK motorcaravanners touring in that area.


I understand that the substance the gang inserts in the motorhome's water tank is a modern variant of the chemical that was historically employed by the British army to 'placate' servicemen. Besides inducing heavy sleep it tends to reduce the libido dramatically, so, for male motorcaravanners, a sure sign that you've been given the Water Treatment (besides all your belongings mysteriously disappearing, of course!) is that you'll find it very difficult getting up in the morning. Hard to believe, but I can assure everyone this is all absolutely true!!!

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Oh, pleeeease, what will it be next? Bromide in the water! The reason it was, alledgedly, put in tea is that bromide is very bitter and the NAFFI tea disguised the taste.

And who are these criminals, who, having put some noxious substance into the water( using a hypodermic via the filler cap-I'll donate £5 to the charity of your choice if you can show THAT being done!) can afford to sit around waiting, maybe many hours, for it to take effect ? Thats not to mention how they can calculte the minimum dose of whatever substance they may use-how do they no how much water in your tank? how can they be sure you even drink the water? I think I will treat this as another urban myth!!!

Lithuanian MEP??? :-S :-S

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grocer jack - 2007-07-17 3:08 PM


Thats not to mention how they can calculte the minimum dose of whatever substance they may use-how do they no how much water in your tank? :-S :-S


My understanding of this is that these gangs have ‘watchers’, these are small children that lurk around the water filling points of camp sites, they know the rate that the water is dispensed from the tap, it is then a simple calculation of water rate x time spent at filling tap. The ‘watcher’ then follows the mh to its pitch and then passes the information to Mr Big.

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I still can't really understand why they use anaesthetics of any kind.  Too risky and imprecise. 

Now, a good, potent, fast acting laxative would surely be far more effective.  Just inject into the tank (the less water present, the quicker the action!) in the early morning.  Then retire to a discreed distance and wait for the sleepy heads to get up and put the kettle on.  Shortly thereafter all occupants will exit the van at speed, direction nearest toilet - where they will remain for some time!

Our thief then saunters over, entering through the door which the panicking occupants will have forgotten to close, has a nice leisurely look around, takes what he fancies, drinks your wine/beer and staggers off. 

The added advantage is that it will be hours before the theft is discovered: well, I mean, what with all that racing off to the loo at 10 minute intervals would you think to check your belongings?  You'd be spending all your energies just trying to locate the spare toilet paper in tiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmeeeeeeee!

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No its much worse than that!


In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 litre of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli (E. Coli) bacteria found in faeces. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of Poo.


However, we do not run that risk when drinking wine (or rum, whiskey, beer or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting.



Water = Poo

Wine = Health


Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink Water and be full of s*1t.


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You folk in London - or with crap (a technical term) chlorinated water won't realise what a luxury it is to live in a soft water area where water is ozinated.


I've also travelled around the world and still follow the rules: anything washed in local water, like salad is verboten. Peel your own fruit, accept only sealed bottles and so on ... I've been in some wierd places and never fallen foul of waterborne problems as a result.


We cannot - and more to the point would not, drink from the onboard tank as a matter of principl.


We buy 5 litre bottles and fill half a dozen before we leave that gets us to France and either buy or refil ourselves once we've tasted the local offering.


So my suggestion is to use onbard supplies for the bog, washing and showering and drink your own separate supply.

If the suggestion is true ( not totally convinced) then prevention is better than cure and surely if it is true you'd fall over everytime you drank the stuff till the supply was all drank - which could be several days?


So the new crisis is averted and you get decent tasting stuff too.

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