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Ferries to Greece from Italy

Peter Colvin

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Ports of departure: Venice, Ancona, Brindisi and Bari.
Arrival ports Igoumenitsa or Patras.
I don't know when you will leave but keep in mind that in this period it will be difficult for you to find a place.
Anek Line has the "camping on board" option which means you can sleep on the camper and have connection to the EHU.

Like many Italians, for reservations I rely on the very reliable
Spyros Dimitrakakis (Oreo Travel - Oreo Group)

Tel: +30 2831 0 25169
Fax: +30 2831 100352
Mobile: +30 6932 549747 ( WhatsApp )
Mobile: +39 347 0612442 ( Italian WhatsApp )
Email: spyros@islandcrete.com
Email 2: spyros60@otenet.gr
Website: www.islandcrete.com
Skype: spyros.dimitrakakis

I think he speaks English but I'm not sure.


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17 minutes ago, onecal said:


Great advise from "mtravel"  would is it wise to go there at the moment with the very high temperatures and wild fires  


We will leave tomorrow morning for Greece.

Outward journey via Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and North Macedonia with one or two-day stops in their respective capitals.

Return with Anek Lines (camping on board) from Patras to Brindisi (with a stopover in Igoumenitsa which could be the port where we will board the ship.

Fires worry me more than the heat. But even in southern Italy the situation is worrying.

Returning to the heat, it has eased a bit in the last few days, let's hope it continues.

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1 hour ago, mtravel said:

We will leave tomorrow morning for Greece.

Outward journey via Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and North Macedonia with one or two-day stops in their respective capitals.

Return with Anek Lines (camping on board) from Patras to Brindisi (with a stopover in Igoumenitsa which could be the port where we will board the ship.

Fires worry me more than the heat. But even in southern Italy the situation is worrying.

Returning to the heat, it has eased a bit in the last few days, let's hope it continues.


I would be interested in details of your route and overnight stops if possible please. We are planning to go to Slovenia and Croatia in September, and unlike our trip in 2015, our insurer this year will cover  us for Bosnia and Serbia, (but not North Macedonia).

I last went to Bosnia (then Yugoslavia) in about 1965ish in a Bedford Dormobile and remember we were stopped on a road near Jajce by a group of people in National costume with a horse drawn caravan with a large bear on a chain leading them ... we had to give them a pack of cigarettes to pass! (They turned out to be really quite friendly ..... but we didn't know that at the time!) I have the episode on cine film.


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12 minutes ago, laimeduck said:


I would be interested in details of your route and overnight stops if possible please.

This is the simplified itinerary (almost all highway from Italy to Greece):

Trieste Fernetti (Italy-Slovenia border)


Bregana (Slovenia-Croatia border)


Batrovci (Croatia-Serbia border)


Miratovac-Tabanovce (Serbia-North Macedonia border)


Evnozoi (North Macedonia-Greece border)

I have a list of areas and campsites on the way to Greece. It makes no sense to publish them now, if they are of interest I will do it after having personally verified them.

Strange that your insurance doesn't include North Macedonia.

Mine does and I believe these are international agreements.

Instead, it excludes Albania and the Kosovar region of Serbia, to tell the truth its borders are not very clear.

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Thanks Max - I'll be interested to see your stop offs as and when.

I was wrong! I was last in Bosnia in 1962!,

Screenshots of Bear blocking our path and Caravans and the unmade main highway near Jajce on our way down to Dubrovnik. If I remember correctly the only metalled road in those days was the Autoput down to Belgrade (now the E70) most other roads were gravel.

bear 2 Dormobile 62.jpg

bear 3 Dormobile 62.jpg

bear Dormobile 62.jpg

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For Slovenia this might be of use https://camperstop.si/en/home/

Croatia is really touchy and strict when it comes to any sort of over night stays (at least during the main season and in the usual tourist areas)  You do not want to sleep outside campsites unless you're somewhere very remote and leave early. But with so many campsites around I wouldn't bother.

Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia ...nobody cares much but again, there's plenty of semi(official) options.

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